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Fandom GTX: Gnu Forks - A "Glitch Techs" RP (Character Thread)

The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 3
I hope I'm not putting a dampen on that.
Nah. Maybe read the pages for the fictional games and products that were in the show itself to get an idea of what the names were like? Mostly because I haven't mentioned the weird fact that all restaurants in Glitch Techs and GTX are Fusion Cuisine.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 4
Nah. Maybe read the pages for the fictional games and products that were in the show itself to get an idea of what the names were like?
A lot of them seem really close to the originals. I was afraid that being that close would get me some flack because it'd be too on the nose.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 5
A lot of them seem really close to the originals. I was afraid that being that close would get me some flack because it'd be too on the nose.
Whoops, I accidentally ninja-edited my post.

Mostly because I haven't mentioned the weird fact that all restaurants in Glitch Techs and GTX are Fusion Cuisine. That is, the fast food places specifically.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 7
Whoops, I accidentally ninja-edited my post.

Mostly because I haven't mentioned the weird fact that all restaurants in Glitch Techs and GTX are Fusion Cuisine. That is, the fast food places specifically.
It gives a better context I guess. The idea is that Hinobi's games are marketable, theoretically speaking or sometimes in practice. Mama Miyamoto's Spaghetti in a Bucket, for example, is advertised with a similar slogan to the Burger King Whopper, but more importantly, it actually sounds like a viable product if regular spaghetti on plates wasn't a thing somehow. Brands in the Glitch Techs universe are business ideas that can only begin to exist in a vacuum but would be extremely profitable and memorable if that were possible.

Chomp Kitty is an adorable hungry kitty. Ping is named after the first video game to attain commercial success. Hinobi's H is distinctively shaped similar to the Nintendo logo's font (the capital "N" specifically).

Even the mini mall is a good example. The Bailley mini mall where Phil's branch of the Hinobi Store is has a loan store called "You've Got Bail" which, while comedically illegal irl, does sound like a plausible name for a loan shark payday loan company in such a tech-focused world. Hobby Haul could actually work IRL.

Finally, brands in the Glitch Techs universe began to exist in a geographical vacuum, not just an economic and social one. I've lived in a town like Bailley, that's why I chose Grand Forks even though GTX is the one place I would probably be better off using fictional or unexplored irl locations; I worked at a small town computer repair shop as a janitor once, Neighbours' Computers in Grand Forks. It's since closed down. Grand Forks will not be a city big enough to have a Best Buy, the location and local demographics prevent it being profitable.

In the Glitch Techs universe, a town like my hometown could be no different then where I currently live, or like Vancouver (the area I was born), despite the fact that Hobby Haul could not work in Grand Forks, that a Hinobi Store would be too much to ask for in Grand Forks. Now imagine what that would mean for everywhere. Villages in Colombia or India or northern Australia or central Africa. On cruise ships. In malls that are dying in real life. In that town in the middle of nowhere in the midwest of America.

Glitch Techs feels like a world where globalism worked. I don't know if that was the intent, but hopefully this all explains what I want GTX to replicate and pay tribute to.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 9
It gives a better context I guess. The idea is that Hinobi's games are marketable, theoretically speaking or sometimes in practice. Mama Miyamoto's Spaghetti in a Bucket, for example, is advertised with a similar slogan to the Burger King Whopper, but more importantly, it actually sounds like a viable product if regular spaghetti on plates wasn't a thing somehow. Brands in the Glitch Techs universe are business ideas that can only begin to exist in a vacuum but would be extremely profitable and memorable if that were possible.

Chomp Kitty is an adorable hungry kitty. Ping is named after the first video game to attain commercial success. Hinobi's H is distinctively shaped similar to the Nintendo logo's font (the capital "N" specifically).

Even the mini mall is a good example. The Bailley mini mall where Phil's branch of the Hinobi Store is has a loan store called "You've Got Bail" which, while comedically illegal irl, does sound like a plausible name for a loan shark payday loan company in such a tech-focused world. Hobby Haul could actually work IRL.

Finally, brands in the Glitch Techs universe began to exist in a geographical vacuum, not just an economic and social one. I've lived in a town like Bailley, that's why I chose Grand Forks even though GTX is the one place I would probably be better off using fictional or unexplored irl locations; I worked at a small town computer repair shop as a janitor once, Neighbours' Computers in Grand Forks. It's since closed down. Grand Forks will not be a city big enough to have a Best Buy, the location and local demographics prevent it being profitable.

