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Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

Drew him. Also, Gloria, try to get closer to Y.

This is X from pokehigh.

  • Name: Arai Chu

    Gender: Female

    Species: Raichu

    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

    Age: 18

    Backstory: TBR(I has plans, yo)


    Arai is a typically flirty and fun girl. Generally carefree and gives 0 fucks about most things aside from Ziggys' safety and maybe her own to a degree. To her if she isn't doing something fun she generally finds something fun to do within five seconds. She loves making friends and tries to do so at any given moment, much to her more shyer sisters' dismay.


    Other info: Arai Chu is Ziggys' adoptive sister. Really she found her abandoned in a street so she decided to take her in.

    Notes about you(Are you a good RPer?): I consider myself to be a good RPer, yes. I've been RPing for around 8 years now, started back on Neopets way back when. Currently GM of one of largest fandom RPs on the website and in lots of others. I usually prefer detailed RP, writing anywhere from 1-5 paragraphs per post depending on my mood. I usually try to write a minimum of two regardless. I fully intend on revealing both of my characters backstories thoroughly throughout the RP. I just prefer to leave things a mystery as it gives me a better chance to flesh things out without waiting for hours or days to get it perfect.

Mitchs98 said:

  • Name: Arai Chu

    Gender: Female

    Species: Raichu

    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

    Age: 18

    Backstory: TBR(I has plans, yo)


    Arai is a typically flirty and fun girl. Generally carefree and gives 0 fucks about most things aside from Ziggys' safety and maybe her own to a degree. To her if she isn't doing something fun she generally finds something fun to do within five seconds. She loves making friends and tries to do so at any given moment, much to her more shyer sisters' dismay.


    Other info: Arai Chu is Ziggys' adoptive sister. Really she found her abandoned in a street so she decided to take her in.

    Notes about you(Are you a good RPer?): I consider myself to be a good RPer, yes. I've been RPing for around 8 years now, started back on Neopets way back when. Currently GM of one of largest fandom RPs on the website and in lots of others. I usually prefer detailed RP, writing anywhere from 1-5 paragraphs per post depending on my mood. I usually try to write a minimum of two regardless. I fully intend on revealing both of my characters backstories thoroughly throughout the RP. I just prefer to leave things a mystery as it gives me a better chance to flesh things out without waiting for hours or days to get it perfect.

Love the name, A Raichu lol. This will work. Accepted for both. Love your signature xD .
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Love the name, A Raichu lol. This will work. Accepted for both. Love your signature xD .
Awesome. And thanks d:. I was wondering if you'd get the obvious pun, xD . She was originally a gijinka so, ye. xD . They both were actually :P . Siggy was all luck, xD
I wanna try to find a picture of a Braixen with a pointy hat to use as Flare's look. I dunno, that'd really fit him. xD
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Sorry if I don't reply immediately, I am trying to draw a shiny Xerneas without an outline. Deviantart muro y'all.

sgtmickey said:

The Guild of Xilas

Name: North

Gender: Male

Species: Sawk

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 32

Backstory: He's a hardened warrior who has lived up high in the mountains for much of his life, training for the day when someone might possibly need him on a Rescue Team. Then he founded the Guild of Xilas where he could finally bring his dream to life, he soon gained a disciple of each type and they aim to gain more over time.


Name: Aqua Alpheus

Type: Water

Gender: Male

Species: Squirtle

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: The Squirtle of a certain famous trainer, he was a former member of the Squirtle Squad, he thought it was time for an early retirement so he could make some new friends and see the world outside of the small areas he and his crew protected. After a while of searching he caught word of this new movement called the guild of Xilas and intentions to create more guilds and organizations called Rescue teams to save pokemon from bondage of the pokeballs and the iron shackles of the trainers. They believe in working with humans without the need of keeping them stowed away in awful spheres. Now he travels around with the other members making sure they keep safe, they're trying to get support from legendary pokemon, no luck right now however but they're doing a good job given how few of them are out there.



Name: Kumba

Type: Normal

Gender: Male

Species: Snorlax

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Backstory: Just a Snorlax, he's an overall friendly dude, some of the smaller weaker pokemon sleep, rest, or eat on his stomach while he lies down, Snorlax is happy to give them protection from any bully pokemon that seek to attack them. Sometimes a bigger pokemon will wrestle for him for fun, he's an undefeated champion, he's not quite as lazy as other Snorlax since he's constantly fighting with pokemon who want to attack the little guys under his custody. He acts as the safe haven where the other Xilas pokemon bring them to so he can keep them on his large stomach.



