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ADHD Poster Child
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coded by natasha.
  • — Grimaldi Academy

    Grimaldi Academy School for the Elementally Gifted

    It was discovered in the early days of life that some born individuals showed signs of extraordinary gifts. These beings were known as Elementals. The Elementals were known to be fierce in their powers.They were classified under the ten elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Ice, Barrier/Force, Light, Shadow, and Flower. As time went on, The Elementals grew in power. The humans that were left in the world were not a fan of these beings having so much power. So, they banded together and pushed The Elementals in hiding after killing many of their kind. The Elementals are still among us but most people don’t know they exist in the human world.

    Most Elementals do not come into their power until age 18. When they do, most Elemental families send them to a school to hone that power. There are currently 5 Elemental Schools across the world. The oldest and most renowned is Grimaldi Academy. It has stood as the finest Elemental school since the early 1800’s. It was founded by Andres Grimaldi, a respected individual that wished for a safe space for Elementals. It resides in the Scottish Highlands attracting Elementals from around the world. They are all welcome if they pass the entrance exam. The competitiveness to get into Grimaldi Academy is very cutthroat. Applicants must pass an aptitude test to enter though it is rumored they give renowned Elemental families some leeway.

    A new Freshman class is starting and it is one for the records! All five renowned families have a child enrolled as well as some promising and powerful Elementals. Wonder how this year will play out and who will come out on top?

    GM: CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze
    Co-GM: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
    coded by natasha.
mentions over here.
Daphne Everwood
Daphne Everwood sat in her office, looking over some final paperwork. Today was the day that Grimaldi Academy would be starting another year of school and introducing a new round of Freshmen to the Elemental teachings they had to offer. Not to mention that this year had all four renowned families sending their heirs here. She had already gotten numerous calls regarding the rankings that were sent out in their welcome packets, most of them angry. Not a single heir had placed in the top ten of the Freshmen class. Daphne wasn’t here to play favorites or dish out special treatment, she was here to produce exceptional Elementals. The calls all went the same. First they were angry, then they offered bribes, and then they were angry again when she didn’t accept them. Their children would just have to prove themselves like everyone else. God knows she didn’t have special treatment when she was a student and look at her now, shaping the futures of freshly powered Elementals. This school was the best for a reason, it was competitive and cutthroat. It weeded out the weak and let the powerful thrive. It’s why Daphne loved her job.

After finalizing all the paperwork, she handed it off to her secretary, Ms. Hollingsworth before leaving the office and making her way to the auditorium. Her heels clicked on the marble floor as she made her way down the long hallways.Daphne could hear the faint chatter of students milling about outside, finding their dorms and seeing old friends. She turned down another hallway, seeing the Freshman class file into the auditorium. Oh how she wished to know what went through their minds. She walked past the entrance, opting for the stage entrance instead, making her journey a bit quieter. When she made it backstage of the auditorium, she was met with the professors that would ultimately be responsible for the Freshmen class. She gave them a warm smile.

“Thank you for taking time out of your day to accompany me at this Introduction Ceremony. Do give the Freshmen class today to figure out the campus. When classes start tomorrow, feel free to start awarding and taking points. As for Arena matches, Barrett and Hanover, I leave that up to your discretion when you want to start those.” she gave a smile, watching the group nod in agreement.

The muscular build with dirty blonde hair that belonged to Damian Barrett, one of the Arena Masters, raised a hand slightly. “Hanover and I will start Arena matches tomorrow. Might as well let them get a taste of what it’s like.” He gave a smug smile and looked over to Joel Hanover who just shrugged in agreement.

“Very well,” Daphne said, giving a curt nod. “Let’s get this started. Shall we?” She turned to the stage and started up the steps, followed by her fellow staff.

The stage was set up with chairs closer to the back of the stage for the professors to sit and a dark wooden podium sat front and center for Headmistress Everwood. She smoothed out her black blouse top and stepped up to the podium, adjusting the microphone to the right height. Her presence silenced the chatter of the room, all two hundred new Freshmen faces now had their eyes on her. She cleared her throat and began her introduction speech.

“Thank you all for being prompt to this Introduction Ceremony. My name is Headmistress Everwood and I would like to be the first person to officially welcome you to Grimaldi Academy. Here you will be tested to the best of your ability, you will rise and fall in the ranks among your fellow students. Whether you are sitting at rank one or rank two hundred, there is always room to be moved which brings me to my next bit of information. Tomorrow, your classes will start and so will the awarding and revoking of Rank Points. Your Rank Points can have you surpass or fall in the ranks and are given or taken by the professors behind me. Also starting tomorrow will be Arena Challenges. You can challenge your fellow students to Arena Combat as long as they’re within 25 ranks of your own. You beat them, you get their ranking.” She paused to read their faces.

