Gundam Watcher 27
A woman since 2024
"Hwaah? What was that?!" Ikazuchi asked, in complete disbelief.
"That looked like elemental projection!" Chryska replied, also at a loss of believing.
"It is. It was something Xiao really wanted to have incorporated into the build. It is actually quite fitting. She wanted to be unexpected in a fight, and Lightning itself can be unpredictable with where it can strike. It also helps with getting around Nanoalmite."
"That looked like elemental projection!" Chryska replied, also at a loss of believing.
"It is. It was something Xiao really wanted to have incorporated into the build. It is actually quite fitting. She wanted to be unexpected in a fight, and Lightning itself can be unpredictable with where it can strike. It also helps with getting around Nanoalmite."