Gunslingers & Brains ( Actual Rp )

"Hope?" Josephine mocked. That Word was Just an Empty Promise that would never come true, even a younge girl like Jo Knew that. Jo cocked her head when Lucas began to Have a Far away look in his eye. "Sir are You Ok--" Her sentance was cut off when he suddenly exploded into anger. Slamming his fist on the table, Jo jumped out of her chair and fell next to Sam. Sam was taken by surprise anddrawed his weapon, before aiming. Only then did he realize what he had done and lowered the gun, "Sorry. Force of Habit." He mumbled apologetically. Sam reclipped the gun in theholder and glanced over at Jo. She was scared out of her witz by his sudden out burst. So much that she even dropped her Granola bar, which everyone knew food was scarce.
Lucas heard the gun unclip from it's holster then re-clip back in and heard Sam's apology. He stood up not even reaching for his shotgun and just stared at Sam breathing some what heavily and stood there for a minute with blood shed in his mind then just quietly sat down without saying another word. Lucas continued fiddling around with the radio turning it to random frequency.

"Your still planning to kill me" He said putting it pretty bluntly

"I've done the world more evil than good" He continued

Through out this whole ordeal Lucas ruthless ways is what kept him alive, it's what raised his chance of survival and he knows it but he was truly surprised about how someone like Sam has kept himself alive for so long.
( I Think This is About to get interesting. I Just Realized Sam never closed the window and the door Lucas Kicked open, he never shut either... )

Sam watched Lucas's reaction of his Suddent movement. The guy glaring at him like he just murdered his family. As he sat down, he muttered some harsh word's that displeased Sam a bit. Sam crossed his arm's before smirking slightly, "Is that a Threat?" He accused questionally. Sam turned slightly, "Jo I Think you Might Wanna go in the back for a little bit." He proclaimed. The Younge girl nodded before walking off to the back part of the house. Sam leaned up against the counter and just watched him, silently.

Second's passed and Sam just kept his eye's locked on the guy, in which he didn't even know what he looked like. His Face Being covered by that Scream mask. Or so he thought. Sam turned to the cabneit and reached for a water bottle he sat across from Lucas and just watched him work. What else could he really say or do than keep his eye on the stranger.

Sam set down the bottle before he finally spoke, "What Happen's When That Thing Actually Begin's to work? Are you Just Going to---" He stopped, as a scream interrupted his voice. But it wasn't anyone's voice it was Jo's. Sam stood abruptly and pulled his Gun fron the Pack and Dashed down the hall.
Before he could even answer any of the questions Sam asked him the screaming flooded his ears and grabbed his shotgun off the floor and followed right behind Sam with his weapon ready he knew it was most likely infected that was coming in through the front entrance that he forgot to shut. Lucas was prepared to over whelmed and whatever happened he would go back for the radio even if it killed him he was too close to getting it working.
Sam had dissapeared down the corridor's looking for Jo who was probably hiding some where. "Jo?" He called out. Sam knew it wasn't the best idea to be yelling, because loud noises attrack the undead and unwanted creature's, but if Jo had gotten hurt following one of his order's he would have never forgave himself. "Jo!" He repeated, turning to come in three feet of an undead one. It caught sight of him within second's and let out a loud groan. Sam pulled his gun up and fired, but the only thing that followed was the clicking sound of a misfire. Sam stepped back and cocked his gun again. "Come on...." He muttered, aiming again. This time when he pulled the trigger the bullet fired out and into it's head. The Dead fell lifelessly to the ground. "Jo!" He yelled out, stepping forward. Only to have another crawl around the corner. The place from the front door, where he could see sun ray's filteing in. The door was open. Sam silently cursed himself out before firing at the dead again and again.

Sam retreated when he knew he'd soon loose most of his Ammo. "Jo Come out!" He yelled, panic dwelling inside. Where was she....?
Lucas heard the gun shots ringing out and felt his blood pumping along with the adrenalin flowing through his body. Lucas stood in the hallway and began to ring shots from his shotgun into the infected that flowed like water.

"Sam search the house I'll hold them" He yelled while continuously popping of shots

It's been awhile sense he's been in a situation like this even more odd is that he's making sure someone is getting out alive. Lucas reloaded as many shots as he could He better hurry up. The only real fear that Lucas had was that Sam was going to take Jo and leave the house leaving him behind.
Sam nodded, swiftly turning to him. "Don't get youself killed!" Sam turned and ran through the room's. Many were empty, some had supplies in it. But he didn't have time to collect. All he wanted to do now was find Jo. Same turned to the upstairs corridor's and searched. This time he heard the whimpering, before he spotted her. She was huddled under a table holding a Small Riffle in her hand's. "Jo!" He cried out in relief, approaching her slowly. They usially didn't go upstair's because the house was old already. The floor board squeeked as he stepped forward. "Sam Watch Out!" Jo screamed, raising her weapon and firing. Sam dropped to the florr jst as he felt the bullet scrape his arm. Sam heard a loud groan when the bullet sailed past him and into it's target. An undead, now bleeding from the neck groaned as it pulled itself from the floor. Sam didn't give him the opperatunity, he opened fire into the things head.