“Your ranking here matters. By the end of your Freshman year, if you are in the bottom fifty, you will be cut from Grimaldi Academy. We raise fierce and cutthroat Elementals here. So, get a good look around who is sitting among you. These are your fellow classmates and your competition. Have a nice day looking around campus today, tomorrow starts the hardest year of your life. I wish you the best of luck.” She gave a smile before stepping down from the podium, making her way off the stage. Let the year begin.
coded by natasha.
Auclair Heir
mentions over here.
Julien Auclair

Julien stood outside the main building of Grimaldi with his sister, Vanessa. He currently had his phone to his ear, his mother’s calculated voice on the other side. His mother, Vivienne Auclair had to be made aware of every detail in her children’s lives. God forbid they ever step a toe out of line.

“Mother, we are here and everything is fine,” he stated, not to reassure her but more of a report back. Vivienne replied back to Julien in French to keep her updated before ending the call on her terms. His mother liked to remind people who was truly in charge even to her children.

“Mother sends her… expectations.” He turned his hazel eyes to Vanessa. Love wasn’t a word thrown around in their house, that was for certain.

Julien sighed deeply, running a hand through his dark brown hair, letting the back of it hit the collar of his jacket. He took one more look at his sister before making his way inside the building with the rest of the Freshman class. He hadn’t even had a chance to see his dorm room yet but he knew better than to miss a required assembly on the first day. When Julien made it into the Auditorium, he started looking at the seat numbers. One thing Grimaldi was also good at, letting the Elemental Students know their place. Sitting by rank bothered him. Not only was he barely in the top twenty-five, his sister who wasn’t the heir to the family, was going to sit two numbers ahead of him. He didn’t care too much about where he stood in the rankings or that Vanessa outranked him but his mother sure did and made sure to convey her disappointment.

Julien found his seat, motioning for Vanessa who sat in her chair, leaving a space for whoever was ranked twenty second. It didn’t take long before the assembly started, Headmistress Everwood taking the podium to give her speech. Julien recognized her from his aptitude test along with the two professors sitting in chairs on the stage. Professor Calhoun, the Shadow Instructor, had worked for his mother when he was a small child. He hoped that he still had the same loyalty he did back then. He’d feel his mothers wrath if he didn’t get his ranking up.

Everwood gave her speech, most students showed shock on their faces while Julien surveyed the room. He was in no rush to start looking at his fellow classmates as enemies but with Arena Matches already on the table, Julien’s renowned family status was only going to get him so far.

The assembly came to a close and Julien moved out of his seat as soon as they were dismissed, not looking back for his sister. The pressure from his mother, the calculated risk he was having to make just to be here, and just the sheer amount of people in the Auditorium was enough for him to bolt. He took a deep breath trying to calm the tightening in his chest as he walked out of the building, following the sidewalk to the dormitory buildings. He made his way to the Freshmen Building and took himself to the fourth floor where his dorm awaited. The ache in his chest lingered as he found the number he was looking for and used his ID to unlock the door. Once he was inside, it was evident someone had been in here first but all he cared about is that no one was in there now as he walked into the unoccupied room and threw himself on the bed not worrying about closing the door. Julien let out a shaky breath as he tried to keep the anxiety at bay, it pushing to the front of his mind the harder he tried. God, this was going to be a hard experience.
coded by natasha.

Ice User
mentions over here.
Declan O'Connell

Declan shrugged off his brown leather jacket, tossing it over his right arm before making his way into the old castle-like building. This school seemed more esteemed and established than he remembered for his aptitude test. He was just glad to be out of the cold town in Ireland that he grew up in. Far away from his sorry excuse for parents is where he wanted to be. He was just glad to be accepted. He wished he would have made a better impression on the panel to get a better rank but 150 was just something he would have to work on while he was here. It’s not like anyone told him how to master his powers. This was still all new to him but it wasn’t going to stop him proving he deserved to be here.
Declan plastered a lazy smile on his face as he made his way into the Auditorium and found seat number 150 to correspond to his rank. He leaned back in the seat, lazily draping his long legs over the seat in front of him. He’d eventually be asked to move but until then, he was going to enjoy this. This was for all the people who told him he wouldn’t amount to anything. Fuck them, right now he felt like a king.

When the person who sat in the chair in front of Declan showed up, he planted his feet back on the floor and soon everything got quiet as Headmistress Everwood took the stage. Declan gave a laid back demeanor but he hung on every word she said. He sat up a little straighter when she mentioned the bottom fifty of their class would be cut from the school. There were 200 Freshmen and Declan currently sat at 150. As far as he was concerned, that was as good as being dead last at this point. He couldn’t afford to drop any lower. He would definitely have to take his chances at Arena Matches just to secure his spot for another year. He wasn’t sure how much favor he could earn from the professors, most teachers weren’t fond of his energy.

Before he knew it, students were filing out of the Auditorium. Declan got up and followed suit and followed most of the Freshmen class to their dorm building. He was ready to see what his roommate was like. Hopefully one that could handle his energy. They only had to worry about his flirtatious nature if they were a guy but he was excited to see the chaos he could get into.
coded by natasha.
Cause I knew everything when I was young

stars around scars
force elemental
when you are young they assume
taylor swift
mood: very unprepared
location: grimaldi academy auditorium
interactions: no one... yet
Ivory Llewellyn was officially in the top twelve percent of students.

