Gunslingers & Brains ( Actual Rp )


Anxious child
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Sameul & Josephine

Sam & Jo

Sam Huddled behind the Dumbster, his Weapon at Hand. Behind him sat quietly was Jo. She Flicked her White Blonde hair from her eye's. Sam held one finger up to his lip's and quietly crept forward. Now, In New York City Hiding Behind Dumbster's isn't Exactly What You Call Normal. But, Durning a Zombie Apocolypse, It's Beyond Normal. Sam reach back and grabbed Jo's arm quickly. This was A Symbolizer that they were going to Move Swiftly and Quickly.

Sam Ran from the Spot they huddled behind, trailing Jo with him. Groan's Echoed all around them, but He didn't care. All he wanted to do was Find Shelter for her. You See Sam and Jo weren't siblings. In Fact Six Month's ago they never even knew each Other Exsisted. They now do, However.

Sam grabbed Jo by the Arm and Pulled her forward. He stopped and turned toward a Small group of the Undead that had gathered. Jo ran on, only stopping when she crawled behind a broken door that had fallen off it's hinges. Sam pulled the hand gun from his Holder and aimed, backing up when they stepped forward. He pulled the trigger twice, taking down two of the three that crawled. Sam couldn't bring himself to waste another bullet on the Scum. Instead he turned and approachd Jo.

Running, Sam and Jo ducked in a nearby abandon House that they have stayed in often. While Jo stayed seated on the couch, Sam investigated the home quickly. "All clear." He called out from upstair. Jo remained silent. He came down the stair's and locked the door. Thy were Safe, For Now.

(I changed her location to Boston, by the way. I don't want to be alone in Norway lol. Plus, I know nothing about helicoptors...)

Ciara hefted her bag up on her shoulders, her gun cradled in the nook of her arm as she takes aim at a young girl. The child looks around 3 or 4, but Ciara grits her teeth. The girl has a large slab of flesh missing from her neck; the only thing about her that seems dead. Ciara turns off the saftey and fires, hitting the girl in the head. "Bullseye." She mutters, and runs from the cover. She uses the bayonet attached to her gun, slashing through any of those things that came at her. She had about 13 rounds left from her 15, and wasn't risking using the gun at such a close range.

Ciara runs for the helicoptor at the airport, set on attempting to find the rest of her relations in Wisconsion. She was currently in Boston, and figured she could make it that far. Ignoring all instructions, Ciara jammed random switches up, and took off. She pushed the lever forward, and took off. Ciara headed to Wisconsion, taking sharp twists and turns as she went trying to keep control. Her backpack was pressed against her seat, and her gun and bayonet lying besides her.

Ciara pulled sharply, and the helicopter reared, and went down. Signs flashed by, and she knew that she was in NYC(see what I did there?). Ciara grabbed her gun, and stood by the door. The helicopter neared the ground, and she leaped out. Ciara landed on her feet, and collapsed. She took some deep breaths, jarred from the sudden impact, and pushed herself up. Nothing was broken, but her ankle sweeled just slightly. Ciara wrapped it in a strip from her blanket, and headed out.
Lucas walked around in the shadows of the infested streets calmly in sort of a deviant way and stuck to the wall so he would be less likely to run into anything too unfriendly. Every so often he would turn his head to the side to examine and observe his surrounding. The street still had the stench of rotting bodies which always managed to make it's way into Lucas's noses it disgusted him but at the same time thrilled him. But something caught his eye as he was observing something running one of them looked older and the other one a bit younger.

"Relatives?" Lucas whispered to himself.

Lucas again heard a uncommon sound "Is it.... A helicopter?" His head looked up so fast you would of thought he broke his own neck but his eats were telling the truth it was indeed a helicopter one that was going down anyways. Eventually it was out of his sight but he knew it was'int too far away from his location. Lucas was a bit indecisive about his descion on what to go investigate first as he was equally curious in both of them. He decideds to go look for those boys he saw who ran into he abandoned building. Lucas looked down and did sort of a fast walk over there trying to avoid any unnecessary trouble. Lucas got to the door the was slighly broken of it's hinges and opened it ever so carefully trying not to make it creak then went inside and placed it back agian ever so carefully, when he turned around he was face to face with one of the creatures that those two decided not to kill for some reason. With Lucas's heart pumping with excitement he quickly reached into his knife sheath and drove his knife right through the skull with his arm warped around the infected. Once the infected felt life less Lucas sheathed his knife and set the beast on the ground slowly. Lucas got up and looked down the dark hall way, there were several doors and he was'int sure were those two kids went so he had to pick and guess a room. Lucas pulled his shot gun over his shoulder and placed it in his hands and stood infront of the door with his black coat and skull mask then did a swift motion kick to the door and it was wide open.

