Half-Dragon Role Play!(still accepting)

Forever For Never

Resident Emo
Roleplay Type(s)
(If you want to join create or choose a character here- We still need a Clyde and a fiancée for Cloud! http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/half-dragon-role-play-character-sheets.7859/ )

OOC: Okay, let's start this thing!~

BIC: Sky walked through the palace, searching for her twin. It was a maze in here, the ten years of being away from the palace had made her forget the layout entirely. She was lost.. But she needed to find Cloud, they were supposed to have lunch together. Cloud had told her the location of the restaurant they were eating in earlier, but Sky had forgotten where it was even though she'd only been here for a month. She would've asked one of the many workers scurrying about, but Sky was too embarrassed to ask for help since she was technically supposed to know this stuff, being a princess and all.

She sighed, walking down another hallway. Was she even in the right wing of the castle? Probably not. She looked around for something to direct her. Oh! In the corner was a big map of the castle! Sky went over to it and searched for 'Swiss Steamy and Sautéed--which was a pretty weird restaurant name, but it was where they would meet. It was only a few hallways away! Sky set out once more for the restaurant. She hoped Cloud wouldn't be upset that she was late.
Blink's bright blue eyes quietly scanned the area bellow her. Her goggles glowed a sudden and bright green, magnifying the view beneath the canopy she was so stealthily positioned on. The shadows completely hid her from prying eyes, providing picturesque cover for this personal assignment. In response to this though, a wide, confident grin spread across her face. This was not the first time she had snuck into the castle, but it was the first time she had done it in her new record time; less then four minutes. The young girl had been silently tracking her target, the female she knew to be of such high importance. But the Princess kept adjusting her position, causing Blink to do the same with each motion she made. The ceiling was an excellent place to follow someone, and she was thankful for her specialized gloves and boots which allowed her to stick to otherwise flat areas. She eyed the map from above, remaining perfectly and totally still. This mission could NOT be failed, and in-completion was NOT an option. The girl withheld a tiny sigh, forcing herself to maintain a true form of patience.

But she was very impatient.

So, being thankful that the Princess was finally heading towards her destination, she continued slinking in the lingering shadows, forcing her grin into an expression which would not reveal her white teeth.
Sky was a block away from her destination when she stopped. She felt eyes on her, like someone was watching.. She scratched her arm, pretending to stop only for an itch, then stretched it up in the air and yawned, scanning the shadows through squinted eyes. She didn't see anyone, but if they had been following her they must've been pretty good. During the 10 years she was away, Sky was paranoid and has learned many ways to tell if he was being followed or watched. Whoever was following her probably wasn't following her for her though, they might think she was Cloud since they did look alike... Wait, no. They would most likely be following her to have them both together! Then they would attempt to assassinate them, both sisters at once would leave the kingdom leaderless since neither of them had and heirs yet. Whatever the case, Sky could not let that happen. She went towards the destination and passed it without even looking in, as if she had a new destination in mind. Perhaps this would confuse the stalker. She opened the bathroom door and closed it, going into a stall. She doubted that the follower would follow her into here, but just in case she warily watched the cracks in the ceiling and floor. Was she being paranoid? Probably, it could easily be a coincidence. But Sky knew from experience that even the smallest chance was dangerous to take. So she sat and waited.

Ten minutes later she exited the bathroom, once again walking away from the restaurant. She apologized to Cloud in her head, but if the stalker was still following her then it was too dangerous to meet Cloud. She paused again. Was the stalker still on her tail?
Cin Novak, A low-ranking intelligence officer of Zynicsa, has reached the plaza of Fllysia.

My old friend, you look the same as you did 10 years ago, I could almost forget that tragedy.

He started holding his medallion worn around his neck, as is his habit.

However, you and I both know I was part of the army that broke you and defiled you. For what its worth, I'm Sorry.

Cin picked a bench in the plaza that he was currently in, sat down, and took a piece of paper from his pocket and reviewed the contents.

-Secure lodging for 2 people

Apparently, they already have an elite agent here. I am supposed to secure a safe house should anything go wrong. Worse, I have to pay for it if there is rent.

