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Fandom ✶ Hᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛs Sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴏғ Wɪᴛᴄʜᴄʀᴀғᴛ ᴀɴᴅ Wɪᴢᴀʀᴅʀʏ - Sᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ Rᴇᴄᴏʀᴅs ✶


  • > Name - Nishant Majumdar
    > Age - 11
    > Year - 1st Year
    > Wand -Blackthorn wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ½" and Surprisingly Swishy flexibility
    > House -
    > Physical Description -

    Nishant has light brown skin with short black hair and dark brown eyes. His eyebrows are medium and he often wears earth tone shirts and blue jeans with knee length black boots and black fingerless gloves. He loves the color green, having a medium build and a lean body.
    > Likes - Animals, Reading, the color green, Astronomy, Cooking, Classical Music
    > Dislikes -History, Weakness, Heights, Enclosed spaces
    > Positive traits - Studious, Resilent, Ambitious, Compassionate, Intelligent, Problem Solver, logical
    > Negative traits -Quit, Aloof, Stubborn, Quick-Tempered, resentful of those who have loving homes, secretive
    > Quirks -
    1. Is unable to digest proteins correctly and gets very ill if too much protein rich food is consumed.
    2. When stressed or lying, speaks from the corner of his mouth.
    3. Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.
    4. Always knows the direction he is traveling in
    > Fears - If he is able to find his family, his main fear is that he will be rejected by them and unwanted. He is terrified of water as he was pushed under water on a field trip at six-years-old and since then has never stepped near any large bodies of water since, though he is fine with bathing and creeks but rivers to ocean he won't go near. Nishant is claustrophobic and gets panic attacks or anxiety if locked up in narrow spaces
    > Personality - Nishant is a cunning and intelligent indivdual. Growing up in an orphanage taught him that he had to rely on himself as nobody would bother to care for him, if someone cared for him then he would never have been left on the orphanage and grown up there. His heart has become cold and he has a hatred for the children at the orphanage...learning early on that power makes people respect and fear him and he craves that...the chance to be strong and not weak again. He watches and waits for the opportune time to strike, even if it is for days and has an analytical mind, always planning ahead and being organized. He is also excited about this new world of magic and is interested in subjects that others may see as dark such as wards, spell crafting, old magick and dueling. Loyal only to himself, he finds it hard to trust others and is afraid of opening his heart for fear that it might be shattered again or that people might use his unknown parentage against him.
    > History - Nishant's early origins are unknown and a mystery. It is thought that he was born somewhere in India but how he came to be in London and who his parents are is unknown to the workers at Wool's Orphanage...the child having been found there in a basket by one of the workers. From an early age, Nishant found he could make strange things happen and had a strong control over his magic though he didn't understand what it was he did until another child of wizarding parentage came into the family...a squib who had been cast out of his pureblood family. The child's name was Marcus and the two became best friends. It was Marcus who explained to Nishant that he was a wizard and would receive a letter on his eleventh birthday, detailing a magical and wonderous place but Nishant could tell his friend was going to be lonely and miss him during the school year.

    The children in the orphanage feared Nishant because of the things he could do and so they bullied or outright shunned him. For years Marcus was his only friend in the place, until one day a group of older children caused Marcus to fall down the stairs. Nishant couldn't help his friend and over the next week, the children ended up in the hospital with broken bones or dead from accidents but everyone suspected it was Nishant. From then on, the child became cold and didn't interact with anyone, becoming obssessed with power and vowing to never be weak again. When he turned eleven, he got an acceptance letter to Hogwarts and Professor Sprout came to show him around Diagon Alley. It was with excitement and nervousness that he enters Hogawrts...vowing to be the best.
    > Ambitions and Goals - Nishant wants to make friends and learn every aspect of magic that he can. He also wants to find out more about his parents and the wizarding world in general, both in England and his home country of India. He loves Potions and Herbology and has an aptitude for Transfiguration. He wants to become a chaser on the quidditch team when he is old enough.
    > Extras - Nishant's blood status is unknown as he was left on the doorstep of Wool's Orphanage when he was a child, unknowingly just like the defeated Dark Lord. His blood type is AB and he has a pet Siamese kitten named Aspen, even though he isn't allowed to have pets at the orphanage.
    > Classes - Flying, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, Astronomy, Charms, Potions, History of Magic
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    NAME............................................Seraphine Victoire Favager
    SEXUALITY.................................Heterosexual, Heteromantic
    BIRTHDAY...........................................................November 6th
    BLOOD STATUS........................................................Pureblood

    VIRTUES..................................Intelligent, Witty, Prefectionist
    VICES........................................Cold, Narcissistic, Unattached
    QUIRKS........Pristine Nails, Paint Nails Nightly, Bites Cheek
    FEARS........Queunliskanphobia, Cynophobia, Atychiphobia
    LIKES................................Roses, French Culture, Being "Elite"
    DISLIKES....................Dogs, Herbology, Getting Hands Dirty
    ALIGNMENT.........................................................Lawful Neutral

    As a Pureblood Slytherin, Seraphine certainly has her moments, especially when spending her time among other Slytherins. She can come off as quite a snob, apathetic, and downright mean every now and then. However, when away from the ever growing pressure of "elite purebloods" she moves away from the cunning, sly, flirtatious girl that everyone knows. It’s almost as if she is two people. One is the obnoxious, very typical Slytherin girl, while the other is very humble and kind. If she teases a person unfairly when she is around other purebloods, she will make it up to the person later, less to assuage her guilt and more to brighten the other person’s day. At these moments, she can even come off as a bit shy, but she will absolutely speak her mind, especially when she feels she has been treated unfairly. Seraphine is very dedicated to her schoolwork, a surprise that comes to many people, considering her overall attitude. She remains in the top 2% and is very proud of that fact. She takes as much pride in her appearance as she does in her school work, always looking perfectly poised. She wears very prestigious fashions, and yet makes them totally her own with various accessories. Her father spoils her with all the money he can, and she puts it to good use.

    Seraphine has hair of a rich, dark brown that is naturally curly. So much so, that she struggles with it every morning, getting up at five in the morning to achieve her look for the day. After washing and drying her hair, she then has to straighten it, and then curl it or style it any other way. She has pale skin that is blemishless, her skin care routine has kept her from ever getting acne, which she is very proud of. She has soft green eyes which she enhances every chance she gets because the color is so rare. She stands at about 5'4'', at what she dubs the perfect height. Not so short that she seems like a child, but not so tall that she wouldn't look good on the arm of any date she chooses for a ball. She has curves where they should be and is otherwise fit, as she eats all natural."All of that nasty stuff rather ruins your appearance, why should I eat it?" She does have a birthmark, but it is rather light and resides on her upper left hip. She also has a tattoo, which she keeps hidden. She got it at age sixteen with permission from her father. It is a pink rose on her right side, around her chest area, with the word "Remember" scrolled beneath it.

    The Favager family was an interesting sort, certainly breaking all expectations that society had pertaining to them. The husband, formerly known as Jasper Croft, was a Pureblood Slytherin who always seemed to excel at being the worst. Not that he was bad at what he did, he was just bad in the way he acted. Quite the typical bad boy of his time, Jasper was constantly in trouble at Hogwarts. No one thought he would find the love of his life in the Pureblood witch, Arlette Favager. Arlette had her own story to tell, quite the feminist of her generations, coming from a very influential French family in the magical world, and a very successful student at Beauxbatons. After giving Jasper the runaround, she finally agreed to marry him, only if he took her last name and moved to France so she could be near her family. Much to the surprise of his friends, he did so obediently. Quite soon, they had a child, their precious Seraphine whom they adored and spoiled. Seraphine was a joyful young girl who enjoyed playing with other children, playing dress up in the flashiest of clothing, reading fantastic stories of bravery and adventure, and of course, speaking her mind even when it got her in trouble. Arlette was convinced that Seraphine would one day rule the halls of Beauxbatons and be very successful in her future. Then one day, everything changed. Seraphine got her letter from Beauxbatons Academy the same morning her mother died from a tragic accident. Suddenly, Seraphine’s outgoing and genuine disposition quieted, and she became more somber. She was quite the melancholy child, everything in France reminding her of her mother. It was then that Jasper decided they should move to London so she could attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Much to her father’s delight, she was sorted into Slytherin House, where she happened to meet a few people that she didn’t mind too much. She learned to smile even when she was sad, and pretty soon, being fake came naturally to her. She was always disappointed in herself, knowing that her mother would not be proud of her actions. So she dove into her school work, playing it off to her friends that she didn’t actually care too much, but making fantastic scores in all of her classes, even the ones she struggled in.

