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Halloween 2015: Spooky Story Contest

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SkyGinge said:
Another question: would any of the judges be willing to provide critique on our entries if we want? :)
I'm sure if you ask nicely, they will indulge you.
I already responded to this, didn't I? If SkyGinge wants to, on his own time, ask the people who are judging for some constructive criticism - well, I see no reason why he can't. I would just prefer if he waited until after the judging was over. The staff have been quite busy, but I think all the results should be in around the mid-month mark.
SamieltheMDS said:
@Mordecai: Is it possible to see how we placed even if we didn't get in the top 3?
Also I'd like to know what the judges thought of my story if possible.
This was discussed earlier. The placings other than the top three will not be made public, but if you wanted critique you could try asking the the judges politely ( and privately, I'd assume. Not here ).
korigon said:
This was discussed earlier. The placings other than the top three will not be made public, but if you wanted critique you could try asking the the judges politely ( and privately, I'd assume. Not here ).
Alright I will consider doing so, thank you and I'm find with it not being public but I'd still like to know how I did should I not of placed is all.
We aren't really placing everybody. Judges vote for their top three favourites in each category so besides the top three, we aren't making a list of placings. Yes, though, some may be happy to critique. (:
SamieltheMDS said:
Alright I will consider doing so, thank you and I'm find with it not being public but I'd still like to know how I did should I not of placed is all.
The only thing I'd be wary of is this. There's only three judges, and each only gets to choose their top three for each category. As a result, it's likely that most people will end up with no points, even if they were only just outside the judge's tops. I judged on the last time they did this, and there were about six entries I'd love to have awarded points, but couldn't because of the system. So placement and points anywhere other than at the top aren't really indicative of the text's standard :)

(and Morde just ninja'd me anyway
:P )

On another note, any idea when the results will be out, judges? I'm aware folks are busy but it's almost the end of the month and there was only three of you after all
Mordecai said:
We aren't really placing everybody. Judges vote for their top three favourites in each category so besides the top three, we aren't making a list of placings. Yes, though, some may be happy to critique. (:
Hi Mordi, can you message me please, at your convenience? I have a limit rn, can't do so myself(:
It's been more than two weeks and nothing. I know you guys have a lot to read but there has to be a good pace with judging.
If it genuinely takes this long to judge then more people would be appropriate. It doesn't have to be judged at lightspeed but a faster pace would be better. No offense to the judges they have a lot of work. But that's more reason for more people to be on it.
Vynaz said:
If it genuinely takes this long to judge then more people would be appropriate. It doesn't have to be judged at lightspeed but a faster pace would be better. No offense to the judges they have a lot of work. But that's more reason for more people to be on it.
Due to fairness issues, all judges must read all entries. Two judges may judge pieces differently, so it would not be fair to have Entry A judged by Judge A and Entry B judged by Judge B. There would be no basis for comparison then. That said, @welian is in charge of this event exclusively so she is the person to inquire with.
Mordecai said:
Due to fairness issues, all judges must read all entries. Two judges may judge pieces differently, so it would not be fair to have Entry A judged by Judge A and Entry B judged by Judge B. There would be no basis for comparison then. That said, @welian is in charge of this event exclusively so she is the person to inquire with.
I guess that's a fair point. I didn't catch that.
There was a last minute change in the judges lineup, hence the delay.
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