Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

The Bounty Hunter

Junior Member
Kyle Marce looks up at the building that would be his home for the next three years. It looked like any other school in the United States: brick, concrete, steel. The only thing that appeared strange was the location, for it was in the center of a very large and partially unexplored deciduous forest, but it was different on the inside; on the inside, it is filled with students that aren't entirely... human. Some of the students were obviously not all human, such as Kyle, while others appeared to be human unless they used their powers. There are students of all sizes, shapes, and backgrounds, with various histories and abilities.

Kyle phases through the front doors, ignoring the looks he receives from the other students, even though there were much stranger students here. They almost all have odd features, such as vulpine ears, tails, some even had scales for skin. It was probably Kyle's lack of features that unnerved people. Where his face would be was a blank, smooth, white surface; in fact, his entire body was featureless, no fingerprints, hair. He looks down at his school pamphlet, and heads to the west wing to the dorms. He opens the door to room 201, and throws his backpack onto his bed. He opens his guitar case, and pulls out his Ibanez RG370DX, and his mini amps. He sets the amps on the ground next to his bed, plugs in the guitar, tunes it for a while, and begins to play Ozzy Osbourne's "Iron Man" guitar solo.
Nica's long white and green hair hung around her shoulders as she made her way up to this school. It was stranger than her school back home. swiftly making her way up the stairs she pushed open the front doors. Around her shoulder hun her black bag full of her things. She moves up the stairs to the second level of the school and walks up to the door 203. She was paired with some one but did not know who. She shrugged and moved into the room, setting her stuff on the bed on the right. She looked around at the 2 beds 2 dressers and 2 desks. She laughed some and began unpacking.

Luka watched as the green and white haired girl made her way into the school. He also made his way up to his room. When he got to the oak door named 202 he pushed the door open and moved in. He un packed all his stuff on the left side of the bed room and stretched out on the bed. He sighed at the bed. He didn't like to sleep. So most like ly he will be roaming the hall ways
Warren had gotten to the school but got lost once he tried to find his room,then he stopped as he saw his number and smiled.He almost opened the door but then froze as he listened inside first,he heard someone already in there and now didn't want to walk in because he didn't know them.He used slight waves though the floor to see her and once he did he let go of the door handle and just started walking down the hall,figuring he was going to have trouble with this now. He had to share a room with someone yet he didn't do well with people,maybe they could just stick to themselves? He doubt the other would even think about that and come straight up and say hello.
Nica moved away from her things and sighed. She looked to the door thinking she heard someone but brushed it off. When she was done putting all her rings away in her dresser and her closet she looked to the bed on the left and sighed. Hopefully her room mate will be okay... She don't wanna black out and hurt him. She shook her head and moved from the room. she looked down the hall way watching a male turn a corner and disappear. She walked the other way down the hall and down some stairs. She moved to the lounging room where a lot of students where at. She sat at a empty table and watched the students talk and converse.
(While waiting...)

Clara stepped out of the car, thanking the driver and pushing the door shut. She stared at the so-called school for a brief moment before pulling out a bottle of water from her tote bag and drinking avidly from it. Taking a deep breath, she walked in the building. She saw some other people loitering about in the lounge, and decided that she would check her room later. Her things were not there yet, after all, and all she needed was already in her bag. Emptying the water bottle, she tossed it in the recycling bin and took a seat by the windows, leaning against the wall and staring outside. Multiple thoughts were going through her mind, and she had to stop herself from singing. Although it helped her calm down, she did not want to attract too much attention right at the beginning. There will be time for that later, after all. She sighed and pulled out her phone from her bag, putting her earbuds in place. Even if she couldn't sing, listening to music would help her at least a little.
Daeas clam

Daea walked around the big tree that was blocking her veiw of the brick building in front of her. goddess, its going to be a hell of a semester; she begain to walk towards the building. She looked around at the crowd of of beings. Ugh, its like Katchrien all over again, things everywere and no where to go...

Daea didnt plain on staying, she plained to ditch as soon as she found a way to get Cecilia of her back.

