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Active [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc


Roleplay Artist
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo

The goal of this rp is for participants to make their way through The Great Skra (A library) and any trials and tribulations it may have to offer and discover any thing or information of interest. Victorique is here to learn more about titles, while Kane is there to assist.

Participants please link the character sheet of who you are using in your opening post.
Entrance Recap:
The large gates with winged guards along the walls were opened up and before them were streets of winged vendors, and incredibly tall buildings, with additional platforms jutting out from the tall long house stylized buildings, for those who could fly to access presumably with more points of interest on them. a processional way leading toward a central rotary ornate water fountain of a winged warrior with a sword and shield with a unique helmet standing tall and proud, from the fountain split off into all sorts of paths and side streets from there.

Thankfully for those who had arrived in the Sky Kingdom safely, and who had gotten through the teleportation stone would find themselves able to move through the city. Even if there was a good deal of it was really only convenient for those who could fly, fortunately with the way it was designed, there was still a ground to walk on and lower streets, as even the designers knew that someone might not necessarily feel like flying the whole time, or having to fly from every single building to building.

Despite this there were people flying about as expected, some looking human, others having more fae, and some even beastial features, the majority having some sort of wings on them.

There was a stand on the street level where a shorter somewhat stout braided bearded man with curly orange hair, spectacles, wearing a green tunic and shorts with some basic cobbled shoes. He had white feathered wings jutting out of his back. Based on the way his cart was composed it looked like he was selling all sorts of luxury goods like carpets, jewelry and spices. Upon seeing Victorique and company he’d call out.

“[Are you tired of what some of you landfolk call height sickness? Buy some of my amulets! They’ll take away the feeling! Help you adapt! My prices are reasonable!]” He’d call out to them. (Player choice next round if want to stop and engage, acknowledge, or ignore)

Kane Blackburne

Regardless, Victorique would be able to ask around easily enough in Terran where to find the library, and thankfully for her a civilian, while a bit caught off guard by her appearance and lack of wings would tell her where to go, she’d need to head past the large circular fountain and processional way and head off on the right diagonal path from it, and the library was present just beyond a greenspace park like square where people could hang out, there being a gazebo to sit made of stone with some norse looking carvings, as well as sitting areas in the center of the grassy area, where a community garden of sorts was being grown, and more angelic valkyrie like figure statues were present in the garden space. There was a pond there with some vibrantly colored angelic wing fish swimming in it, which Kane had looked curiously at when they passed.

The Great Skra
Also fortunately, the building described was a bit hard to miss, towering above a good deal of it’s surroundings, a stone fortress like building with some windows, and an iconic dome on top. In addition there was a sizable stone staircase which led up to the carved central door, with more ornate iconography. On either side of the stone front entrance staircase was a statue of a muscular armored winged figure who looked like they were blowing some sort of horn, and on the other side was a statue of a more feminine winged figure who was wearing robes reminiscent of a mage, holding what could only be interpreted as a magic book in one hand, and a magic staff in the other, with the dynamic pose chosen like they were going to release a great spell with how they held the staff.

Standing at the front of the library door however was another fairly tall figure.
He appeared to be wearing a similar helmet to the guy who had been at the checkpoint desk, one of his eyes was a bit peculiar looking, and instead he was wearing a blue tunic, and boots where he had a sizable sword sheathed at his side. He would look to Victorique and company who approached the step and would say,

“[Halt! You there, did you purchase a ticket for today’s event?]” Not looking like he was going to let them through unless he got an answer, with the serious look on his face, and his guarded body language.

Kane would raise a brow at this. "[Since when does a library need tickets?]"
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Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Realising the new heights were starting to affect her ability to breath, she'd ask the [Spirit Companion – Wind] she'd made a deal with after evolving into a Lightfoot Halfling to see if it'd be willing to help her out by providing some extra oxygen. Should that not work, however, she would approach the man offering amulets to attempt to see if he was speaking truth and to haggle down the price with an [Ultimate Argument].

