Half-Dragon Role Play Character Sheets

Forever For Never

Resident Emo
Roleplay Type(s)
There is a place in the clouds called Fllysia, a place where humans and dragons co-exist. It is ruled by a fair monarchy. But this monarchy is different from normal human monarchies, where males are usually in charge it is the opposite in Fllysia, females are valued slightly more and are the main rulers because 1/3 of offspring born are female while 2/3 are male, but they are not sexist like the medieval humans were. They are ruled by the wonderful Queen Silessa, who is a dragon, and her human husband Rowan. Human and dragon pairings are quite common here, since most of the two species' exist in harmony, meaning there are quite a few half-dragons roaming around(dragons can change to a human form so this is biologically possible xD ).

But not all humans like the mixing of the two... There is a group of humans called the "Zynicsa" Who wish to completely destroy all dragons and half-dragons. They attacked the royal palace ten years prior to when the role play starts, murdering the king and queen. But their twin half-dragon daughters, Sky and Cloud, were saved. The twins were 6 at the time. Cloud was older by a few minutes, making her the heir, and the most important one to escape alive. She was whisked away to the Sellindom, another kingdom in the clouds, also run by dragons with fewer humans. Sky, on the other hand, was taken to the world under, where humans don't know of the existence of dragons.

Ten years has passed since that terrible event, Cloud has come back shortly after the attack and has been ruling as queen with no incident ever since she was in charge, and has been doing a pretty good job ruling a kingdom starting at age 6. Sky has recently returned after being found by a childhood friend named Clyde, also a half-dragon. Cloud as also fallen in love and is engaged. It seems that Fllysia is in harmony with the return of both royal princesses, but under the surface the Zynicsa are plotting once more. Cloud's fiancee isn't who he seems to be, either. What will happen in this kingdom among the clouds?

~Characters(If you don't like any of mine you can make your own, but limit 3 per person!)~

Sky(My character)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Half-dragon

Personality: Shy, serious, and a bit rude at times, she's a bit antisocial and cautious of strangers.

Past: She was left alone a lot as a child since Cloud was the heir and had to train constantly, so Sky was a very lonely child. She met a commoner half-dragon named Clyde one day, and they became instant friends. But then the palace was attacked and she was forced into the human world for safety, having to hide her wings and dragon-qualities. She was home schooled by her caretaker, Gavin. When she was 15 Clyde found her and brought her back to Fllysia, reuniting her with Cloud and her home. She is pretty secretive and only confides in Cloud and sometimes even Clyde, since he's her only friend, but he can get annoying at times to her but deep down she loves him. She dislikes dresses and girly-ish things and the fact that she's royalty and loves flying.

Crush(Y/N and who): Yes, Clyde but in denial that she likes him

Appearance: Like this only wings are blue and she usually doesn't wear dresses


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Half-dragon

Personality: Cheerful and fun-loving, it's impossible not to like her

Past: She was training to be a queen as soon as she was born and was very busy, but never lost her good attitude. When her parents were killed, she was taken to Sellindom, a neighboring kingdom until the royal army had defeated the Zynicsa and she could go home. Cloud became queen at age 6, and was matured very quickly. She managed to rule the kingdom fine, which was incredible due to her young age and inexperience. But she was very worried about Sky, and overjoyed when she came back. She met (Fiancee's name here) and immediately fell in love with him, and they're scheduled to get married in two months.

Crush(Y/N and who): (Fiancee's name here)

Apearance: With blue wings, usually wearing fancy dresses and never takes her hair down


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Half-dragon

Personality: Fun and joke-loving, he loves to tease and make people laugh but can be really sweet or serious if he needs to be, especially around Sky

Past: Clyde was born to a middle-class dragon and human, and his life was pretty good. He met Sky when he was 7 and befriended her. He also had a crush on her, but was too shy at that age to say anything. He was heartbroken when the tragedy happened and the king and queen died, and overjoyed when Cloud came back, thinking Sky would too. But as she didn't and he grew older, he was determined to find her. At 15 he set off to find her with Cloud's blessing and found her at 16, bringing her back. He was extremely happy to have her back, and teased her a lot jokingly, but was really very protective of her and jealous when she was with other guys.