Turning back to Jo, he only spoke one word. "Hurry!" She seemed to get the memi and crawled out from under the table. Sam grabbed her arm and dashed down the step's, shooting anything that moved at him. "You Scared the Hell out of me.." He hissed approaching to where Lucas was. "We need to get out now Lucas! The Sound of The Shot's are surely attracking more." Sam yelled over the sound of the gun.
All Lucas heard was "We need to get out now" and that was enough for him to get the hell out of there and ran forcing everyone back into the kitchen slamming the door behind him. he quickly went over and put the radio back in his bag they pounded on the door and it was only a matter of time before the broke through. Lucas poked his head out of the kitchen window which was a bit of a drop but they did'int have much of a choice.

"Out the window now" He shouted demanding almost as if they were still hostages

Lucas saw the wound on Sam's arm and thought about just putting him down right then and there but now just simply was'int the time to do it. Lucas put his shotgun on his shoulder and hopped out the window into a ally with a few dumpsters.
The older man dressed in tan combat fatigues slowly made his way down the trashed street. Bodies and debris littered the ground before him as he moved silently. His Remington Bushmaster ACR was slung over his shoulders and pulled close to his chest. On his back he carried a young girl with curly brown hair in a pair of blue jeans and a small leather jacket, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he carried her with ease.

Moving off to the side of the streets he walked parallel with the side walk occasionally having to maneuver around a car. A sharp sound caught his trained ears, several gunshots.

"Hold on love." Daniel said as the young girl on his back tightened her grip around him softly. With a quick burst of speed he moved forward down the empty street, quickly passing several blocks before he slid to a stop near the corner of a tall red brick building, it's large glass display windows had been all boarded up, all the good it had done them.

Daniel lowered himself to a kneeling position and the young girl on his back loosened her grip and dropped to the ground, her boots making a soft thud on the ground. He swiveled turning towards her as he placed both hands on her shoulders. "Stand right here baby and watch behind me just in case. If you see anything that isn't human you speak up quickly okay baby." He said flashing his daughter a wide smile.

The small little girl didn't say anything nodding instead. With that he stood and turned back towards the gunshots. They were about half a block from the house where the gunshots were emanating from. Down the street in the other direction approached a small group of the undead swiftly making their way towards the front door that sat wide open. Daniel raised his ACR pulling the lens of it's attached ACOG close to his right eye as he shouldered his weapon.

The ACOG magnified his vision as he inspected the house. The windows were not boarded up, but he could make out nothing beyond the blinds. He slightly lowered his weapon so that he once again had a larger view of his surroundings. He knelt slowly placing his left shoulder against the brick wall as he watched the events in front of him unfold.
Sam and Jo were pulled into the kicthen with Lucas. Sam turned towards the door and could hear the undead pounding and banging on the door. When Lucas announced they had to jump, Sam looked at him as if he was a mad man. "Are you Serious?" Sam asked accusingly, glancing at the drop. "Thats a good ten-fifteen feet!" But when the pounding got louder on the door, Sam turned and decided to put Jo through first. "Hang on..." He mumbled to her. Sam wrapped an arm arounf her waist and dropped her out the window. Jo fell, before tucking and rolling into a kneeling position. Sam followed behind next. He did as she did before actually making it to the ground. His arm aached from where the bullet had scrapped.
Lucas had a moment to take breath and took full advantage of it but then turned his attention to the two who had jumped out the window along with him. Lucas looked around just a couple of dumpsters and a one way ally way right at this point as far as Lucas was concerned getting the hell away from that place seemed like the smartest idea.

"Well it appears you house did'int last" Lucas laughed to himself a little bit.

Personally he was'int sure what to do next and it really did'int matter to much to him he just wanted to fix that radio he has to see who's out there in the world.

"Were we off to now?" He snorted

((Did Daniel just watch them all jump out the window?))
(No, he can see the front door and the alley. The zombies in the street are moving towards the front door and at this point towards the alley where you guys are.)
Sam Pulled out his Pistol from the pouch, creating a small click. Sam turned to Jo, ignoring the burning Sensation fron the scratch on his Arm. He reached into the small Backpack that she alway's carried on her back. He slowly reached in the bag and pulled out a handy pocket knife. Sam handed it over to Jo listening to how He talked. "Somehow the Front Door was Open. But I Locked it when we Came in." He mumbled, glancing around the Alley for any of the Undead. "I Say we try to find the Helicoptor that I Heard Earlier. That Meant Someone else was Alive, Right?" He spoke, turning his attention to the Guy. Sam heard the Moan's of the Creature's Nearby. "And we Might Want to Move Fast."

Jo slung the bag over her shoulder and dug through it, until she picked up a Bandaid. Jo turned to Sam and quickly put it over the small wound on his arm. "Now, We can Go." She mumbled.
Lucas put his shotgun strap back on his shoulder and turned to look at Sam and Joe

"Then let's go Sam." Lucas said in a bit of a rude way

Lucas was'int exactly happy that he almost got killed, he was mainly mad at himself for getting a bit too comfortable with these people which lead to him sticking around in the house and planned not to make the same mistake a second time. As they were walking down the one-way ally and were now almost at the street.

"That I hope that's not the type of wound i'm thinking of Sam" He said as they walked down the ally.

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