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Fandom Group Hazbin Hotel Roleplay


Unlucky Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I'm Nick, He/They. I'd like to do a group Hazbin Hotel roleplay that takes place on-site.
It's really just gonna be average days at the Hazbin Hotel with maybe some events and stuff. Honestly, I think this will be fun and I hope you will consider joining. If you wanna answer these questions here, that'd be nice: Do you have any rules/boundaries? Do you have a specific time you're most active on site? Et cetera. This is mostly for fun and I don't really have any plans for this, but I don't know. I figure we'll just go along and see how it goes. If you do have any plans or anything that you'd like, you can always ask or make suggestions.

Character's Taken:
  • Angel Dust by Chibistaryuu
  • Husk by PyroOvalord

Character's Needed:
  • Niffty,
  • Alastor
  • Vaggie,
  • Charlie
  • Maybe other characters once the main ones are filled in. (Like possibly Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious, maybe Vox and Valentino. If the main ones aren't taken yet, but you want to be one of those characters, just ask and someone will most likely allow it depending on who's asked first.)

((I won't be returning to the site anytime soon, but if someone else would like to continue this, they can! -Nick))
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I would like to do this, but I will allow Ocs too. Specifically to have my own Oc shipped with Alastor.

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