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Fandom Haikyuu!!: High School AU [Cannons ONLY]



? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??


? ? ?'? ??????? ??? ! ?

?? ? ?? x MAIN PLOT:

The Volleyball Team has been put on probation due to neglected guidelines and regulations. Therefore, every member is obligated by their club organization ethics to participate in volunteering service in order for them to give back to the community. A lesson shall be deemed necessary if the heathens wish to progress in academic developments. With or without payment the work will be done. However, no individual can succeed by himself without having someone to aid them during hardship.

This event known as, Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Annual Festival allows a variety of High Schools to merge together as a unity despite their major differences that causes a barrier between students. Creating diversity promotes leadership among peers from different backgrounds that opens opportunity for healthy competition.

Every sensei gathered all their pupils by divided groups in front of the double decker on August 20, 2009 to commence a brand new fresh chapter through the pure meaning of directed authority. It was Fall Semester and practice had been postponed until improvement was considered recreationally fundamental. Jokes, pranks, fights and childish acts had to be put away in a drawer to make room for growing up even if it meant losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.

Teamsmanship has to be earned, Leadership must be gained, and unity will be achieved.

[Current] Platform 1: Japanese Garden Tea Shrine (Meeting and Formally Getting to Know Everyone)

- Introductions

- Socializing

- Dorm Setup

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HAS passed, SO much HAS changed


but xthat xfield xstill xremainsxx

-xx I N x M Y x H E A R Txx- ❦xxx

⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌

⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌

Ittetsu Takeda collected all of his students in an orderly fashion with the help of Sugawara. It was basically the reason why everyone called Sugawara, “suga daddy”. He always acted like a fatherly figure towards all his teammates. It was hella dumb but it got the job done no matter the circumstances.

The buses had long arrived and been lined up on the sidewalk recognizable through representation by their school name proudly written on the side in bold decorative letters. Wild guess, it was probably shimizu and yachi’s hand dandy work. They loved doing banner projects to promote encouragement. However, on this trip the girls weren’t allowed to participate but that wasn’t gonna let the boys mop in sadness over their 'glorious' absence. What did it matter? It was just some lame volunteering service thing. If anything, nothing could go wrong that couldn't be handled by a superior.

Sugawara loaded his belongings onto the bus and spotted a seat in the middle, where all the action was gonna happen. He was a sucker to keep the vibes on check in the heart of this road trip. He would be damned if anyone started acting like the event was a forced obligation, it was an opportunity to help and give back to the community. Plus, being caught fighting with rivalry schools came with a form of consequences.

Jerking out his slim shiny black iphone from within his jacket pocket, suga began tweeting a commentary about how things were turning out to let everyone know that followed him for updates on twitter.

‘Next stop: japanese garden tea shrine! It feels like we're going on vacation”

"Oh no, i think the bus driver was the same one from middle school"


He settled to gaze out the window as he watched other students load their baggage, argue with each other and overall just trying to get their shit together. It was too early for argumentative conversations, but all that mattered at that moment was catching a glimpse of Oikawa. That guy was the total package and to make matters worse… everyone wanted him. Girls though. So, it didn’t really count unless it was tobio or something. Who knew honestly, those two had a hate/love relationship and it didn’t make much sense so chances were pretty much slim at this point. Admiring the guy from a distance was what suga decided was best for everyone. Plus, he was still in the closet.

There was a series of obstacles required to accomplish mentioned on announcements earlier during breakfast. Platform one consisted of introductions and then heading to the dorms with a selected pair. PFFFFFFT. Everyone knew everyone through the countless times they had practiced at different school districts or game tournaments. Suga didn't think it necessary to introduce himself AGAIN. The concept was preposterous.

Sighing, he plugged in his headphones assuming everyone will fall asleep on the ride and began listening to Arctic Monkey's album to keep his nerves at bay. It was going to be a LOOONG summer break and he needed to mentally prepared for what was to come his way.

≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁


where ┇Double Deckerx

with ┇ Alonex

status ┇ Twitting x

mood ┇♫ ♬♪♩

t a g s None



? Deity God ?

? Yu Nishinoya ?

? Objective: Loading up

? Mood: Pumped


It was a pretty good day for most players of the community, like I said most players. He can probably relate to them due to the fact that they have to do a ass load of things during the summer. But that didn't bother the deity god Yu. He was more energetic than ever, as he was dancing in a goofy manner with his head phones in his ear while he was packing his things on the bus.