Crush(Y/N and who): Sky



Cloud's Fiancee(available, whoever chooses him gets to pick the name)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Whoever choses him can chose

Past: Whoever chooses him can choose most of it, but he's the son of a high-up Zynicsa member and is only with Cloud to kill her. He really doesn't want to, but his father is forcing him to

Crush(Y/N and who): Whoever chooses can choose

Appearance: Whoever chooses can choose

Dragon Character~ You can choose a dragon, but please use my skeleton at the bottom! They'll probably be in human shape a lot so it's easier to interact with other characters a lot, though.

Half-Dragon Character~ You can make one of these too! Make sure to use the skeleton! It's at the bottom

Good Human Character~ Maybe you're a normal human, or maybe you work in the palace or something? Either way, please use the skeleton at the bottom.

Zynicsa Human Character~ So you're in the anti-dragon group, which is good since every story/rp needs some antagonists. Make sure you use the skeleton, which is at the bottom.

Other~ Tell me what you are and make sure to use the skeleton!








Crush(Y/N and who):


I think this sounds like a fun role play and am pretty excited for it, it's the first role play I've created myself, so please join! Thanks! ^_^
Wow, this sounds pretty cool. I'd like to join, if you'll have me. :3 I don't really want to RP the characters you have up though (Sorry!), so here are my characters. :)

Name: Kathleen (Kat) Nightingale

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Half-dragon

Personality: Kat is ridiculously loyal, honest, and caring. She would rather die than betray someone, and loves taking care of others. She has a gentle personality normally, but can get ferocious when she's angry. It takes a good bit of goading to get her angry, but when she is, she can be terrifying.

Past: She has served as a royal knight since she was 8 with her comrade, Scylla. She grew up in a family of knights for the royal court, and has been trained to fight since she could hold a weapon. Really though, despite her skill with a bow and dual daggers, she prefers healing. Starting at age 10, she began training in medicine. Now she is one of the highest ranking guards, a commander, who can fight as well as treat wounds.

Crush(Y/N and who): Open

Appearance: Kat is a pale young woman, and stands at about 5'9''. She has a rather thin body, which hides a decent amount of muscle. She is very flexible, a trait that is only helped by her slight frame. Her left eye is a bright, emerald green, while her right is a pale green due to the fact that she is blind in that eye. She never explained how it happened to anyone, but a long scar trailed from just above her eye, and down to the bottom of her cheek. It was obviously from a knife or some sort of weapon, and the wound had been so bad that it destroyed the sight in that eye. Her hair, which hangs down past her waist a bit, is a ruby color. She often styles it so it covers the right half of her face.

Her dragon heritage shows, even when she is in her human form. Her ears are longer than a human's by far, just under a foot, and are pointed. Her teeth are also very sharp, and her fingernails are more like claws than anything else. She also has a tail, which is covered is silver scales. At the tip is a sharp, diamond-shaped blade.

Kat is normally seen in her armor. It is silver, the color of her scales in her dragon form, and looks rather showy. That is because she does not regularly wear it into battle, so does not wear the large, uncomfortable armor that is more common for battle. Instead, the silver armor covers her forearms, shoulders, chest,hips and thighs, and her feet. The armor leaves her neck, lower arms, stomach, and knees bare. Her shoes, more of boots, really, go up to her knees, and provide a two inch height addition to the girl with their heels. She also had a thick white cloak that she wears, and very rarely has the hood up.

In her dragon form, Kat is not a very large dragon. She only stands about ten feet tall, and twenty feet in length, not counting her eight foot long tail. Her scales resemble feathers more than anything, but are made of the same hard material. Her large wings are feathered, rather than webbed like most dragons. Her body is also different from the majority of dragons. Instead of a stocky, large build that is good for fighting, Kat's is lithe and slender. She is built more for speed than strength. As such, she is still stronger than the average human, but weak compared to other half-dragons and dragons. She is much faster than them though, able to move and fly much swifter than them.

Kat head has a long muzzle, and sharp fangs. Two long, furred ears pointed back from their place upon her head, and she had a small pair of horns just in front of them. Her emerald eyes have slit pupils, but her right eye is still blind and a lighter color. The scar shows, even when she is in her dragon form.