She saw all types of people, you really couldnt tell if most of them were girls or guys; Daea didnt try to. She walked up the steps to the front doors and opened one and hread a gasp. She truned to see what she identafied as a girl, she had blond hair, red eyes with no whites or irises, just a black pupul and the rest red. Her finger nails were yellow but not panted, just the pigmenttion of them, and her skin was green and she had small blue horns right on the edge of her forehead.

Daea put two figners to her forehead and gave a salute in greatting.

..."why is she so pale? her hair is so... " Daea pulled from the girls head.

She truned with a sly smile on her face.

"Let me Juess- half kilp half pixie? Yeah... personaly I dont like the two together. It makes an awful mix." Daea wasn't in much of a mood today, she knew that if her aunt Cecilia was here she would have slapped her upside the head. But she wasn't and the girl ran away with silver tears.

"Ah, the first victum of my rain. Looks like its going to be a hell of a semester. Now, where my room?" She said as she looked around with evil in her eyes.
Ailani looked around her cautiously as she walked towards the school, glaring at anyone who seemed to close to her. Students of all different types infested the school like ants surrounding a crumb. Ailani continued to the school and up to her room: No. 17. She pusehd open the door and rushed in, ready to jump into a comfortable bed. Ailani dropped her stuf haphazardly on the ground and sat on the bed, bouncing on it to test the softness. At least that's what she told herself. Ailani laid back on her bed, not bothering to unpack, wondering how this school year would turn out.
Cherico pulled the hood over him. He dried out easily. His green eyes glowed and his glasses shined. He began to sing and hoped no one could hear. The last thing he wanted was attention. Cherico put his pale-green hand out and formed a fish of water. He made it swim around him before making it splash his bare chest. He smiled and saw the school. "wow!" His jaw dropped. One thing began to worry him. He was going to get lost. He sighed and continued walking. His voice died to nothing when others got near. He removed his hood and stuffed it away. He scanned the area with his green eyes. Cherico headed for the dorms, already lost.
Lilly approached the school, her eyes looking glazed over as she lazily looked around at everyone else, clutching a piece of paper in her hand. Well, not so much looking at them. She approached the west wing, moving swiftly but dodging other students with ease. At the doors to the dormitory, the girl stopped and smoothed the paper over on her palm, holding the other hand over the writing. She mouthed an enchantment, too fast for anyone to catch on, and the scribbles seemed to hover off the page and into her hand. Afterwards, she then continued on to find her dorm.

"200..." she repeated, running her hand on the wall as she walked through the hallway, her palm getting warmer as she got closer to the room.
Warren went back to the room and saw it was empty so he went in and finally got settled in,putting his stuff up.He laid down on his bed and sighed,he hoped this went well. He shook his head and just stopped thinking so he could rest peacefully,he was tired of thinking for now.
Flower had arived at the school and then watched two more students pass her. Kia and James. She looks at them and then looked at Kia who had her whole body covered. She shrugged and then pushed her white hair behind her ear. Her ears weren't as pointy as elves but then again she was onloy half elf. She looked around the school and then sighed starting to head to her dorm. She looked at the other students walking proudly.

Kia was careful not to show herself as she headed to her dorm. She looked at the ground and covered up her eyes as well. She looked around every once in a while but mostly used her sense of smell to keep from bumping into people. She looked up slowly walking towards the dorms with James beside her reading a book. She met him outside and he seemed to be following her because he was to busy reading to really look where he was going.
Clara noticed that more people were leaving the lounge, probably to go check out their rooms. She frowned and pouted slightly. How was it that she still didn't know what her room number was? She had angrily texted her father earlier about it, but even he had no answer. Sighing heavily, she turned off her music and decided to explore the West wing. Even if she didn't have a room yet, it couldn't hurt to familiarize herself with the surroundings. After draining another bottle of water, she walked slowly, but surely, to the dormitories, quietly humming to herself and hoping no one would hear.
Lilly eventually found her room, her hand's temperature going back to normal. She opened the door, closing it behind her and standing still for a while. She took in the smell and the silence for a few moments before making her way to one of the beds. She reached underneath her cloak and pulled out a single suitcase that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Opening it, it looked like there was nothing inside but darkness! However, the witch reached in anyway, pulling out more suitcases; they were small, the same size as the first, and even bigger. She continued this until there were around seven or eight suitcases altogether.

