local tired fool
- 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
- 020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202
- Basic Information1.Name
4.School Grade
5.Country of Origin
6.Romantic Orientation
7.Faceclaim (If appliacable)
8.Personality (As brief or detailed as you'd like)
9.History (As brief or detailed as you'd like)Guardian Character Info1.Guardian Character Name
2.Appearance/Face Claim
3.Egg (If they have two Guardian Characters, the eggs often have similar designs)
4.Dream (The dream they were born from)
5.Character Change (The Guardian Characters usually have a short phrase they say when it happens alongside the physical change, if you need help let me know)
6.Character Transformation (It's usually a two-word phrase relating back to their motifs. If there are two Guardian characters, they usually have very similar names [Lunatic Charm/Seraphic Charm, or Amulet Heart/Amulet Spade/Amulet Clover/Amulet Dia], plus they gain an outfit similar to the Guardian Characters and weapons relating to the motif. No need to get detailed with the attacks at the moment, though.)CS Details * - Roster *
CS Details
Guardian Angels
A Shugo Chara inspired group rp.
code by Nano
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