Name: Scylla (Sill-uh) Charybdis (Kuh-rib-dis)

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Personality: Scylla gets pissed off at the slightest things, having quite a hot temper. She rarely thinks before she talks, and so she says exactly what is on her mind. She is incredibly stubborn and reckless, often getting into trouble. She is also very honest though, and hates people who lie. She herself refuses to lie, even for small things. Despite her rather snarky attitude, she is actually very nice- She just hates to show it. To her, it's easier to deal with people who fear or hate her, rather than people who like her. This makes her rather distant, and hard to get to open up to others. The only person she really gets along with is Kat.

Past: Scylla was hatched under Kat's care when the half-dragon was twelve. They grew up together, pretty much inseparable. Scylla is like Kat's little sister, and has become her partner in battle. While Kat is a medic as well as a fighter, Scylla is just about fighting. She hardly cares for fixing people, she just likes breaking things. She took the rank of Kat's second-in-command.

Crush(Y/N and who): None.

Appearance: Scylla is a small child, standing at about 3'6''. She has pale skin and is rather petite, but has the body of an acrobat. Her hair is short, only going to her shoulders, and it is straight. Her hair is a deep blue color, and soft like silk. Her eyes are the opposite of her hair, a light crystalline blue color.

There is a horizontal scar over the bridge of her nose, left by an accident. Her hands have long, thin fingers with nails like claws. Also, her canine teeth are very long, making them resemble fangs. Even in her human form, Scylla has a long sapphire-scaled tail and two small horns behind her long ears. Her eyes are slitted, and there are small patches of scales under her eyes. A pair of small wings are also on her back, deep-blue feathered wings.

As she is still a young dragon, her full dragon form is rather small. Six feet tall and ten in length, plus a four foot long tail. A little pair of spikes poke out from the end of her tail, easily useable as a weapon. Small, catlike ears are just behind a small pair of white horns on her head. Her little teeth are sharp, and her feet have long, dangerous talons on them.
@Elenaryu Accepted! Though I wasn't planning on half-dragons being able to change into a dragon, I guess they could.
Name: Blink

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Intelligent, clever, mildly hyper. She's as witty as she is skilled, enjoying outsmarting her opponents to the brink of their mental exhaustion. Though she'd never admit it, she does deeply care about a certain few beings who she is fiercely protective of. Night is willful and an eccentric inventor, always curious and fascinated by the world around her. She is also prone to emotional outbursts of anger, depression, excitement, ect ect....all in all, she's very peculiar to say in the least.

Past: She is the daughter of Day, a mysterious and cunning leader for the Zynicsa, and was originally named Night. She worked with her father faithfully, though with severe doubt, for many years: Then she left him. Seeing that what he was doing was wrong and cruel, abusing his position of power to harm dragons and half-dragons, no longer could she work with a man so awful. But no other faction trusted her, considering the fact that she was so closely related to the enemy. She changed her name and faked her death, taking on a new identity of "Blink", a fiery inventor working to help those in need. Her father does not actually believe she is dead, and still has forces hunting for her whereabouts in secret.

Crush(Y/N and who): Not currently, though I'd love it if somebody would step up to that position.


Name: Day

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown, believed to be human.

Personality: Dark, mysterious, cynical, a complete control freak. He's entirely evil and merciless, doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals without caring who gets harmed in the process. Day is cruel and malicious, taking pleasure torturing others from behind the shadows.

Past: After his wife had been accidentally killed by a dragon, Day vowed vengeance. He grew consumed with hatred and a passionate need for revenge. As so, he joined and aided in the creation of the Zynicsa. It was not long before his role as a simple benefactor grew to be so much more. He soon became the voice for the organization, spreading their ideology with every battle and every assault. Over time he turned even more venomous and terrible, not only desiring vengeance.....but also a bloody feud to last the ages.

Crush(Y/N and who): None currently, though if there are any volunteers......