In the Glitch Techs universe, a town like my hometown could be no different then where I currently live, or like Vancouver (the area I was born), despite the fact that Hobby Haul could not work in Grand Forks, that a Hinobi Store would be too much to ask for in Grand Forks. Now imagine what that would mean for everywhere. Villages in Colombia or India or northern Australia or central Africa. On cruise ships. In malls that are dying in real life. In that town in the middle of nowhere in the midwest of America.

Glitch Techs feels like a world where globalism worked. I don't know if that was the intent, but hopefully this all explains what I want GTX to replicate and pay tribute to.

That, and it feels like a world where nobody cares either way about your gender identity, sexual orientation, race, mental ability, family pedigree, etc. Biases and prejudices in Glitch Techs only apply to individuals and their reputations, not to groups or their histories.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 10
That, and it feels like a world where nobody cares either way about your gender identity, sexual orientation, race, mental ability, family pedigree, etc. Biases and prejudices in Glitch Techs only apply to individuals and their reputations, not to groups or their histories.
Does that mean Zoe is socially a weirdo for having attraction biases?
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 11
Oh well I probably shouldn't be the one naming them. I am the worst possible person to market anything.
Fair enough. If you need a name for something, just ask me, I'm pretty good at coming up with handwaves for awkward names or good original flavor sounding names and as the GM its kind of my job to do what I promised instead of sitting on my ass while you guys do so much for these RPs. Not that I don't do anything, I just feel like I don't do enough and that if you guys don't have the skill yet to do some specific thing then it's my responsibility to close the fortunately minor gaps left.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 12
Fair enough. If you need a name for something, just ask me, I'm pretty good at coming up with handwaves for awkward names or good original flavor sounding names and as the GM its kind of my job to do what I promised instead of sitting on my ass while you guys do so much for these RPs. Not that I don't do anything, I just feel like I don't do enough and that if you guys don't have the skill yet to do some specific thing then it's my responsibility to close the fortunately minor gaps left.
We're hopefully gonna be here for each other.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 13
Does that mean Zoe is socially a weirdo for having attraction biases?
Nope. It's more of a "people in Glitch Techs don't look down on or up to groups, they look down on or have respect for an individual".

I think that might explain why 86's pet peeve about Glitch Techs as a show is actually absent; he was kind of annoyed that Zahra wears a hijab for reasons related to the rampant mysogyny in Islamic countries, and thought some yahoo on the writing staff was an inclusivity hire. His more recent theory, since we agree Zahra is actually well-written, was "I bet someone wanted her to be stereotypical and then the rest of the writers said 'we're not doing that' and so they didn't do it."

My theory? She only has a hijab because if she wasn't wearing one, she'd just be "ambiguously brown" which would be arguably far worse than 86's worst fears if you want to make your show actually good. It's both racist and unfun if your middle-eastern background protag-of-another-story character can't be recognized as such by the fans. So instead of calling attention to it verbally, and then move on so it doesn't toxify the show - like in The Hollow's second season when Kai is worried that he has no chance with Mira because Adam "clearly has eyes for her" and "I (Kai) am such a geek" and Adam admits he's gay; The scene was short enough and respectful enough to actually work, but still drew attention to it - Glitch Techs made the only identification needed a visual one instead of a vocalised one, because I can imagine Zahra is a gamer first when it comes to her characterization.

The idea is, few people are stereotypes, and the ones that are usually come from echo chambers of hate towards stereotypes that are just stereotypes. Someone may believe in a religion, but that doesn't inherently define their identity as a person and even if it's for reasons that are only relevant to 2020 and 2021 (though still relevant as of this writing). Sometimes stereotypes are funny but they have to be made with self-awareness and the awareness that its not reality and to call out people who do bad stuff from all sides of a disagreement, like with South Park or The Boondocks. Glitch Techs' writers and artists did the right thing, something I can only hope I can successfully immitate.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 14
Nope. It's more of a "people in Glitch Techs don't look down on or up to groups, they look down on or have respect for an individual".

