Hair/Costume opinions

I like them all, but I like them for what they do more than what they look like. A change in appearance can highlight, or invent, the fact that a character has changed in some way.

Marena is a Lunar, and a manipulative bitch, so her outfit changing often is natural. Secret is slowly changing, but she is still the same as she's been for a long time. Ten Winds is an old man, and in my experience old men (ones that've only lived a single mortal lifetime) tend to be very set in their way, so his unchanging outfit is also natural. Misho is in the same boat as Ten Wind to the nth degree. He has perfectly recalled memories stretching beyond the start of the war the Exalted were built for, so he doesn't change either, and if you think he's changed then you're wrong; all he does is reveal an unknown aspect of his ancient personality. What's her face, Marena's twin, had a warrior upbringing which by itself by itself doesn't make a rigid personality, but she also had a great deal of monastic training, so her unchanging outfit is also natural. As a warrior though she's bound to have a series of coming an' going scars, bruises, an' broken limbs which can leave lasting scars if they prompt a change in herself.

Long story short: Nobody but Marena and Secret have a constant reason for changing outfits, and Misho, but it's not really changing.
But... while I do like the change of pace that this comic offers in changing the protagonists' costumes from time to time, I must say that I was rather fond of Ten's hat. I do like his new look, and I understand the visual metaphor as well, but I hope we haven't seen the last of it.
While I have no opinion about costumes in the comic itself, I do find it odd that an Exalted comic lacks the obligatory super-heavy-plate-clad character who seems to pop up in so many games. You know the guy; he spent all his background dots on the artifact swathing and will always insist that his character is fully armored anytime a fight starts. Even if he's attacked in the shower...


I'd like to see a filler comic featuring all the characters in tourist garb. They could be at a ski resort in gore-tex, or on the beach in bikinis and trunks, just a funny "family vacation" group portrait would be sweet.
Virjigorm said:
While I have no opinion about costumes in the comic itself, I do find it odd that an Exalted comic lacks the obligatory super-heavy-plate-clad character who seems to pop up in so many games. You know the guy; he spent all his background dots on the artifact swathing and will always insist that his character is fully armored anytime a fight starts. Even if he's attacked in the shower...
"Put some dots in Stealth, girl."

EDIT: Also, just got that that lion-Lunar guy only speaks Clawspeak...
Virjigorm said:
While I have no opinion about costumes in the comic itself, I do find it odd that an Exalted comic lacks the obligatory super-heavy-plate-clad character who seems to pop up in so many games. You know the guy; he spent all his background dots on the artifact swathing and will always insist that his character is fully armored anytime a fight starts. Even if he's attacked in the shower...
There are charms for that. Hauberk-Lightening Gesture, with Whirlwind Armour Donning Prana means never having to go anywhere without your Orichalcum Celestial Battle Armour.

Or for the less subtle there are Moonsilver Tattoos. And presumably other 5MM Tattoos.
Other MM Tattoos would need a fair bit of work to make them (including a dedicated Charm), and I'm not sure if they'd even work the same way for artifacts. Interesting idea, still.
I think Moonsilver Tatoo Artifacts work because Moonsilver is superbly flexible when properly attuned, making it have no Mobility penalty. The other magical materials don't have that property, so you'd end up with skin like plate armor. It kind of makes it hard to breathe when your chest won't move because you have orichalcum tatoos making an indestructible whorl pattern around your entire torso.
Kyeudo said:
I think Moonsilver Tatoo Artifacts work because Moonsilver is superbly flexible when properly attuned, making it have no Mobility penalty. The other magical materials don't have that property, so you'd end up with skin like plate armor. It kind of makes it hard to breathe when your chest won't move because you have orichalcum tatoos making an indestructible whorl pattern around your entire torso.
Even if true that just limits you to things that don't cause to many problems. Or with no mobility penalty [Though that is close to the limitation anyway]

Or Abysals etc with the need not breath charm.

Or Tatoo Harmonic adaptors. :)

Or you just build a Heinshin combo/ martial art move, with a Join battle booster plus Armour donning prana.
Dahak said:
Or you just build a Henshin combo/ martial art move, with a Join battle booster plus Armour donning prana.
That's essentially what War Form is.

And further proof why Kamen Rider would be a Lunar.

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