Halberd: Characters

What branch of the Military will you make a character for?

  • Union Intelligence Bureau - The Shadow Division

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  • Union Combined Terra Command

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  • Union Space Command

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Please read the background information found in the Story Line and Info section before creating a character.

You can use this template to create your character:



Military Branch:



Military Record (Bio):

Primary Specialty: (Skill your character is best at in the squad, can’t overlap.)

Secondary Specialty: (Skills your character is proficient with, can overlap)

Combat Appearance: (Includes armor configuration, colouration, etc)

Weapon loadouts:

Equipment loadout: (Standard equipment, can select additional equipment for each mission) 
Name: Vincent Braddock

Rank: Fleet Commander, Leader of Halberd

Military Branch: USC Marine Corps

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Military Record (Bio): Vincent was among the first to experience the realities of war after being left homeless when the Federation invaded he mining colonies in the asteroid belt. The son of a successful Freighter pilot, Vincent and his family were fortunate enough to flee to Mars in the initial weeks of the war. Never one to take his fortune for granted, he worked hard on his father’s vessel as they aided the Union fleet. Being around ships and Union soldiers at such an early age, it seemed a natural choice for him to join the USC Fleet Command once he was of age in 2040.

Enrolling in the academy, Vincent tore through the flight training. He even was noted for strong leadership qualities, no doubt a trait picked up watching his father work. It came to little surprise to his instructors when he was selected by the Marines to join one of their fighter wings. Entering the front lines in 2043 as a Sub-Lieutenant in the 22nd Marine Tactical Fighter Wing, he was given command of the 2nd wing, a group of four fighters. They quickly made a reputation for themselves for daring tight quarters maneuvers in the asteroid fields. In 2045, they navigated a nearly suicidal path to flank a small Federation task force, bypassing their cruiser defence to deliver a fatal blow to one of the enemy Destroyers. Weakened by the loss, the Federation formation was soon overwhelmed and surrendered.

After several more successes, largely attributed to precision flying and tight unit cohesion, Vincent’s flight was awarded their own command. Making up the command officers of the newly formed 3rd Marine Special Assault unit, they lead a groomed crew of Marines on a wide variety of precision strikes involving combined land and air attacks. They were largely stationed with the large planetary assault fleets, aiding in ship boarding actions, and launching surprise attacks to take down key targets in the enemy formation including supply chains, defensive positions and vehicle depots. Vincent’s role usually kept to piloting fighters, shuttles, and various ground vehicles while coordinating the squad’s efforts, but he also saw his fair share of personnel combat protecting landing zones and filling in for downed allies.

It wasn’t long before Vincent showed up on the radar of the developing Polearm project. In 2050 he was approached by the Polearm project commanding officers to join the project. He accepted the transfer, and after a year of training and study with the other Squad commanders, he was brought in to help select the members of what would become Halberd. Once assembled, the team trained for the next two years before getting their first assignment.

Primary Specialty: Pilot

Secondary Specialty: Marksman, Weapons and Tactics Expert, Mechanic

Combat Appearance: Vincent’s armour by in large a standard Tac 3 Commando armour set. Black jel layer body suit with nano carbon-titanium plates covering most of his body, aside from his joints, a compromise between protection and mobility. In the left forearm plate is an embedded command uplink, a compact computer that can a wide range of information and display it on either a flat or 3D hologram display. Magnets on his back allow for secure storage of his Assault rifle supplies and combat knife and some tools, while additional magnets in his thigh armour plating keep his side arm and additional repair tools. The most modified piece is his helmet, a custom piece of armour that combines the full protection of commando gear and all the communications and combat display features of a pilot’s helmet.

Weapon loadouts: Mac 3 Assault Rifle with Marksman scope, AG 5 Pistol standard issue, Combat knife

Equipment loadout: Emergency vehicle repair kit (tools housed in thigh pouches), EMP grenades, field command uplink, housed in right forearm armour
Name: Kairi Flanagan

Rank: Petty Officer 2nd Class

Military Branch: USC Dry-docks

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Military Record: Kairi grew up on the moon, in a rather poor area. Both of her parents worked low paying jobs, and long hours, to support their family of 7, so Kairi and her siblings were often left to their own devices. She spent most of her time growing up on the streets, playing, and often fighting, with the neighbouring kids. Kairi quickly learnt how to hold her own in a fist fight, and as she grew older, how to use improvised weapons to win.

