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Guardian of my demon(private)

"Yeah... Though... Not often...guardians are rare after all... In fact the last guardian I saw was my master... So I am not sure if that that counts very much..." he said looking at the ground. "hes dead now any way..." he stared down for a few minutes before snapping out of it... So any ways... Where are you heading... I mean... It's quiet odd for a guardian to be this far out here... Then again I am out here are well.."
Ritsuko chuckled a bit, she felt bad for his master but she thought it best not to bring it up. "I'm on a mission, and you?"

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"To be compleatly honest... I am just wandering." He said laughting a bit to him self. "Not much more to do other than wander I guess... I could come with you... That is if you want..." He spun his necklace around casualy (poor demon is spinning lol)
"I'm pretty much wandering too," she chuckled. "But we can wander together no problem." Ritsuko finished eating and stood up.

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Kaage smiled a bit. "Great, well I am ready to go when you are." He continued spinning the necklace. He heard a small voice in his head saying "s stop spinning me damn it." The corner of his mouth lifted a bit happily.
Ritsuko suddenly grabbed his necklace and then set it down on his chest. "Stop that, and I'm ready to go too." She smiled at him before heading towards the door.

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Kaage was slightly taken aback by her sudden actions. He then recovered and then replied "oh um okay.. Let's go." (iPhone post sorry)
Ritsuko smiled at him. As she got outside, she stretched happily, breathing in the clean air. "Aw, this place is actually quite nice." She heard a sound of distaste though. "Just get moving," her demon growled. She just hit her whip against her hip, annoyed.

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Kaage walked out staring out side. "So where to." he said smiling a bit. He stared around looking around the town. It was quite small with small wooden building surrounding the area.
"Well, which way did you come?" she asked him. She followed him around town. She thought the town was kind of cute with how small it is.

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"I came from the south actually... Nothing much there other than open fields... Personally I find them exposing." He said looking towards the entrance of the town. "Though I think there should be some towns to north and then there is the forest road."
"Well I came from the East and that was full of mountains and that's tiring. So, let's go North," she answered. She began walking before he could say anything.

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(Sorry for not responding my life just got really crazy really really fast)

Kaage turned his head towards the direction she started walking and began to follow her. He continued to walk behind her out of the village. As he did he began to here a voice in his head "So now your planning on wasting your time going along with this girl... Pfft you disgust me." The voice said to him. He grabbed the necklace whispering "you better shut up before I start spinning you again." He said quietly so the girl would not her him.

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