    Currently, Seraphine gives every ounce of herself to her school work, barely having time for friends. But there are one or two that she allows within her private circle. She also proudly wears the label "Ice Quen" and revels in how the others worship how beautiful she is. She is the best Potions student and would prefer to keep it that way.

    Seraphine hopes to one day become a potions master and formulate new and better potions.

    WAND WOOD.............................................................Rosewood
    WAND CORE...............................................Dragon Heartstring
    WAND ATTRIBUTES................................10 inches, Semi-Rigid
    PET..............................................................Cat (Named Rummy)
    MAGICAL TALENT......................................Potions and History

    Potions (N.E.W.T)
    History of Magic (N.E.W.T)
    Charms (N.E.W.T)
    Transfiguration (N.E.W.T)
    Ancient Studies (N.E.W.T)
    Orchestra (Harp)
    Study of Ancient Runes (N.E.W.T)
    Apparition Lessons

    Jasper Favager.................................................................Father

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Name: Aberdeen (Abby) Lucille Higgins
Age: 11
Year: 1st

Wand: rowan wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 and 1/2 inches with supple flexibility
House: N/A
Classes: charms, transfigurations, potions, defense against the dark arts, herbology, astronomy, flying

Likes: reading, drawing, nature, most magical creatures and creatures in general, being by herself, homemade fudge, the color powder blue, family, stargazing
Dislikes: obnoxious behavior, liars, flying, gnomes, anything peppermint flavored, swimming, the dark
Positive traits: independent, clever but modest about it, honest, responsible, adventurous, curious, quiet, collected, stable, dependable, loyal, deeply caring, and kind-hearted
Negative traits: shy to a flaw, easily manipulated, gullible, often doesn't speak up for herself, doesn't know when not to look into something she is curious about, and easily disappointed
Quirks: chews on her lips when she's nervous or deep in thought, has to have something in her hand to fidget with at all times, and counts her steps when she goes up stairs
Fears: drowning, the dark, being crowded in by too large a crowd of people, and losing a family member

. Physical Appearance: Aberdeen stands at a very slight 4'7", weighing at about only 85 pounds. Petite-ness tends to run in the women in her family, so this isn't at all unusual. She has long, silky dirty blonde hair that reaches her lower back. It's often warn down, unless she's concentrating which then it's pulled back into a ponytail or a messy bun. Perhaps her most striking feature are her icy blue eyes that stand out against her peachy skin. She sports a few dusty freckles across the bridge of her nose and has a rather large mouth.
Personality: Being the second youngest child out of six children, Aberdeen had fallen into the role of the quiet, reserved, and often times unnoticed child. Shy by nature, Abby tends to enjoy keeping to herself and partaking in actives that she doesn't need other people to do, like reading or studying nature. With her mother and father busy with work and their group of less careful and well-behaved children, she is often left to fend mostly for herself, resulting in a great sense of responsibility and independent-ness. Because she spends so much of her time reading about all sorts of subjects, she's rather clever, but she doesn't like to show off her knowledge, seeing as she doesn't like the attention to be on her. Apart from liking time alone, she does enjoy being around her family and cares deeply for each of them. She is often the confidant for her siblings because she's so trustworthy and loyal. However, she is also very trusting of others which often leads her into trouble. And she hates confrontation so people often walk over her without her saying a thing.
History: As stated before, the Higgins family has 6 children. In many ways like Arthur and Molly Weasley, Hilda and Fitzpatrick Higgins were both muggleborns who had met each other during their time at Hogwarts. Hilda was from a high class family in London, but the only thing she got from her family was occasional large amounts of money for holidays and birthdays. Fitzpatrick was from a rather poor family in Ireland and, even though they were Muggles, they were nearly always coming to visit the Higgins in Liverpool. Fitzpatrick had learned from his family and their lack of money that the greatest and most important things in life were not things but rather people and he instilled that belief into his children. Thus, the Higgins are known for their generosity and empathy. Better off than the before mentioned Weasleys though, Hilda is a healer at St. Mungo's and Fitzpatrick is an auror for the Ministry of Magic. They live in a rather large, nice house with their six children: Edgar, Arielle, Ethaniel, Minuette, Aberdeen, and Maeve; two boys and four girls. Edgar and Arielle, the eldest, have already gone through Hogwarts and are off making their own way in the world. But, that still leaves the Higgins with four children at home.
Ethaniel and Minuette are twins, though not very alike themselves in their personalities and in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Aberdeen is closest to them out of all of her siblings. Maeve is the youngest, at only 6. Her parents were both sorted into Hufflepuff, Edgar and Arielle had been the same. Ethaniel was sorted into Gryffindor, with Minuette being sorted into Ravenclaw. Their family now being scattered throughout the houses, Aberdeen could go to any of them, which puts a bit of stress on her. She isn't sure which house she'd like to be in.
Ambitions and Goals: Abby is not completely sure which career she would most like to pursue after Hogwarts, perhaps something involving magical creatures. While at Hogwarts though, she'd like to strive to be top of her class, seeing as knowledge and learning are what she excels at.
Extras: Abby has a young barn owl that her parents got her for her eleventh birthday, something they do for all of their children, and named him Eberly.

Aberdeen Lucille

coded by: aesthete



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Name: Ethaniel (Ethan) James Higgins
Age: 16
Year: 6th
Wand: cypress wood with unicorn hair core, 10 and 1/4 inches with supple flexibility
House: Gryffindor
Classes: charms, defense against the dark arts, herbology, transfiguration, potions, astronomy, Muggle studies, alchemy, and magical theory

Likes: art (mostly the medium of painting or pastels and oils), music, Muggle instruments, films (especially older films), history, Quidditch, being in charge, and being the center of attention

Dislikes: judgmental people, disappointing anyone, cold-heartedness, dark chocolate, Muggle transportation, intolerance, untidy spaces, and ignorance

Positive traits: assertiveness, certain, creative, compassionate, fearless, spontaneous, charismatic, diplomatic, generous, lively, open-minded, warm

Negative traits: slightly bossy, cunning, dauntless to an extreme, overbearing at times, facetious, occasionally loud and obnoxious, boastful at times, can come off pompous, possessive, reckless, restless

Quirks: He has a birth mark similar to the shape of a question mark on his lower back, close to his spine. He also is ambidextrous and will often switch between hands when writing or playing quidditch. He also always has to have a brush on hand to tame his wavy hair.

Fears: being imperfect, the shortness of life, death

Physical Appearance: Ethan shares many of the same physical features as his twin sister, Minuette, with his messy, wavy dark brown hair and sparkling greenish-blue eyes. However, unlike his sister, he is quite tall, standing at 6'4" even and weighing in at roughly 195 pounds of lean muscle. His body fills out his frame nicely and he sports some rather impressive muscles from years of quidditch. Also his eyesight isn't nearly perfect so, on occasion and usually in a classroom setting, Ethan will wear thin rimmed round glasses. At school, he enjoys looking the scholarly part as well as living it. His robes are always straight, clean, and with all proper parts. Outside of professional settings, he's a bit more laid back but still dresses with a sense of preppy-ness. He's also gotten rather good over the years at taming his hair and nearly always has it styled perfectly.