Name: Helios

Type: Fire

Gender: Male

Species: Rapidash

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: Has an unnatural need for speed, does anything as long as it's fast. He often gives pokemon rides just so he has a chance to run somewhere. It goes without saying that he's a good runner because he's so eager to tell Pokemon about the revolution that he's an advocate for, he wants to rise up against the humans and start something that he and his fellow pokemon are calling rescue teams by joining guilds such as Xilas.



Name: Nuptup

Type: Poison

Gender: Male

Species: Vileplume

Sexuality: Straight

Age: As old as time itself....according to him

Backstory: This guy really likes to eat, or at the very least absorb whatever he comes across. He was released from his trainer to see the world, he had one of those psychotics who refused to take their pokemon back to the pokemon center after they fainted part of the new religion of Nuzlocke. He was the sole survivor of his trainer's Nuzlocke, being in the Pokemon Hall of Fame this little guy has quite the ego but being in a backpack full of unconcious pokemon messed him up quite a bit. He now puts on a persona of being a crazy powerful demon lord in disguise as an innocent Vileplume. It's a convincing act due to how strong he is but if your in his group of friends he'll act normal. He's a bit of a celebrity amongst a few routes and gyms for his ruthless battle tactics. Now that he's free he dedicates his time to the Xilas guild in hopes of protecting other pokemon from being captured, he dons a bit of a super hero persona when doing this as well.



Name: Neon

Type: Electric

Gender: Male

Species: Ampharos

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 22

Backstory: When he was a young Mareep he was walking with his herd at night, but in the midst of the darkness all of his friends and family were captured and taken away by team rocket...or was it plasma? Maybe it was Galactic... he was too traumatized to focus on what the logo was but all in all the bad guys stole away his life. When he heard about the movement of resisting captures and helping the other defenseless pokemon when he grew up into an Ampharos he had found what he'd like to do with his life. His role is keeping the pokemon safe at night with his glowing tail, he shows them across the safest parts of the routes and where they can be protected. He's not just some tour guide however, he can also hold his own in battle.



Name: Hathi

Type: Ground

Gender: Male

Species: Donphan

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 29

Backstory: This guy is the blacksmith/inventor of the group. He is one of the few pokemon to actually sport armor save for maybe a cubone or some others. Despite his already thick hide he believes in not being satisfied with mediocrity when you have the chance to do more. He makes weapons and other things for the pokemon to use while out gathering pokemon to protect, he makes a great bodyguard as well.



Name: Cleus

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Species: Duosion

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 12

Backstory: This little guy is just a small Duosion who had only evolved recently, he floats about providing support for the other more powerful members of the Guild of Xilas. He got involved with them because he looks up to the real powerful guys, they kind of use him as their mascot due to his lil' face. He hangs out with the pokemon they keep safe and acts as a sort of therapeutic squishy guy for them to converse with and get comforted by.



Name: Boulderbark

Type: Rock

Gender: Male

Species: Sudowoodo

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: Raised by a very bratty child who would constantly water him thinking that he was a grass type pokemon, but seeing as how water hurts him he would always try to escape, his family was too neglectful to ever stop their child from doing this however so he'd have to run away as fast as he could from them while they sprayed him with a hose and kept him outside when it rained. In his early years he was small enough to hide under the roof of the house but as he grew up he was too thick to completely shield himself from water. One rainy day he faced his fears and ran into the soaked yard and began to dig and scrape at the dirt with his green orbs doing his best to crawl under the brick wall that separated him from the rest of the world. He squirmed his way out and ran and ran and never looked back. He then cursed his years as a Bonsly and his teens as a Sudowoodo, now was time for a change. He started to bust walls down and help pokemon escape their abusive owners for their cruel behavior toward them. He'd crush security cameras, sneak into houses, and other spy things all while pretending to be a tree. Because of this he's gained a lot of friends for his actions and very thankful smiles from whoever he saved. He's a master at sneaking about and is often seen standing out in the rain as a reminder of why he does what he does, it's also a kind of resistance training to water as well.