She had always been a remarkable talent, and an even more remarkable student. She was always working on this, but being such a novice, on such a learning curve? She had kept her fingers crossed that she wouldn't be in the bottom fifty percent. But to be sitting pretty, perched perfectly, in the top twelve? She couldn't have asked for anything more.

Renault and Abigail had taken her out to dinner once she had gotten the welcome packet. They'd given her the talks she expected to have with them, be careful with boys and girls, work hard to keep the position she had worked so hard to earn. They had reminded her just how strong and powerful she was, and they also reminded her how quickly it could all be taken away. They had gone over it again and again, until she was absolutely sure it was in her brain.

'Don't fall, don't break, listen to your gut, and you'll make it out alright.'

And now, as she sat here, listening to Headmistress Everwood talk about Arena matches (crap, she probably had a target on her back for being so high. She pitied whoever had the number one spot right now) and the fact that the bottom fifty at the end of the year would be cut from the program, she started calculating. If they cut the bottom fifty every year, that meant that as long as she never fluctuated from being in the top twenty five percent, she would graduate from Grimaldi Academy practically unscathed. And as far as she was concerned, she had only scratched the surface of her power.

She had no idea who the hell had the number one spot, but she didn't care. Being on top wasn't her goal right now, surviving the year was.

She got up from her seat as the headmistress concluded her speech, resolving to head to her dorm and take some time to herself if she could. Some off time to make a game plan, to focus her energy into something that wasn't the arena or her ranking.

All Ivy had to do was stay in the top fifty students. She could do that, at least. So, off to the dorms she went, to unpack her things, clear her head, and make a plan to show just how serious she was about this place.
© reveriee
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Eighty fourth out of two hundred. The fourty second percentile. That's all she's worth--for now.

The seating arrangement made sure to remind her of that. So many heads ahead of her. Eighty three, to be exact. She could feel a migraine starting to build on the back of her head. Her arrogance had let her believed she'd be worth more, a higher rank, a more esteemed position. In the end, she's still a nobody who came from nowhere. Crushed by reality soon as she broke open that fancy red seal, carrying news of her acceptance, and take her confidence down a few. Well, took they did.

But it matters less, as she tuned back in to the blonde headmistress' words, the ending of a speech. Karin could feel glares at the back of her head, and from her peripheral vision. Is it still just in her head this time? Curious as a cat, she gazed to her side, only to catch the eyes of the eighty fifth. In them, she could see a sense of determination that might just rival her own. Peeking slightly forward to the eighty sixth and so on, they all shared the same expression, eyes sharp at those of the higher ranks. Well, most of their faces. Some seem like they couldn't care less. Lucky or foolish she couldn't decide, and though perhaps she should at least feel a bit of envy, she felt anger brewing instead. But, either way, they're not her problem, and she won't waste her energy on them. She'd focus on the important things; this is the lowest she'd ever be. There's only up to go from here. She'll make sure of it.

And anyway, the fastest she could act about it is tomorrow, right? They'd at least give the students the first day here one day to do as they wish, before pitting them against each other? Maybe she should've paid better attention. Now that the others are starting to get up, so does she.

With one hand, she grabs the other's wrist. Her pulse is too loud too fast, and with her migraine as well-she needs to calm down. But where should she go now? Were they to converge again somewhere else? No, by the looks of it, others are dispersing, heading not just one way. A majority do, though, to the dormitory buildings. No harm no foul to go there, so she did.

Not without scanning the crowd first, of course. She'd been lucky enough to have enrolled with not just one, but six renowned family members. Unlucky too, she supposed. They've had years and generations, really, to ready themselves to be the best of the best, live up to their families' expectations and even beyond that. Whereas she was left without ammunition, to fend for herself. Surely they'd all be at the top twenty, or twenty-five, or at the very least top fifty, the twenty fifth percentile. Maybe she could replace them in rank soon enough. But where are they now? Not having a height advantage here, she couldn't really pinpoint even one of them. And she's not about to tiptoe to look around like a lost kid. So, taking small defeats graciously, she decided to just let it go and head to her room. Her head's killing her anyway-sharp, throbbing pain behind her eyes. She could use a good cup of ginger or chamomile tea right about now.

Still, she maintained a slower pace, she closed her eyes and take a deep breath. No use of rushing if it could make things worse. No need to make a kerfuffle when not even 24 hours has passed yet, even though she felt like she could faint from all the accumulated stress: super long flight, and oh how she hates them still, a different cuisine than she's used to, not having the chance to cook her own meal yet, unpacking... Furthermore, she can't show any sign of weakness, letting them brandish her as an easy target. The bottom fifty's gonna be eager to rise up, and so will the bottom hundred, and then she'd be next. And for all things that are holy, just how big is the campus? How long has she been walking?