Personality: Though he is not really an outcast, Ethaniel prides himself on his ability to step outside of the proposed box and be his own person without concern for what other may or may not think. He might share his families knack for learning and intellect, but he prefers to expand on his creative side rather than his brains. Though still a superb student, Ethan doesn't spend a lot of time with his face in books or scratching notes onto parchment. Instead, he can be found out and about the school grounds, painting or drawing people or scenery. If he's not doing that, then he's most likely somewhere effortlessly playing the guitar or practicing quidditch. Ethan is very sure of himself and who he is and what he believes to be true and right of the world which gives off the aura of being very certain and straightforward. But, it can also lead to him seeming bossy or overbearing or facetious. He also knows his skill level in the things that he is good at and can come off a bit boastful when talking about them. Otherwise, he is a very compassionate and charismatic person. He's easy to approach and is very generous to all those around him and can bring life to any room just by the attitude he carries about himself.

History: As stated before, the Higgins family has 6 children. In many ways like Arthur and Molly Weasley, Hilda and Fitzpatrick Higgins were both muggleborns who had met each other during their time at Hogwarts. Hilda was from a high class family in London, but the only thing she got from her family was occasional large amounts of money for holidays and birthdays. Fitzpatrick was from a rather poor family in Ireland and, even though they were Muggles, they were nearly always coming to visit the Higgins in Liverpool. Fitzpatrick had learned from his family and their lack of money that the greatest and most important things in life were not things but rather people and he instilled that belief into his children. Thus, the Higgins are known for their generosity and empathy. Better off than the before mentioned Weasleys though, Hilda is a healer at St. Mungo's and Fitzpatrick is an auror for the Ministry of Magic. They live in a rather large, nice house with their six children: Edgar, Arielle, Ethaniel, Minuette, Aberdeen, and Maeve; two boys and four girls. Edgar and Arielle, the eldest, have already gone through Hogwarts and are off making their own way in the world. But, that still leaves the Higgins with four children at home.

Ethaniel and Minuette are twins, though not very alike themselves in their personalities and in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Ethaniel and Minuette are the closest out of all the siblings, but this can be expected seeing as they shared a womb for nine months. Outside of themselves, they are closer to their younger two siblings than the older two. Aberdeen is 11 and going to be a first year at Hogwarts which Ethaniel is excited about because he'll have a younger sibling around to pester. Maeve is the youngest, at only 6. His parents were both sorted into Hufflepuff, Edgar and Arielle had been the same. Ethaniel was sorted into Gryffindor, with Minuette being sorted into Ravenclaw. Despite his parents being slightly upset that he and his sister weren't sorted into their house, Ethan takes a great deal of pride in being a Gryffindor.

Ambitions and Goals: With his seventh year drawing closer, Ethan has decided that he is interested in becoming an auror like his father, mostly because that's the most exciting thing he can think to do.

Extras: Like all his siblings, Ethan has an owl gifted to him by his parents. His specific owl is an eagle owl named Oculus. He's also on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team.


Ethaniel James

coded by: aesthete



Name: Minuette (Minnie, Mins) Antonia Higgins
Age: 16
Year: 6th
Wand: laurel wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 and 3/4 inches with supple flexibility
House: Ravenclaw
Classes: potions, charms, transfiguration, astronomy, divination, defense against the dark arts, herbology, magical theory, and divination

Likes: quidditch, the hollyhead harpies, leisure reading, music of all genres, learning, fashion, witty remarks, sarcasm, animals, and pranks

Dislikes: disrespectful behavior, irresponsibility, unnecessary rudeness, being wrong, and being out-witted

Positive traits: gentle, kindhearted, loyal, courageous, resourceful, clever, trustworthy, empathetic

Negative traits: occasionally arrogant, argumentative, feisty, insecure, risk-taking, can be withdrawn

Quirks: When she is deep in thought, she tends to chew on her bottom lip which can cause her lips to seem rather pink or sometimes slightly swollen. She is easily excitable, especially when it comes to the things she is interested in, and when she becomes excited she'll talk rather fast and move her hands in very exaggerated movements.

Fears: insignificance, being alone

Physical Appearance: Minnie is rather short, standing at 5'2" and a half and weighing at about 110 pounds. She has naturally wavy, dark brown hair that falls midway down her back and she most often wears it natural with the occasional product to help tame the frizz and bedhead. She has a petite frame and a kind face, though a smile may be hard to come by for strangers. Her eyes are a misty blueish green color and are rather soft. When in school attire, she likes to look neat and scholarly and put together so no item of clothing will be wrinkled, ruffled, or out of place. However, outside of school events, her sense of style is more minimalistic and fashion forward, following many modern Muggle trends.

Personality: Around the school grounds, Minuette is mostly known for her intense studious nature and is pretty much considered to spend most of her time studying. However, outside of the eyes of her classmates and professors, she is also gracious, deeply loyal, caring, and gentle. These traits usually come out more around younger children and animals though. Around people her own age she tends be a bit less kind and patient and easily gets annoyed and she tends to enjoy pranking those closer to her own age or older. She has a hard time collaborating with people because she can be slightly arrogant, argumentative, and believes in her own work ethic over anyone else's. As a friend though, she is very trustworthy and puts those she loves above all else, including herself. Outside of her relationships with others, her relationship with herself is a bit rocky. She often feels insecure about her physical appearance and ability to make and keep friends and thus keeps to herself and her books. She is rather adventurous and likes to take risks and try new things.

History: As stated before, the Higgins family has 6 children. In many ways like Arthur and Molly Weasley, Hilda and Fitzpatrick Higgins were both muggleborns who had met each other during their time at Hogwarts. Hilda was from a high class family in London, but the only thing she got from her family was occasional large amounts of money for holidays and birthdays. Fitzpatrick was from a rather poor family in Ireland and, even though they were Muggles, they were nearly always coming to visit the Higgins in Liverpool. Fitzpatrick had learned from his family and their lack of money that the greatest and most important things in life were not things but rather people and he instilled that belief into his children. Thus, the Higgins are known for their generosity and empathy. Better off than the before mentioned Weasleys though, Hilda is a healer at St. Mungo's and Fitzpatrick is an auror for the Ministry of Magic. They live in a rather large, nice house with their six children: Edgar, Arielle, Ethaniel, Minuette, Aberdeen, and Maeve; two boys and four girls. Edgar and Arielle, the eldest, have already gone through Hogwarts and are off making their own way in the world. But, that still leaves the Higgins with four children at home.

Ethaniel and Minuette are twins, though not very alike themselves in their personalities and in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Ethaniel and Minuette are the closest out of all the siblings, but this can be expected seeing as they shared a womb for nine months. Outside of themselves, they are closer to their younger two siblings than the older two. Aberdeen is 11 and going to be a first year at Hogwarts which Minuette is excited about because she'll have another female Higgins at Hogwarts. Maeve is the youngest, at only 6. Her parents were both sorted into Hufflepuff, Edgar and Arielle had been the same. Ethaniel was sorted into Gryffindor, with Minuette being sorted into Ravenclaw. Minuette feels she wouldn't have quite fit in anywhere else.

Ambitions and Goals: With her seventh year drawing nearer, Minnie is having a hard time deciding between wanting a job in one of the Ministry Departments or to become a Professor at a wizarding school. She would love to become a professional Quidditch player, but she doesn't feel that she has the skill level required. In school, her goals are to continue to be an excellent quidditch player and one of the top students in her class.

Extras: Minnie has a snowy owl named Anastasia. She's also on the Ravenclaw House Quidditch team.


