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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓭𝓲 𝓐𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓶𝔂: 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓭 ~ CS Thread (CURRENTLY FULL)


ADHD Poster Child
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
coded by natasha.
  • — Grimaldi Academy

    Grimaldi Academy School for the Elementally Gifted

    It was discovered in the early days of life that some born individuals showed signs of extraordinary gifts. These beings were known as Elementals. The Elementals were known to be fierce in their powers.They were classified under the ten elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Ice, Barrier/Force, Light, Shadow, and Flower. As time went on, The Elementals grew in power. The humans that were left in the world were not a fan of these beings having so much power. So, they banded together and pushed The Elementals in hiding after killing many of their kind. The Elementals are still among us but most people don’t know they exist in the human world.

    Most Elementals do not come into their power until age 18. When they do, most Elemental families send them to a school to hone that power. There are currently 5 Elemental Schools across the world. The oldest and most renowned is Grimaldi Academy. It has stood as the finest Elemental school since the early 1800’s. It was founded by Andres Grimaldi, a respected individual that wished for a safe space for Elementals. It resides in the Scottish Highlands attracting Elementals from around the world. They are all welcome if they pass the entrance exam. The competitiveness to get into Grimaldi Academy is very cutthroat. Applicants must pass an aptitude test to enter though it is rumored they give renowned Elemental families some leeway.

    A new Freshman class is starting and it is one for the records! All five renowned families have a child enrolled as well as some promising and powerful Elementals. Wonder how this year will play out and who will come out on top?

    Grimaldi Academy Rules and Regulations:
    -No killing other students on campus outside of the Arena.
    -Fighting among students will not be interfered with unless death is close. (Actual accidental deaths do not count breaking the rules. Can’t fault a new fire elemental accidentally incinerating someone)
    -All students are ranked within their class. Everything can earn you points to boost your rankings. It can also make you lose points.
    -Elementals are classified under the ten elements at Grimaldi. Each person will have a roommate. This is non-negotiable.
    -Off-grounds curfew is 12am. On-Grounds curfew is 2am. If you are caught after curfew and still alive, you will be dropping in the rankings.
    -Show you deserve to be at the top Elemental school in the world. If you don’t, you won’t be here long.

    -They must be classified in one of the 10 elements listed.
    -Elementals are now only born to Elementals (They can have one human parent but this doesn’t happen often)
    -Elementals are born with only one element. If parents have two different elements, they will only have one of the two.
    -Renowned families usually marry those of the same element for legacy purposes.
    -There are 5 Renowned families: Hastings, Nakamura, Gergorio, Auclair, and McDonough
    -The Hastings Family are Fire users
    -The Nakamura Family are Earth users
    -The Gregorio Family are Wind Users
    -The Auclair Family are Shadow users
    - The McDonough Family are Water users

    -Being from a renowned family has its perks but those perks can only get you so far. Some families are more respected than others.
    -Each person comes into their power by 18.
    coded by natasha.

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Julien Louis Francois Auclair
The Auclair Heir
Oct 31
Shadow User

dark brown
body type
body modifications
Scar on left hand, ears pierced
Felix Mallard
"My life will never be my own"
Julien tends to stay pretty quiet and to himself. He stays under an immense amount of pressure when he’s at home to perform to the best of his ability and be obedient that he kind of withdraws himself. He’s always looking to learn new things and loves to read. His bedroom back home is full of books. Julien doesn’t speak up unless spoken to but he will speak up if someone he cares about is being treated unfairly. He feels his life has been planned for him the moment he came into this world and it feels more like a trap than a gift.
Earl Grey Tea
a good book
Early mornings

  • Julien group in Paris at the Auclair Manor with his mother, Vivienne, his grandfather, Louis, and his twin sister, Vanessa. Born two minutes before his sister made him heir to the family. From a young age, he was shown his expectations and how to run the Auclair family successfully. The Auclair’s are responsible for helping Elementals find places in the world and integrate into human society, something Julien finds interesting. Yet, every family has their secrets.

    Julien is very used to being compliant and obeying his mother’s wishes for the sake of peace. He chooses not to speak up because he learned early that it wasn’t his place, the scar on his hand is proof of that. He has no say if he truly wants this path in life and he doesn’t have the backbone to deny it either.

    Being away at Grimaldi Academy will be the first time Julien isn’t under the watchful eye or direct pressure from his mother and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved. Vanessa being by his side also helps but he’s hoping that he can finally be free of the chokehold his future has on him.