Resisting the urge to squint the sunlight away from her eyes, she walked even more to the side now, taking refuge under the shade of trees. Well-maintained and healthy, the lot of them, by the look of it. Of course they would be. Silly as it is, it's understandable that her brain's still adjusting, despite her physically being in these grounds again, though officially as a student this time. It really is unreal to be so far from home, where she thought she belonged, and still feeling like an alien. Hopefully, that feeling will go away soon, she could only hope.

Too focused on all the not-so-fun train of thoughts buzzing in her head, it's not long before she (finally) arrived in front of her dorm room. At first, she wasn't even sure this was the right building, not used to the idea of a mixed dormitory. But, yes, double and triple checking, she was sure, this is where she'll live and rest for the next few months, and hopefully, years. It'll take a while to get used to, but she'll adapt. She's good at that, thankfully. Oh, look, a fancy lock that uses her ID to open the door. Since even rolling her eyes would be painful, now, with her headache and all, she resisted, and entered the room. Her room. Here, at Grimaldi. Well, hers and one other's. Wonder who will it be...?

your best american girl

♡coded by uxie♡


Dylan H.




dorm #405

"Caru ti," Dylan promised. Nain ended the call. For a moment, Dylan looked blankly at his phone, then he swiped off the call screen and held it against his heart. Nain was the only one who had been excited at his acceptance into Grimaldi. The rest of them had been hesitantly impressed with him, proud yet bewildered — no, that was Caspi. Tad didn't know yet. Dylan remembered how Mam had shuttered between shocked and relieved, then how she had tallied up the fees — the flight back from the Highlands and there again; books, dorm, tuition. Mam had smoothed him down like the cat, tittered about how his passing the aptitude test, she should have seen it coming—

Dylan shook himself. He was feeling adrift — he shouldn't. From his corner of the courtyard, he could see freshmen trickling toward the Auditorium, one or two at a time. Dylan pocketed his phone, then he followed them into the grandest building he had ever stepped foot in — as if Castell Harlech had been renovated for modern eyes. All of Grimaldi looked like that; Dylan reckoned his bit of gawking couldn't look too out of place.

He had his acceptance letter folded neatly into his jacket and his ID with it, both safely out of view — rank 111, the latter declared. It wasn't that bad. He wasn't dead-last; he was just short of 100, really, almost in the top half of the class.

Dylan counted down the rows until he found his seat. He sat.

He couldn't fathom it anyhow — all the ninety or so due behind him, the hundred in front of; they all had the power to call upon the forces of nature.

The assembly started.

Dylan's eyes were drawn to the headmistress. She held herself like someone used to the attention; something told him it was well enough — the hundred in front of him, at least, seemed enthralled. The speech itself was short and to the point, which Dylan appreciated. Classes started tomorrow, yeah, and Arena Combat and Challenges; Rank Points, the last fifty dropped out, which meant, really, he was alright. 111, yeah, so long no one challenged him; he wasn't so sure how he would fare in a sanctioned duel, so he would just have to do well in class.

Dylan was one of the first ones out of the Auditorium after the assembly ended, caught in the ebb of the crowd. He hadn't spent much time in his dorm yet, hadn't unpacked — #405, was it? He slipped his ID from his jacket for a peek, then ambled over to where dorm #405 out to be, pausing every so often to make sure he had gone down the right hallway. The closer he got, the worse the tides roiled within him: would it be cramped once he was all set, would the lav be clean; how could he get along with his roommate? How could he do this for a year? It had only been few days and he already the familiarity of Harddlech.

He scanned himself into the dorm with his ID. The door opened with a soft click.

♡coded by uxie♡
Lily Hastings
Mightier than thou
Flicking her long red hair over her left shoulder, Lily looked up at Grimaldi Academy in front of her with a grin tugging at her lips. Her home for the next few years was every bit as extravagant as she could have hoped and as soon as she walked through the gates she knew she was home.

Her eyes skimmed the campus and her fellow newcomers as she walked towards the auditorium, judging everyone around her as she tried to decipher who would be worthy of her companionship, no-one particularly stood out but she was sure someone would over time. Her hips swayed from side to side lifting her dress slightly with each step before it fell back down again, her heels clicked on the pavement loudly in sync the type of noise that brought attention upon itself. Standing tall with her head held high, Lily was no stranger to attention in fact she adored it.

Stepping into the auditorium, Lily kept her sights set on the front of the hall, the elite percentile where her own seat was situated. Ranking 19th was an achievement and she knew this but she couldn't help but have a grudge against the person in the number 1 spot, the position that should have been hers. As she walked through the hall, she kept her head high ignoring all those with lower scores that did not even deserve her attention, honestly in her opinion, anyone who scored that low shouldn't have even showed their face.