-Keep tabs on the people of Fllysia and the current state of the kindgom

I just got here and all my memories float back to me, but it just doesn't sit right with me. This will be hard, I am after all a former Fllysian citizen. One more hurdle to jump through. I just have to spy on my old second home.

-Secure a means of Escape

Easy enough, if my old shortcut is still there. Very dangerous, but a shortcut nonetheless.

- Await further orders

One of two things would happen, I get bossed around by that elite agent. Or they're telling me to survive until such time they decide to attack again or send someone to fetch me. Neither sits right with me.

Cin puts the note back into the pocket, and takes stock of the situation.

I have barely enough money to provide for a room and food. That means I'm on the floor and i'll only have a small piece of bread each day to sustain me. I also have no idea what the agent looks like, so that makes it hard to establish contact, they must have sent a dossier on me to the agent though, I'm hoping they did. The possibility that there is no agent is also present, a part of Espionage Policy is to always have a false important order or piece of information should an agent be captured. Like any other assignment dumped on me, it is always hard and I run a large risk of dying. Well, at least I'm back in my second home...

"I swear everything has a silver lining to it" Cin muttered to himself as he stood up while holding his medallion.

Why do I get the feeling that something big is about to happen. Oh well, no sense in worrying. Now I wonder if that old inn is still running.

Cin let go of the medallion allowing to fall back in place dangling around his neck, and went in search of a viable safe house.
Sovryn wasn't exactly late for anything, but he was worried. He had to finish writing three different letters soon, though there was no set in stone deadline for them, and he had a few other things to finish transcribing as well, and he couldn't seem to get anything done no matter how much time he had. Perhaps he was just letting himself get too stressed about it, something he tended to do. And when he was too stressed he got ill, horribly so.

To try and relax, he went to a small restaurant inside the castle and took a seat in a corner with a small pad of paper, sketching any of the people that came to mind that he might have seen that day. He did enjoy drawing for just himself, when he had the time. It was soothing and helped him settle his nerves.


Kel had been following the person he was supposed to meet for the better part of an hour. The boy was somewhere near his age, blended in well enough with the sparse crowds, but seemed to be doing so completely on accident, going through periods of seeming intenet on the instructions on a piece of paper in his hand, and looking around at not much of anything. Finally, when the boy moved away from the crowds, Kel moved across a rooftop to follow.

He landed silently behind the boy, standing up and moving only a step before reaching around and placing a knife at the front of the boy's neck, holding him still with a free hand tight in his shirt. "You walk like an elephant, breathe too loudly and don't pay attention. I could've killed you a dozen times by now." He sighed, shaking his head, and put the weapon away. "They know I don't need an escort." He said, mostly to himself, then just started walking ahead of the boy. "Come on. I've already secured a location."

((Hope it's all right I made Kel the agent ^_^ I assumed he was a Zynicsa))
Outside of the castle, Kat and Scylla were returning from a routine patrol. The half-dragon woman sat astride her companion, the younger pure-blooded dragon Scylla.

The young, blue dragoness touched down in the central courtyard, landing with a practiced grace. She still had some forward momentum as she landed, and had to trot a bit before she stopped. Her sapphire scales glittered in the outdoor light as she tucked her feathered wings in, and lowered her head so her older companion could dismount.

Kat had held onto the dragoness easily as they landed, and when she stopped, the woman hopped down. She landed in a crouch with ease, and stood up, looking to her friend. Her ruby-colored hair was down, and her bangs covered her right eye, which was blind. Her left eye was watching Scylla as the woman spoke. "Let's head inside. Are you hungry?" She asked. The two had been on patrol since that morning, and the blue dragoness was no doubt hungry.

This was proven as Scylla nodded quickly, and shifted back to her humanoid form. A light glow shone from her body, and she changed from a small dragon to a small child. She appeared to be about eight, which was accurate, and stood at only 3'6''. Her hair was the same color as her scales, a sapphire blue, and her eyes looked like blue crystals. She walked over to Kat, and took her hand. "Food." She said, and started walking.

