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Hades and Persephone?


New Member
Hello there, first I would like to thank you for looking at this search. Thank you.

Next I would like to tell you a bit about myself so you can decide if we'd be a good match or not. I'm currently a college student, I and work full time so my posting schedule will be a bit odd and at random times. I should be able to post at least once every other day, though sometimes depending on whats going on it may have to be once a week for a little while. If that happens I'll let you know ahead of time. I'm new to this site so I can't PM yet, but once I'm able to I'll be sure to send you one if you'd like. While I'm new to this site I'm not new to roleplaying, my post length varies from 2-5 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences. If you want a writing sample I'd be happy to provide you with one. Phew that was alot...sorry I should also note I like to talk, so don't be afraid to tell me to shut up.

Moving on if you are still with me, thank you, again. Anyway on to my idea, I love Greek mythology especially the story of Hades and Persephone. I was hoping to find someone else who liked their story as well, and make it our own. I'd be happy to make this story more modern by bringing it into today's time, we could leave it in acient Greece, or even have it happen in college. Really as long the pairing stays the same and plot remains similar I'll be pretty happy. (If you want more information on their story I'd be happy to chat about it with you.)

I'd be willing to play either role, and odds are there will have to be some other gods and goddesses thrown in as side characters. I'd be happy to take on alot of those roles too. If you would also take on one or two of those roles that would be great. The side characters can be as involved in the story as you like. For example Zeus could only be in the beginning with the plotting of the kidnapping, and then brought in again for the negotiation, then he could be done. Or he could pop in and check on the couple's progress from time to time, either is fine with me.

Did you really make it all the way to the end? Wow, I'm tickled pink, thank you again for the third time, I hope you enjoy the imaginary ambrosia I'm giving to you now. Sincerely, though thank you. Please post below or send me a PM if you are interested or have any questions. Hope that you have a wonderful day!
Hello! I really like the sound of this idea, I think it'll be interesting! I had to re-read the myth of Hades and Persephone to remind myself of the details, but it's a story I've liked for years. I'd be interested in discussing this with you? If you'd like to know more about my writing style and availability first, just let me know!
Hi there, thanks for your interest. I'm glad you like the myth too :)

I write in paragraph style and in third person, just to let you know. And if you are able to post once a week that would be fine with me. Real life is more important than roleplay, and I know that things can get hectic so I don't expect you to post everyday.

Was there a particular way you wanted to take the myth?

Oldfashioned said:
Hello there, first I would like to thank you for looking at this search. Thank you.
Next I would like to tell you a bit about myself so you can decide if we'd be a good match or not. I'm currently a college student, I and work full time so my posting schedule will be a bit odd and at random times. I should be able to post at least once every other day, though sometimes depending on whats going on it may have to be once a week for a little while. If that happens I'll let you know ahead of time. I'm new to this site so I can't PM yet, but once I'm able to I'll be sure to send you one if you'd like. While I'm new to this site I'm not new to roleplaying, my post length varies from 2-5 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences. If you want a writing sample I'd be happy to provide you with one. Phew that was alot...sorry I should also note I like to talk, so don't be afraid to tell me to shut up.

Moving on if you are still with me, thank you, again. Anyway on to my idea, I love Greek mythology especially the story of Hades and Persephone. I was hoping to find someone else who liked their story as well, and make it our own. I'd be happy to make this story more modern by bringing it into today's time, we could leave it in acient Greece, or even have it happen in college. Really as long the pairing stays the same and plot remains similar I'll be pretty happy. (If you want more information on their story I'd be happy to chat about it with you.)

I'd be willing to play either role, and odds are there will have to be some other gods and goddesses thrown in as side characters. I'd be happy to take on alot of those roles too. If you would also take on one or two of those roles that would be great. The side characters can be as involved in the story as you like. For example Zeus could only be in the beginning with the plotting of the kidnapping, and then brought in again for the negotiation, then he could be done. Or he could pop in and check on the couple's progress from time to time, either is fine with me.

Did you really make it all the way to the end? Wow, I'm tickled pink, thank you again for the third time, I hope you enjoy the imaginary ambrosia I'm giving to you now. Sincerely, though thank you. Please post below or send me a PM if you are interested or have any questions. Hope that you have a wonderful day!
Yes! I love this idea as well! Too bad I am a new member as well :(
Looks like quite a few people jumped on this, but if you end up in need of another partner, do let me know. I am head over heels for this particular myth/pairing and would love to breathe a bit of new life into it with you.

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