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Hello my wonderful friends! About a month ago I started a few lovely roleplays with people, and now I’d like to refresh my interests and post another search thread here.

I’ve been extremely bored recently, and a good rp is exactly what I need.

Now, I don’t want to bore you, so I’ll quickly tell you a bit about myself and my few standards. (If you don’t wanna read this bs then just skip to the fandom list, then come back to read this once you’ve seen something you like.)

1. I am 22 years old. I don’t require an adult, just be 16 or older, please, at the least.
2. I have a pretty busy schedule, but I try to reply at least once a day, if not multiple times. If I ghost you I apologize, things can get pretty hectic.
3. You must be a literate roleplayer. I have no requirement for reply size, just no one-liners unless it gives me enough to go off of. Just write literate.
4. I’ve never been a huge fan of certain OC rps, but I’m looking to expand my territory on those. If you’ll be using one, NO MARY OR GARY SUES. This is my ultimate pet peeve.
5. Oh and, to add to that one, our characters will not fall in love immediately. I won’t make you wait for centuries, but the buildup is the fun part to me.

That’s really all I have to see. Comment/PM me with any questions.

Now onto the fandoms!

The fandom will be listed with pairings under them. The emboldened (did I spell that right?) role is the role I’d like to rp as. The italicized role is the role I’d like you to play. *’s mean I’m craving this right now, so please pay attention to those.

Star Wars
(Only doing plots versed in The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi.)

Kylo Ren x Rey
Finn x Poe
(I’m willing to do either)
Finn x Rey

(For this one, I’m gonna list the characters I can play and you can either play an OC against them or another canon character.)

- Peter Parker
- Shuri
- Natasha Romanoff
- Dr. Strange (? Convince me.)

Those are pretty much all the characters I’ll play from MCU. I apologize for the lack of character choice.

*Doki Doki Literature Club*
(Listen I just got into it so bear with me here, but I’m really craving a more light-hearted rp. So that’s where it’ll be going plot wise. If you really really wanna do something darker, I’m still down. I can play any of the four girls, but I have a preference toward Yuri first and Natsuki secondly. I don’t care what gender your OC is if you’ll use one, btw.)

Yuri x OC
Yuri x Natsuki
x OC
x Natsuki
x OC

(Please consider, I’ve been really craving this.)

(I haven’t rped this before, but since I love the show I’d be willing to give it a shot. So just keep that in mind when we’re rping- I’m still getting used to the characters.)

Sherlock x John
Sherlock x Moriarty
Sherlock x OC
x OC
Moriarty x OC
x Molly (maybe)

(Lotta ships for this one lol. I didn't include 2p ships but would be highly willing to do them, just say so and we can do any of these 2p. In addition, I can play any of the emboldened characters against an OC.)

America x Russia
England x America
England x France
x Italy
x Spain
Romano x Prussia
x Hungary
Prussia x Hungary
America x Japan
Denmark x Norway
x Hong Kong (kinda out there but ship it anyway.)
Finland x Sweden
Norway x Romania

Lord of the Rings
(I’ve read the first book and watched all three movies. I honestly love the series, but don’t know if people rp it or not? Either way, I have no ideas really for plot or pairings so we’d have to start from scratch. If you’d like to rp lemme know!)

(So I absolutely fell in love with the musical and its characters and would highly appreciate a roleplay of it. So calling all Hamilton fans if you’re still out there! Oh and, I’m keeping most names to last names just so ya know.)

Hamilton x Jefferson
Hamilton x Laurens
Hamilton x Eliza
Hamilton x Angelica
Maria x Eliza (Don’t shoot me down, I know this ship has some hate I just think it’s quite cute!)

If you have any fandoms you wanna rp that aren't on here, I likely forgot some, so don't be afraid to comment/PM me asking about something.

Fandoms coming soon (since I haven't finished them yet) are:
- Criminal Minds
-Grey's Anatomy
-Doctor Who
So keep checking here to see if I've added these to mah list.

Yay, you made it through my thread! That's pretty much it! Lemme know if you want to rp any of these in the comments, or just directly PM me.

Update: I’m always looking for roleplays, so don’t hesitate to ask! I love to have multiple going at once, it helps me avoid boredom with just one going on the same topic.

Have a wonderful day/night guys!

View attachment 445501
-RCW 49 Nebula taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope with infrared light.​
need a germany?
Doki-doki sounds pretty fun, actually! I'd be willing to play Natsuki x Yuri or Natsuki x Sayori, if you're still available. ^^

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