Minuette Antonia

coded by: aesthete



Name: Oliver Nott
Age: 16
Year: 6th
Wand: Hazel, Unicorn, Unbending
House: Slytherin

Physical Description: Oliver has an average of 5”7 and has short messy blonde hair with smokey eyes. He isn’t as built as others that fully dedicate to sports like those that play Quiddich and such but he is definitely lean from spending the last 6 years participating in the dueling club and climbing his way up to be one if not the best to represent house Slytherin. Under his shirt he has an intense scar that covers most of his right shoulder and spreads down his back on the right side where he was hit with an intense blast of magic by one of his family members, all being prominent Death Eatters and purists.


  • Reading
  • Games
  • Eatting
  • Dueling
  • Terrorizing Purists


  • Purists
  • Creepy Animals
  • Being Challenged

Positive Traits:

  • Great Duelist (Profficent at Defense Against The Dark Arts)
  • Knowledgeable about different kinds of spells
  • Kind to those being bullied
  • Athletic
  • Intelligent
  • Charismatic

Negative Traits:

  • Controlling
  • Obsessive
  • Cruel to those that are cruel (watch out slytherins)
  • Never satisfied with own work

  • Like to lurk around the slytherin dorms and prank those that deserve it in his eyes.
  • Judge
  • Judge
  • Judge
  • He rubs his arm a lot when he gets nervous.
  • He has a hard time maintaining eye contact when you fluster him
  • More Judging
  • He also twitches when he gets upset.

  • Loneliness
  • Getting hurt in a horrible manner again
  • Not being able to change the minds of others for the better.


Oliver is an interesting sort of person in that he doesn’t exactly share the same point of view as other purebloods and sacred twenty-eight members. He completely despises anyone whose only defining trait is that they were born into power, constantly reminding people who mistreat mudbloods that they should shut up and work as half as hard as they do. He also does not appreciate wizards who worship Voldemort, trying to keep their status and power on the coattails of someone else. This is not to say that Oliver is “good”. Its less of the moral situation and more how said achievements and merits were obtained.

He definitely wants to change Slytherin house for the better and get them out of this mindset, everyone seems to forget that Slytherin House also values hard work, loyalty and several other positive traits. One of his favorite phrases is “The House does not Define you”.

When hes bored or feeling some sort of overwhelming emotion, whether sad, angry, happy, he likes to snack. He will usually find him self in the kitchen having the house elves whip make him food when he gives into his cravings.


Oliver comes from the Scared family of Nott, a long and established family that had mostly joined Voldemort during the first wizard war. As he grew up, he did not necessarily agree or disagree with their alignment but he did voice loud opinions about how it was being done. He questioned the Nott achievements and merits and if certain family members were still worthy of being called a Nott, this easily earned him an an intense duel that he easily lost from an older family member and the reward was an arm that was mostly destroyed from the shoulder down. Magic while it fixed most of it, was not able to completely get rid of the scarring, hes sure he could get it fixed one day completely but hes too ashamed to show anyone who could possibly help.

During his six years at Hogwarts, he formed an intense rivalry with Troy, the popular duelest from Gryffindor, their duels and altercations getting more and more violent as time went on. The summer before the beginning of the 6th year, Oliver ran into Troy and being his usual self, he provided to mock and torment Troy to provoke him for the up coming year, but something else happened, Troy had kissed him instead, creating and leaving behind a confusing summer.

While Oliver has cruel tendancies towards those that clash with his vision of a more hardworking and deserving Slytherin House, he is kind to mostly everyone else and has several friends outside the house. He just has no problems with responding to cruelty with even worse cruelty. The exception to this mostly is Troy who has had an intense rivalry with him.

Ambitions & Goals:

  • Be a dueling super star
  • Reform House Slytherin’s elite and get rid of this purist nonsense from the school

  • Pureblood from the Nott Family
  • Pet Owl
  • Profficent at Defense against the Dark Arts since it is the primary method used by wizards to duel.
  • Alright at Charms and Potions
  • Mediocre at Transfiguration
  • ENFJ personality type
  • Rivalry with Troy
  • Secret Relationship with Troy


Where ever the storyteller tells me to go.

Credit for BBCode goes to deer deer
Troy Sumner

Name - Troy Sumner

Age - 16

Year - 6th year

Wand - Cypress with dragon heart string

House - Gryffindor

Physical Description -
Troy is fairly tall, with an athletic build from playing Quidditch. He has a light olive skin tone, brown eyes, and slightly long brown hair. He has very sharp, handsome features, taking after both of his parents. His uniform is always kept in pristine condition, and outside of school, he takes care to dress nicely and appear presentable. On the right side of his lips is a faint but prominent scar, which he is somewhat self-conscious of, but compensates for it with a nearly constant, confident smile and friendly demeanor which distracts from it.

  • Quidditch
  • His family and friends
  • School
  • Adventure novels
  • Duelling
  • Spicy foods

  • Gossip
  • Repetition/Monotony
  • Lack of achievement
  • Making mistakes
  • Drawing
  • Sweet foods

Positive traits
  • Charismatic/charming
  • Hard working
  • Intelligent
  • Athletic
  • Passionate
  • Noble

Negative traits
  • Perfectionist
  • Insecure
  • Superficial
  • Stubborn
  • Hot headed
  • Uptight

  • Bites his lip when feeling unsure of himself
  • Goes out running or practicing Quidditch when he needs to think things through
  • Traces the scar on his lip with the back of his pen when he is focusing in class or studying

  • Not being good enough
  • Not achieving anything meaningful
  • Rejection
  • Damaging his reputation

Troy is an ambitious high achiever. He strives to be the best in everything he does, and while he takes losses hard, he’s always a good sport about it. He encourages others to do their best as well and is unashamed of how hard he works to achieve what he does. Although he is often presented as being naturally talented, he has a degree of modesty that other people can bear, without downplaying his accomplishments. He’s a crowd-pleaser but doesn’t particularly try to grab the spotlight, primarily because his actions and accomplishments speak for themselves.

In spite of his confident attitude, Troy harbors a deep sense of insecurity. He constantly feels that he either isn’t good enough or that the carefully crafted social circle and reputation that he has built will fall apart. He’s often stressed and on edge, but focuses too hard on composing himself and bottling up his feelings. He rarely lets on that he has any weakness, and lets others place higher and higher expectations on him without protest. He values the opinions of others, and his ability to take on a lot of responsibility without letting anyone down. Troy prides himself on his organizational skills and his drive to get things done efficiently.

Although Troy’s agreeable and supportive nature has led to him being popular and having a lot of friends, he feels disconnected from most people because he is so focused on hiding his flaws and always presenting himself as a model student/friend/son/etc. It generally doesn’t get past the people who know him that he can be a bit uptight and unrelenting in how focused he is on achieving his own goals. Some insightful individuals might easily catch on to the fact that he would benefit greatly from being forced to stop playing a role and start acting freely and letting his passion carry him towards achieving his full and unbridled potential. As it stands, Troy cares more about how he comes across than he does about discovering himself and forming his own goals in life that aren’t dictated to him by his parents or teachers.

Troy Sumner grew up in London, fully immersed in the magical world. Both of his parents were wizards, but their full lineage is not entirely known. His mother comes from a long line of wizards and attended Hogwarts as a Gryffindor while Troy’s father was attending as a Ravenclaw. Troy’s grandparents on his father’s side were immigrants from elsewhere in Europe - presumably in one of the more southern regions - but it is not known exactly where from since they died while Troy’s father was still fairly young. Having been sorted into Gryffindor and being accepted into the Quidditch team, Troy is carrying on a longstanding tradition on his mother’s side of the family. His father’s influence has contributed to his drive for high academic achievement.