Lily took her seat just as the Headmistress stepped on stage, crossing her arms Lily sat back in her seat as she kept her attention focused on the stage and to the powerful woman talking to them. At the mentioned of fighting for ranks, Lily turned her head to look at those lower than her, a deadly glare present in her eyes, a warning of sorts to anyone who dared try and fight her. Not that she was scared, not at all, she knew she would win but she still didn't want anyone to think she was an easy pick.

When the speech was over, Lily stood and followed the crowd of freshmen as they left the auditorium and followed the crowd as they embarked on the Dorm rooms. It was obvious that everyone was eager to find out who they were sharing with and for Lily it was no different. She just hoped that it was someone she either vibed with, that adored her or just stayed the hell out of her way any of them options would suffice but if they were annoying then she would get rid of them, after all she's done it before.

Lily opened the door and found herself face to face or in this case face to chest with a blonde haired boy. An unimpressed look played on her expression as she quickly looked him over before a smirk pulled at her lips "Not bad" she mused out loud but it was obvious that she was not addressing him. "I'm Lily, Lily Hastings" she commented knowing how much pull her family name tended to have in normal circumstances and so decided to start with it and get that part over with "and you are?" she asked, her tone was cold and judging, it was obvious that everything was riding on his response.

One's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern.

The ranking system is a fucking joke.

"Is that—?"

"That's our Number One? Them?"

"Are you sure—?"

Correction, it was a fucking scam. If the Freshmen believed in the propaganda, Revan didn't know if they should laugh at their stupidity or scream at the Headmistress for encouraging the bloodbath. Weed out the weak so the strong can thrive?

Bullshit. More like remove the poor and defenseless so the rich and powerful can thrive. Fucking elitist nepotistic bastards.

It was a popularity contest designed to pit newly awakened Elementals — young adults who can wield the elements like the fucking Avatar — against each other. Healthy competition? Good sportsmanship? Ha, of course not. Because of the system, it felt like the Hunger Games ... except, you know ... with elemental powers that can kill you if you aren't careful.

Not that the Academy encouraged death ... right? Right?

At this point, Revan wouldn't be surprised. Cutthroat and unforgiving, indeed.

"What's their name—?"

"I think it's—"

In the front row — positioned in the center like a beacon — Revan sat down. As they claimed their assigned seat, they pulled up their hood and slouched in the uncomfortable chair. They pointedly ignored the loud whispers behind their back.

The fucking gossips need to mind their own fucking business.

They folded their arms across their chest. "For the greatest Elemental Academy in the world, you'd think they'd splurge a little on better seats. Ever heard of cushioning?" they grumbled.

Multiple eyes burned holes in the back of their head. It felt simultaneously curious and envious. Revan yanked their hood down further with a groan.

Fucking vultures. All of them.

Despite their ... strong reservations ... Revan didn't enroll in Grimaldi Academy against their will. On the contrary, they conducted extensive research. Their father graduated from the establishment. The majority of his connections — and his current power and influence — originated from the Academy.

It was the most renowned Elemental Academy for a reason.

As much as they hated the cutthroat environment — it was a playground for wealthy nepo babies — Revan entered the Lion's Den willingly. If they want to survive her machinations, they need their own power and influence.

First step, establish connections.

Unfortunately, their ranking ... complicated things.

When they took the aptitude test, Revan didn't hold back. If they want to meet their ultimate goal before the end of the year, the Top Ten guaranteed enough power and prestige. They can't afford to hide in the shadows and breeze through unnoticed.

Not when she wanted them dead.

However, they never anticipated Number One.

How the fuck are they going to foster lasting connections if the entire Freshmen class wanted their rank?

On the bright side, her reaction was priceless.

𝄂𝄄 𝄄𝄃

Fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck—

Arena Matches. On the first day. Are you fucking kidding?

In retrospect, it made sense. Grimaldi Academy was a cutthroat and competitive environment. It didn't promise friendship and camaraderie. Instead, it weeded out the weak and bolstered the strong. The Academy wanted fierce Elementals, not cowards.

However, what does an Arena Match entail? Are there restrictions? Are there safety measures? What about the Elemental? How do they fight? Does it involve physical combat? Can they use their element? As Number One, are they forced to fight multiple Elementals a day—

Suddenly, their skin rippled like water. A flash of crimson enveloped their hands, rendering their pale skin invisible. Fuck, fuck, fuck— A wave of dizziness washed over them. Their breath quickened. In the back of their mind, they registered the incoming anxiety attack. Their anxiety — the sheer panic made it impossible to breathe — subconsciously tapped into their power. Eager to serve, their element rushed to the surface.

They need to leave now.

Before their element rendered them completely invisible — minus their clothes — Revan slipped out of the Auditorium without a backward glance.

𝄂𝄄 𝄄𝄃

Somehow, Revan stumbled their way back to their dorm.

Inside their bedroom, away from prying eyes, they sat on the floor with their head in their hands.

Breathe in ... hold ... and exhale.

