H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...


Cutest Dragon There Is.
I'm kind of shy, please excuse me xD

Anyways...where to begin, where to begin...

Oh yes, with the basic info:

Name: Spirit Reilly

Age: 13

Hobbies: Playing Pokemon, watching MLP:FiM, being a brony, talking to people on different forums, dying, feeling awkward around new people

Likes: MLP:FiM, some forums about it, roleplaying, watching anime and good roleplayers.

Dislikes: Spammers, trolls, people who don't correctly use grammar and punctuation and horrible roleplays.

Other: I don't spam MLP:FiM stuff cause I'm not that into the show (lies), but...I will defend the show if someone does accuse me of liking it o-o

EXTRA- Favorite pony(s) :Twilight Sparkle and Derpy Hooves

Favorite race: Alicorn

Favorite color: Blue

If you have any other questions, feel free to either ask them here (if you can, I'm not urging you on) or shoot me a PM..once I get 10 posts o-o

Otherwise, I hope I stick around for a long time...I guess this is bye for now. Have fun~
*googles alicorn*

*dies of cute*

Well now.

Welcome to the site.

Outside of Ponies, what kind of genres do you enjoy? We have an extremely varied selection here.
W-Well, I love...depends on what you mean on genres.

For RPs, I enjoy a grammar-full fictional RP that has a good plot and is enjoyable to do owo

For books, I love fiction, long books and fiction/nonfiction books.

For music, I enjoy any genre, but I prefer anything like Aviators: Friendship.

Yes, I love classical too.

For movies or shows, I prefer something that has a good plot, barely has any mistakes...take Ano Hita Mita Hana for instance. It's bloody brilliant. Or the movie Mary & Max. In my opinion, best movie out there.

Yes, I'm super sensitive.

I guess that's it for me on that topic (phew) o-o
Psh...classical music is great, and don't let anyone tell you different.

When I said genre, I meant some more specifics about tone, themes and imagery. Fantasy, realistic, gritty, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, westerns, horror, supernatural, pulpy, comedy, kung-fu....the list is extensive. And of course, anime-esque is a perfectly acceptable answer if you like settings with magical girls or giant fighting robots :)

Well...that's a tough one, cause usually I just look at MLP:FiM in anime o-o

I also look at dragon hybrid or whatever, it's usually what I'm trying to do at that specific moment.

Horror, realistic and Fantasy, sometimes all at once. I love to get a good scare...from myself....*facepaw*
Good stuff.

I ask mainly because the filter system here which can help you identify games you might want to play in has a "genre" box, and you can tick all those that interest you.

So yeah, poke about, ask questions, everyone here is super helpful.

The current games in progress can be found here, as well as their join-ability status. When a game fills up, there's usually a waitlist to save the GM from being overwhelmed with too many players.

This is the Interest Check section, where people post ideas they've had for possibly running. It's very much a "I've had an idea, would people be up for this?" pitch. If enough people are interested, the GM often makes a RP submission, and it will get a little section of the forum for everyone to enjoy it.
Jeez mom, I know this already.

Thanks for presenting it! I hope to finally get around here without tripping over someone's boots ^-^ or so they say

Anyways, thanks for showing that! *pokes Alex*

Is there places here that won't increase your post count? o-o usually there is every forum I've been to =3=
kids these days...


Indeed there is; General Discussion does not increase post count. It's where non-gaming related chatter goes, so there is slow traffic.
Okie dokie lokie, thanks for the info *hugs*

Which reminds me...WHERE IS MY RULES MOM GAWD is there an example form or RP so that if I want to make an RP or efficiently create a form for one, I could know what to look up to?

Check out the Roleplay Submission section, and read through the top three info posts, by the lovely Pineapple. They should give you the creation skeleton, and answer any other questions you have. The mods will make suggestions if your submission needs any improvements, or clarity or whatnot.
Welcome to RPdom, Spiritual_Nightmare! *bark*

Mind if I call you Nightmare? Oh, but how rude. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Wolf ;)

I dislike bad grammar and punctuation as well, and my favorite pony is Luna <3

Hope you enjoy your stay here *howl*
Oh, I don't mind Wolf. Call me anything that relates to my username, if you wish.


I will, thank you.

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