From a very young age Kairi had an affinity for computers, she could hack into the fridge computer at age 9 to get snacks that had been forbidden to her by her parents, and as she went through grade school she would often need to get into the servers to change a mark or two so she wouldn’t fail.

When she hit 18 her family convinced her that the best way to put her skills to use would be to join up and be a computer engineer for the USC, and so she signed her life over to the ‘cause’.

Mostly Kairi’s time in the military has been without report; she does her job well, and follows what orders she’s given. However every now and then she will get in an argument with another soldier, which will often end in a physical altercation, which she never loses. It was this trait that caused those recruiting for Project Polearm to take a closer look at her. They noticed that she was the best computer engineer they had ever had, and her hand to hand combat was better than some of the best fighters in the marines, they had to have her.

When they approached Kairi and asked her to join a special squad of commando’s, the only question Kairi asked was “What kind of systems will I be working with?”

After she was recruited Kairi had to spend a year in intensive training to make her combat ready, and then she was transferred into Halberd where she trained with the rest of the squad for two more years.

Primary Specialty: Hacker/cyberwarfare

Secondary Specialty: Close quarters combat, Mechanic, Communications, and Demolitions

Combat Appearance: Kairi’s Commando suit is heavily modified; she has less armor than the rest of the group, and has small jets in the legs to allow faster movement than the others in the squad. The gauntlets of her Commando suit are the only things that are heavily armored, they are thicker than most of the squads, and the knuckles are spiked to cause more damage in combat. Her computer is housed in the right arm of her suit, her HUD acting as a monitor for it. The rest of her equipment is held to her by magnetic force, with her knife on her right thigh, her pistol on her left thigh, and her explosives at the small of her back.

Weapon load-out: Combat knife, spiked Gauntlets, and a AG 5 Pistol standard issue

Equipment load-out: A small computer of Kairi’s own design that allows her to wirelessly hack almost any system, and for the ones she can’t wirelessly hack, she has various cables that extend out of her right forearm. Various forms of explosives held in a pouch on her lower back.
Name: Maximilian Carver

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Military Branch: USC Marine Corps

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Military Record (Bio): Little is on record of Maximilian before signing up with the USC, but rumours of Federation affiliation have plagued his career. Showing an unparalleled knowledge of the federations' technology and their tactics, he has earned the fear and respect of most of his fellow marines, causing no end of suspicion as to his origin and intentions. Despite these rumours (and the handicap they have brought on his career), he has proven his loyalty to the Union time and time again. Showing a penchant for ruthless efficiency, he has displayed a nearly terrifying ability to cut a path through an opponent's forces and see them scattered or rendered utterly useless. This style of combat has been put to excellent use as a Breach specialist, being utilized in ship to ship combat; Cutting into the enemy ship and disabling it from the inside, ending the conflict before it gets out of hand. A very stern faced and serious man, Maximilian has always been under some scrutiny for his methods. However, his tactical genius cannot be denied. Transfer to project Polearm and the Halberd squad was arranged, and he accepted without comment, asking only when it would take effect.

Primary Specialty: Federation Tactics and Weapons Expertise

Secondary Specialty: Heavy Weapons, CQC, Demolitions

Combat Appearance: Maximilian sports largely standard dark blue Tac-3 Commando armour, refitting with slightly modified plating and additional holding compartments on the back and legs of the suit. Plating is focused towards (but not limited to) the front of the armour, suited to repel fire and attacks while charging into the fray. In place of his left eye (lost during a battle long past) is a short range thermal and tactical scanner, capable of detecting heat signatures over a short range and giving him access to information concerning his surroundings. This is housed in a plate grafted to his face, in place of an eyepatch. A magnet holds his shotgun in place on his back, just behind his right shoulder, but his pistol is held in a modified and partially magnetized holster across his chest, just under his left arm. Both of his standard issue combat knives are sheathed in armoured compartments on his outer thighs.

Weapon loadouts: Mac 4 Combat Shotgun, AG 7 High Caliber Heavy Pistol, Combat Knife (x2) (often attached to barrel of shotgun)

Equipment loadout: Tactical Explosives housed in armoured compartments at lower back, Fragmentation and Smoke Grenades attached just below; short range thermal and tactical scanner in place of left eye (housed in plate/eyepatch), connected to an informational uplink on his right forearm.

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