MBTI & Moral Alignment
ISFJ and Lawful Neutral
Fun Facts
Extra: The twins do not know their father.
Julien suffers from anxiety
I Prevail- Deep End (Acoustic)

coded by Stardust Galaxy
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{The MISC section has a hidden scroll, there is more info under the four images}

* the spare

  • req.

    water Wielder

    * full name
    Lachlan McDonough
    * age
    * family
    The McDonough Heir
    * p.o.b.



    july 7th



    * height
    5'2" (157 cm)
    * weight
    110 lbs (50 kg)
    * hair
    Messy brunette curls
    * eyes
    * build
    Lithe and slender, Lachlan has little in way of defined muscle mass and looks as if a stiff breeze could knock him over
    * dis.features
    The freckles across the bridge of his nose and scattered across both cheeks like constellations
    * body mods
    Both earlobes pierced | A tattoo on his left wrist to represent his belief that no matter how rough the waves get, he won't drown
    * faceclaim
    Timothee Chalamet





♡coded by uxie♡

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Click Squares and Scroll
  • Initializing Basics...
    Name: Ivory Llewellyn
    Age (18-19): Eighteen
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Pronouns: she/they
    Element: force
    Birthday: March 3rd
    Place of Birth: Somewhere in Virginia

    Quick Overview: Ivory "Ivy" Llewellyn is a barrier/force student at the Grimaldi Academy School for the Elementally Gifted. After a chain of events led to the discovery of her powers, she was taken in by two other elementals who helped her craft her story and reinvent herself. But she'll never explain the reason for it, and no one knows why.
    Rendering Appearance...
    The Basics
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 101 lbs
    Hair: Dark brown/black
    Eyes: Dark brown
    Body Type: Ectomorph
    Distinguishing Features: Scar on her right shoulder (usually covered)
    Body Modifications: Earring piercings
    Face-claim (Realistic only): Jenna Ortega

    Physical Description: Standing at the very tiny height of 5'1", Ivy puts the tiny in the phrase "tiny but mighty". She has dark brown, almost black hair, which she usually puts up in a ponytail or keeps in a swim cap due to her hobby on the swim team. Her clothing primarily consists of neutrals and darker tones, with the occasional pink sweater or blue swimsuit involved. Her style can be considered mostly modern with a hint of piratecore/renaissance depending on the outfit she intends to wear that day. She also has a few outfits that she tends to keep in for rainy days.
Art by 18bot
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Adila Nakamura

# Earth Wielder

# Lisa Soberano (FC)

♡coded by uxie♡

Adila Nakamura
Adila Nakamura


Adil, Mura


October 10th




Hispanic - Asian

London, England


Student at Grimaldi
Monday, October 10
slide to unlock
face claim
Liza Soberano

Dark Brown

Dark Brown


5'7" | 170cm

140lbs | 63kg

Slender and Tall

distinguishing features

body modifications
Toward Better Things...
Adila, at first, seems like a cold and arrogant person but once she opens her mouth the atmosphere changes in an instant. The aura around her turns into a soft and welcoming one, where she will easily accept anyone into her circle. Adila enjoys catching a conversation with just about any individual, and is not afraid to be the loudest person in the room. It's said the reason she seems unapproachable is due to her stern look and confident stance, but her laughter alone is contagious. Some consider Adila a natural socialite as she can smooth over any discourse within a conversation, and soothe a person to her will. Whenever Adila walks into a room her presence is known simply by the way she carries herself into said room. There is not an ounce of hesitation or insecurity in her exterior, and Adila thanks her training for that.

But, on the inside Adila goes through many emotions. Is she good enough, is she fashionable enough, and is she able to portray her ability to command the room? While talking she considers the next topic of conversation, and while walking she will be anticipating the next move.

  • Vices: Quick to anger, Uncompromising, Stubborn, Cunning, Perfectionist, Self-Doubt, Hypercritical
  • Virtues: Headstrong, passionate, optimistic, decisive, grounded, direct, resilient, steadfastness, witty, Friendly, Outgoing
  • Likes: Photography, Landscape photos, nature, quiet, the countryside, dusk&dawn photography
  • Dislikes: Restraints, Small Spaces, Deep Ocean


Adila was born to a mother who was not initially accepted into the family, and to a father who would had been disowned for his actions. It is customary for the Nakamura family to jointly choose a partner for the next head of the house; this tradition had lived on for centuries. However, the woman who was chosen for Edric was not the woman who came to be with child. Instead, someone who had no status in society held the future of the house of Nakamura.
The first to protest this was Edrics twin brother, younger by only a few minutes, Elric Nakamura. For years, Elric had protested his rights to the family fortune as he did not believe he was born after Edric. Growing up Elric despised his brother, and oftentimes fought physically with Edric. He was a desperate man whose only aspiration was to have as much power and influence as humanly possible... Who better to provide that than the Nakamura affluence and prestige. Shortly after being accepted to Grimaldi Elric was then expelled permanently, though this did not affect his influence in society as one of the Nakamura sons. Many people feared him, and in turn did as Elric wished which oftentimes led Elric into the underworld of theft, crime, and drugs.