"Alright, alright!" Kat laughed, walking beside the younger girl. "Let's go to that restaurant then. Don't you like the food there?" She asked, and when Scylla just gave her another silent but quick nod, she laughed again. Kat pulled her white cloak around her as they headed inside. Her silver armor was still visible underneath, and as they walked down the halls, several of the guards saluted her. She returned the salute and kept going, letting them continue with their business, and she with hers. Which happened to be feeding the dragon she viewed as her little sister.
After a while, when drawing had soothed him as much as it could and when he'd spent way too much time sitting and doing nothing when he should be working, Sovryn decided he probably needed to leave. He dreaded going back to the stressful work, though, and just set his arms and head on the table, focusing on breathing before he finally picked his head up and ordered some tea to go.

He would finish writing the letters first, then sleep on it, and do the rest in the morning. He had time. He just had to remain calm and get it all done systematically. Then he could relax for a while before his next assignments came in. He did like working here, really he did, but sometimes it was difficult. He'd always had a large family, with plenty of siblings, so it was hard being alone in this place. He had so much trouble making friends.
Kat and Scylla walked into the restaurant, the little girl still leading the older by the hand. Kat was smiling, in her normal pleasant mood, and the two sat down in a booth. They ordered food and drink, and talked as they waited for it to come. Well, Kat did most of the talking. Scylla didn't speak unless necessary, only nodding or shaking her head. Kat was used to it though, and was not bothered by it. She sat across from Scylla, her long and silver-scaled tail resting on the seat beside her.
This Can't be happening.

Did someone recognize me?

Cin felt the blade bite into his flesh, His life was flashing before his eyes and his face should hints of absolute terror. He could only be thankful that whoever this person is decided to ambush in a secluded area and had his back to his assailant, which meant that could conceal what emotion he put on his face. Then as suddenly as the blade appeared it also disappeared. Cin felt both relief and a lot of terror. A person then walked by him muttering something. Cin soon realized this must be his contact, why else would he still be standing?

Elite indeed.

"Yessir. I apologize for sloppy performance so far, sir!" Cin speaks in louder voice than usual which could have attracted attention if the area had any other people in it. Upon realizing this Cin keeps his head down and started following Kel.

Cin had been following Kel for a while now. He was sure that he is stepping out of line for what he will be saying and it could possibly kill him at worst and be ignored at best, but the intelligence division had taught him to value information and always be aware of the bigger picture.

"Sir, I know it's not my place to ask, but what are we really doing here?"

He could suddenly feel the tension in the atmosphere increase exponentially. He realized that his body would no longer respond for now and that what he did will actually kill him and not just demote him. All Cin could do was to await the reply that could come from either this person's mouth or from the wicked blade of his knife.
When the question was asked, Kel stopped walking and gave Cin a sharp but not quite threatening look over his shoulder. "Crowds." He said simply, and continued leading Cin him along, hoping for silence. They made their way through a few thinly populated areas, then finally came upon a small, almost desolate square, where that was an inn. Inside the inn, he had a small room with but one bed. It was fine. He had slept in worse places than just a wooden floor. Stone floors and rocky, outdoor grounds were much worse.

"You're probably not here to help me," He said, shrugging slightly. "More likely, you're here to be babysat." He peeked out a window, then just glanced sidelong at Cin. "And don't call me sir. They don't like it when you call me sir." He wasn't supposed to have rank or respect. It was his place.

Finally, Kel shook his head and just took a seat on the windowsill. "What's your name?"
"Cin Novak, sir. I-I mean, Cin."

Yup, this inn used to do well before the tragedy. I wish could have changed.

Cin was nervously fidgeting by the door to the room as if his thoughts were being read by the agent, took a deep breath and calmed down a bit.

"I-I was assigned to support personnel for this mission, sir, I-I mean uhh, w-what is your name?" Cin stuttered out, still tense, still nervous. The person in front of him is definitely something else, radiating a cold vibe. Cin felt chills run down his spine and took some more deep breaths to calm himself.

This person looks like he would gut me on the spot with the same blank face.

The deep breaths obviously not helping Cin to calm down, he walked over to a small section of the floor and dusted it off, The section was three quarters of his size. This is where he would expect to be sleeping for who knows how long.
Oscuro woke up from his nap. He blinked a few times to clear the dust from his eyes. He smiled slightly at the usual darkness as he stood and stretched. He clawed at the door, scratching slightly to let Gerry, his butler, know he was awake.