I think that might explain why 86's pet peeve about Glitch Techs as a show is actually absent; he was kind of annoyed that Zahra wears a hijab for reasons related to the rampant mysogyny in Islamic countries, and thought some yahoo on the writing staff was an inclusivity hire. His more recent theory, since we agree Zahra is actually well-written, was "I bet someone wanted her to be stereotypical and then the rest of the writers said 'we're not doing that' and so they didn't do it."

My theory? She only has a hijab because if she wasn't wearing one, she'd just be "ambiguously brown" which would be arguably far worse than 86's worst fears if you want to make your show actually good. It's both racist and unfun if your middle-eastern background protag-of-another-story character can't be recognized as such by the fans. So instead of calling attention to it verbally, and then move on so it doesn't toxify the show - like in The Hollow's second season when Kai is worried that he has no chance with Mira because Adam "clearly has eyes for her" and "I (Kai) am such a geek" and Adam admits he's gay; The scene was short enough and respectful enough to actually work, but still drew attention to it - Glitch Techs made the only identification needed a visual one instead of a vocalised one, because I can imagine Zahra is a gamer first when it comes to her characterization.

The idea is, few people are stereotypes, and the ones that are usually come from echo chambers of hate towards stereotypes that are just stereotypes. Someone may believe in a religion, but that doesn't inherently define their identity as a person and even if it's for reasons that are only relevant to 2020 and 2021 (though still relevant as of this writing). Sometimes stereotypes are funny but they have to be made with self-awareness and the awareness that its not reality and to call out people who do bad stuff from all sides of a disagreement, like with South Park or The Boondocks. Glitch Techs' writers and artists did the right thing, something I can only hope I can successfully immitate.
South Park ultimately in more recent years just filters into being a message about apathy, which probably does more harm than good in terms of commentary.

Making fun of everyone equally is a fine way to go about commentary, in my opinion. But if the goal of parody is to point out flaws, the end result needs you to give a solution other than “don’t do anything because you might be wrong.”

The only respect I have for south park are some of the anti-theist episodes that present commentary on cults, and that the episode featuring the return of “man bear pig” was used as an artistic, metaphorical vehicle for Matt and Trey Parker to apologize for initially doubting Al Gore’s warnings about climate change.
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion 15
South Park ultimately in more recent years just filters into being a message about apathy, which probably does more harm than good in terms of commentary.

Making fun of everyone equally is a fine way to go about commentary, in my opinion. But if the goal of parody is to point out flaws, the end result needs you to give a solution other than “don’t do anything because you might be wrong.”

The only respect I have for south park are some of the anti-theist episodes, and that the episode featuring the return of “man bear pig” was used as an artistic, metaphorical vehicle for Matt and Trey Parker to apologize for initially doubting Al Gore’s warnings about climate change.
*nods* To be fair, Al-Gore was a freeloading piece of shit who used a real crisis to make profit for himself and his political "campaign donors".
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion Mixup
Nah. Maybe read the pages for the fictional games and products that were in the show itself to get an idea of what the names were like?
Yeah, anyways. Let's actually come up with some characters for this thread.
Crap, yes. Sorry.

Okay, here. I want you to listen to this and then watch this and its sequels... and then know that TTD is a great game with a modding community that is talented but has some very self-centered members who think spiting the players for what other modders do is an acceptable form of getting back at people.

I was the exact opposite, and still am, but mostly because I feel creating a mod should be a hobby or learning experience, not a way to get clout, that is considered a vital community service; in other words, you can go home, but if you brought a ball to an open source game, it stays. No taking all copies off the internet with a BS copyright notice to say 'nyeh nyeh' for not getting your way. I toned myself down there after I healed from the mental wounds of 2017, but it didn't matter. They made it clear I'm not welcome.

Originally I was going to leave that out of it, but - if you want - I'll let you recenter the RP around your plans, starting immediately after the Tutorial, if you start with the villain team showing up to disrupt a routine de-glitching of a LogisTycoon Fever Deluxe train that showed up at a local rail yard (I'll put it on the GTX map for you). Have the people of Grand Forks live up to their description in the existing posts by having Gadg8eer's (no longer deserved) reputation get in the way by being shit to him and, for unique reasons, each of his family members; good people who happened to piss off a bad town by going against the status quo to help people. And to be fair, have someone point out I'm not exactly forgiving myself.
Sir loin's Charactfers - Fett the Renegade
FETT The renegade.