Growing up, Troy was a lively child who was very eager to make his parents proud. From a young age, it was drilled into him that his parents had high expectations from him. Specifically, his mother wanted him to join Gryffindor, become a popular athlete and go on to achieve great and noble deeds, and his father wanted him to achieve high marks and always work hard to show his appreciation for all the advantages he had been given. His family was not particularly wealthy, though not excessively poor thanks to the hard work of his parents. Troy’s mother was estranged from her family after marrying Troy’s father but has since fallen back into their good graces after giving birth to Troy and therefore promising her parents an heir to carry on their legacy. Although Troy’s parents make a point of refusing charity from Troy’s grandparents, Troy's grandparents still made an effort to spoil him now and then. Troy has always felt loved by his family, even though they have a tendency to push him past his limits and cause him a great amount of stress with the expectations they place on him. When he has failed to meet their expectations, Troy often found that he did not have a single sympathetic soul to turn to, since his entire family would be disappointed in him for whatever the transgression was. As such, he has always made it a point to try to never let them down.

Troy feels that he was raised with good morals, and raised to be exactly the way he was supposed to be. Reaching his teenage years, Troy would often feel that there were very fine cracks in his perfect persona that he had adopted as his identity. Inwardly he would often feel stressed and irritable, though he’d take care not to show it and channel his aggression into sports. Things grew worse when he got to an age where his family would often try to encourage him to socialize with young ladies from powerful families or who seemed to have a particularly bright future. Very few of his relationships would last long, and it reached a point that he’d avoid romance altogether for fear of letting his parents down again. He convinced his father that girls were simply too distracting, and that seemed to placate his parents to an extent. In truth, his real problem was that he felt no attraction to these girls, and it would eat away at him that he was not feeling the way people were telling him that he should feel. He hardly even knew the meaning of attraction.

Everything reached a boiling point one day during the summer before his sixth year. He ran into Oliver, a Slytherin who he had been at odds with his entire career at Hogwarts. They were rivals, but there was more to it than that. Oliver constantly got under Troy’s skin in a way that no one else had ever managed before, and yet as he grew older, Troy became more and more drawn to him. There was something inherently fascinating about Oliver, though for some time Troy justified it by deeming himself competitive or even somewhat self-destructive. He felt like a wholly different person around Oliver, particularly when facing him down in the dueling arena, head to head, several feet across from each other.

There was always something appealing to Troy about dueling. It was thrilling, facing off in a test of strength and cunning that relied solely on his own skill, and there was no greater opponent than Oliver, who seemed to match him in every way. Winning over him was a great accomplishment, and losing was always a battle that would push him just a bit farther than anyone else could push him, leaving him stronger for it. Yet on this particular day, there was no arena. There were no other students to compose himself in front of. There was only the two of them, with Oliver behaving as infuriatingly as ever. The boy teased, and joked, and negged him over and over, and eventually, it was just too much for Troy to stand. In a flash, he had reached out, grabbing Oliver by the collar roughly pulling him into a kiss.

Troy hardly knew what had come over him, and he certainly didn’t know what to make of his long-time rival kissing him back. It was all overwhelming, and before he knew it he had bolted, taking himself far away from the situation and its consequences. This wasn’t like a duel. There was no winner, no loser, only chaos and uncertainty and a million questions that Troy had been refusing to ask himself for years. Yet there was also a thrill, a craving. Troy could not deny he wanted more, and after gathering the courage he had failed to display that day, he set off for his sixth year at Hogwarts, unsure about what the consequences will be, but determined to meet them head on this time without fear.

Ambitions and Goals
Troy’s immediate goals are related to being widely liked and achieving high marks on everything. He puts a lot of effort into keeping up with schoolwork, his Quidditch team, and his own personal skills as a wizard. He is focused on earning respect in every way he can.

His ambitions are ill-defined, being based primarily upon the field his parents want to see him go into. His mother and grandparents want him to be an Auror and work for the ministry, while his father’s main desire for him to contribute to Wizards’ overall understanding of magic in some way, and leave an impact upon the study of magic for future generations. Troy isn’t sure which goal to pursue, so he is preparing himself for both, inwardly finding neither appealing. His true ambition at the moment is to find a direction in his life, be it one his parents choose for him, or one which he himself discovers on his own. Either way, he desires to make a difference hand leave a meaningful impact in some way.

  • Blood status: Either pure or half-blood (magical status of his paternal grandparents is unknown)
  • His familiar is a great horned owl
  • He achieves high marks in all his classes but his specialty is Transfiguration, DADA, and Divination
  • He’s friendly with everyone and good at remembering names. His most notable (and notorious) relationship is his intense rivalry with Oliver Nott
  • MBTI test classifies him tentatively as ESFJ
  • He has good handwriting, but he’s somewhat embarrassed by his inability to draw
  • The scar on his lip was acquired in a fight he got into as a child protecting one of his friends from a mugger, who unexpectedly had a knife. He’s somewhat self-conscious about the scar, even though many regard it as a badge of honor.
  • Plays on the Quidditch team in the position of Chaser

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Name: Zephyrus Armstrong
Age: 11

Year: First Year
Wand: - Larch 13 inches, Dragon Heartstring core

House: Unsorted

Physical Description:

Zephyrus is a healthy young boy with a height around 4'8", a respectable height for a kid like him. He has blonde brown hair, olive eyes, and a pale complexion. His features resemble much more of his mother's than his father where he inherited the man's eye color. Being a Half-blood, his attire consists of a mixture of muggle and wizard. A sure way of blending in both societies while looking stylish at the same time. He favors wearing lighter shades of color than darker shades but he is not opposed to wearing darker shades when the need arise.

Likes: Meeting new people, Swimming, Sharing Stories
Dislikes: Annoying people, Bigots & Idiots, Disrespect
Positive traits: Hardworking, Honorable, Friendly, Brave
Negative traits: Arrogant, Extremely Competitive, Stubborn, Quick to Anger
Quirks: - His left eye twitches when he's annoyed with someone; He chuckles after telling a lie; He tends to wake up early and walks around before breakfast.
Fears: Fears very dark places; He fears failing in a competition; He fears being unable to defend the people he cares for.


Zephyrus is a hardworking and friendly young lad, although he is prone to anger whenever someone tries to harm his friends and family. He always loves the competition although he tends to take things a little too seriously to the point where things would come to blows. Whenever he wins at something, he gets a little too full of himself until he's beaten back down to earth.

He is a loyal friend, someone that can be trusted to have the other's back at times of hardship. He is studious too, although he tends to slack off at doing most assignments and test except for the finals requirements of class.

Overall, he is a happy boy that you can trust to have your back in a scuffle. Just don't fight in the dark, he'll freeze up and stutter like mad if it ever comes to that.


Zephyrus Armstrong was born between the union of a witch and a muggle, his mother and father respectively. Patrick Armstrong, a banker in London, met Hyacinth McGraw, a muggle-born witch during a party of one of their mutual acquaintances. In typical fashion, the two fell in love and got married. What solidified their relationship as a family was during the time when Zephyrus was two years old, Elizabeth told Patrick of her heritage and Patrick, being an honorable man who did truly love her, accepted her wholeheartedly regardless of her heritage.

Thus, as Zephyrus grew up, he was loved by both parents and taught to appreciate both the muggle and magical worlds as a whole. His father would take him around London while his mother would take him around Diagon Alley.

When Zephyrus started school, his father took up the reins as his tutor; especially in mathematics, while his mother regaled him stories of Hogwarts and her time as a proud member of Hufflepuff. It was at this point Zephyrus hated numbers like your typical child and found the idea of going to a magic school in the future a wonderful affair. In his muggle school, he made many friends due to his inviting attitude and friendly smile. He even had competitions with them although they tend to end with simple schoolyard spats before they apologized with each other afterwards. They became good friends when he defended them from bullies; although, he had an accidental bout of magic in the process.