"Sir?" came a voice from behind the door.

Oscuro backed away. "Come in." he rumbled. "Will lunch be ready soon?"

"Of course, sir. Laeuren just went out for her lunch break. Your plate is being put together as we speak."

Oscuro nodded his big green head and brushed past the human. He swept into the dining hall, a grand affair of pillars, marble statues, and silver dining plates. Or so he was told.

"Smells wonderful." he coughed as he inhaled the heady scent of smoked ham and charbroiled steak cutlets. He also scented the grilled green beans and asparagus. "Wonderful, as usual." he mumbled as he tucked in.

Laeuren stepped out of the back kitchen door. She pulled her apron off and her sleeves down. She was dressed in simple khakis and a form fitting, blue shirt with 3/4 length sleeves.

She ran out of the back house, into the sunshine. She jogged down to town, thankful for the comfortable leather shoes she was wearing. She stopped at a small restaurant and ordered a small queenwa salad, and waited, hoping for something to happen.
Kel watched Cin as the man tried to stammer out some sort of explanation, just waiting until he was done. The dark-skinned man was all but radiating nervousness. "Keller, or Kel," Kel said finally, shrugging. "Choose either, I don't care." He watched as Cin dusted at the floor and just pointed off handedly at the other side of the room. "You'll have the bed. Ill take the floor." It was fine. He was used to giving up comforts to those who were privileged enough to expect them. "We'll go and fetch supper once you're settled. Do you have any bags?"
"W-what? I get the bed? Are you sure, sir. I mean Kel, honestly I'm fine with the floor. You can have the bed, you dont really need to show this grunt some respect. And no bags, sir.......Kel. We can go anytime."

This is definitely a first, but we all know that he doing this as a formality, I'll end up on the floor tonight and he will be on the bed.

Cin completely lost composure after being treated, coldly, with respect by a higher ranking officer.

It may just be a formality, but the thought counts I guess.
Kel made a little bit of a face, looking Cin up and down. "You're taller than I am. Bed. No arguing." While not exactly short, Kel wasn't exactly a tall person either. He slipped down to the ground, grabbing a spall coin pouch out of his own small bag sitting nearby, and slipped past Cin. "Let's go. We sleep with the sun tonight and its getting late."

((Sorry for short replies. On iPad and making dinner))
"Alright." Cin follows Kel down to the common room of the inn.

That's it, an officer treating me with respect, something is definitely going down.

Cin pulls out his coin pouch and takes stock of what remained from the pay of his previous assignment.

200, guess I'll have to make do with this.

Cin takes a quick look at the common room, a bar on one side of the inn with an old man manning it. Three booths next to each other by the stair case going up to the rooms, empty. Several large tables and chairs arranged in neat formation in the center of the room, a few people are sitting down.

I'm sorry, Kane, though I just wish you would have let this place go already.

Concern momentarily flashed on Cin's face, he shook his head and hoped that Keller wouldn't notice.

"No place like home." Cin muttered to himself, while instinctively holding the medallion around his neck.
Kel glanced back a Cin when he spoke to himself, raising an eyebrow slightly in question. "You lived here? Good. Then I don't have to teach you the layout." He led them both to the bar, where he sat and ordered a drink for himself, along with a small meal. "Eat what you'd like. We won't run out of funds. I . . . 'got creative' before I came here." As the less proprietary members would say. No one cared if he stole or sold different items that he found in his travels for money. So long as he wasnt caught, it didn't matter.
Cin continues surveying the common room and spots an old piano off in a corner beside the bar.

At least I'll have something to do once the nightmares kick in again and I can't sleep. Although I am surprised that old piano is still standing.

"I dont think we'll have supper here, Old Kane cant cook..." Cin muttered to himself

A small smile forms and disappears from Cin's face. 
((yeah, how do i delete a post again? eh never mind))

"A-Alright, will do"

Cin takes his place next to Keller. He orders a drink and a small meal not unlike Keller's order, and proceeds to eat.

"K-Keller, what is it we're supposed to do here? The more I know the easier it would be for me to accept this....everything."

