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Halloween 2015: Spooky Story Contest

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I'll try, sad thing is I didnt even get to the good part! I'm just writing stuff to build up to it. Once I'm done would you like to read it or nah?
Coolio. I'll get right on that. In the meantime, any suggestions for submitting with a BlackBerry PlayBook? I kinda don't have a computer and this Site doesn't work on my phone.
[QUOTE="Britt-21]I'll try, sad thing is I didnt even get to the good part! I'm just writing stuff to build up to it. Once I'm done would you like to read it or nah?


Yes I wanna read it. :)
welian said:
Be uploaded via the submission link. Entries that are posted in the public thread but not uploaded via the submission link will not be considered for judging.
I can use Wordpad, right ?

welian said:
Be no longer than one thousand (1,000) words, not including title and username.
Excuse me, but don't you think that a thousand words are too little ?

It's very kind of you to consider phobias! If you'd like, you can include trigger warnings in your story, and they won't be considered as part of the word count. Maybe a little something like...



Trigger warnings:


[story begins here]

@Fantasy Crazy

Fellows are certainly invited to compete! And as long as you wrote the story yourself (Maybe include a link to the original version in your file?), it's fine.


I'm told it's very useful to write your entire first draft first, then decide what to cut to make it fit within the 1k limit. It sounds like you're doing well, though, you didn't go that far over.

@Ghostly Phantom

Sorry, I have no idea how a PlayBook works. I would suggest writing your story in the Private Workshop forum or on Google Docs, and then sitting tight until you have access to a school or library computer to copy it to a Word file or something and submit it.

Wordpad is fine, it doesn't matter what program you use to write your story really, so long as it's saved as something that Google Docs can open (.doc(x), .rtf, but not .pdf).

As for the word limit, the contest is a short story contest. That is part of the challenge. Additionally, there are only three judges and by the end of October there will be many submissions - if there were a larger word limit, there would be too much for us to read and judge in time to get it published in the next available newsletter!

I figured, but I was really unsure, haha. I'd love it if you could give me a quick shout once you got to read my submission on whether it's fine. I definitely see it as horror, but I'm not sure if it fits in.

Sure thing!

I'm just wrestling with the folder right now. The spreadsheet works perfectly, every time you guys submit something I get an email and a spreadsheet auto=updates with your name, your title, and a link to your file. It's just that the folder where all files are supposed to be sent to is being silly and not showing your files right away. It's lazy!
welian said:
Wordpad is fine, it doesn't matter what program you use to write your story really, so long as it's saved as something that Google Docs can open (.doc(x), .rtf, but not .pdf).

As for the word limit, the contest is a short story contest. That is part of the challenge. Additionally, there are only three judges and by the end of October there will be many submissions - if there were a larger word limit, there would be too much for us to read and judge in time to get it published in the next available newsletter!
Oh, I see.

I find it disappointing, though, the word limit.

EDIT : Word limit. Not letter limit. GOD DAMN ME AND MY READING MISTAKES. Time to make a creepypasta then ! After doing that essay for the English class......
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[QUOTE="Britt-21]if your story is a little over 1K words are you still okay?

Nope! Not counting the title and your name, the story has to be 1k words or less.
Am I allowed to be helped by people that are NOT part of this contest and/or site ?

Also, do words like "A", "The", "And"...etc count ? And numbers ?
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Darkiplier said:
Am I allowed to be helped by people that are NOT part of this contest and/or site ?
Also, do words like "A", "The", "And"...etc count ? And numbers ?
So long as the work is your own, you can ask for critique from anyone.

And yes, articles and numbers count toward the word count.
welian said:
So long as the work is your own, you can ask for critique from anyone.
And yes, articles and numbers count toward the word count.
Oh, I see. Thanks.
welian said:
Nope! Not counting the title and your name, the story has to be 1k words or less.
Man, that's like a short-short story. Two questions:

1) Is double-spacing acceptable, or would you rather not have it be in that format.

2) Will I be able to see my own ratings once the competition is over?
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This is officially my new favorite banner thing.

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korigon said:
Man, that's like a short-short story. Two questions:
1) Is double-spacing acceptable, or would you rather not have it be in that format.

2) Will I be able to see my own ratings once the competition is over?
Ooh I want to see my ratings too
*Raises hand* Questions

1. Can it be related to a original story? Like Frankenstein?

2. Are their bonus points if any of us accidently make the judges cry?

Double spacing is fine! It sounds wonderful, actually. And no, you will not be allowed to see your score after the competition.


Thank you! =^u^=


Frankenstein is an old enough story that it's consider common use, so I'm going to go ahead and say that referencing Frankenstein in your story or alluding to it is fine, so long as your story is not directly derived from Mary Shelby's novel. Also, I will hug you if you make the judges cry.
I might partake, depending on my availability and motivation. Right now though, I'm pumped but lack the free time. Let's hope the latter can change without the former doing so as well.
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