Letting out a sigh, Lilly sat on the bed while the baggage unpacked themselves. The clothes she brought were all folded neatly in the dresser while her spellbooks, scrolls, and other supplies were rested on her desk. After she was done, the suitcases were placed underneath her bed.
Nica sighed and got back up. She moved up the stairs to her room. She stepped inside and seen a male laying on the bed that was on the other side of the one she picked. She stopped in the thresh hold and ignored him. He looked as if he didnt wanna talk to her. She grabbed her ipod and ploped on her bed and listend to music.
Cherico reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper. "202." He whispered. He slipped it in his pocket and looked up. Not even close. He sighed and headed to where the other students were going. As he got closer he heard music. Humming. He looked up and found the source. He started to hum so it matched hers but he kept his head down. As he hummed in tune he crashed into her. He stopped. "Oh jeez! I'm sorry."
Clara heard a second hum, which surprised her, but she was even more surprised to find that it matched hers. Smiling, she kept humming and was so caught in the tune that she stopped paying attention to where she was going. She squeaked when she crashed someone, and instinctively grabbed onto him. Both hums had ceased. Is he the one who was humming with me? She regained her balance, smiling at the guy who had apologized."Oh no, it's okay. It was my fault too, I wasn't looking properly. Are you alright?"
Warren had fallen asleep as he laid there,he didn't know of anything he had to do at the moment so it wouldn't hurt.But then a loud,screech noise came from his bag and he jumped up,he looked over at the side of the bed the girl wasn't on and down to his bag to see a bat trying to crawl out.He sighed as he relaxed a bit, opened his bag and grabbed the bat out.Letting hit hand on his arm,he'd have to take it outside so it'd go back home. Now that he got a good look at it he noticed it was a flying fox(Fruit bat),it must have been the one that hung around where he lived all the time.
Nica moved into the room she shared with Warren. She seen him on his bed and tilted her head. She didn't speak to him because of the fact he didn't look like he wanted anything to do with anyone. She just moved to her bed and reached into her bag. Might as well ask She thought. She looked back to Warren and held up her money. "Want a coke or water?"
"Hmm?"Warren looked over to her confused at first."Oh,water please..."He smiled and as the bat moved to his head and laid there holding onto his hair.Warren grabbed his bag and looked through it just to make sure there was nothing else that came with him,he hoped not.After seeing nothing else was there he stood up,figuring he should go with her.
She smiled lightly putting her white and green hair into a ponytail. She then moved out the door and down the stairs making her way to the cafe as he tagged along. She asked the woman for 2 waters and gave her 2 dollars. She gave a bottle to Warren and smiled some as she took a drink. "Im Kaleo" she nodded his way as they slowly made there way back to the room.
"I'm Warren."He smiled as he drank some of the water,following her back to the room. She didn't seem to speak much so he was happy,at least for now anyway. The bat just stayed on his head the whole time not aware of what was happening,but didn't want to get lost so it stayed with Warren. Warren didn't mind since he was used to this but he still wasn't sure what to do with it.
She nodded again and opened the door to their room. She plopped on her bed and took another drink of her water. She set it on her nightstand and looked around. She sat up and grabbed her backpack, pulling out her iPod. She put one earbud in and put on My Chemical Romance. She crossed her feet and pulled out her switch blade as she played with it.
Warren went over and sat on the ground by his bed,dumping out his bag on the floor.There were four books each with a different leather cover,a little black bottle,three pencils,and a sharpener.He grabbed his books and set two on the bed and put the other two back in the bag along with two of the pencils,then placed the bottle on the nightstand.He got up and hopped onto his bed making sure not to land on the books as he held the other pencil in his hand,he grabbed one of the books and opened it,flipped around a bit then began to write.
Kaleo tried not get on Warrens nerves by humming but she couldn't help it. She loved to sing. She glanced over to him and raised a eyebrow. She then looks back the the roof. She sighed and stood up. She grabbed her guitar and looked his way. "Imma step out to the roof so i don't annoy you... If you need me ill be there."
Not looking up from his book Warren nodded,still writing and sketching in his book. He had an idea and had to practice so it might be good that she was leaving or there might be questions that he really didn't want to answer. The bat stared at Kaleo as she left,hanging onto Warren's head as he slightly moved to get comfy in the bed.

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