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Fantasy Guardayen

She signed, "do whatever you want. If you get caught by other elves, they might kill you." She turn around and walk back towards her tree house. Once she entered her house and grab some meat out, she didn't think the goblins had caught anything because she disturbed them. She wrap the meat up and exited her place, once she reach where the goblins were she put the meat on the near by rock and walk away. Just don't die near my area, she thought to herself.
The ground shook and the trees swayed as Buras walked by. Animals fell silent and the small hid, for a dragon was taking a stroll. Buras knew he was the king of th forest, or near enough. If he wanted to, any of those animals would make a nice snack, a flick of his tail or the twist of a claw and they were a meal. But Buras had heard of an elven town nearby. Those things worshiped dragons, and would give him a nice tasty meal until he decided to leave.
Hydro walking the large Great plains he wuld start to feel his skin geting Dry and Hard as Hydras cant stay out of water for much or they will start to dry up.

As he walk slower and in small pain and his heads Growling they wuld all look around for any large source of water as wen looking dint see anything desided to move Foward But wen moving 1 of the heads wuld Roar left of them as they all look a large enough pond can be seen in the distans as they turn around and walks towards it feeling Each step they take Hurt more and more.

All that walking paid off as wen they got close they wuld walk in the pond of water it wasent deep for them only reach to there half torso but it was better that nothing,as they sink there heads in the water they feel relief from the heat.
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Dartag sighed and accepted the gift, "Thank you for the food." And he ordered his tribe to leave, taking the food with him, deciding to camp around the house that the lady was in. He armed his warriors in case of an elven attack, but otherwise he stayed inside his tent.

The rumbling of the earth shocked his tribe and he saw a huge dragon in the distance and scattered. The humans pursuing him also entered elven forests violating their treaty just to hunt his tribe. He had to fight, either way. He led his tribe toward the dragon.
Raiko woke up from what he thought was an earthquake. He rolled on his side and landed on the ground with finesse. After seeing a huge shadow appear, he noticed it was a dragon and he would not have to worry. About 20 yards away he saw goblins running towards the dragon. Raiko slowly went towards the goblin herd and stalked them making sure they wouldn't hurt the dragon. But if they did hurt it, he will have to judge their moves and hurt them just as bad as they hurt the dragon.
Buras saw the goblins, and immediatly thoght they were pests. He didn't want to get bloody from killing them, so he simply ignored them, batting a few a side when necassary. Goblins were nice, but they weren't the smartest lot. Hopefully he was close to the elves, that would get rid of the goblins.
Hydro from his cold pond he wuld look from his pond and see some commotion and humans and dragons he wuld give a yawn and all his heads laying on the ground looking from afar as he dint whant to get in any sorta Problem now and from his pond watch the the commotion
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The goblins did not attack, as long as the dragon stayed away. Dartag knew attacking such a big creature would be doom to his tribe, the humans then came and Dartag hid his people behind the dragon, knowing it would distract the humans, who tried to rope it down and break it.