When his Hogwarts letter arrived, his mother took over and soon they were swept on a mini-adventure where he got his first wand from the enigmatic Garrick Ollivander, his first owl where they affectionately named her Ivy, acquired his robes, his hat, and all the other things he needed in Hogwarts. For Zephyrus, it was truly magical. To enter fully enter a new world was an experience. He hopes to make lasting friendships, just like he had been doing while he studied in the muggle world. Maybe even discover something unimaginable while he was there at Hogwarts. Who knows what would happen, for this is the start of a child's adventures in the magical world.

Ambitions and Goals: To be a great duelist and an outstanding Auror in the magical world while owning a successful business in the muggle world.


Blood Status: Half-blood
Owl: A female Maned Owl named Ivy. (Acquired during his first year)

Classes: - All First Year Classes


Name: Alexander Michaelis
Age: 27

Year: Teaching Assistant for History of Magic
Wand: - Laurel 15 ¼ inches, White River Monster Spine core

House: Ravenclaw

Physical Description:

Alexander is a respectably tall young man at around 5'11" with a lean, healthy build due to his wanderlust before settling down at Hogwarts once again for his teaching position. He has a tan skin tone, olive green eyes, and short brown hair. He was often mistaken for his father, inheriting the softer features of the Michaelis family as opposed to the sharper features of his mother who was born from the Eveningshade family. He usually dresses up casually, wearing light colored clothes of the mundane variety due to his nature as a traveler on the go, foregoing the standard robes most European wizards wear; but for more official events, he has a number of dressrobes to choose from, all bought from different places around the world. He always makes it a point to be presentable, no matter the attire.

Likes: History (both Mundane and Wizard), Travelling, Exploring New Places, Learning New Cultures, Sweets
Dislikes: Inaccuracies (especially to History), Staying in one place for to long, Bitter Food, Bigotry
Positive traits: Intelligent, Passionate, Mentor, Animated, Energetic
Negative traits: Stubborn, Happy-go-Lucky, Buzzer Beater (Grades), Disorganized
Quirks: Always keeps a journal and a charmed quill wherever he goes; His right leg fidgets whenever he sits down for too long; He always has his familiar, Reiko, draped over his shoulders; He always records many things with his journal and quill.
Fears: He fears failing his duties as an educator; He fears the loss or destruction of his journals; He fears the repetition of past mistakes.


Alexander always has this wanderlust about him, even when he was a child. This wanderlust brought forth his adventurous side and even enriched his love for history and culture. He is an intelligent young man, passionate about his work, and energetic which reflects on his bright smile and general friendly disposition.

Whenever a topic of interest catches his fancy, he engages in conversation and animatedly discuss his points and debate on the different merits of the conversation. He is stubborn with his beliefs, especially his beliefs on equality and status; even to the point he had made a number of enemies with Pureblood traditionalists, but his stance endeared him to the Muggle-borns, Half-bloods, and the few progressive Purebloods he has met in his life.

Alexander tends to go by the "last minute" doctrine in life, especially with dealing in school work. His happy-go-lucky attitude tend to get on the nerve of some of his current colleagues and past schoolmates due to him being lackadaisical about work and duties. But make no mistake, when the time for seriousness is needed, he gets serious.

He is rarely an angry person, but when he does get mad it can be explosive---both literally and figuratively. Thus he tends to avoid confrontation unless it's unavoidable.

Whenever he has nothing planned to teach to class, he would regale them of his adventures and the things he had discovered. Both to entertain and at the same time teach valuable lessons about the world.


Being born in to a progressive Pureblood family is an enriching experience for Alexander. His father, Octavian Michaelis, is both a wizard coming from a family that spanned 7 generations and an industrialist in the American East Coast; while his mother, Persephone Michaelis nee Eveningshade, is both a witch coming from a family that spanned 9 generations and is a renowned doctor in London, taught young Alexander many things. They taught him to see the world in two different perspectives and never allow himself to be caged with one perspective alone; even if it would go against the status quo.

"Broaden your horizon, son." His father would remind him whenever he or his wife would teach their son something of value. "Possibilities are endless, my little one." His mother would advice him whenever he would pose a question before she would answer them. His inquisitive nature was encouraged by his family.

When the topic of his education came in to question, his mother convinced his father to enroll him at Hogwarts, her Alma mater. Octavian agreed on the condition that his first wand was to be chosen from the
4 premier wandmakers of North America, as opposed to Britain's premier wandmaker, Garrick Ollivander.

It took some time but soon young Alexander was paired with an unusually long Laurel wand with the spine of a White River Monster as the core, one of Thiago Quintana's wands. His family was happy, and he was happy for he had found his partner.

When the time came for his journey at Hogwarts to begin, he felt he was ready. He was sorted in to Ravenclaw, his mother's house. He breezed through the different classes offered by Hogwarts, finding favor in DADA, Ancient Runes, and History of Magic as his most favorite subjects; especially History of Magic where his true interests in the magical world was piqued. He personally hated Professor Binns for butchering History of Magic. He had half a mind to exorcise the damned ghost but it would raise a stink if he did, especially from the staff. So he trudged through, going the extra mile in studying his favorite subject.

As he journeyed through his life at Hogwarts, he kept a journal where he transcribed his days and observations. This journal soon grew to a great many other journals where he practically chronicled his life, his studies, and his ideas. He even made a number of acquaintances and friends that soon became like family to him; each person having a dedicated journal of their own.

In typical Ravenclaw fashion, he aced his OWLS and NEWTS before graduating among the top of his year. It was at this time he proposed to his parents that he wishes to go travel the world and learn from said travels. His family gave him their blessing with a stipulation that he keeps in contact with them every once in a while and learn the family magics on the road; and so he did in order to satisfy his wanderlust and hunger of knowledge. As he traveled, his journals grew in number and in size; practically making them Grimoires in its size and thickness. His knowledge on spells grew both from learning the family magics and the different tomes, teachers, and scrolls he acquired while travelling. His understanding of the world grew as well as he immersed himself in the different cultures of the world.

After a decade of travelling, he witnessed the beauty of the world, diverse cultures of its people. He even bore witness to the ugliness that hides behind it all. He praised the former and vilified the later; but despite all that, he recorded it all in his journals.

It was during his travels, he found a piece of himself. After a long time reflecting and learning, he wished to impart his knowledge to the next generation. He returned to Hogwarts and applied as a teaching assistant for the dreaded History of Magic in hopes to redeem the subject in the eyes of many. His return to Hogwarts and his new position is both a daunting and exciting undertaking that would be as exciting as his adventures around the world.

Ambitions and Goals: He strives to redeem Hogwarts' History of Magic class by changing the perspective of the next generation on the subject. He also wishes to explore the final frontiers of the world.


Blood Status: Pureblood
Pet/Familiar: A female Siamese cat named Reiko. (Acquired during his travels)
Owl: A male Northern Hawk-Owl named Pallas. (Acquired during his first year)
Magical Proficiency: All-Around Practitioner with a better grasp on DADA and Runes.