((Is it alright that he's the leader? I want to check first.....))
Fantastic! Thank you very much. Just tell me when you want me to start posting, and I'm on it.
I do not believe a link for the separate thread was yet posted. Maybe we should just wait a bit and see what goes.
I forgot that I still have to get accepted xD sometimes it's hard to keep up when you are in quite a few rps already.
Name: Oscuro "Oz" Athek

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Personality: Oscuro has a nasty temper, especially at night. He has a soft spot for humans, however, especially Laeuren, his chef. He enjoys a good story, and chats with all of his staff.

Past: Oscuro was raised by rich parents. He hated it, though. His father was cruel dragon who abused his mother. He rebelled and ran away, but became slowly blind from a disease inherited from his mother. His father took him in once more, and trained him to be ruthless and cruel. He finally got away from his father's cruelty, due to the same disease that he survived. But now he sits in his mansion shunning all other dragons, desperate and feeling alone.

Crush(Y/N and who):None



Name: Laeuren (Lay- run) Rivera

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Se is shy and slightly withdrawn, but still loves a good story. She has an amazing sense of humor, too. She can be blunt, and can't lie very well.

Past: Laeuren grew up poor. She was very lucky to find a job at 16 with such a rich dragon, and enjoys cooking there. Her father is very old, and she still visits him. None of her family knows her secret.

Crush(Y/N and who): Kathleen Nightingale- Elenayru ( Is that OK?)


Laeuren has very deep, dark brown eyes. They seem to glitter in the sunlight. She isn't too tall, and very thin as well, even though she is athletic. Her hair is just long enough to reach her shoulder blades. Her hair is flat and sort of thin, with blond streaks overtop a normal brown with dyed red tips. She wears glasses.
Nopestar Accepted! And Laeuren's crush is fine with me, though you should ask Elenayru about it since its her character. You can join the RP whenever you want since I already posted the thread
This sounds like an interesting setting, I want to join if you will allow me.

Name: Cin (Sin) Novak

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Optimist, honest to a fault, easy going. He is a reader, listener and teller of stories. Somewhat unreliable, but tries his best at whatever task is given to him. His head sometimes in the clouds.

Past: Cin returned to his home after accomplishing an errand to Fllysia, only he never expected to return to a ruined and burning town. Standing in front the smoldering ruin of his house, he surveys his surroundings once more to verify that his town was really in this broken state. And then reality hits him, his simple life had been taken from him.

He enters ruins, to his right the charred remains of his book case leaning on what remained of his writing desk in the house living room, the memories of all the time he spent sitting in the living room reading his books and writing wild tales on used pieces of paper, "Father always loved the power of my imagination, I wish I was able to thank you properly for the books you kept bringing back from your work in the Capital." He looks the left, toward the hallway which led to the house kitchen and dining room, Fresh Memories of his childhood flooded him, a scene plays out in his head...

a boy sitting down at his place on the table, a wide smile on his eyes as he takes in the sight of the simple feast in front of him consisting of a medium-sized fish, 3 small pieces of bread and half-filled pitcher of water. His mother takes her place across her child and says a small prayer of thanks and goes on with the brief lesson constantly repeated by his mother "whatever trial may come your way always believe in yourself and never deceive others to get your way"

..... Cin wipes away a tear that rolls down his cheek knowing full well that that life would not be back anytime soon. He looks forward and spots 1 door and one door frame situated next to each other, the door frame was next to the toppled bookcase and the burnt desk. "My room.." upon further observation he realized that there was nothing left of his small room save the wall connected to the door frame and some charred wood on the floor. He approaches the door left to the entrance of his room and tries to open it but to no avail and gave up. He leaves his house.

Upon leaving he takes note of two bodies arranged side by side each wrapped in a dirty white cloth "Mom, Dad, I thank you all for giving me a life worth smiling about, may you all find a better one in the beyond" Not knowing what to do anymore he starts toward the general direction of the town center

"Brother, The dragons are to blame for this atrocity. They burned the town." Cin hears someone calling out to him from behind, he turns and sees a man all dressed in a uniform different from what he usually sees from the Fllysian guard around the village, a pin bearing a strange insignia is attached to the arm sleeve of the man's coat.

"I am sorry brother, we arrived too late. The fiends fled once they learned that a squad of Zynicsa Stormtroopers were arriving. We helped your town repair some of the damage caused and are still doing so now."