[Ultimate Argument] – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Perception B, Persuasion B, Law B, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

After being told where to go, she'd be able to make her way to the library. “[Looks a lot more stone-made and far more solid and less floaty than I expected.]” She'd mention upon seeing the library. “[I wonder what Skra means. Or what it is.]”

“[Tickets? No, we do not. We're not here for an event. We're just here for the books.]” She explained. “[Although, like my friend Kane, I am rather curious what type of thing is going on for a library to need tickets.]” She'd quickly translate they were being stopped for tickets for some unknown reason, should a non-Terran speaker have ended up joining them.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

Squink had followed along now that she was coming along in the big (sky) city, hoping that her trip would prove fruitful as she had no clue what to do or where to go other than following Kane and Victorique's own little adventure. While it did seem like whatever they were doing probably didn't need her help or presence in the slightest, maybe should learn a little something or get a better idea on what to do next just by being around people probably smarter than her.

Despite the offer for amulets to help deal with height sickness, Squink had... absolutely no clue at all on how to speak Terran, so whatever was being said to her was complete unintelligible gibberish. Since she didn't really know what it was about, she supposed that it probably wasn't too important to her and that it hopefully wouldn't come back to bite her later.

Following along to the library, she still had no clue what was being said or going on.
"Uhm... I have no clue what anyone is saying in this place... maybe going to a library might not be the best idea for me, they might not even have any books I can actually read... " she spoke sheepishly, wondering if coming along was a mistake. Though when Victorique translated about tickets, she was even more confused.

"Oh... I don't... have a library ticket, I guess? D-do they mean like, a card or something? Is it a translation thingy?... " the ilithid asked, things had only gotten more confusing the longer she was around.​
Femboy Femboy

There were many things Finn has done throughout his adventures, most of which was aided by some... Unseen hand in his development... but having picked up off screen a small book on how to speak terran for dumbies, he... Could now speak it.

He clasped the book and put it away somewhere, the man looked ratified with the fact his speed reading could have gained him so much in so little time. It was almost like he should have known this the whole time!!


yea sure lets go with that.

Now able to understand the people around him, Finn shook his head. [Must be some sort of event, maybe a library festival?] he spoke up in fluid Terran that he most definitly picked up only recently and knew instinctively out of pocket.

Man magic was great.

Rather he assumed thats what it was and didn't care to change perceptions on it.

Wait, the purple one didn't understand Terran!? Should.. HE translate...?

Yea sure, lets talk to the... Squidily... Lady... Squishy lady, with big... The young man cleared his throat. "Lady Squink, from what I have gathered he seemed to be asking if we have tickets for some form of event!"
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Oden had never felt so inclined to fly around an entire city before, with almost every inch of this land built entirely for wings in mind. Even back in her clan residences with all the owls, their close relationship with numerous other more land-locked clans prevented such architecture. It was both fascinating and freeing at the same time, as the old owl ruffled her feathers after a long flight passing by gorgeous airborne decor and murals.

A jubilant salesman seemed to be advertising some of their wares to them, but without Terran comprehension she didn't pay him much heed, although her gaze did linger on some of shiny trinkets he had to offer before moving on.

"I'm in a similar boat. Here's hoping they at least have a couple books in different languages, or at least in Common. This is one of the few tribal islands open to tourists after all." Oden smiled briefly in response to Squink's concerns. Though she supposed even if they didn't, she could just go fly around with Squink elsewhere and find something else to do until the ship was due to make its return.

As they approached the stone library, Oden's gaze lingered on the giant guard's odd eye as Terran was exchanged and translations were shared. Though she tilted her head at Finn referring to the ilithid as 'Lady Squink' all of a sudden, she was grateful for the added context in comparison to Victorique. "Might just be some fortunate, or unfortunate, timing." She mused, idly awaiting the explanation and its translation to come.

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