Classes: - Teaching Assistant for History of Magic. Plans to create special classes that would teach the True History of Magic to students First Year to Seventh Year as opposed to Prof. Binns' class that teaches about the bloody Goblin Rebellions.
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Isabella Sayre
Ebony wood with dragon heartstring core, 10 and 3/4 inches supple flexibility
Defence against the dark arts, potions, transfiguration, charm, magical theory, care of magical creatures, wandless magic, astronomy, apparition.
Physical Description:

Isabella is pretty short at the height of 5"2, she is much like her mother's side of the family, dark hair and a fair complexion although has her father's bright eyes. She has a birth mark on her shoulder that she tries to cover up where ever possible. Her hair falls just past half way down her back, she where's contacts so that she can see because she hates her glasses.
To be in charge
Causing fights of any sort
Collecting chocolate frog cards

Less educated people
Sweet people

Positive traits:
Can tell if people are lying
Has an infectious smile and laugh
Open minded
Scares people into listening to her
Can sweet talk her way through things

Negative traits:
Can often be intimidating when annoyed or angry
Doesn't know when to give up
Has a habit of threatening people
Doesn't think before opening her
Her eyes often scare people
Can't say 'Anteoculatia'
Says things at the wrong time
Good with computers and technology often hacking
Unhealthy collection of stuffed animals

Is often approachable around people that she knows but finds it hard to find friends because of her aggressiveness she is quiet and you would more than likely see her in a good mood unless you mention her family and that they are disappointed that she isn't as successful as them, then she will turn into a beast and will run you into a wall and scare the crap out of you until you take it back and you will never want to talk to her again. She doesn't hold onto grudges for long at all, so if someone did bring it up she would be dark and scary until you apologise then she will be all happy again.
She is an only child, she comes from the Sayre family, Isolt Sayre one of her ancestors like great great great great great grandmother. She has a reputation because of that and hates it because people expect her to follow her families line of success, her mother was an amazing student same with her grandmother and so on so forth. She had some troubles finding out who she is in the world and tried to fit in with a muggle's life, going to a normal school and having muggle friends, though they usually find out and things go wrong so she ends up with no friends.

She is loved by her mother ever since the father had left them, she is a half blood her mother a full blood and her father a muggle. She often gets heated at the mention of her father, her mother is often scared for Isabella as she thinks she will turn to the dark arts. She was to go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but her mother didn't want to send her there after her family's history there.
Ambitions and Goals:
Isabella is rather different from everyone else, she has two goals in life both completely different from each other, one she wants to be a successful witch so she can be like her family and bring success, the other is much like Voldermorts.... To bring fear to people and bring a name that people will fear. Although no one knows that. She was inspired by the fear that her grandmother had brought people, the name was lost over time and people forgot about it, Isabella wants people to see that the Sayre family isn't all nice and happy and not everyone are successful.
Isabella isn't one for having pets although she has a rat to keep her company most of the time. His name is Whiskers and is often found in other people's beds or under their pillows.
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> Name: Matt Payne

> Age: 11

> Year: First

> Wand - 11 1/2 Cedarwood, Phoenix hair, ridged

> House: TBD

> Physical Description: Measured exactly at 5 foot 1, Matt has short curly hair neatly coiffured to reveal a bony face. Dark brown eyes, set rooted within their sockets, watch carefully over the kind and mysterious people of Hogwarts. Soft skin beautifully compliments his hair and cheekbones and leaves a compelling memory of his luck.

> Likes
- Fish and Chips
- Books
- Mathematics
- Crumpets
- Being alone

> Dislikes
- Slytherins
- Spiders
- Physical activities
- Getting into fights
- Telling lies

> Positive traits
- Smart
- Intelligent
- Helpful
- Trustworthy
- Kind

> Negative traits
- Emotional
- Unfriendly
- Disgraceful
- Arrogant (sometimes)

> Quirks
- Writes in his personal journal usually everyday
- Taps feet to concentrate

> Fears
- Dying from a harmful disease
- Watching his beloved parent decease in front of him
- Being in a room full of ghosts

> Personality: It takes a while to get to know Matt, but at the very least you'll find out he's insightful and observant. He could be fun-loving, surprising and humorous, but that's only possible if your on his good side. His insight though, this is what he's kind of cherished for. People regularly count on this and his caring nature especially when they need comforting or support.

> History - Born with a purpose, Matt lived freely in England with his American-born parents, unbothered by the many voices around in the city. Until everything headed down south. Matthew Allen Payne was raised by both a muggle-born Mother and Father. They both support their son in anyway possible for his future. Every problem Matt faces, will be backed up by his mum and dad. This time Matt faced a problem that could change the shape of his life forever.

One day, Mr. Payne was walking home from a rough day at his school. He'd been in a fight between a upperclassmen, who was recently bothering a little girl during his class. With little effort of trying to return a few punches. Matt was easily defeated, only to leave him with a black eye. He practically was scarred for life after that embarrassing moment. He began to become very emotional when he decided to head home. He needed his parents to comfort him like they usually do whenever he's in this state. The adrenaline increased as he ran off to tell the bad news to them.

Soon as he unlocked his front door, Mum and Dad was sitting at the dining table nervously. Matt wondered why they looked worried at him. His father then extended his hand with a letter. He took the letter and read each word written. Unexpectedly, Matt was invited into Hogwarts. He was amazed on how he got into the school of Wizardry. Telling his parents about the letter from Hogwarts and what it meant. It meant Matt had the capabilities to be a Wizard, never knowing his whole life until now.

> Ambitions and Goals
- Surving Wizardry School without dying
- Understand what he is capable of with his wand
- If Hogwarts seems like a option, he would probably teach there

> Classes
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- chase huntington
basic information
Name: Chase Huntington
Age: 16
Year: Sixth Year
Wand: Pear Wood | Unicorn Hair Core | 12 1/4 inches | Reasonably Flexible
House: Slytherin
physical appearance
Huntington stands at 6'2", having a rather thin form. Although the image above doesn't show it, Chase usually dons on square shaped glasses coloured dark green with a thick frame.

The teenager has a somewhat strong jaw and long face, framed by shortly cut curly brown hair. Chase has semi-full lips with a curved cupid's bow.

The student's nose is rather narrow and a bit long; he has warm brown eyes with thick eyebrows.
quick traits
/ + humorous / + loyal / + witty / + ambitious /

\ - narrow minded \ - takes too much risk \ - quick to change mind \ - impatient

/ + chocolate / + magical creatures / + adventure / + risky endeavors

\ - intense cold \ - 'non' risk takers \ - blood purity enthusiasts \ - boredom

~ is unable to speak properly to ladies
~ likes to doodle small, magical creatures on his hands
~ always seems to have scales or fur or others of the sort hidden in his pockets

~ women ; while admirable, they intimidate Chase to the point where he will begin to stutter in front of one.
~ spiders ; arachnids are nearly the only magical animal he will stay far, far away from.
~ failure ; this one is pretty self explanatory
classes and extra
- Transfiguration / N.E.W.T
- Care of Magical Creatures / N.E.W.T
- Potions / N.E.W.T
- Herbology / N.E.W.T
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- History of Magic
- Charms
- Astronomy

- Chase owns a Norwegian Forest Cat that is grey/silver with dark markings. The cat is usually found around his bed or wandering near him as he adventures. (Her name is Tilly)
- Blood Status: Halfblood
- Owl: Tawny owl given to him by his parents.
- Magical Proficiency: Well rounded learner who focuses primarily on magical creatures and magics concerning such.

i. personality
A rather ambitious fellow, Chase is a youngster who values loyalty. Despite being a Slytherin and having a penchant for breaking rules, Chase will always stay close to those he befriends. Huntington will protect his friends, even if he must lie to do so. (Of course, he will never go to the extreme extent of sacrificing his own life.)

He has a skill for roaming around the castle during hours where no one should be out and often collects small magical creatures with Hagrid if he sees them. Chase's incredible ambition allows him to pour effort into his classes. He's become rather smart and witty with the motivation he has.

Chase can, however, be very impatient. He has low tolerance for those who cannot execute things with utmost efficiency. He's somewhat quick to change his mind if another alternative is presented (due to impatience) and can fail to see the 'big picture' at times.

If he firmly believes in something, a well built argument can shake those foundations and cause him doubt.

ii. history + ambitions
Born in a quaint town in England, Chase was raised by half blood wizard parents on a small farm. During this time, he bonded incredibly with both magical creatures lingering near and regular animals alike. He always found mischief as a young boy, his not-yet-mastered magic allowed him to cause quite the havoc.

Huntington was always fond of his pets, once housing a large amount in his little room. (They were soon found out and he was grounded for a bit.)