The humans used grapples and surrounded the dragon, trying to capture him, for a dragon slave is more useful than a goblin slave. Some threw spears at it's legs, other's shot arrows at it. Dartag was safe now, and that's all he cared about. He moved his tribe away towards a cave he saw earlier, he would be safe there.
Raiko decided he was too impatient to see where this was going. He charged right in the middle and yelled, "STOP!" He thrust his zweinhander to the air and a dark force emitted from his body. He cut all of the ropes attached to the dragon and shot at the humans with lightning speed. He was ready to fight and yelled, "What is going on here?! Let's all be on our way and forget this ever happened! I will not hesitate to kill every last one of you."
Angelina heard the commotion not far away from her place and sighed. What is it now? She thought grabbing her bow and arrows with her, she exit the house and head towards the noise. Once she arrive, she saw a dragon, an elf and humans. She didn't know whether to jump in or to watch. After a few minutes of thinking she decided to watch and see what happens. Shaking her head at the elf's words she jumped up on one of the branches on the tree and watch, with her bow and arrows ready.
Barlen followed Dartag into the cave and looked around while doing so. He found some herbs useful for tending painful cuts and gathered it. He then approached Dartag "What will we do now?" While asking the question he was playing with a small knife and walking in circles around Dartag.
Raiko said in a more calm voice, "If you leave now I will spare you for what you have done to this dragon. If not, don't think yourself too lucky. I do not want any bloodshed this day." He said remembering what he had done earlier to the bear. "Well... Anyways, instead I will take you in to the Elves and you will be judged for your actions there." He spotted someone in the trees not too far off. "Come down here. If you are one of the humans the same goes for you. If not, I will not harm you."
The humans then charged the elf, knowing this would cause a war with their kingdom. There were about 20 of them, all armed with slaver's weapons such as clubs, mauls, and maces. They were eager to have an elven slave to bring to the market and would die for that opportunity in money. One of them managed to get a blow on the elf from behind, though not doing much damage.
"Do you think I need protection from you, elf?" Buras said to the elf as he rid himself of the ropes. He was just about to show them the error of their ways when this elf came along. No matter, these humans would learn soon enough what it meant to meddle with a dragon, especially in elven territory.
"No thank you," she grinned, "I like it up here better." She wondered if he can shoot this far away, but she'll be able to dodge it if he did actually shoot an arrow this way. She was about to say something when the humans start heading toward the guy. It surprised her at first and she got her first arrow out, aiming at one of the human. This is why I don't like humans, she thought, they always likes to do things by force. She pulled the string back and let go, the arrow hitting straight on the forehead of a male human. Ha! Gotcha!
Raiko, taking the hit from behind, sprinted even father back and re-sheathed his zweinhander and pulled out his dual swords. He yelled at them, "Do you not understand that this will cause a war between our kingdoms? This will be a never ending war that will cause many deaths!" Stop this now or I will be forced to punish you all for your actions." Raiko spit on the ground hoping that they would back down so no bloodshed would happen. "I thank you stranger but please leave for safety or stay to fight!"
"A FIGHT TOU SEEK, IS A FIGHT YOU SHALL GET." Buras roared, sick of their inscolence. With a toar he swiped at them with claw and tail. Mauling others with his horns. All the while lightning began to crackle and dance between his teeth.
Dartag was annoyed by the circling goblin, but kept his cool as this was one of his own, "We are going to take refuge by a cave." He said as they arrived. Not many goblins questioned him so this was odd. However when they saw an orc at the mouth of the cave everyone began to panick. He had not expected this, though he readied his warriors to fight as he retreated his clan.
Barlen started to run at the orc but soon retreated when he realized how the other goblins were panicking. He followed Dartag's orders and obediently followed the other goblins in their retreat. He broke any eye contact with Dartag as he realized he had yet again annoyed his leader. Barlen tripped over his feet but regained his steps and kept retreating.
Raiko sheathed his swords and went closer to the stranger that just helped him, and started a war. "I mean no harm to those who aid me. You have just started a war!" When he got closer he noticed the stranger was a girl. He started to walk trying to act cool. "Maybe a pretty face like you would rather be safe than fight. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Raiko said trying to make her not fight and retreat. When he realized the lightning was building in the dragon's mouth he said quickly to the stranger, "Maybe you should go, like now. Like right now! This is not safe for you!"
The humans shattered, only one surviving the dragon's rage. He reported back to his kingdom of (Insert name here, can't think of one) and told them the elves had released dragons on them as the were chasing the goblins. The king was furious, and declared a war upon the elves, marching his armies to siege the forest. This will take months for them to arrive. The elves receive this declaration and immediately start preparing their own armies. A great war has now begun.
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"Hey! No way–" she saw the dragon and look at it in shock. "I never like humans..." She mumbled to herself and went to a safe hiding place that would cover her when the dragon releases his breath. She hope that the lightning would take out the humans and things would go back to normal. She didn't care that much if there was a war. The humans came into the elves territory, they were the one who wanted war. And if it's war they want, then war they'll get.
Hydro wuld be in his Pond looking at the Inatural act of humans,and the fight as he was disapointed that theres no peace.As he wuld look the ravage way of the dragon he chakes his head that he has bin living for milleniums and no war was ever made until now Elfs and humans now Fight for a small act that has braught war to 2 large kindoms.
"Oh great. One got away. Who knows what he's going to tell their king. Well, the war shall begin. May I escort you back to your home, miss?" Raiko said to his new ally(?). Hoping she would tag along so he could get to know her better. He finally found what he thought was 'The One'. He found a stick on the ground and started to sharpen it into a spear for it was the perfect size.

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