Half-Life 2 - The Role Play

Gordon Freeman

Magic Eight Ball
I've been throwing this idea at my forehead for a while, And I've been thinking, "Why not make a Role Play about HL2? AFTER Episode 2. I would be the lead character as my name states, but everyone would have free range to do whatever they wish with their character. I'd only allow 2 other characters that are like Gordon Freeman, the rest of you can be Rebels, Combine, Dr. Breen, Dr. Mossman, etc etc, THROW ME SOME IDEAS
Okay, I know I was giving you a hard time about your choice of characters, but I'm willing that put that behind in order to give some valuable information.

Running an RP in which you're the main character makes for an RP the others players generally won't enjoy. Consider it this way, with your main character constantly progressing the story with little or no help (as was the case in HL and HL2) there will be little chance for your players to shine through. If you're willing to accept, I would suggest you let someone else play the main protagonist, while you play an antagonist. That way the people involved in your RP won't feel like they're part of a one-man side show.

One more bit of into I want to share with you, keep in mind that I've had to suffer this criticisms myself in the past; don't take it personally.

"What do you call an RP that the author himself stars in?" "A Novel." (the moral here is that if you're going to make an RP specifically for yourself you might as well be writing your own book based around him.
Actually, that sounds like a great idea. How about a Half-Life in which there is NO gordon freeman, everyone creates their own character as either a rebel or combine soldier, and the leaders of either party will have extremely powerful weapons...? I think that sounds fair-ish
I agree that sounds like a much better idea, you're likely to generate more interest if nothing else. But just realize what you're left with when you take out Gordon Freeman and the Combine Intelligence; A post-apocalyptic setting with potential nests of alien mutant baddies hidden around the world. Basically, every other FPS that's ever been set in a burnt out world, Fallout, Resident Evil, Crysis, Bioshock, L4D, hell even Warhammer to a certain extent. You could literally put any label you wanted on this.

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