Name: Ralph

Type: Dragon

Gender: Male

Species: Tyrantrum

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 1200

Backstory: By far one of the heaviest hitters on the team, you'd better be glad that this guy is friendly because if someone crosses one of his buddies he shows no mercy. A veteran in the pokemon wars of old he was one of the few to survive, many prehistoric pokemon were reduced to mere bones. He was a mighty warrior but he didn't feel right fighting his fellow pokemon for another species, he served his master well however as it was a knight's duty. When his old master passed away he found it in himself to find a new calling. He found Dialga on the brink of death as Palkia was beating him to the floor, he wasn't quite ready to have time itself be destroyed because of their petty squabble so he used roar on Palkia and he knocked him unconcious in an epic battle, beating even Palkia without the orders of a trainer. He took Dialga to a cave for away from the battle grounds and fed him Oran berries until he was better, Dialga rewarded him with a gift of immortality. Ever since that day he roamed the world taking what he wanted and getting stronger each day. That was until he saw the invention that was the pokeballs, he saw pokemon after pokemon absorbed into it's cold clutches, he shuddered at the thought of it. He found a group of skilled pokemon helping out others in need and keeping them safe, he challenged the Snorlax to see if their cause was worth anything, and in all his years he was finally bested. He admitted defeat and vowed to help them out as they were obviously serious about their cause, he soon began to make a friendship with all of the pokemon on the team and soon became one of it's most valued members.



Name: Seti

Type: Ghost

Gender: Male

Species: Cofagrigus

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 39

Backstory: So this guy might seem a bit scary being a ghost type and all, but he does a good job in hiding pokemon in his body. He also stores plenty of stolen man made items as well as money. The thing with him is that he's the thief of the group and manages to take plenty of things from towns and backpacks, each day he'll return to the hideout with revives, potions, TM's, HM's and other things, stuff that would be impossible to find in the wild unless a trainer dropped it. If you run across him he'll be sure to have whatever you need if it's physical or something, being a master thief that also makes him skilled in the art of mugging so he can knock out hoardes of pokemon with ease and take their precious items.



Name: Styx

Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Species: Houndoom

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 20

Backstory: This houndoom is part of the body guard portion of the group, he goes out and keeps smaller pokemon safe from attacks and other things. In his early years he'd walk around towns to scavenge for food because unlike other Houndoom he's unable to digest meat which limits his diet to moo moo milk, berries, and poffins. Because of the lack of protein he was a bit weak as a Houndoor but when he evolved (late bloomer but he did eventually evolve) he still felt as if he was going to starve to death that was until a child on the street coming home from school saw him, he saw the Houndoom's thin frame and long horns and mistaked him for a monster causing him to run away in fear and leaving his lunch behind. He snacked on it and he started coming around at night more often and ghost stories were passed around about a zombie Houndoom. He was given the nickname Styx like the river that leads you to the underworld and tons of tall tales were made about him, he soon joined the Guild of Xilas as he needed the extra protection as he wasn't the strongest Houndoom out there but over time with training from some of the more tough pokemon he was soon able to commit to his job and use his powers of intimidation to help others instead of scaring kids.



Name: Fern

Type: Grass

Gender: Male

Species: Simisage

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: This guy is real playful and fun, real friendly and approachable. When he was a young Pansage he met a very strong Sawk and his crew of other pokemon that protect smaller ones from being caught. He didn't want to be buckled down to a trainer and noticed that the Xilas didn't have a grass type as of yet so he volunteered to become a permanent member of the team. He works as a scouting agent as he travels to the farther regions and sees who needs help.



Name: Marco

Type: Flying

Gender: Male

Species: Staraptor

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 24

Backstory: As the resident flying type in the Xilas Guild he goes on a lot of missions in the air to see if there's any issues there, he often swoops in on unsuspecting trainers to scare them away from areas with his intimidating appearance. He even goes above criminal organization buildings to see what their up to so they know whether or not it's safe to raid depending how many people are in there. He was a former pokemon to the gym leader Falkner, this guy experienced many defeats and many victories from countless trainers, he was alright with Falkner, he was a kind trainer but he wanted to see what the world was like outside of the walls of Violet City. He made that expressly clear and Falkner with a tearful goodbye released him into the wild, Marco would visit from time to time but he dedicates his time to traveling the world and protecting the little guys. He became quick friends with Helios the Rapidash and challenges him to races, he's yet to win any but he's gotten close.



Name: Sir Stag

Type: Bug

Gender: Male

Species: Pinsir

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 38

Backstory: A Pinsir tied to his honor, he often recieves weapons and armor from Hathi as he gets into battle quite often. He might be a bit extreme in what he does but that might be due to how many times he's had pokeballs thrown at him as many trainers would want a Pinsir on their team. He does resistence training often so he can break out of pokeballs easier, he actually has the other Xilas members chuck ultra balls and great balls at him to see how many he can take, he gets better each day but he longs for the day he can break out of a master ball in case that day comes. His friends tell him not to worry as they usually only use those on legendaries but you never know.



