Half-Caste + Half-Caste = ?

n the case of different types, the one with Highest Essence wins, if same, then the momma wins.
I think the child should be mortal.

I believe in the EPG it talks about how half-castes aer the result of the fetus being exposed to the essence, and their very being is changed.

If the child is a quarter-chaste it should be extremly weak.
The PG discusses this. If a Half-Caste mates with mortal, and they have Dynasty of Inheritance, their Inheritence is halved. If two Half-Caste with the merit mate, their Inheritence is totalled and then halved to produce the child's.

And then there's the Breed True merit, which allows for god-bloods, namely beastmen, to become viable species in their own right.
I've thought of it a bit in my own Half caste game... it might be interesting...

thought Im reasonably certain any clans as such of celestial half caste will be noticed with reasonable speed by the Dragon blooded, though a handfull of them in a community may escape notice.
To hell with that, the DBs aren't all knowing. Besides, Creation's fucking massive. So I had an area the size of Eastern Europe hidden away, ruled by a dynasty of Sun Children, Gondor style.
Not only that, but without buying the appropriate flaws, the Half-Caste display no outward signs that they are using essence.. It's not hard for a dynasty of Half-caste to pass itself off as something else, like God-Bloods. The Dragonbloods wouldn't have a big problem with that as long as they kept to themselves.

Perhaps they wouldn't know what type they were? Perhaps, even, in their quest for other God-Bloods of sufficient potency to add new vigour to their dynasty, they have created a mish-mash of inheritances; some Dragon-touched, some Sun-children, some Elemental-bloods.

If you're eager for this sort of possibility, then consider that "Dynasty of Inheritance" isn't a standard issue thing for half-caste. A dynasty wouldn't last long if there was only a chance that the child could, in turn, pass on the power of the blood. If I were running a dynasty game, I'd say that characters get the merit upon attaining essence 3, if they didn't buy it sooner. That way, the dynasty can live on through the 'efforts' of it's older and stronger scions.
Quorlox said:
If two Half-Caste have a child together, can it create another Half-Caste?
You bet they can.  In fact, Half-Castes, IIRC, work in accordance with the Godblood rules for determining if their progeny are godblood Half-Castes.  So, Half-Castes have a greater chance of producing offspring that can channel Essence than their own Exalted parents could (with the exception of Breeding 5 Dragon-Blooded perhaps who would generate Dragon-Blooded offspring).
sorta off topic, but if one were to make a lintha as an npc. shouldnt i use the rules for a solar half-caste, since lintha have the perfect charms, and i donno i feel they would be a little tougher then an average demon blood as they are from direct primordial stock no?
Lotus said:
sorta off topic, but if one were to make a lintha as an npc. shouldn't i use the rules for a solar half-caste, since lintha have the perfect charms, and i donno i feel they would be a little tougher then an average demon blood as they are from direct primordial stock no?

My precious... :shock:

And, what's the thing with all of the lower case I's?

The only people I've seen write that way were subbies. :shock:

Is there something the Shroominator isn't telling us?

Are you Jukashi's pet? :D
Well I'm not sure how you mean Lotus: they are treated as Solar Half caste. Although I'm not sure how you mean about the perfect charms; are lintha allowed to purchase perfect attacks/defences, in direct flauntage of the "no perfects" rule for Half Caste?

In any case, they can indeed use solar charms, but bear in mind the cosmetic differences. They'd tend towards sickly greenish or red anima or essence displays, and their "Agg damage to Creatures of Darkness" would actually be "Agg to servants of the Unconquered Sun/Incarna" because of their primordial heritage.

My precious... :shock:

And, what's the thing with all of the lower case I's?

The only people I've seen write that way were subbies. :shock:

Is there something the Shroominator isn't telling us?

Are you Jukashi's pet? :D
i just dont feel like pressing on the shift key. what is a subbies?


i didnt actually think they were treated as solar half-castes, i just thought people were gonna tell me that you just make a demon-blooded with certain backround points and bam. lintha.

i just heard somewhere,  on this forum that Lintha NPC get to use perfect effects charms. the thing is they dont combo.

whether or not they can actually use them i dont know, i dont have any books with info on lintha. I just figured they should get the 6/5/3 as opposed to the usual 6/4/3 because of the primordial factor.
Lintha are treated as Solar Half caste in Canon. That's as much as I know, although again, remember to change the thematics and systems of the charms to represent their heritage.
Yea, I had a few attack the party. The new salty dog method came in handy in that fight. What a ridiculous charm.
Half Caste x Half Caste makes Quarter Caste; an being with essence channeling capabilities, but it's potential is nearly limited to retrieving food from metal boxes and speeding long range communication.

No, Half-Caste+Half-Caste makes Half-Caste, unless they are Terrestrial Half-Caste, where they have a 20% chance of having a DB.
Indeed. They act as exalts/gods with an Essence rating equal to their inheritance for the purposes of creating other half-caste. Thus, a God-blood with inheritance 4 and a Solar Half-caste with inheritance 3 would act as if they were a God of essence 4 and a Solar with essence 3 for the purposes of calculating the inheritance of the child.

This is normally only the case if both of them have "Dynasty of Inheritance", however. I do allow this merit to be purchased at essence 3, but that's mostly because I love God-bloods: they have such diversity, and I find the concept more heroic than the exalts or gods themselves, because their children must work so much harder for their power, but still have great power in the end of the day.
So the least-masters of currency didn't work too well?  Eh.  It was worth a shot.  

Should've slapped a smiley or something in that last post.  



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