Haha! I figured it out! (I think, anyways )


Pastel Goth Poser
( :o ) Well, greetings! It took me about an hour but I think I've got the hang of this website I think.

...aherm *clears throat*

(I have no idea what I'm doing...)

Hmm, well, a little bit about myself. My name's Nekoda, (or Koda for short.) I'm a dude, I'm 16, I live in the great city of Seattle, and I LOVE writing- not just stories, but music as well. I'm also a semi-professional bowler (whichhhh i'm sure no one cares about but hey, I'll throw it out there) And I don't really ever sleep. At all. (Or eat.)

My friend pointed this website out to me when she read all my unfinished stories. I was extremely skeptical at first, (I mean, I'm not sure about you, but the first thought I had when I saw the word 'roleplay' was those weirdos who dress-up and
reenact their favorite scenes from Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever) I feel like this might offend a ton of people... ( :x )I know I know, that was wrong of me to judge, and she informed me that it was nothing like that, so I've decided to give it a shot. I hope I can meet some cool people and uh, roleplay and stuff! Woo! (^U^)

Hi I'm Phantom I replied because I think we could be good friends. Like you I love writing mostly stories ( I can't write music to save my life, I do love music though a lot actually ) also at one time in my life I bowled in a league. This is a worry for everyone now to RP I know because I was like that until two days ago. This is an amazing community one of the best you will ever see. Have Fun
[QUOTE="Tenshi Akuma]Hi I'm Phantom I replied because I think we could be good friends. Like you I love writing mostly stories ( I can't write music to save my life, I do love music though a lot actually ) also at one time in my life I bowled in a league. This is a worry for everyone now to RP I know because I was like that until two days ago. This is an amazing community one of the best you will ever see. Have Fun

Ahh hi! Cool! Nice to meet ya Phantom. Thanks for the reply. I'll take your word for it, I've spent some time roaming around the site and I find it sort of scary, (by that I mean totally out of my league and i have no idea what I'm to do) but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. :)
Yea it is quite big. one of the first things you want to do ( if you plan to RP ) is to create your character it can be just about anything and then maybe find a group of friends and just learn what you would like to do and just have fun doing so.
You click on the forum tab at the top and you scroll down on the main page until you see

My private workshop

And there you can work on characters and other projects
well my friends and I are trying to start a new genre per say.. We have created a clan right now my character is the only one up. the rest of the members are working on their characters. but what we are trying to do is basically get people to make clans and have a type of thing like clan wars from Call of duty. but so far if you want to battle create your character and go to the Colosseum, if you like anime and games check out Fandom, Fantasy is like a story, and all you really have to do is find something you like.
Welcome to rp nation! My name is Akira I am found in the Fandom and fantasy areas. For the well being of whare I am xD .i hope you enjoy it here at rp nation!
Nekoda said:
Well, greetings! It took me about an hour but I think I've got the hang of this website I think.

My friend pointed this website out to me when she read all my unfinished stories. I was extremely skeptical at first, (I mean, I'm not sure about you, but the first thought I had when I saw the word 'roleplay' was those weirdos who dress-up and reenact their favorite scenes from Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever) I feel like this might offend a ton of people... ( :x )
Yes. Yes you did >_<

I'm a LARPer. I dress up. I don't reenact scenes from series or anything though. We create out own stories, which is much better.

Anyways, hi! Nice you meet you!
Nekoda said:
( :o ) Well, greetings! It took me about an hour but I think I've got the hang of this website I think.
...aherm *clears throat*

(I have no idea what I'm doing...)

Hmm, well, a little bit about myself. My name's Nekoda, (or Koda for short.) I'm a dude, I'm 16, I live in the great city of Seattle, and I LOVE writing- not just stories, but music as well. I'm also a semi-professional bowler (whichhhh i'm sure no one cares about but hey, I'll throw it out there) And I don't really ever sleep. At all. (Or eat.)

My friend pointed this website out to me when she read all my unfinished stories. I was extremely skeptical at first, (I mean, I'm not sure about you, but the first thought I had when I saw the word 'roleplay' was those weirdos who dress-up and
reenact their favorite scenes from Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever) I feel like this might offend a ton of people... ( :x )I know I know, that was wrong of me to judge, and she informed me that it was nothing like that, so I've decided to give it a shot. I hope I can meet some cool people and uh, roleplay and stuff! Woo! (^U^)

Welcome to the site and I am glad you found us! This is a great place to be. I know I love meeting all the new people and I get to write in a whole new way. I have a few links in my signature to some awesome rps if you are still looking for something to join. Otherwise just remember to have fun!

Welcome to RpN, Koda! ^-^

I hope you come to like it here. If you need help with anything, feel free to ask. Everyone here is generally friendly, and willing to help if possible.
Welcome to the site, Nekoda! Glad you decided to join! You can probably get into nearly any RP here as people are very eager to find partners, so good luck!
Nekoda said:
Shooooot I already screwed up. I think i posted twice.?
Hahaha!! I read through this thread, then backed out to read some more. I decided to come back and say hello, only to find the other thread you had made. I kept thinking to myself, "I know this is the right person because I remember his stuff being quoted. I remember it was funny!" Then I remembered you saying you had created two, and it hit me. Some days I question my sanity.

So, hello. I'm new here too.
Akira said:
Welcome to rp nation! My name is Akira I am found in the Fandom and fantasy areas. For the well being of whare I am xD .i hope you enjoy it here at rp nation!
Hi Akira, and thanks!
marorda said:
Yes. Yes you did >_<
I'm a LARPer. I dress up. I don't reenact scenes from series or anything though. We create out own stories, which is much better.

Anyways, hi! Nice you meet you!
Aww man, I'm sorry. No means to offend! 'twas just a personal opinion.

But yes, nice to meet you too! :)
DaughterofAthena said:
Welcome to the site and I am glad you found us! This is a great place to be. I know I love meeting all the new people and I get to write in a whole new way. I have a few links in my signature to some awesome rps if you are still looking for something to join. Otherwise just remember to have fun!
Thanks Siren. (If I may call you thattt) I'd love to attempt to join one! Just hope you can be patient with me, as I still barely have any idea how this website works. Dx
Nekoda said:
Thanks Siren. (If I may call you thattt) I'd love to attempt to join one! Just hope you can be patient with me, as I still barely have any idea how this website works. Dx
Of course you can call me Siren. Everyone else does for the most part... Siren or Athena... one of the two.

Let me know if you have any questions about the site... or anyone else for that matter. Most people here are really helpful and if they don't know an answer, they can generally point you in the direction of someone who does.
RinDaVamp said:
Welcome to RpN, Koda! ^-^
I hope you come to like it here. If you need help with anything, feel free to ask. Everyone here is generally friendly, and willing to help if possible.
Yea, it seems so! I'm sure I'll fit right in once I get the hang of it. (I still haven't even tried to really roleplay yet.... D:)

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