Guild intrigue

Would you be interested in a Guild themed game?

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So I graduate from school this December 16th, yeah! With that I will finally have the time to run a game of exalted on the PbP site.

That being said, I am thinking about running a game involving almost exclusively the world of the Guild.

Characters would be a trading caravan that tends to handle the more "interesting" things that the guild trades.

Let me know if you think you would be interested in playing sometime towards the end of January.

What sort of characters would the players be? Celestial, Terrestrial, demi-mortal or mortal?
Either way, I'm really hoping I can use Silver Voiced Nightingale Style. I've got this strange need to kill things with a guitar...

So yeah, I'm all for it. But info on available character types would be useful.
This is going to be a mixed type with some stipulations, but I am still working things out.

Part of me wants to take a group of mortals through to exalting while part of me wants to see what a mixed group of Solars/Db's/mortals could do.

Solars would have, what I believe is a more difficult time in the guild...even outcaste db's would be kept at a close watch.

Still thinking it through, interested to hear opinions.
This sounds interesting.

Perhaps allow a mixed game, and then let the mortals exalt during play?

Not sure how that would work out though...
Heh, I've already got this neat idea for a character. I really wanna make him a Fire-Aspect, 'cause flaming guitars are awesome, but Air suits his other Abilities much better... decisions, decisions. :?

Though if you're allowing Dragon Kings... I'm pretty certain I could rock out a DK as well.
A shinigami would be... cool... but how do you explain what he is doing in the mortal lands?


I am not a 100% sure about the guild, but correct me if I am wrong, aren't they pretty anti-nonmortal right? I will have to double check my manacle and coin...far to lazy to do that at this moment.
They're only anti-mortal for the people RUNNING things. They don't have problems hiring non-mortals or having non-mortal merchant princes, but odds are you're not getting higher than that without REALLY good reasons.
That's pretty much how I see why they don't want non-mortals, because they know that Essence-users can pull the wool over their eyes so easily. There's probably some other reasons that I'm not thinking of right now too. >.>
Is it because it was a mortal what CREATED the guild, who handed it to OTHER mortals to run? Thus they have to uphold this fine tradition and stuff?
Looking at it from a purely business point of view, I would have to think that having people with Awakened Essence in their employ would be a great thing. Need to negotiate with a god of a roadway for passage? Going into a area known for bandits? Making a delivery of slaves to the Fae? Having someone of at least Dragon-Blooded level to add muscle to these just makes sense, and if you are far enough away from the Realm or any of its allies, a Solar or Lunar would be invaluable so long as they kept a low profile. Especialy the Eclipse caste ability to bind an oath and diplomatic immunity. I'd say they would jump at the chance to have that 'resource' at their disposal.
Oh yes... as a resource, but you'll note that resource doesn't imply -running-. They -pay- you, you work FOR them.
And with the right level of Social-fu, they will be the ones in charge and let you think that you control them. IMO, mortals have little chance vs even a DB's ability to twist their perceptions. Not to mention, when your average lifespan is 300 to 3000 years, it gives you plenty of time to move up in ranks, gather dirt on oppositions, or just outlive anyone in your way that's mortal.
Which is why the Guild simply doesn't let anyone whose non-mortal into their top tier. But then... the guild isn't THAT old. 8)
Oh, ok, I've got a character, but she's a little unusual. Basically I had this idea quite a while ago; an Eclipse-Caste Solar Gazelle beastwoman who Exalted when she sold herself into slavery to a Lunar in return for her tribe/herd's safety. Then she could be in a Guild game when the Lunar trades her in (obviously for something big). How's that?


Why are all my characters so nutty?
I've got an idea as well. Two, to be exact. Both are Outcastes.

The first is a blacksmith who makes Artifacts for the Guild as a living... and then beats the snot out of things with said Artifacts. I'm thinking Fire Aspect if DFR is okay with using Haku's custom DB Melee Charms, or Earth if otherwise. Focused mainly on Craft and Melee/MA, with some decent Charisma and Presence.

Second is a nice, good old fashioned Schizophrenic. One side's a timid little scholar, the other's a flamboyant rocker who uses Silver Voiced Nightingale style. Focused on Lore/Occult and Performance, with some okayish MA. Fire Aspect, despite the fact that it clashes with his Charms, simply because flaming guitars are Awesome with a capital "A".
Not schizophrenia; disassociative personality disorder. Schizophrenia's different. And much more dangerous.

... Excuse my nit-picking. :wink:
Jukashi said:
Not schizophrenia; disassociative personality disorder. Schizophrenia's different. And much more dangerous.
... Excuse my nit-picking. :wink:
I'm well aware of the difference, having taken a few Psychology classes at some point, and could probably even talk about some of the details of it if pushed. But most people call it Schizophrenia, which is a much more recognizable term.

Nit-picking excused, if it weren't for the implication that I have nits. I'm shocked and apalled! :P
Oddly enough... I have a lunar. A tin fold hat conspiracist... cuz, conspiracy theories are amusing. :D
Some great ideas,

I just want to make sure that you think about your character in the context of a circle (for lack of a better term) that would be brought together to transport the guild's special goods.

I love what I have seen so far though.

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