When he found out that Edric had a woman in secret, and that said woman was pregnant then Elric saw his opportunity. He openly claimed responsibility for being the snitch that told the Nakamura family about the affair. Originally Edric wanted to keep Rina away from the family as she wanted to live a quiet life. If Rina had known that she was with a Nakamura then she would have cut the relationship off, but she fell in love before she found out the truth. Together, Edric and Rina had come to the conclusion that she was to raise their child away from the spotlight. Adila would have nothing to do with the Nakamura life, and that Adila would live as a Hayashi. How was it that Edric was to remain in their lives? They weren't sure...Edric would do what he could financially, but he had hoped that as he continued to show the family he wasn't going to listen to their wishes of an arranged marriage, then they would budge. That, in a way, the family would accept Rina eventually if he held off... And, Rina would come back to live with him with their child Adila. The plan had many faulty parts to it, but Edric could admit it was an optimistic outlook. An outlook that never came to pass.

Once Elric opened the can of worms then Rina was bullied, and ridiculed as the woman who was taking advantage of the family. Edric was shamed for his actions, and placed on house arrest as his schedule was wiped clean, and his assets frozen. There were talks of Elric taking over the family as he was willing to secure whichever match the elders were providing. Things were looking up for Elric who could already taste the power he aimed to gain his entire life. But, almost with no warning, 4 months later the family retracted their decision. It turned out that Rina was from a renown gifted earthly family herself, but the family lost their prominence due to Rina's grandfathers gambling problem. He owed money to the wrong people, and the Hayashi family was no more. This enraged Elric but he could do nothing as Edric was given his assets back. However, this is not the end to the brothers quarrel.

An incident that was swept under the rug occurred, which affected Adilas life to the current day. Shortly after her birth Elric decided to attack the newly birthed baby Adila in an attempt to kill both the mother and the baby. This did not succeed as the baby had lived, but Rina was killed instead. In the same estate Edric was attacked, but he in turn killed Elric. The incident was broadcasted as a break-in on Edrics estate where Elric was said to have protected his brother and the baby, but only those closest to the family knew the truth. To this day, not even Adila knows. All she was ever told was that a criminal tried to kill them all, but that Elric protected her.

After the events of what insiders call "The Brothers Quarrel", Edric was broken beyond repair. He would tell his mother, Adila grandmother that his heart had died the day that Rina was killed. A year went by as nannies took care of Adila, while Edric decided to find his way in life once more. Once the year passed Edric returned to his duties, and agreed to marry the woman who he was originally supposed to marry.

Growing up came with its own set of difficulties as not only was Adila named as the official heir, but also that she had a new mother in her life. In the public eye Jade was a doting mother to Adila, and seemed to cherish her as if she was her own daughter. But, in reality Jade did not have a warmhearted bone in her body for Adila as Jade would not acknowledge her even if they were in the same room. When Adila entered boarding school oversees for semesters on end was when the treatment became easier to bear for Adila. She saw Jade less, interacted with Jade only during the summers, and found a way to cope with their small interactions.

Once her brother, Barnaby was born, Adila took on a big sister role to watch over him when she was able to. Though Jade had made it difficult for Adila to be near Barnaby she still does what she can to be around her half brother. If Barnaby requests Adila, then Adila comes.

Since Adila is from a family whose gifts are renown as one of the best then the family had trained her from a young age on what to expect, so she can wield her gift when it arrives to its maximum potential. The training was rigorous, and extremely taxing on her body as she had to get accustomed to an ability she did not yet have. Nonetheless, she listened to the criticism from the elders to assist in her training. During this time she was also scouted from a well known Modeling agency where she is still employed to the current day. At the agency she is the poster child as well as the biggest paid young model, and it was all thanks to their help. The agency has helped her be able to stand on her own two feet, and have given her the tools to be confident when no one else did. In turn, this helped her be resolute in any setting as she navigated the difficulties of public life. Adila considers the agency as her 2nd family due to how considerate they are of her well being. The model name Adila goes by is called "ANA".

