Group or 1x1 either is fine.


New Member
Hello I am new here and would like to rp. I like mostly supernatural rps. I am a huge fan of werewolves, demons, vampires, and any of the sorts. I prefer mxm. I usually like bein the uke for mxm but I can be a seke or seme. I have some ideas but I don't want it to be solely my idea, we can come together and create a beautiful plot. If it is a group rp then I can be either a male or female but if its 1x1 I would like mxm. I am open to anything from blood and gore to intimate encounters.
Hey, I'm looking to join just about anything. I like to rp about anything and know a lot about a lot of random handy stuff. Would love to join any rps offered.

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Hey, I'm up to about anything too! Just let me know what kind of RP you guys want to do.
Ayy, I'm up for an mxm. c: But I'd preger playing the uke, because I can't play any kind of dominant role whatsoever.. xD
@PenguinAssassin, I really don't have a specific genre I like to RP in, but I really adore fantasy...and realistic stuff, as well. But, for me, it doesn't really matter as long as it has a good plot.

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