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Haelus Chronicles (request)


Four Thousand Club
The land of Haelus is home to many kingdoms and nations, traders flock from far and wide to sell their wares on the capital's streets and trade flows like a river to and from the nation, filling the ruling class's coffers and keeping the lower classes more than busy. however, things aren't as peachy as one would think from a glance at the surface.

The Capital is ruled by what the Elves once called a "Beast Race" the Itasri, a wolf-like species of humanoids hailing from the frozen wastes to the far north. when the Elves who ruled Haelus before them simply disappeared, 2 groups fought over the land, the Itasri and the Humans of the Drakia Peaks, a mountain range sitting to the north-west of the capital. after many years of warfare, the Itasri were victorious, driving the humans back to their homeland, confining them there.

For centuries beyond counting, the Itasri have thrived, the rich land filled their bellies and allowed their population to grow, allowing them to field armies beyond any in the known world, the land blessed them with the strength to hold it against all others, but as all things, everything which has a beginning has an end. Queen Faeris of the Itasri, a powerful seer and wise ruler of her people has seen the end of her empire, the empire is beyond saving, crippled by in-fighting and corruption at all levels, meanwhile the Humans have had a population boom, as a population they are driven, determined and industrious with access to the vast ore supplies of the Drakia Peaks allowing them to forge more than enough weapons and armor to fully outfit a vast army. While her empire is beyond saving, her people are not, she plans to marry her daughter, the princess (your character) off to the Prince of the Kingdom of Drakia (my Character)

At first things seem to be going well, the princess isn't informed of her arranged marriage till the last second however the Prince seems happy with her, which to Queen Faeris, means he likely won't march his father's forces into Itasri lands. however, before the Prince and his enterague are set to leave, an act of passion by one of the Princess's long-time admirers plunges the kingdom into chaos, and sparks a war over the land of Haelus.

Character pics -

YC - https://static1.e621.net/data/b0/70/b070bfc8c28bd1512c2e6ec845d8549c.png

MC - http://orig07.deviantart.net/f249/f/2014/194/5/f/robb_stark_by_prema_ja-d7qjxzs.png

Haelus - http://img09.deviantart.net/835a/i/2013/074/9/4/fantasy_landscape_by_atthespeedoffetus-d5y3er7.png

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