"Thank you for your efforts then, sir" Cin replied in an empty voice

"You know, isn't it strange, the Fllysian guard is nowhere to be found according to one of the survivors. I know full well that this village falls under Fllysian jurisdiction, Did your queen perhaps abandon you?" The trooper says so with a smile creeping across his face.

Cin stares blankly at the man, but the facade breaks into a face of sorrow as he realizes that this man is correct, the guard apparently did leave sometime before his errand to Fllysia.

"Join us brother, Look around you, help us prevent this from happening to other settlements. A revolution is about to begin......" He takes another pin bearing the strange insignia as his and hands it to me.

Who would have thought that I would take part in the assault on the capital?

Crush(Y/N and who): None...for now

Appearance: Short, messy, black hair. Brown eyes, wearing black framed glasses. 5"10 in height with an average build. Tan skin tone. Converted the pin given to him into a medallion he always wears around his neck. as for clothes he usually looks like this :

except the shirt is green, the pants are dark brown, and the shoes, jacket and tie are black with the hood of the jacket down, nothing on the wrist nor the hands, and the medallion around his neck

Total newbie and first attempt at this, How'd I do?
Ill join later, with a bad guy - cant remember how to spell the name lol - and a male half-dragon, if that's all right. I would join now, but I'm getting dragged to Costco -_-
Alright sounds good! Haha well at least you'll have some food to spice up your RP experience, I'm supposed to be enjoying myself at my end of the year field trip to Crackerjax but I don't really have any friends to hang out with so I'm just on my phone :P
Name: Keller Verris

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Keller isn't a terribly nice person, but not really a cruel one either. He follows orders as specifically as they're given, but doesn't really have any feeling for what he's doing. He doesn't enjoy it, he just does what he's told. He's only loyal to a certain point, though. As well as he follows orders, that's all he does. He doesn't do anything extra. For the most part he doesn't show much emotion, and he says what he's thinking without censor, so often he comes across as rude.

Past: Keller was born to an influential father and a woman that wasn't his father's wife. As such, the woman was shunned and had to be sent away, never to return. Keller's father resented him for it and so he never had an easy life. He was taught to be a soldier and a fighter from almost the moment he was able to walk, beaten and punished for failures and having to go above and beyond to ever be considered as doing anything right. It's provided him with many skills, making him one of the best trackers, hunters, and fighters around, but hasn't earn him or anyone else any love. He does what he's told out of habit, and because he was born to it, but he has no true care for his father or the organization they are a part of.

Crush: None


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Byakuran_full_294063.jpg.c4a832a54f6cb749ce7082fdc82c643b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Byakuran_full_294063.jpg.c4a832a54f6cb749ce7082fdc82c643b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He's a Zynicsa.

Name: Sovryn Alesst

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Half-dragon

Personality: Sovryn is a very kind, gentle soul, but one that's easily embarassed. He has a lot of ideas in his head about what is appropriate and what isn't, and has a tendency to get very embarassed when inappropriate things happen or are said. He's a big pacifist, though he'll struggle if things are desperate, and prefers to stay in and read his books rather than go where there's trouble.

Past: Because of his girly looks, Sovryn was often either mistaken for a female or simply treated like one for most of his life. He's gotten used to it and generally appears to let it just slide off of him when it's strangers talking, but he's very sensitive about his feminine looks and small, almost dainty, stature and so gets easily upset about it. He's always been a scholar at heart and enjoys drawing, so for a long time he made a living drawing maps of different regions for those that wanted them. Eventually, though, he managed to earn himself a place as a scholar and advisor in the queen's castle.

Crush: Katherine (If that's all right Elenayru)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdaaaf67c_EstRinaudo3.jpg.f233863d5ea475b6c0e295bf6540c650.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdaaaf67c_EstRinaudo3.jpg.f233863d5ea475b6c0e295bf6540c650.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: His wings are a dark blue color and though they aren't del icate they look like they are. He tends to keep them either tucked close and protected or hidden most times.

((I kind of assumed it was sort of a fantasy/medieval setting since it's in the clouds and there's a monarchy lol Was I right?))



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