His parents both went to Hogwarts and his one younger sibling, (Amelia Huntington) is only 9 years of age and is unable to attend.

Upon receiving the letter to Hogwarts, Chase was full of happiness. He wanted to immediately learn how to get into more types of trouble and be a keeper of magical creatures. Since then, Chase has devoted all adventuring (some of which went against the rules) and studies towards the profession.

Chase plans to become a dragonologist and wants to become incredibly good in Potions as the ingredients found can easily be acquired with proper knowledge of creatures. He's very eager to learn and is especially fond of Hagrid's class.
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adelaide frinkle
Name • Adelaide Frinkle
Age • 15
Year • 4th
Wand • Acacia Wood / Dragon Heartstring / 10 1/2 inches / Unyielding
House • Ravenclaw

Physical Description • Standing at a small stature of 5'3" (and a half!), Adelaide has dark brown hair that goes only slightly past her shoulders. Her pale face is round, youthful in appearance framed by thin bangs. Her eyes are large, and she has a prominent mouth often formed into a frown.

Her body is rather thin and she prefers to wear comfortable outfits over extravagant ones when able.
quick traits
+ Books
+ Sweets
+ Mysteries
+ Libraries

- Work
- Exerting Energy
- Disruptive Noises
- Rain

+ Highly Intelligent
+ Stubborn
+ Quick to Learn

- Indifferent
- Incredibly Lazy
- Antisocial

~ will always blame others for her own clumsiness
~ prone to bumping into things or people
~ mumbles phrases from books

~ running out of reading material
~ flying (despised the class)
~ loss of memory
Always lost in a book, Adelaide is constantly searching for more material to read without a single care or glance to the outside world. One of the most indifferent people within the school, the girl has no worries or qualms about dire situations. Nothing fazes her unless she has direct involvement with the matter and she would much rather die an unspeakable death before that occurred. (Of course, it has, much to her disdain).

The girl has an awfully good memory, able to recite things she has read after only two or three times of reading through it and yet not a word on such a thing escapes her mouth. She's more commonly known for being a clutz and a girl who is unwilling to abide to anything that doesn't suit her fancy (rules included!) or causes her more than just a bit of effort. And yet, the girl is smart, reluctantly keeping up grades and flawlessly passing NEWTS and OWLS solely because of the troubles that would come if she didn't.

Adelaide is selfish and can most definitely be cross. She will never go out of her way for someone and compliments often given are 'thanks' and 'good'. It's hard to climb into her small circle (can it even be considered a circle with the few members?) of friends as she's too busy simply not giving of shit. But a few lucky stragglers have managed it, to which the girl takes complete advantage of.

The student is a force, albeit small and mildly sassy, and will firmly plant her feet into the ground if she sees fit.
The youngest of a rather large family of five children, Adelaide was raised by two wizards that had little to no time for her. After all, they were much too busy seeing off her older brothers and sisters who had all graduated Hogwarts by the time she even came close to entrance. Because of the eyes that were seldom on her, Adelaide busied herself with collecting a hoard of books, all in which she read with utmost care.

Her parents' support consisted of funding her novels and books, as well as expanding their house to fit them all. She's traveled to various countries without attempting to divulge seriously in amusing tourist attractions. Her sole reason was to add more to her collection.

Her childhood consisted of being nearly invisible, her presence only truly there when she enrolled to Hogwarts. The train ride held not a single bit of tear or care; no, she was too busy in her books. Her mind had toiled with the plans of becoming Head of the Unspeakables within the Ministry of Magic throughout the years in Hogwarts and has always been her goal. Although, she never actually reveals this information, the explanation that is needed is too much trouble for her.

Academics have never been difficult for Adelaide; she just sees it fit to put in the minimal amount of effort. It has led her reputation to contain words like 'stupid, ignorant, and a downright idiot'. However, the girl has always been capable and could easily become the top of her classes. She refrains, only allowing herself to really exert energy when it comes to OWLS or NEWTS.

Never one to place herself forward, Adelaide has always been in the shadows and wishes to continue to do so as she progresses.
extra and classes
Blood Status: Pureblood
Magical Proficiency: A memory-genius who finds expertise in History and Potions.
Familiar: Pure white mouse named Ellie (often found sleeping on top of a book)
Owl: Barn owl passed down from siblings

Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Study of Ancient Runes
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> Name
Elpis (Hope) Conover

> Age

> Year
1st Year

> Wand
12'0 Ebony with dragon scale

> House
Unknown right now, however most likely RavenClaw

> Physical Description
Astra is about four feet ten inches. Her weight is a bit low for her height, but she's not in the underweight zone yet. She has lots of freckles on her face and on her arms. Her hair is very long with a deep brown color, and her eyes complement that with a pale brown color. The skin color is certainly pale, but it's not in anyways blinded, so she could be considered a bit tan to others.

> Likes
-Guinea Pigs
-Reading fantasy
-Fresh Breeze

> Dislikes
-Small Dogs
-Anything to do with mushrooms

> Positive traits
-Fairly Open minded

> Negative traits
-Nervous (Constantly)
-Constantly distracted

> Quirks
-Elpis talks very quickly when thinking, rambling on about nothing.
-She also tends to stutter early in the morning when trying to talk
-When nervous or not doing something with her hand she chews her fingernails to shreds and often bleeds due to it

> Fears
-Mushrooms scare her more than most other things, and she will run away or frantically walk the other way to avoid them
-Large open spaces full of crowds (Dining halls)
-Middle aged teachers (Doesn't mind the young or the really old, but once you're 33-68 she won't like you)

> Personality
Elpis is a little bit strange to say the least. She sits by herself and watches the other kids usually without saying a word. It's not because she's shy, its mostly just because she wants to know a person before talking. However, if you talk to her first she will talk to you as well. Maybe a bit too rapid fire and quick as she spouts of facts about nothing. The conversation could go from blue to discussing the merits of chickens as pets. Other than that she's very willing to share her knowledge, even if the way she says it can be quite rude... She means the best, but the way she says things when correcting someone sounds very snarky. Elpis tends to mutter to herself even when no one is around as she goes along with her mind. It looks a bit weird, but if someone asks her a question she'll respond.

> History
Not too much to say here. She was born to a muggle family with no other children. I lied, there's a lot more to say. Her mother wasn't in a family, instead out getting drunk. There was one time it went a bit too far and a mistake was made. The mistake happened to be a baby girl, given up the moment she was born without a name. Her birth mother had refused to name her...

So the girl was raised at an orphanage until the age of four years, three weeks, and five days. They gave the little girl the name Elpis, for hope. It was Greek because they had a habit of calling her a little goddess. Greek tends to go with that, and hope seemed like a fitting name for a sweet girl who they knew had a future ahead of her. The fourth year, third week, and sixth day her real family came. They were two men who had wanted a child of their own. Only this orphanage would allow them to do that as a couple. At first it had been anger, but when they saw Elpis they knew it was fate. This was their child. This was their baby girl.

Elpis adores them more than anything, as they gave her a home and love. They loved her for who she was! It was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Even her magic surfacing couldn't compare to that day! And her dad and dad-mum were happy about that! Even getting her letter from Hogwarts couldn't overthrown that day! Everything was fine as long as she had her family.

> Ambitions and Goals
Elpis wants to do well above everything. She wants to prove to everyone that she can be the best of the best even if her life didn't start off in the right way. She might not have had it as bad as others, but she wants to prove that everyone can do things. Even those with parents not of the regular were willing to succeed.

Other than that she wants to become teacher at the school, or even found her own school. Teaching someone about something makes her very happy. She tends to practice with the other kids by telling them random facts.

> Extras - She is muggle born. She also has a guinea pig that is a therapy pet. (She takes her everywhere to keep calm during classes. Only allowed due to her massive panic attacks and other problems. It was advised by a doctor to have one)

> Classes -

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