This summer was going to be quite long, and hectic, but he and his teammates has to pull it through, and come together as a team, and finish this summer strong.
Pretending like it's training, which revolves around teamwork and, helping out. Yu as he finished packing his things on the bus, he see's sugawara-chan on the bus, so he went along, and jumped on that exact bus.

He began to run to him, trying to get his attention by covering his eyes with his bare hands. ?The deity god has arrive.? He announces to suga-san awaiting for his reaction.


Everybody wants to be a cat

◣◥ Because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at

P i c k i n gxu pxt h a txf e l i nexb e atxE v e r y t h i n gxe l s exi sxo b s o l e t ex▀▀▀ ▀ ▀

I've heard some birds who tried to sing

Still a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing



『• Location :: Bus

『• Mood :: Neutral

『• Status :: Playing Pokemon Go

『• With: :: Sugawara (Mentioned)

『• Tags :: @EccentricArctic

The sound of an annoying clock in the distance startled the young male awake from his deep slumber. Letting out a dragged yawn, his yellow cat like eyes scanned his room as he attempted to recollect his thoughts. Not wanting to waste another minute, Kenma lazily left his bed in order to get ready. He had remembered why he turned the alarm on in the first place; he had some lame community service event that his team had to complete over the summer. If it wasn't for Kuroo's insistence, he would've tried to find a loop hole to stay behind in order to snooze.

Now having finished his daily routine and collecting his belongs, he immediately wondered outside with the intent to play Pokemon Go on the way there. Pulling out his iPhone, Kenma then loaded the game up and was prompted to capture an Eevee. It wasn't long till he got too engrossed into the game to properly pay attention to his surroundings. Several Pokemon were popping out and Kenma was quick enough to capture, name, and level them up all in one go. Not bothering to realize that he was now facing the bus, his attention was automatically called to when the director patted his back.

"Took you a while! Now load up so you won't lose your seat!" His voice rang loudly in the back of his mind as he nonchalantly nodded his head while making sure to dump his bags into the right place and getting inside the bus. Spotting a familiar face, he swiftly and silently slid next to him to take his seat. Seeing as Sugawara was talking to one of his teammates, Kenma resumed to his business on Pokemon Go. Now don't get him wrong-- He enjoyed the latter's presence and practically talked to him on a daily basis. But, at given the circumstances, he wasn't up to raising his voice as he was now prompted to capture a Magmar that had a CP of 675. He needed it to take over a gym that didn't belong to Team Valor.

A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born

You can set music back to the caveman days


Everybody wants to be a cat • a cat's the only cat • who knows where it's at • •

• when playing jazz • he always has • a welcome mat • • •

Everybody wants to be a cat ( !! )


HAS passed, SO much HAS changed


but xthat xfield xstill xremainsxx

-xx I N x M Y x H E A R Txx- ❦xxx

⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌

⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌​

The transportation engines ignited into hyperdrive and it made it’s surface vibrate in indication of withdrawal. They weren’t necessarily behind schedule but leaving early allowed them to roam around the grounds in peace. Suga wanted to gather his bearings and get a feel for everything that awaited him and his teammates. Time was ticking by fast without regards to let anyone catch up and fortunately for suga, time was on his side. It was literally time to get shit started! Sensei called for row check and marked down on his clipboard as he went down the list, if anyone failed to attend it would cause them the club altogether, "Here!" he stated loudly enough to be heard and acknowledge

Before he had the chance to change his “on the road” playlist soundtrack, a pair of rough hands foreshadowed his vision and he couldn’t help but crack a smirk at the familiar voice, “PFFFFT, that was sneaky. Did you also forget who you’re trying to pull a fast one on?” Suga swiftly removed yu’s hands away and quickly turned around to ruffle his hair playfully, “Glad you could make it on time yu-san, it wouldn’t be a trip without you” He smiled genuinely and offered gave a thumbs up.

It almost slipped his noticed but he spotted kenma from the corner of his eye, “Lost kitty? You do realize this is the kasuno express, right? Chooo chooo” It was late to transfer buses, because it was already set in motion and asking the driver to stop would cause a hassle with the other drivers. But who said a little teasing wasn’t in order? Definitely not sugawara. They don’t call him suga daddy for nothing.

≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁


where ┇Double Deckerx

with ┇ Yu & Kenma

status ┇ Teasing x

mood ┇♫ ♬♪♩

t a g s @Hanjizoe & @MaverickPun


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