"Get down and hands up!" Lucas shouted at the top of his lungs

As dissapointed as Lucas was it was a empty guest room but all lucas was thinking about was how is cover was blown.
It wasn't long until Josephine fell alseep on the couch in the room. Sameul stood and walked over to the closet that was slightly opened. He pulled out an Old blanket that was covered in dust. Sam quickly shook it out, before coughing quietly. He placed it over her quietly, before walking back to the door. Sam shut it, hastily grabbing the small sack from the ground. With Jo alseep he decided to go through the content's. Sam pulled out four water bottle's, six granola Bar's, a Few pair of clothing and the weapons. Good everything was still there. Sam would have continued, but he heard a strange sound. Something not mistakeable. A Helicoptor.

In Swift movement's Sam made his way to the window and peered through the blind's, Around the Alley were a few Crawler's. They Groaned and were reaching for the sky, where an Helicoptor Quickly dissapeardd over the buildings horizon. "Idiot..." He mumbled, knowing good and well he sound of an Helicoptor would attrack more of the undead. Sam glanced down at Jo Just in time to Hear a loud bang of a Door opening and a voice. "No!" Sam hissed, glancing back at the door.

Jo stirred quickly glancing wide eyd at the door. "What was that?" She mumbled, grabbing the blanket. Jo hurrid to their bag and refilled the item's into the sack. Sam, however was quicker than her. He grabbd his gun and cocked it quickly. Rushing to Jo, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the closet. "Sammi, Whatrts going on?" She mumbled. He placed a finger up to his lip's and began to cover her with more blankets. Sam walked over to the window and pulled it open. He took a bottle and dropped it at the base of it. Making it look like they had escaped before running bak to he closet. Sam shut the door and waited.
"I know your here" Lucas shouted agian

Lucas really did'int want to kick down every door in the house but he was ready to do so of needed to be. He was'int really sure what his own motive really was or if it was even worth getting in a fire fight perhaps it was'int perhaps he just wanted senseless violence for no reason at all. He heard the bottle drop from the window and stopped the house was quiet for awhile....Silence nothing more. The broken glass did'int much attract him for it could of been anything even if it was them escaping they would of left some sort of goodies for him. He went quietly went over to one of the doors grabbed the knob and twisted it was locked. Lucas had a grin underneath his mask, he backed up from the door and shoulder rammed it the first attempt was rather unsuccessful but the second one he got in just fine almost falling down even. The door swung open from the ramming and Lucas walked inside with his shotgun raised and used his foot to shut the door. he hid in the hallway that led to the door and around the corner was the living room where Sam was.

"Come on out boy with your hands up and gun down" He called out in a softer tone.
Ciara quickly moved on, limping slightly but ignoring any pain. She made her way to a small store, and smiled to herself. She slipped inside, and stole 5 lighters, no one would miss them. One with deep black casing went in her pocket, one painted red with flames in her right hand. The other three went straight into her backpack, and she took off. Ciara ran as fast as she could, cursing her impulsive brain. Several of them came after her, but she stayed ahead. Her gun was in her left hand, and she slashed at them whenever one got to close for comfort.

Ciara came across a gas station, Perfect! She thinks, grinning. "Come and have a go, if you think you're tough enough!" Ciara yells out, standing in the station, sneering. She flips the lighter open, lighting a flame. Ciara throws her hands in the air, and waits. Several of those things come crawling to her, moaning and groaning. All in an instant, Ciara throws the lighter at one of the gas tank, and backpedals to the small 7-11 behind the station. She hides behind a red-box movie case, and puts her hands over her head, as the station behind her explodes.
Sam gripped his hand gun. If He didn't go out, the guy would shoot and might even Hit Jo. But if he did, would the guy just kill him and run? Sam wasn't sure. He noticd the door slam open. Obviously the guy knew he was here, Sam quickly stood. "I'm Coming!" He called back quickly. "Don't shoot." Sam glanced back at the door and leaned to it. As quietly as he could he whispered "Jo, Stay here." he didn't know whether or not she had heard him, but he didn't want her to get hurt. Sam clipped his gun on his belt and placed his hand's on his head. "Don't shoot," He called out again.

