Half-Blood High/Jupiter University [Inactive]


Troyler Shipper
Toughchic236 submitted a new role play:

Half-Blood High/Jupiter University - When the demigod camps need to teach demigods and protect them,this is what happens.

When the demigod camps have to educate and protect demigods,this is what happens...

With chimeras roaming the coliseum,nymphs and demigods as students,Greek/Roman lectures on monsters,and the occasional cyclops teacher,why wouldn't you enroll your child in Half-Blood High or Jupiter University?

The Invitation letter...

Dear Parent/Guardian of (C/N),

Your child/children has been selected to enroll in Half-Blood High/Jupiter University.These are
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"What?!" Alex cried. "A SCHOOL for DEMIGODS?! i couldn't think of a worse way to die!"

The styr, sorry, faun, looked at him. "i'm sorry, but it says here, that Alex tercy, son of apollo is signed up for half blood high." the faun said.

"tarcesy!" alex yelled. he was getting mad. he yelled up into the air, "hey dad! If this was you, that's quite a sense of humor!" he looked back at the faun. "I need to speak with the principle. The faun smiled. "be my guest." he said.
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"Did someone call for the principle?" A booming voice asked,and horse cloves could be heard trotting towards the demigod.He nodded to the faun,a sign to attend his classes."I'm Chiron,young man,and this..." He waves behind him,towards Half-Blood High "...is Half-Blood High,a school for Greek demigods." Chiron waves towards the twin building,also behind him."This is also a school for demigods,Jupiter University,but for the Roman demigods." He explained. "You are..." The centaur looked down at a sheet."A new arrival,son of Apollo?" He said/asked,making sure the paperwork was correct.
"yes." alex said. "I want to know.. who exactly signed me up for this?"he shifted his stance. it has to be a mistake! it has to be a mistake! he prayed.
Chiron looked down at the sheet again,then gave Alex the sheet."This is your schedule,Alex." The centaur started trotting toward the building called Half-Blood High,motioning for him to follow."Your father signed you up,by the way." He walked into his office,nodding his head at a few students.He motioned for one student,a female red head,to follow.She did,and introduced herself."Hello,I'm Nicole.I'm a daughter of Nike,and I'll be showing you around the school." She smiled,holding out her hand to be shaken.
Alex hesitantly shook her hand. i better make the best of this. he glanced around. the school didn't look that bad. "so." He said. "show me around." they started walking.
"Yea,I'll show you around after Chiron has you paperwork done.But I'll tell you about the dorms...the girls' dorms are in the right wings of both schools,and you'll get expelled if caught in them after curfew.The boys' dorms,natrually,are on the other side of the school.Occaisionally nymphs are enrolled here too,and they may be split up from normal demigods." Nicole explained,and continued ranting about the school."And that it." She took a breath,since she spoke so fast she could barely breathe.
"so...." He shifted his stance, pretending he understood everything she said. after all, he had never been to a school. "Should i head To the boy's dorms, or is there a class going on?" he said, having no idea what "dorms" meant.
Nicole followed Chiron into his office,motioning Alex to follow."We have to get your paperwork done first.Then,I'll personally show you around the school.We'll get you into a dorm,show you around the collisium,and teach ou the basics of being a demigod." Nicole took a breath."And we'll learn what weapon you're best at when you fight against a telkhine."
Alex looked around. beige walls carpeted with posters saying cheesy encouraging sayings. like pictures of usual schools he's seen on brochures.

He Looked back. nicole and chiron were getting out papers. Suddenly Alex processed what nicole was saying earlier. "I have to fight a telkhine?" he asked.
Nicole nodded,sitting down in one of the red chairs in front of Chiron's desk.The centaur himself sat on the floor,taking out a pen to fill out the paperwork."Yes,you will have to fight a telkhine.Dont worry though,I'll have your back every step of the way." Nicole smiled.

"right.." He smiled for the first time since he got here. "i've fought worse." he leaned over nicoles shoulder to see better. "what's the paperwork?" he said.
Nicole gestured to the chair beside her for Alex to sit on."It's basically about any allergies you might have,your age,if you have any mental disorders...it's just about some stuff we'll need to know about you." She said."It'll take an hour at most.We have most of it filled out,anyway."
"ok.." Alex stepped to the window by Chirons's desk. He looked out. "Do i have to help with it?" he asked
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