They repeated the breathing exercise, focusing on calming their thundering heartbeat. In ... and out. In ... and out. They lowered their hands and tapped their fingers together. The repetitive motion distracted them from the tremor in their hands. In ... and out. In ... and out. A few minutes later, their heart stopped racing. Their hands stopped trembling. As they calmed down completely, their invisibility dissipated.

Once they reigned in their emotions, their cat — since pets aren't permitted, they smuggled her in — leaped into their lap and made biscuits on their chest. "Ow, ow, ow, Schwabelle, your claws are digging into my—!" They unhooked the murder mittens from their shirt and picked up their cat.

"I'd rather not be turned into a cinnamon roll for your cat café, sweet girl," Revan huffed with a grin.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps alerted them. Their roommate was home.

They set their cat down and rose to their feet. Despite their reservations — considering their rank, they have every right to be cautious — their curiosity overrode their reluctance. Revan opened the door and approached the second bedroom.

The door was open.

They knocked on the doorframe. "Knock, knock," Revan announced. They poked their head inside. Their cognac eyes pinpointed the brunette faceplanted on the bed. They leaned against the doorframe and crossed their arms.

cat memes

revan magnússon.

barrier elemental

"what the literal fuck?"

auditorium ➜ dorm

julien auclair

game of survivalruelle

© weldherwings.
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Adila Nakamura

ere it was...the day of the Grimaldi Academy entrance ceremony. A day that had arrived with much anticipation and worry for Adila as the ceremony was a day where she would have to fight harder than she's ever had to do before, to achieve the future she wanted. Carefully listening to the dean speak she took quick glances around at the other freshman that would also be fighting for their spot at the top. It sure is a large bunch...she thought to herself. As she scanned the room she accidentally locked eyes for a mere split second with a girl who was a few seats in front of her. She quickly glanced away, but her eyes cautiously looked back at the girl who seemed to feel out of place considering her demeanor while sitting. "You can tell exactly how a person was raised by how they sit in a room full of competent people"...Her etiquette instructor would say, the words being part of a horrid memory of disciplinary actions due to her poor posture as a child. From the moment Adila walked into the auditorium she was the epitome of a Nakamura; the way she thanked a fellow student for opening the door for her, to how she walked to her chosen seat, and even to how she sat as the meeting took place. She could even go as far back as to say her entire morning was planned, and her clothes were specifically picked to embody what a renown family member was to wear.

Ms. Everwood went over their expectations for the students, and then freed them to visit their new housing. Adila swiftly stood up, and decided to leave with not a moment to spare. The timeframe after the ceremony that was allocated to allow all of the freshmen to mingle was the best time for her to maneuver through the candidates, but she was disappointed on where she had landed in the ranking. All of the training the family put her through only landed her in 48th place. If she was to stay there then her hopes of choosing her own path in life would be crushed along with any hope of freedom she would have liked to achieve. To put it plainly: Adila was distraught... Why the Nakamuras chose this school for her was beyond Adilas understanding, but she was already sour about the entire ordeal.

While making her way out of the auditorium Adila looked around to see if she could spot Drago in the crowd. Wherever a flock of girls were was where he was sadly, and it was in no way his fault. Something about Drago was enticing, and she could even admit that at one point, it was tempting to see if their connection was more than just friendship. Though, nowadays that's a nonexistent feeling as she sees Drago like Barnaby; trapped. Unable to spot him she continued making her way out of the auditorium as she noticed Lily in the distance, leaving as well.

Adila couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy towards the well known Hastings girl. Not because of what she had, but of the rank she had achieved at the Academy. Something in Adila wanted to approach Lily to see how she had managed to rank so high, but she knew better than to do that. Lily would only relish in the fact that she was above her, and that's not something Adila needed at this very moment.

Continuing to make her way out Adila spotted Vanessa. At first, Adila wasn't sure where she knew Vanessa, but then it hit her! They used to sneak out when they were younger, and told each other that they would never tell the others family. Not only that, but they had met multiple times as their family's ran in the same circles, and she be lying if she said she didn't appreciate seeing a familiar face in this mess of an orientation. Though she was feeling less than friendly Adila made her way to greet Vanessa. "Hello, Vanessa, is that you?!" She said aloud to her past acquaintance.

(~I tagged whoever was mentioned in the post, not just who Adila talks to. Let me know if I need to change that!~)







Orientation Auditorium

coded by xayah.ღ
-Melinda Astria "Mel" Albar-

To say that Melinda Albar felt like a fish out of her pond is a large understatement. She didn't expect her first experience abroad to be... quite shocking. Literally so, if she may add. This is the first time she had experienced autumn, and she could not stop herself from shaking due to the low temperature. It was nothing like the tropical climate she'd been used to her whole life. She cursed herself for the lack of precaution throughout her journey toward Grimaldi Academy.

Speaking of the academy, there had been one thing that bugged her mind recently.