On top of that, Adila took early college courses in the architecture field to fulfill the elders wishes as well as business classes, and leadership classes. If it were up to her she would have preferred to join a prestigious school to keep from being under the watchful eye of the family, but if she was to maintain her goals of being a fashion designer one day then she needed to accept that the family demanded her go to Grimaldi Academy. She passed as was expected, but wasn't happy to be joining a school not chosen by her.

  • Family:
- Father: Edric Nakamura
- Mother: Rina Hayashi
- Step-Mother: Jade Nakamura
- Brother: Barnaby Nakamura
- Uncle (Brother to Edric) - Deceased: Elric Nakamura
- Grandmother: Rose Nakamura
- Grandfather - Deceased: Henry Nakamura

  • Extra:

code by valen t.
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  • Name: Aiden Asher Prescott
  • Age(18-19): 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Element: Force
  • Birthday: February 18th
  • Place of Birth: Las Vegas, United States

  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 135 lbs (~61 kg)
  • Hair: Short brown, lightly curly
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Body Type: Average
  • Distinguishing Features: Walks with a limp, usually has a medical cane.
  • Body Modifications: N/A
  • Face-claim (Realistic only): Chandler Riggs

  • Personality: Tries to be kind, but is sometimes overly emotional and lashes out when overwhelmed. Tends to keep to himself, and is quite awkward, but can be somewhat clingy and overly attached when he becomes comfortable with others. He is easily manipulated and gullible towards people he trusts. He is quite intelligent.
  • Virtues: Compassionate, Resilient, Loyal, Intelligent
  • Vices: Emotional, Introverted, Sensitive, Gullible, Overly Self-Critical, Self Destructive
  • Likes: Reading, Playing Videogames, Stargazing, Indie & Rock Music, Studying Elemental History & Techniques
  • Dislikes: Crowds, Sudden Loud Noises, Being Pitied, Confrontations

  • Backstory: Aiden was born to the wealthy, though not particularly well known, Prescott family, who own a large oil company in Nevada known as Prescott Energies. Unbeknownst to humans, much of their success is by clever use of the force element in extracting and storing oil with little to no cost. Aiden was the first child of the Prescotts, and as such was taught much of the business in his early years, despite not showing any real interest in it. This changed when Alicia, Aiden's younger sister, became old enough to show her stark interest in the business world, prompting their parents to focus on educating her on the matters of the family business, since she actually enjoyed it, although this left Aiden feeling somewhat isolated. One fateful day, when Aiden was 14, he and his little sister were playing alone out on the lake near the family's property. Sadly, while Aiden was reading upon the branch of a tree, Alicia begun to drown. Aiden quickly notice, but in his frenzy, he fell, his leg landing squarely on a large boulder beneath the tree, snapping it and sending him unconscious from the pain. They were both found later, but Alicia had sadly drowned, and Aiden was left with a permanent chronic pain in his left leg due to the injury, despite numerous surgeries, making it difficult and extremely painful for him to walk unimpeded. After the death of her only daughter, the matriarch of the Prescott family, Abigail Prescott, suffered extreme depression and has since spent the majority of her time in bed, unresponsive. The father, Landon Prescott was similarly affected, but took it upon himself to hold the family, and the company, together. Still, he holds some resentment and blame toward his son for not saving Alicia, and worries about the future of the company without her. Due to all this, Aiden chose to spend most of his time in isolation to avoid the blame- both from his parents and himself, opting to do research into elementals and force techniques, trying to find some way to make himself useful, less of a burden.
  • Extra: Has CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) in his left leg, Experiences extreme Thalassophobia after the incident with his sister.
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  • scroll

    高嶺の花 (take no hana)
    "Flower on a high peak" / "something out of one's reach"

    mitsuhara karin (三春 花林)

    nineteen years old

    cisfemale (she/her)

    panromantic demisexual

    flower elemental

    born in shikoku, japan

    november 3

    From the same flower the bee extracts honey and the wasp gall.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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prince des fleurs.

full name

Allyre Rosen




French American


male (he/him)





date of birth

May 25





5'7" — 178 cm


luxurious golden blond


dark umber


simply charming; soft-spoken, sharp-minded; a dimple on the left cheek; fond of roses and his gardens; often wears gloves to hide his calloused hands


light eyes, heavy gaze; curiosity killed the cat; lurks in the gilded halls and laughs a lot; not to be caught snooping

fountain of eternity

by eternal esclipse



"I shall bring GLORY to our name, Mother."

