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Guess who's back, back AGAIN


Heya! If you don't really know me, my name is Alyssa but I prefer Aly. I'm 16 years old and live in the cst timezone and use the she&her pronouns! I've been rping for about 5 years now and two of those years have been on this lovely site. One thing you might like to know about me is that I prefer to play a female character no matter the plot. I'm not at all comfortable playing a male character and trust me, I've tried to get over that, but I can't for some reason. Anyways, yeah, just know that whatever plot or thing we decide to do I will be rping a female character! (I'm always down af for fxf so dw if you want romance!)

Okay, onto the plots!

"]Muse A and Muse B have been friends for as long as they can remember, and they weren't alone in their little friendship group. Muse A was very popular in their elementary school, until she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.. Muse A lost almost everything being stuck in that hospital, and the worst part was that even when she went into remission, she was still under alot of pressure. She soon went into homeschooling and gave up on friends, all but one, Muse B. While the other friends ditched Muse A, Muse B was the one to stay with her, and they wouldn't miss it for the world. And while Muse A worries about her studies, Muse B worries about their friend, every call from Muse A's landline causes a pang in their heart. They almost lost Muse A once, they can't bear to do it all over again.. (I prefer playing Muse A in this scenario!)

"]Muse A and Muse B are two very close friends in high school, and while they haven't been friends since childhood, their bond is similar to that. They are usually attached at the hip, if you saw Muse A somewhere, it was garunteed that Muse B was there too. Thing is, Muse A and Muse B seem to be opposites. Muse B uses their life experience to write out extravagant stories, and Muse A uses their life experience to get free beer at the local pub. Muse B isn't usually bothered by Muse A's alcoholism, but when Muse A shows up at their doorstep, drunk, covered in blood that doesn't even belong to them, Muse B decides to put their foot down. Little did Muse B know that Muse A had spent their entire night running from a crazed ex-boyfriend, and expected Muse B to be their safe-haven. (I can play either muse in this scenario!)

"]Muse A is deaf, and Muse B is their hearing companion. They met in middle school when Muse B came to the school as a new student, it only made sense that two outcasts would be best friends, right? Of course. And ever since Muse A started to help Muse B learn sign language, their bond has been unbreakable. This year is their first year at high school, both are quite nervous about entering a new era of their lives, especially since they're always being told about middle school friendships never lasting. (I can play either muse for this scenario too!)

These are a few of the plots I had in mind, but I'd love to hear any of yours if none of these spark your interest! Thank you for reading and I hope to rp with you all soon ^^
Hey if you are still looking I'm up for doing the best, maybe only friend one if you are still looking.and I have a few ideas too. I can't start pms yet though :c

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