Sam watched quietly as he stepped out into the hallway, his hands resting on his blonde hair. Sam turned towards the Man, he held a shotgun, which made Sam feel uneasy. Sam just glared at him. If he was another survivor did they really want to start a fire war on eah other? He wasn't so sure. The guy had a mask over his face . "What do you Want?" Sam growled. He figured the guy was here for a negotiation.

"How Did you Find Us... Me." He sputtered, correcting himself quickly.

Jo sat under the blanket's quietly and held onto the sack full of their suppies. She was quietly praying that Sam wouldn't get hurt. He was all she had eft. And the guy who was attacking them, was he an Officer from The Goverment sent to kill any survivor's or was he just another sirvivor himself. She was stumped.
Lucas had his gun pointing in the his face the whole time with his finger on the trigger prepared to do what was necessary if needed be.

"Shut up boy I know your sister is here" Lucas snorted staring into his victims eyes.

He assumes they were family and if they weren't he really did'int care to much. He decided to have Sam follow him so he would be less keen in pulling out his weapon and shooting Lucas.

"I wan't you to face up against the wall boy, and if you know whats good for ya you'll do it" He said with a serious and cold tone of voice

"And as for your question I saw you and that girl run in here, Obviously you weren't quick enough"

Lucas heard the explosion go off and tried not to move his eyes off the boy.

Today's a interesting day...
Sam glared at the guy coldly. The Guy was aimed at his head so what choice did he basically have. Sam glanced over at the empty room, "Don't Hurt her and I'll Do Whatever you Want..." He growled. Sam wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this situation with Josephine alive, but he needed to find out immediantly. Sam heard an Explosion but tried to keep a cold glare on the guy. Which wasn't working.He wasn't used to dealing with other people. Especially other Alive Ones.

Sam silently cursed himself for not running faster. They wouldn't be in this situation now if he had. Sam nodded in agreement. "Don't hurt her." He said codly, ready to snap. Sam turned towards the wall and held himself there. Sam would do anything to protect the girl. Even if she really wasn't his sister. Sam placed his hands on the wall to show he wasn't reaching for his weapon. "There," He muttered, glancing at the guy. Sam watched him quietly, if he tried anything he would be orry, Sam swore.

Jo paniced in the closet, the blankets overher were getting extremely warm and she couldn't hear Sam's voice anymore.With the explosion's she had heard she feared the man had shot him or done worst.
(I feel like Ciara's the idiot out of a bunch of smarter people...)

Ciara limps from the gas station, cursing herself for being an idiot. She holds her gun, and slinks through the city, gun cocked and ready to fire. She flips the safety off, and fires a quick shot at a nearby Zombie. She hurries along, hiding behind tree's, dumpsters, bodies, wreckage, anything. Ciara ducks into a small house, and slips into the kitchen. She collapses into one chair, and eyes the one entrance wearily. There are no windows, as this is quite a small house. It would be easy to defend the room, but also she trapped herself. Ciara limps to a cupboard, and grabs some dishcloths that seem clean enough. She wraps them around her ankle in a makeshift cast, and relaxes.
"You made the right choice kid" Lucas quickly said before he started ransacking the kitchen.

Lucas loved it when he was in control he could do anything at this very point and time he could kill the kid and take his pretty little pistol right there and right now if he wanted to but that was'int his intentions all he wanted was some water the past two days he's had little to no drinkable water. As he ransacked the kitchen looking for anything to drink he heard something scuffle around in the closet Lucas walked over to the closest with the sound of his boots hitting the wood floor behind him. Lucas opened the closet doors and saw the pile of blankets, he grabbed a handful of blankets and lifted them up with one hand while holding his shotgun in the other hand ready to shoot. He saw the girl that he assumed was his victims sister and stepped back.

"I want you to go join your brother sweetheart" He said as polietly as he could
( Maybe Nirvana )

Sam leaned his head against the wall. The Guy could have killed him any minute, but instead the guy turned and walked into the kitchen. Sam heard the guy turning the kitchen over, ransacking the kitchen. Which contained many canned food's they'd been collecting for Month's. Sam was unsure of what he was taking but he rely didn't care as long Jo wasn't injured. Sam listened until he heard the sound of the man's heavy boot's stop tapping at the floor. But that's when he heard it too, the sound of Rusling from the closet. Sam turned his head slightly and cursed under his breath as the man walked over to the closet. Discovering Jo.