When he was still little, Allyre Rosen would sneak out of his house through his bedroom window and wander into his mother's garden. With only the stars and the flowers as his companions, he would seek out the fey. There were never any, of course, because the fey don't exist, and Allyre would fall asleep in the grass, but for the longest time, he thought they were real, and he thought his mother was their queen.

Allyre's earliest memory is his mother pressing the crippled petals of a withered rose into the palm of his hand. The petals crumpled and he had cried, and his mother had raised a new rose, bloodred, from the earth. It had gleamed in the light until she had snapped its stem in two, and she'd handed him the dead garnet bloom.

He was raised to be heir.

Mon prince adoré, his mother would call him, and his father would shake his head and beckon him instead, Allyre.

Sometimes, he dreams he has a brother eight years younger than he is, and he dreams his brother loves him and they play in the garden all day. He dreams he teaches his brother how to make a crown of flowers, how to swim in their sweet summer pond. He calls his brother Hugo in his dreams, but it cannot be. His dreams are haunted by a changeling.

"I will bring glory to our name," Allyre Rosen had promised his mother as ivy curled around him them. He had always known he would inherit. He had refused to see a world where he hadn't.

He had known to seed, to sow, to grow and nurture; he had done it all by hand even before he came into his element.

Of course he dared the entrance exam at Grimaldi. Of course he was accepted. His father may have been proud but shocked he wished to go so far, and his mother may have been wary, but she had raised him to be the Rosen heir even before he knew his own name, and he would bring them into glory.


roses and ivy, swift streams and fast waters; silver keys, dark soil; chocolate-furred cats and green laughter, sharp tongues, swift fingers; shiny trinkets; myths and legends, monster and fey; sweet and sour candies, fruits and juices; intricate patterns, the taste of the sea


vague answers, car exhaust, sweaty peers, tight clothes, things that squish (mud and yoghourt), the use of plastic, people who put songs on repeat


always holding something or hiding his hands, taps his foot and drums his fingers, hums when he thinks no one is watching; takes things he thinks others won't miss, lurks in corners, ever the eavesdropper




The name Rosen doesn't tend to ring bells in the elemental community, but those who hear the silver jingle might find them distasteful — their line is known to prefer the company of humans to elementalfolk; the last few heirs have wed them.

With this comes a peculiar set of traditions: Rosen children with a human parent are raised mostly oblivious to the existence of elementalfolk — there have been cases where the child never inherits the element, and it's best not to get anyone's hopes up. Most Rosen stay silent of their powers even to their partners unless it seems that the child inherits. Of course, the exception goes to the main line because their child may as well be the Rosen heir, traditionally declared on their eighteenth birthday and ascertained on their twenty-first.

The current head of the Rosen family is Glen Rosen, based in France, who currently manages the grand Arboretum de Lavaur — the garden boasts over 4700 species spread across six greenhouses and a herbarium; it shares its grounds with an affiliated research facility, and much farther down the road, an interactive museum.

The Rosen heir is Glen Rosen's firstborne daughter Elonie Rosen, only in name as she leaves most of her responsibilities to her eldest cousin Michel Rosen who grows more exasperated by the year.

Allyre Rosen, only recently declared but already disastrously passionate, has brilliantly sworn to relieve his mother and cousin of their unwanted duties as soon as he sees his twenty-first.


Rosen children mingle with humans. Allyre went to a public human school and made human friends, played human games, made human jokes; and watched all his relationships crash and burn when he realised he couldn't be the Rosen heir and lead a human life. His friends would want to know his plans after graduation; he could not tell them. His teachers, the school counselor; they all wanted to know. His mother grimaced and insisted people were less nosy decades ago. He could not stay in contact, could not promise to hang out; his friends pestered him and he would not budge.

Allyre's eighteenth had come halfway through the school year. He had come into his powers. He no longer had a need to care about inconsequential things such as human college; there were five grand elemental schools and he would be going to one of them.

Allyre's grades did not fall when his friends deserted him; he turned his care to his element. His mother could do things with her powers that a lesser elemental could not dream of. He would learn from her in the few months he had, and he would see himself walking the halls of Grimaldi.

His passing the entrance exam did not surprise him. Rosen children may mingle with humans, but Allyre was the Rosen heir and he belonged in the company of elementals.