The fact that Mel was ranked 107th among the freshmen was something even she found to be mind boggling. 107th, that's 93 position higher than her expectation, given how low the amount of effort she gave when taking the entrance exam. On any other instances, this would've been just fine. That is, until the dean mentioned about sending the students in bottom fifty position home by the end of the first grade.

Mel wasn't sure if this is merely the tradition of any Elemental schools -- she had never been in one until now -- but she already had a strong opinion on this system. Even on an extremely personal level, this system already doesn't sit well with her. She'd definitely have to deal with ambitious lower rank people aiming to climb up the score ladder, which means she'd have to waste her time defending her position when she could have been doing something more productive like... well, she wasn't sure what could be more productive at the moment, but she was certain about avoiding as many duel as possible.

She hadn't even touched how morally messed up this system is, but that's for another time.

Regardless, Mel put the thought aside as the speech finally came to a close. There was still a good amount of time to look all around the corners of this academy, but she concluded that checking her room is of utmost importance. Mel noticed the crowd heading out of the auditorium and decided to follow them. As she calmly strode along, her mind briefly wondered if anyone else was just as confused as her. For her, everyone else seemed very eager and well prepared to attend the academy, and that made her feel rather bad for being ranked as high as she was.

Mel gently slapped both her cheeks. There's no time for impostor syndrome.

"I made it all the way here. I should at least take this seriously as well," Mel uttered toward herself.

After a while, she finally reached the dormitory. It was quite crowded as she had expected, but not to the point that it hindered her steps. There was also some amount of warmth in the building unlike everything else outside, and she found it to be much more comfortable.

"Four nineteen, four nineteen, where's my lucky number four nineteen..." muttered the black haired girl as she rushed her steps, her eyes glancing toward the number of each room she passed by. Shortly after, she reached her destination.

"Sorry for interrupting, I'm your new roommate from now on," she said, her eyes checking on whether anyone else was in the room before heading toward her bed.

Allyre Rosen


ready, curious


Dorm 411


Maman's garden was a bright and wondrous thing — filled to the brim with lush grasses and roses, and the sunlight always struck the crystal waters just so. Maman's exquisite, luxurious garden was a far cry from the gothic towers that made up Grimaldi Academy — Grimaldi, grim; it was like something out of a fairytale, an ancient castle of learning where monsters still roamed and children could die.

Allyre loved it.

He took his time wandering around the campus grounds as if he could commit all its intricacies to memory on the first day, watching for bugs and secrets. He could already guess which halls would be the funnest to sneak into, which ones would be most worth the effort. The clouds were soft above them today — a good sign.

Twenty minutes before the assembly was due to begin, Allyre backtracked and made for the theatre — the auditorium, they called it. He stuck close to the walls, weaving between dark structures with his fingers trailing along the rough stone and picking up dust instead of taking the clear-cut path through the courtyard like a normal person. He paused right in the entrance, not bothering to step aside so that those behind him wouldn't have to sidestep — why did it feel small? He hurried over to his seat — and the chairs, his public high school had invested in less squeaky things than these!

Allyre shifted, caught between contemplating the lack of pomp and observing the others in his class. There were ten elements. Five renowned families. Five or six heirs. Surely, they were all ahead of him in ranking? He turned his attention to those in front of him or to the side; it wouldn't be proper to keep peering behind anyhow.

The assembly started soon enough. The Headmistress Everwood took the stage and Allyre gladly listened. He recalled her from the entrance exam and thought her the respectable sort — much more respectable than Barrett; he didn't like his demeanour.

He thought he would appreciate Professor Schaefer's tutelage too, but that was neither here nor there.

There were three things most important that Allyre gleaned from Headmistress Everwood's speech: when classes would start, when duels would start, and that the professors wanted their students to rip each other apart. Arena challenges would be more efficient than simpering up at a professor to gain rank. The moment the assembly let out, Allyre did not doubt his peers would begin planning attacks on the higher ranks.

He wasn't sure how he felt about having to defend his rank on top of moving up. Was there even a cooldown period between battles? Would the arena be occupied indefinitely?

He both loathed and pitied whoever ranked first.

With the assembly over, Allyre squeezed through the crowd to reach the exit, then cut through the grass to make for his dorm. Who would be his roommate, he wondered. Would they be ranked higher? Lower? And if so, would they be a threat?

He reached his assignment, scanned his card and entered. There was a small commons and kitchen, and then two rooms — he had claimed the one on the right, farther from the bathroom or he might not be able to sleep at night.

Allyre slipped into his room to sneak out his current reading — a book on plants in mythology to pass the time — then loosely settled, hooking one leg over the other, into the corner of the sofa, angled towards the door. He would not be caught unawares by this mysterious roommate of his.

♡coded by uxie♡
Auclair Heir
Julien Auclair

Julien laid face first on his bed, still trying to get his breathing under control. He was almost too zoned out to notice the voice coming from his doorway. He had forgotten he had a roommate, one that just caught him mid anxiety attack. His mother had always instilled in him that appearance is everything but at this moment, Julien couldn’t muster up enough energy to put on a show. He turned his head to get a look at the person in the doorway, his appearance probably not the most inviting. The person that stood there didn’t seem very intimidating with their oversized hoodie and glasses but what did Julien know?