Jo's breath caught in her throat when she heard the foot step's approach the door. They were to heavy to be Sam's. But that was when she felt the door open and the blanket's lift away. Jo grabbed her sack and held it to her chest staring up at the guy quietly. She wasn't sure if he was going to shoot her or what, but she was terrified. Tat was until he told her to go see Sam. Which she did without hesitation. Jo stood and ran over to his side, calling out his name once before hugging him. Sam turned, not caring if he'd get shot or what, but turned and hugged Jo.

Sam glared at the guy, and shielded Jo in case he drew his weapon, "What are you going to do? Shoot us?" He questioned, considering if he reached for his weapon if it would be a bad mistake or a good idea. 
( Maybe Nirvana )

Sam leaned his head against the wall. The Guy could have killed him any minute, but instead the guy turned and walked into the kitchen. Sam heard the guy turning the kitchen over, ransacking the kitchen. Which contained many canned food's they'd been collecting for Month's. Sam was unsure of what he was taking but he rely didn't care as long Jo wasn't injured. Sam listened until he heard the sound of the man's heavy boot's stop tapping at the floor. But that's when he heard it too, the sound of Rusling from the closet. Sam turned his head slightly and cursed under his breath as the man walked over to the closet. Discovering Jo.

Jo's breath caught in her throat when she heard the foot step's approach the door. They were to heavy to be Sam's. But that was when she felt the door open and the blanket's lift away. Jo grabbed her sack and held it to her chest staring up at the guy quietly. She wasn't sure if he was going to shoot her or what, but she was terrified. Tat was until he told her to go see Sam. Which she did without hesitation. Jo stood and ran over to his side, calling out his name once before hugging him. Sam turned, not caring if he'd get shot or what, but turned and hugged Jo.

Sam glared at the guy, and shielded Jo in case he drew his weapon, "What are you going to do? Shoot us?" He questioned, considering if he reached for his weapon if it would be a bad mistake or a good idea.
He turned around and looked at the two hugging each other, Lucas thought about the answer to Sam's question "Hell what Am I going to do with them?".

I could shoot you could'int I?" He chuckled

It was a bit of dark humor but he did find it somewhat funny that Sam asked that because if he wanted to he would of done it already.

"No not today, You two get to see the sun tomorrow" He said softly

Lucas decided to spare their lives for some reason unless they tried to do something funny then he would take back his statement. Lucas walked his way back into the kitchen tossing canned foods out of his way as some cans rolled out of the kitchen he finally found what he was looking for a simple bottle of water. He lifted up his mask just enough to put the bottle to his mouth and drank it savoring every drop. He grabbed another bottle of water and a chair, Lucas put the chair infront of Sam and Jo and sat down on it with his shotgun in his lap.

"You know the last people I killed did'int have this good stuff right here" He said cheerfully pointing to the water bottle.
Sam glanced at Jo, she looked not only terrified but pail. Probably because she was sleeping when all this chaos started. Sam was still tense but began to relax when the guy declared he wasn't going to shoot them, but he still didn't trust The guy. Who would after being held at gun point and threatened. Sam watched the guy walk away, before turning to Jo, "You Alright?" He mmbled, glancing at Lucas. Jo nodded uneasily. Jo turned her head to see a few can's roll on the floor, which took them forever to collect. Sam released Jo only when he was sure she was safe.

Sam and Jo decided to sit and lean up against the wall when Lucas came back over. He sat and began to talk. "I'm Sameul by the Way. But Call me Sam. This is Josephine, better known as Jo." Sam stated, introducing them. Jo lifted a hand quietly and mumbled, "Hi." Sam turned and scouped their surrondings. "How long have you Been in NYC?" He asked quickly, trying to start convorsation.
"For someone that just had the barrel of a gun in their face, thats a pretty odd question" Lucas snorted

Lucas knew or atleast he thought he knew what sam was doing asking him questions to get to know each other, feel comfortable around one another then Lucas would recive a round to the back. Probably would'int be the worst thing to happen he thought to himself.

"Five years if you must know" Lucas finally answered

He lifted up the bottom of his mask again revealing his mouth and taking another drink.

"Are you parents alive? I don't feel like having them barge in on me if they are"
Sam smirked slightly, crossing his arm's. But, he shook his head. "No," He replied glancing at the guy. "They're dead, Like almost everybody else." Sam confirmed. Sam could tell just by the way he talked that he was trouble and surely knew this wasn't going to end well. Sam glanced at Jo, she had leaned her head on his shoulder. She remained quiet though. Like she alway's had. Sam nodded, "So Five Year's? I Was born here. Jo Lived in 8 Mile before I Found her." Like Eminem, he thought, but didn't share.