Name: Snowball

Type: Ice

Gender: Male

Species: Glalie

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 48

Backstory: This guy was a former nurse at a Pokemon Center, he doesn't look like the medical type but that was because a Chansey took him when he was just a baby mistaking him for an egg. Of course he would have to be pretty old to have evolved as Snorunts take a while longer to evolve than the average pokemon but he was very very much late born so he was one in a million chance he evolved before he even hatched. So when he was born he didn't have the big icicles coming out of the upper part of his body making him look like a lost exeggcute egg but with a lot of weird cracks. The Chansey that picked him up put him in her pouch and back to the Pokemon Center. The nurses did a DNA scan that identified it as a premature Glalie. So over time his mothers, Chansey and Nurse Joy trained him in the art of medical care which isn't common for a Glalie but he got the job done. When he got older he asked if he could go free into the wild and find his purpose, they gave him a mega stone as a gift and he keeps it stored somewhere (he won't quite tell) on him at all times just in case. He joined the Xilas guild in hopes of keeping pokeballs off of pokemon as he thinks that's what he wants to do as the Chansey's at the Pokemon center never had to put up with it and they get along with the nurses just fine so he feels like it's not a requirement to keep them bottled up. He's the only one on the team that has a mega stone and able to mega evolve, being a nurse that limited his time to train for fighting for much of his life so the mega evolution gives him a bit of something to fall back on when they get in a scuffle. His name however is the result of much ridicule, being raised by a Nurse Joy obviously meant getting quite the unfortunate name, he resents it but keeps it to respect his parents so he wears it with pride or at least as much pride as you can being named Snowball.



Name: Briar

Type: Steel

Gender: Male

Species: Ferrothorn

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: This guy is the resident steel pokemon on the team, there aren't a lot of pure steel types out there let alone steel types in general so they took what they could get. But enough about that the way he got involved in the guild of the Xilas was when he was busy contemplating how he was a good design in any regard. He was busy wiggling his noodle-like arms and huge flails at the end of it trying to figure out what he could do with these odd limbs of his. He climbed up a wall with them and he sat down, he remembered the days when he used to be a Ferroseed and he could just roll about without a care but now he had these dangly weird appendages and they were a bit hard to maneuver because how thin they were. He then saw a mighty Tyrantrum and was very much jealous of his evolution. He skittered his way toward him and begged to be his student so he could know how to put his odd drumpy things to good use. That's how he became a member of Xilas but he never was interested in getting caught because alot of pokehipsters boycott places like the Unova region and even those who don't still don't catch many Ferrothorns anyway as they weren't the most popular pokemon out there so he can use his unattractiveness as an advantage as he can leave and go into cities without much of a problem.



Name: Kirby

Type: Fairy

Gender: Male

Species: Wigglytuff

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 26

Backstory: Often mistaken for a girl this Wigglytuff might look sweet but she's got a pretty crooked past. She used to belong to a Team Rocket grunt, no one particularly special just some guy. He was then passed on to Team Galactic and Plasma so needless to say, he's a bit of a gangster at heart but he wasn't about that life anymore. He busted out of the base and became a gangster pokemon on the streets, he became so tough he even formed a gang of Scrafty's that he'd go around flaunting and go fighting wild pokemon with. They'd get into fights with tons of Pokemon hoardes. Eventually he joined the Xilas as he thought of it as just another gang that he'd be able to actually help people with. He's a real tough nut so don't mess with him.


Holy shit. I should've set a limit. Copy paste your 2 favorite ones, then I can accept them.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Holy shit. I should've set a limit. Copy paste your 2 favorite ones, then I can accept them.
awww nuuu~ ;w; i didn't know! I put so much thought into all of them! C-can't i play all of them catbug senpai? If not then I'll do that but if you can find it in your heart to accept them all I'll be the happiest kitty ever
I appreciate the effort to make all of these, but jesus there's like 10 pokemon here. I thought I'd see 1 or 2 but 10, holy balls dude. Just color your text so we know who's who. I accept them all, but make sure you don't overwhelm yourself. Color your text to match whoever is talking.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
I appreciate the effort to make all of these, but jesus there's like 10 pokemon here. I thought I'd see 1 or 2 but 10, holy balls dude. Just color your text so we know who's who. I accept them all, but make sure you don't overwhelm yourself. Color your text to match whoever is talking.
* gives a thumbs up >W< *
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Nobody is awake but you and me... sad really.
Not really, I'm just supervising some RPs I've joined (And about to join). If you want, I'll go ahead and reply in Main.
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