Julien sat up on his bed, crossing his legs as he gave a small smile that didn’t stay long, pushing back his disheveled dark locks. He could still feel the tightness in his chest but tried to ignore it though that wasn’t really working. He looked back down to his lap before a small animal jumped on his bed and came into his line of sight. It was a cat, one that quickly took up the space in his lap and started purring. He hesitantly petted the small creature while she laid there, bringing a calming presence.

Julien looked up to the person in the doorway, the tightness in his chest slowly dissipating.

“How the hell did you smuggle a cat in here?” Julien asked, disregarding pleasantries. He was quite impressed by the small creature in their dorm and was quite curious about how it came to be. His anxiety also thanked the cat as Julien continuously petted the sleeping feline.
coded by natasha.

Vanessa stood there, leaning against the auditorium building with her glasses on top of her head reading her book that had to do with the history of this place. Here arms and legs were crossed in a way that gave off effortless elegance or grace. The book was fascinating, to her anyway how this place came to be and the school map which was printed on the first and last page. There were some places she wanted to escape to already. Check out and explore. Maybe she could find a spot all to herself right off the bat.

Julien, her twin brother stood in front of her with his phone in hand speaking with their mother, a “joyous woman” ensuring her assets had landed & made it to their destination. The young woman could hear her mother from the phone where she stood; how Julien’s ears could ever was beyond her. One of the small things Vanessa couldn’t help but appreciate not being the heir. At the same time, she felt bad for her brother too.

Julien hung up the call, “Mother sends her… expectations.” she heard her brother say. There was a slight pause in her reading where Vanessa looked over the top of her book to meet Julien's eyes with a slight raise of her brow. A quick Hrm was all that left her lips before returning her eyes to her book. Yeah, I bet she does, when does she not? Vanessa couldn’t help but let her frustrations out in her head. It agitated her at times, how their mother spoke to them. Not only did that call leave a bit of a bad taste in her mouth, but she also had to attend this orientation ceremony when all she wanted was to escape for a little. Don’t get her wrong, she's excited to be at Grimaldi but V was tired, hungry, and needed some quiet. Her ears felt sensitive due to the multitude of voices and sudden noises around her from students & staff, making it hard to concentrate.

Vanessa closed her book, taking her brother's last look as a cue to get their butts in there. She took in a deep breath, settling herself up straight again and stretching up towards the sky with her book still in hand. She let out a long soft sigh right after and proceeded to follow her brother inside. “Let’s get this over with then.” Vanessa mumbled to herself. She followed Julien down towards the front with arms wrapped around her hips and book hanging off her fingers. Green eyes tried to stay focused forward but the closer she got to her seat the more curious she grew throwing side glances without moving as much an inch of her head. “Hmm,” she hummed to herself, these new faces were interesting, and pulled at her curiosity. She wondered who could do what, as she had little experience with other elementals that weren't her brother, or those in or around her family.

Those feelings were smothered once her eyes landed on the numbered chairs. V bit the inside of her cheek, feeling a little guilty as she passed Julien and took her seat a few chairs up from him. Vanessa was proud of her abilities but couldn’t help to feel as if she burdened her brother. Made things harder for him sometimes, that maybe it had to bother him just a little, and that made her stomach turn a bit. She didn’t mean nor expect things to turn out this way, but she could do nothing about it now. Plus, she had bigger things on her hands now.

Crossing her leg over her knee, Vanessa sat back in her chair one hand holding her ankle in place so her leg didn’t slip off and the other still wrapped around her waist with the book in hand. As if on cue when the headmistress walked on stage everything went quiet. Vanessa could feel a small sense of relief, straightening up in her chair. As the headmistress walked onto the auditorium stage Vanessa paid attention to her speech. The ranking system was . . . interesting but she didn’t plan on going up . . . nor down. She’d wait for Julien to make his move first.

After being dismissed everyone began filing out of the auditorium but Vanessa sat back and waited a few moments, watching her brother leave then taking this time to actually see her new schoolmates. Green tired eyes curiously took in the faces around her, especially the top 25 before they left. She could have sworn she’d seen a familiar figure but she wasn’t really sure. Stretching out her legs for a minute Vanessa got up and proceeded to make her way out as well. Her hands were sweaty and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have a bit of anxiety at the moment thus she still carried herself with her chin up. Just as Vanessa was going to head out to her dorm, a voice came out from behind her. “Hello, Vanessa, is that you?!” The young elemental stopped and turned to face where the voice came from. In front of her stood an old friend that Vanessa use to hang out with in secret and saw on more than one occasion due to their family ties. She had good memories with her, Adila Nakamura. Tiredly yet with a warmth Vanessa gave a small genuine smile. “ Adila? It’s been too long, mon chéri.”

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