Grim's Manor for the Unholy

Hunnyhelp said:
My new char
Name: Sarison

Age of Death (if Human skip this): Never lived he was born the day Caricon created him

Real age:New born but has the personality of a 20 year old

Gender: Male

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Dumb, Strong, and trusting

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): When he was created all he wanted to do was please his master.

Appearance: Brown hair, Muscles, and Brown eyes

Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character): He was created there..
accepted yo
That made my day xD "Accepted yo." I was just talkin like a homie when i read that and i was like SHE KNOWS O. O
Name: Quincy Jackobs

Nickname: Q

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Apparition

Specialties: He excels in most types of combat and is a great multitasker. He is quite good at sneaking around and stealing items right off peoples bodies or their homes.

Abilities: He is a being with the ability to take over object(s) and use it (them) as bodies. He can also take over the bodies of animals and plants and use them as host bodies. (He animates or takes over things by placing himself inside them. He is in able to do this to humans unless they are dead.)

History: Quincy has been on Ciel for his entire life since his creation. He has lived a slight sad life because he was only ever seen as a shadow instead of what he really was unless he took over something as a host. With out the need for a home or food to eat he spends most of his time creating mischief.

Personality: He is a fun loving character and a man of many words but has some serious abandonment issues due to the fact that he feels as if the entire world has abandoned him.


Name: Erci Vannigan

Age of Death (if Human skip this): 16

Real age: 734

Gender: Female

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: She's got the most bubbly, happy-go-lucky personality you could ever see, although it gets annoying sometimes. She's very gullible, and can't take much seriously. She's always having to find the good side of every situation, and loves clinging to girls.

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): She was one of god's favorites, and used that to her advantage. One day, she went to her old families house, and murdered them all, laughing sadistically and jokingly. Afterwards, she used the body parts as dolls and played with them for hours. Of course, she got caught, and was sent out of heaven. She's spent her years killing people and is known for her giggle, which sends chills down people's spines when they hear it.



Reason for stopping by at the manor: Curiosity.
Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character):

Reito said:
Name: Erci Vannigan

Age of Death (if Human skip this): 16

Real age: 734

Gender: Female

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: She's got the most bubbly, happy-go-lucky personality you could ever see, although it gets annoying sometimes. She's very gullible, and can't take much seriously. She's always having to find the good side of every situation, and loves clinging to girls.

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): She was one of god's favorites, and used that to her advantage. One day, she went to her old families house, and murdered them all, laughing sadistically and jokingly. Afterwards, she used the body parts as dolls and played with them for hours. Of course, she got caught, and was sent out of heaven. She's spent her years killing people and is known for her giggle, which sends chills down people's spines when they hear it.



Reason for stopping by at the manor: Curiosity.

Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character):

Accepted! :D
Name: Shama

Age of Death (if Human skip this): 29

Real age: He lost track

Gender: Male

Race: Angel

Personality: Smart, Kind, and Helpful

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): He saved a life and died while doing it. His angel soul was killed many years ago. He was summoned by Gerus' stress.


Reason for stopping by at the manor: He was summoned by Gerus' distress.

Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character):
Hunnyhelp said:
Name: Shama
Age of Death (if Human skip this): 29

Real age: He lost track

Gender: Male

Race: Angel

Personality: Smart, Kind, and Helpful

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): He saved a life and died while doing it. His angel soul was killed many years ago. He was summoned by Gerus' stress.


Reason for stopping by at the manor: He was summoned by Gerus' distress.

Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character):
Accepted B|
YEAH! OF COURSE OAOAOAOOAOAO *tackles and doesn't let go*

I'll never let you leave though OAO


you can stay as long as you want >.>
Name: Ava Felbury

Real age: 18

Gender: F

Race: Human

Personality: She is rebellious and reckless, with a knack for attracting unwanted trouble. Her demeanor matches a daredevil's and she radiates the aura of unwanted leadership to some. She is unaffected by any peer pressure. Although protective and loyal, it takes a while for someone to gain her trust. She is generally quiet and observant, but has a hot temper that flares uncontrollably. Because of this, she is easily irritated/annoyed. She doesn't take too kindly to teasing and has trouble holding back her tongue. Despite this, she avoids drama at almost all costs. She hates making a fuss out of small matters and looks down upon those that do. Ava is practical and truthful, borderline on blunt and rude. She isn't afraid to tell her true opinion and what she thinks of the situation if she cares enough. Because she's factual, she finds it hard to put herself in other people's shoes. She is narrowminded and quick to mentally scold others.

Socially, she is awkward and a bit of a loner. She cannot take any criticism, especially from strangers. Also, she is not a planner and does not think things through. She knows she's terrible at planning and leaves this job for everyone else.

Short Bio (5-10 sentences max): She is the eldest of five children and was expected to be the prime example. Her dad left the family when she was thirteen, leaving her mom to everything. Instead of trying to knit the family closer, her mom drowned herself in alcohol and yelled at Ava for not taking over the family. Tired of all the drama it was causing, she ran away from her family with only a dagger she found in the attic. Soon, she came across the manor.



Reason for stopping by at the manor: Runaway

Reason for living at the manor (opt. depending on your character): Does not want to return home
Ohmahgosh a human *O* This is gonna be interesting! Erci's gonna love to be all over her.
xD My chara Erci is REALLY clingy and annoying, she's 16 in human age but 734 in real age. She acts like a 10 year old xD I think its the most adorable thing in the world xD
Hey that's a insult to me I'm 11. And you don't see me acting like her (JK). My angels will protect you (mostly)

Oh crap.........................................................................................................................You're gonna make a lot of friends and enemies >.> LOL

Absolutely accepted!

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