Cin decides to ask again.
((At the bottom of the post there's a delete button. But if you want to just delete the top one, click the 'edit' button next to it instead, and erase it))

While aware of the room around him, Kel didn't do much beyond lean his chin on a hand and focus his eyes on his own food. There wasn't much to see, anyway, and he hadn't found any threats in this building. "You're here to stay out of trouble, I assume. I'm here to kill someone. Or, that's usually why I'm anywhere. I haven't gotten orders yet." The message would come soon. "Until then, I stick to infiltration." It was best to blend in.
Cin had already finshed his meal.

"They weren't specific, they said I should conduct indefinite surveillance on Fllysia, until they decide to either attack this place again or give the recall order. So basically we're both in the dark? well I'm going to go stop by a few places while I'm here, I-is that fine with you, Kel?"

Cin was still uneasy being around the superior officer, but what surprised him was how casual he was addressing the officer. 
Cin realizes too late that he had said too much.

Way to go spill your guts Cin! Hopefully no one listened in on the conversation that much.

Cin takes note of his surroundings, the bartender was well out of earshot and looked like he was dozing off, the few patrons of the inn were seated near the center holding their own conversations. Cin felt relief, that he was given a luck chance to escape. He turned his attention back to Kel waiting for the approval or denial of his activities planned for the rest of the night.

Kel shrugged and didn't so much as wave the man away. "I don't care what you do, as long as you don't get us caught. Try not to get into trouble." As long as the mission wasn't compromised, there would be no problems. Kel didn't have very specific orders right now, and none had explicitly told him to watch over the person he was supposed to meet, so he didn't have to follow him.

Kel gave Cin a sidelong glance. "Relax. I've been paying attention." He was always paying attention.
"Alright, I'll be back soon, I think.'

Always check in with the superior officer

Cin stands up and takes his leave.

((I'm assuming it almost sundown by now))

"It's getting late, better get started"

Cin takes a long walk toward the plaza he was originally in before he got jumped by Keller.

Even at this late in the day the activity in the plaza did not seem to lose the momentum it had hours ago.

"Maybe I should get a souvenir while I'm here, a little something to remind me of home" He walks over to a nearby stall which sold some trinkets and handicrafts, A particular wood carving caught his eye, carved into a wooden circle was a dragon in flight and a human standing on the ground gazing at it, the piece of wood itself was not large, just large enough to fit in his pocket. Cin decides to purchase it.

"Now I should get back to business" Cin mutters to himself.

He reaches the end of the plaza he, stands in front a dark alleyway and proceeds to enter. Further in he finds a hidden door and slides it aside, and descends the stairs directly infront of the door. Upon descending to the bottom He looks to forward to his left and to his right, each direction had a long corridor stretching to what seems like infinity

"The old tunnel system, no one ever knew it was here...well that takes care of things. I dont think it would be wise to let my friends know that I'm alive, for all they knew I died back when my village was raided." He says to himself. He turns around, ascends the stairs slides the hidden door shut and makes his way back to the inn, the plaza's activity apparently had been dying down already.

Just how long was I in there? At any rate I should hurry back to the inn. 
On the way back Cin decides to make a detour and ends up in the commercial center in front the palace.

The palace, 10 years later and the thing grows twice its size and looks more regal than it did before

Cin decides to take time and admire the view in front of him, reminiscing of the times past, and forgetting he had to return to the inn.

The grand palace gates stood open with two Fllysian guard standing watch on either side of the gate and three patrolling the area in front of the gate, and five patrolling the area inside the gate.

Now that is tight security.

Beyond the gate Cin sees the Palace courtyard, a green garden full of all kinds of local and exotic plants, at least from what he could see. He couldn't see past the garden as the canopy cover was too thick to make out anything else except for green and the occasion red, blue or yellow. 
After once again having his absent-mindedness get the better of him, Cin realizes that he has stayed idle for too long and might possibly have earned the anger of Keller in the process, taking one last look at the palace, He makes his way back to the Inn.

After several more minutes, he makes it to the entrace of the Inn. Cin stakes a deep breath, regains his composure, checked his things and verifying that they are still there, enters the inn and looks for Keller.

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