Hallo, Fellow Roleplayers

Mercenary Mayheam

One man's fate is another man's wait.
I am what most people refer to as either an interesting RP partner or someone people ramble to when they need someone to talk to. I am a moderate experienced Roleplayer with a knack for combat and/or war scenes alongside futuristic settings and creative objects.

RP Type: I love to RP, but I generally stay away from the normal fluff, normal lives, non-problematic RP's. Mainly because I fin them boring to be in. I usually stick to war, catastrophic, invasion, apocolyptic types of RP but I do tend to widen my perspective from time to time.

How I RP: I can RP from 1 to 3 different OC's at the same time. Depending on my mood and the RP I'm in.

What kind of RP Universes I go with: I generally stick to the Sonic-verse, FNAF, and Star Wars RP worlds - but I do tend to change it up a little from time to time such as situations like Avatar, The Movie (The Blue Tribe People one) and Hunger Games (After the 75th Game).

If anyone wishes to do any sort of RP with me, feel free to contact me and we'll see if it's a go.
You like to have Medieval Warfare with magic and no gunpowders?

Btw, welcome on board to RPN
Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung .

A Medieval war in zero physical ranged weapons, and 100% Magic and Melee? Hmm.

What kind of Medieval part we talking about here? England? Chinese? Or just general in Asia?
Hmm. Well, lucky for you I happen to have an OC dedicated to this type of RP.

Shǎndiànzhàn The Swords-Master is a telekinetic, blind in the eyes, Single Sword Master.


Will this be a Group RP in Medieval times?
You can see the RP regarding to position as an officer.

A common General is much like a standard officer or like Elite general was like Elite Officer.

The officers that was capable of formulating strategy was called strategist

The officers that was capable of defense is called Defense Officer.

Pretty much like that.
Shǎndiànzhàn is more of a strategist when in a group, but she's usually solo. But I can see her being an officer.
ScarletMaximoff said:
cool pic i like your pic hat


Ramero said:
You can see the RP regarding to position as an officer.
A common General is much like a standard officer or like Elite general was like Elite Officer.

The officers that was capable of formulating strategy was called strategist

The officers that was capable of defense is called Defense Officer.

Pretty much like that.
Contact me again when the group RP is set or for something related to the RP. I'm going to be getting some much-needed art completed that's over-due.

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