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habit's search. [ one-on-ones ]



hi, i'm habit, and i want you to be my role-play bitch.

basically i'm really tired and i literally cannot find anything that appeals to me on these fucking interest threads. i'm making one of my own and i'll probably regret it in the morning.

get out of here with that one-liner shit. check yourself that you can write more than a paragraph per post before you take interest.

contrary to popular belief, i do have proper grammar and spelling when i'm posting in-character. i just don't care out-of-character. have good grammar in-character or leave.

i post at the approximate speed of a dead sloth. don't push me around with messages asking me to post faster. that's a one-way ticket to my shit-list.

i play both genders and i play them good. i'll list my preference based on the idea. don't try and convince me to let you be a certain gender. if you can't expand your horizons and play a different gender of character, that's your problem.

i am a sucker for romance. don't even get me fucking started. i eat that stuff up. you can be as cliche and as horribly fluffy as you want with me, because i most likely will be the same back.

i role-play on threads only. no pms or some other stupid writing platform or anything. threads are conventional and easy for me to use.

i'm bitter as i write this, but i actually have a soft gooey-chewy heart. i'll be nice to you, i promise. i don't care what your personality is or anything, just be chill.

i may message you, i may not. don't be a pushy piss-baby if i don't. if that's ever the case, your style didn't appeal to me or i felt we wouldn't mix well. i'm tired of forcing myself to write with partners that i dislike.

here are some ideas. i bolded the little
m or f for whichever gender/role i want to be more.

therianthrope [m] / human animal lover [f]

modern supernatural. yeah, shape-shifters are a known race in this world. they get set up on a blind date with the animal lover and bam, there's already some common shit there. idk, something cute and relaxed.

lycanthrope [m] /
vampire [f]

modern supernatural again. vampire is a friend of a friend of the lycanthrope. the friend invites the vampire to a bonfire and the vamp accepts, but sits kinda off to the side. the lycanthrope wanders over there and starts talking to her, and they both have to desperately try to cover up their true identities since they think each other is human. but they become extremely good friends and they sorta become a big part of one another's lives. they eventually find out about each other's species and it'll be a big thing, but we can make it fun.

human [m] / fae [f]

modern fantasy. fae (the tiny ones, like height-in-inches type fae) wanders too far into human territory and gets caught in a thunderstorm. thunderstorm manages to damage one of the fae's wings. they go to a human's house for cover and get discovered by the human. the human doesn't wanna hurt them or reveal them or anything, they're just curious, and they offer to help the fae recover with her wing. cool stuff.


giant [m] / human [f]

fantasy. human gets driven out to a forest by people who were mean to her and she gets terribly lost. upon giving up hope, a rather charismatic giant (the forty-feet tall kind, big guy) finds her in the forest and offers to help her out. it'll be an adventure type thing, but i want to keep it light-hearted, please.

robot [m] / scientist [f]

light sci-fi. scientist works for a company designing the first ever resources to transferring humans into robot bodies. a very sick and disabled man offers to be the test subject. they transfer him into an android-esque body that looks nearly indistinguishable to a human one, with the exception of smoother features and greatly enhanced strength/senses. scientist woman is put in charge of orienting himself to his new body. good stuff, i imagine at least.

sociable [m] / shy [f]

modern realistic. outgoing boy is set up on a blind date with this quiet girl, however, the personalities of shy and sociable manage to mix and they hit it off. just a cute love story, perhaps with some ups and downs and all arounds.

player [m] /
asexual [f]

modern realistic. guy gets all the ladies, or so he believes. he comes across a girl who seems totally uninterested in fucking him and it confuses him. he's aware of the girl being asexual, but thinks he can somehow 'fix' her into wanting to fuck him. he doesn't and maybe he can, like. find out that love doesn't need sex to stay alive and enjoyable. meant to focus on character development and relationship development.

closeted gay [m] / openly gay [m]

modern realistic. kid who isn't out to his friends really, really likes this friend of his who is openly gay. he really wants to ask him out, but is struggling with coming out to them and thinking his other friends would hate him. idk, character development, whoop.

trans boy [m] / cis boy [m]

modern realistic. only semi-passing trans boy gets introduced to a cis boy by his friends. cis boy isn't too educated on the trans thing. trans boy reaches out to him to help him learn about it and they start crushing on each other like dweebs. cute as hell.

that's it. just post below if you like any of this. don't pm me, that's obnoxious and i'll never reply to the conversation if you do.

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Human x Giant, and, Human x Fae interested me. Pm if you share my interest for either one of these.
Hello! I'm interested in roleplaying with you. c: I'm interested in either therianthrope [m] / human animal lover [f] or human [m] / fae [f]~
First thing's first: this post was absolutely hilarious. Whether that was intentional or not, your "I don't give a shit" tone of voice was weirdly a breath of fresh air.

Secondly: I'd love to RP with you. I'm also a sucker for romance, and the "Sociable and Shy" slice of life prompt is a great vanilla template that we could inject life and personality into with our writing.

PM me if you're willing to give me a shot.
The human/fae one sounds like it could be really interesting, I love all the lore they've got behind them.

[QUOTE="Fiction Fanatic]First thing's first: this post was absolutely hilarious. Whether that was intentional or not, your "I don't give a shit" tone of voice was weirdly a breath of fresh air.


this was great to read. thank you. i'm straight-forward with these things.

i'll pm all of you.
Your post was absolutely halarious. Sorry I have no spell check on my phone. I really like your ideas, they're all really interesting. If there's a certain pairing, then we can do that. I liked the closet gay to open gay. I can play a male role if you want. Pm me (if you want) and we can talk. Bye!
So I read through your thread before I went out and I can't get one of the plots out of my head. So, I must request it, or it will drive me crazy. Also, your attitude towards the recruitment is refreshing.

I really can't get the giant/human pairing out of my head. I love it!

Thanks for the consideration,

You're the first person on here that seems open to playing a character that's not cis, and that's rad. Also, your way of typing is kind of hilarious, but to the poing.

Are you open to playing a roleplay idea that's not specifically listed on here? I saw a sketch on tumblr that made me want to rp the idea out. If not, I'm sorry for asking and I'll promptly leave. But if you are, then I'll tell you the idea.
well, look at me, not getting any fucking alerts. stellar.

FaithWynters said:
So I read through your thread before I went out and I can't get one of the plots out of my head. So, I must request it, or it will drive me crazy. Also, your attitude towards the recruitment is refreshing.
I really can't get the giant/human pairing out of my head. I love it!

Thanks for the consideration,

i'll shoot you a pm. i've been eager to do that one, tbh.

Elysion said:
You're the first person on here that seems open to playing a character that's not cis, and that's rad. Also, your way of typing is kind of hilarious, but to the poing.
Are you open to playing a roleplay idea that's not specifically listed on here? I saw a sketch on tumblr that made me want to rp the idea out. If not, I'm sorry for asking and I'll promptly leave. But if you are, then I'll tell you the idea.
thank you. it's the only way i know how to write, honestly.

it really depends on the idea, mate. i wouldn't mind at all if you shot me a pm with the idea. i can decide on if it's appealing there.
hi habit, i want to be your role-play bitch, thanks

robot/scientist is cool.

closeted gay/openly gay is also cool.

just one thing: imma be busy starting next week to the end of the month

and so zero guarantees about any posting frequency

probably a really terrible time to start a rp, but shhh.

if you're cool with being extra chill for awhile, then pm me & let me love you.

ladeeda, bye~

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