The Second in command to the villainous robot dictator wannabe Omega and first boss of the "Atom girl Z" series Fett was a Mercenary infamous for being basically a violent teenager in the Body of a Robot Bounty hunter and former Renegade hunter who joined up with Omega out of a desire to prove himself Superior to Atom girl (Or Z whatever her name is) and fought her on a highway in a mini-mecha and actually beat her ass, (His first fight is a textbook Hopeless boss fight) until Frost (Zero expy) showed up and wrecked his ride forcing him to retreat.

You fight him again in Omega's lair as the first fortress boss where Frost is badly injured to give Atom girl Z a fighting Chance by destroying his rideable Mecha and where you finally hand him his ass for what happened in stage 1 and he explodes never to be seen again right?

Wrong, he shows up again in Atom girl Z3 having been resurrected and upgraded into Fett Mark 2 by Dr Fizeau (Dr Doppler expy) as part of the bad doctors plans to bring back omega using atom girl z's body as a host for the diabolical robot but Fett proceeded to go off to hunt down and destroy atom girl and hopefully Frost as well for destroying him the first time. He has two boss fights, the first of them takes place in a factory fett has rigged to explode within a time limit and if you defeat him with his weaknesses it can be used to skip the fight in fizeau's lab. Either way Z3 seems to be the end of Fett.

No, no it isn't. The mystery villain of Z6 who just so happens to be doctor X Resurrects Fett as part of his plan to Finish off Atom girl and try to corrupt frost to the dark side along with 8 new Renegade bosses for Z and Frost to fight.
Crap, yes. Sorry.

Okay, here. I want you to listen to this and then watch this and its sequels... and then know that TTD is a great game with a modding community that is talented but has some very self-centered members who think spiting the players for what other modders do is an acceptable form of getting back at people.

I was the exact opposite, and still am, but mostly because I feel creating a mod should be a hobby or learning experience, not a way to get clout, that is considered a vital community service; in other words, you can go home, but if you brought a ball, it stays. No taking all copies off the internet with a BS copyright notice to say 'nyeh nyeh' for not getting your way. I toned myself down there after I healed from the mental wounds of 2017, but it didn't matter. They made it clear I'm not welcome.

Originally I was going to leave that out of it, but - if you want - I'll let you recenter the RP around your plans, starting immediately after the Tutorial, if you start with the villain team showing up to disrupt a routine de-glitching of a LogisTycoon Fever Deluxe train that showed up at a local rail yard (I'll put it on the GTX map for you).
Look man, you're the GM and I'm okay with you in charge. I was concerned that this entire page would be a conversation without any character sheets. But that seems like a good place to launch an attack.
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The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion Fixup 1
FETT The renegade Hunter.

The Second in command to the villainous robot dictator wannabe Omega and first boss of the "Atom girl Z" series Fett was a Mercenary infamous for being basically a violent teenager in the Body of a Robot Bounty hunter and former Cop who joined up with Omega out of a desire to prove himself Superior to Atom girl (Or Z whatever her name is) and fought her on a highway in a mini-mecha and actually beat her ass, (His first fight is a textbook Hopeless boss fight) until Frost (Zero expy) showed up and wrecked his ride forcing him to retreat.

You fight him again in Omega's lair as the first fortress boss where Frost is badly injured to give Atom girl Z a fighting Chance by destroying his rideable Mecha and where you finally hand him his ass for what happened in stage 1 and he explodes never to be seen again right?

Wrong, he shows up again in Atom girl Z3 having been resurrected and upgraded into Fett Mark 2 by Dr Fizeau (Dr Doppler expy) as part of the bad doctors plans to bring back omega using atom girl z's body as a host for the diabolical robot but Fett proceeded to go off to hunt down and destroy atom girl and hopefully Frost as well for destroying him the first time. He has two boss fights, the first of them takes place in a factory fett has rigged to explode within a time limit and if you defeat him with his weaknesses it can be used to skip the fight in fizeau's lab.

Look man, you're the GM and I'm okay with you in charge. I was concerned that this entire page would be a conversation without any character sheets.
Ah. I can fix that. Hold on...
The Feel of Glitch Techs Expanded - Discussion Fixup 3
Please tell me you're adding an actual name for the maverick hunter expy organization.
Better. I meant the conversation without any character sheets. I'm adding threadmarks. I'll also add the fortress to the map and then message you a link to the map before I go to bed.

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