Maybe, Sam considered, he could gain this guy's friend ship and then use him when they need to. Or Maybe not. But, Sam just wanted to get as far away from him as he could right now. For God sake, he almost released a round into his head.
"Good" He said emotionless

Lucas was smiling under his mask of the thought that no one would barge in so he could let his guard down somewhat.

"I've been in those kinds of areas before, the men there are scum" He said leaning back in his chair

Lucas was quiet for a bit almost like he was reliving a moment in his mind which indeed he somewhat was. Lucas was also a bit surprised that Jo was some random girl he found and took in only to protect.

"You a good man Sam, better one than me that's for sure"

Lucas did'int like to insult himself to often but it was more true than he would like to admit.

"Your lucky you found him Jo" He said a bit quietly.
Samuel nodded in agreement, he didn't like the people from there. Josephine was the only descent one he had met yet. Sam glanced at Lucas quietly as he spoke. He wasn't use to compliment's "Thanks." Sam replied, smiling Lightly. Jo watched the pair talk quietly, they were both interesting, seeming that Sam was actually warming up to the stranger. She knew for a fact he didn't trust very easily. Heck, he didn't trust her when they met. But she soon earned that. "Are we Still being hostage?" She asked quietly, "Because I'm Hungry." Which wasn't a lie to just escape from his sight for a few minutes. Or Maybe it was, she hasn't planned that far yet.
Lucas looked over at the girl and had a faint smile underneath the mask.

"Well I haven't shot you yet now have I sweet heart?" He said in a calm manner

With that remark it pretty much meant yes your allowed to go on but he knew they probably would'int understand.

"That means yes just know that i'm watching both of you" He grunted

Lucas held his shotgun by his side and picked up the chair then walked it back over to the table where he sat back down again. He took off his back pack and placed it on the table then began to fish through it looking for one of the two radios he's been working on.

"Found ya you little bastard" Lucas said talking to himself

He pulled out a gray broken down looking radio which he placed on table and began fiddling around with it in the kitchen.
Josephine nodded at the first sentance although she didn't get the humore, nor what he had ment about it until he had clearified. Jo stood slowly with Sam at her side. Jo walked over to the cup board and pulled out a granola bar that was untouched and sat down in a nearby chair. She watched Lucas fiddle around wit the radio while taking a bite of the food. She watched only glancing away when Sam approached. "Radio's?" He questioned, crossing his arms. Sam leaned up against the counter and atched, "What are those for?" He asked quickly watching the old thing's.

Sam watched the guy's hand, if he made a move towards his weapon, Sam could easily draw his as well.
"What aren't they used for?" He laughed a little bit

He was a bit focused on what he was doing he flipped a switch and none of the lights came on Lucas could'int tell if that was because they burnt out and the radio was working or it was just completely broken and a waste of time.

"I could find some sort of civilization or even set up a few good traps"

His intention with the radio was both a bit sinister but also was planning to use for good also.
Sam nodded listening, "Just wondering, " He mumbled watching Lucas catiously. Couldn't you create bomb's out of Radio's, Sam sure thought so. But Jo didn't seem to notice it. Sam leaned forward and watched him mess with the switch. "Find Civilization?" She mumbled quietly. "I Thought everyone else wasdead." He replied, glancing down at Jo. She was nibblingon the bar, and watching the device. That was the best she could do to not panic at this time. "You atually think other's are alive?" He questioned, raising an eye brow.
Sitting in the electronic store Shin messed with a CB radio"Toki?"He said into the mic,knowing there was a Cb in the wear house he hoped it was on. The manager had ran out in panic and Shin had no idea what happened to him,he really didn't care and figured the dude was dead by now or very lucky."Hey!" He continued trying to get Toki on but heard nothing,he kept trying as he sat there hoping he'd hear something soon.

Toki was in the wear house not knowing what was happening what so ever,no one was around so how could he know? And the fact that the wear house was to the point of bullet proof he couldn't hear a thing outside,he just worked on his night vision goggles as he hummed a song to himself waiting for Shin to return with the parts he needed.
"I can hope" Lucas said quietly then continued with what he was doing

Nowadays Lucas felt like "Hope" was a empty word filled with promises but were never fufilled, he had hope that his family would still be alive, he had hope his wife would make it through this chaos. He again started re-living a painful memory it filled him with hatred and anger.

"God damn it!" He yelled and slammed his fist on the table

He continued to swear and cruse loudly in a bit of a scary manner.

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