Elodie Rosen


The firstborne daughter of Glen Rosen, Elonie Rosen is swift and sly and terribly pretty. The Rosen heir loves her gardens just as much as the Rosen head loves his, for all that Elonie's private lands are much smaller than the famed Arboretum de Lavaur. Elonie was never interested in leading her family, but she was loathe to pass on the title of heir — "I would see Allyre Rosen be Prince should he wish it," she would say, dreaming of a boy even before she would carry the child in her womb. Allyre Rosen returns this devotion tenfold. His mother is the most important thing on the earth; he thinks he would forfeit his element, his title, his birthright; if only she asked and it would make her smile. If there was ever a fear within Allyre that he could do terrible things at his mother's command, he's all but brushed it aside.

Rémy Rosen


The son of a botanist and a botanist himself, Rémy Rosen has been surrounded by plants as far back as he bothers to remember. He met his love Elonie as a babe; they were playmates, and they spent their youth traipsing through the Arboretum de Lavaur, climbing trees and sniffing at flowers. Rémy was there for Elonie's eighteenth at her behest; he saw when she raised a rose from the dark earth with nothing but her mind. If he thought it unnatural, he said nothing of it, and he smiled and held her and laughed with her in her joy as she commanded the seeds to sprout, the grasses to sway, and the flowers to turn startlingly vibrant. Rémy Rosen knows his wife is akin to a princess about to be queen, that his son may as well be prince and heir. He supports them best he can, never dares shy away when they speak of powers and monsters, but he is only human. He loves his plants, but he can never feel them the way a trueborn Rosen does, and when he thinks of this, his smile withers and Allyre steps away to seek his queen mother instead.

family sigil

two-thorned rose

family crest

rose tangled in ivy

family motto

"une fois flétri, renouvelé" (withered, renewed)




♡coded by uxie♡

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  • play with fire
    Sam Tinnesz

    Revan Magnússon
    Rev, Raven
    date of birth
    November 1st
    Fontainebleau, France
    Grimaldi Academy
coded by natasha.
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Name: Melinda Astria "Mel" Albar

Age(18-19): 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: She/her

Element: Lightning

Family (Optional): Ahmad Tony Albar (father), Anggun Dewi Bestari (mother)

Birthday: May 5th

Place of Birth: Surabaya, Indonesia


Height: 155 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Body Type: Average

Distinguishing Features: -

Body Modifications: -

Face-claim (Realistic only): Maudy Ayunda


Personality: From the outside perspective, one would easily think that Mel is a rather lazy person. She doesn't like wasting her energy by going all out most of the time, adopting a "work smarter, not harder" attitude towards life. That is not to say she isn't someone without a drive nor desire. It just that for the most part, her "drive" in doing her tasks is to have more time she can spend on just chilling around. Nothing excites her more than the idea that she could have much, much more time just indulging in her own thought. As slothful as she generally is though, Mel loves trying new things that peeked her interest. Because of this, she can be quite knowledgeable on uncommon topics, but struggles on day-to-day conversations.

Things, however, starts getting a bit more active when it involves the very few people she included in her small circle of friendship. While Mel has a hard time socializing, she truly cares about those who are close to her. Nothing angers her more than seeing her friend being harmed by someone else, and she isn't quite the forgiving type.

Mel's most prominent bad habit is her tendency to spent her money willy nilly. She is a rather impulsive spender, and have a hard time saving up. Occasionally though, Mel can display some form of preservation especially when she want something her pocket money cannot buy at the moment. She could also just as impulsively spend her money to treat her friends, often without considering if she'd even have enough to feed herself in the future. However, Mel had never spent her allowance for vanity. She is quite a cheapskate, and doesn't really understand the point of buying luxurious stuffs. In fact, she found people who are obsessed with being a showoff rather pitiful.

Her greatest passion in life is playing music. She could play pretty much any kind of musical instruments, but especially loves playing guitar. While she is mostly a metalhead, Mel is quite open minded about all kind of music genre.

Being someone who was diagnosed with a mild case of ASD, one of her biggest pet peeves is people mentioning it outside of a proper consultation. She hates it because the very mention of it usually ruins what is supposed to be a casual atmosphere between her and her friends, and furthermore people would often throw a pity party toward her when all she ever wanted was being treated like everyone else. When this situation comes though, she prefers redirecting the topic of the conversation rather than confronting the person who caused it.

Vices: Sloth, vengeful, awkward, wasteful

Virtues: Curious, creative, loyal, passionate

Likes: Rock/metal music, retro games, spicy foods, theatrical

Dislikes: Watching golf, bright white wallpaper, smoker


Backstory: Raised in a rich but loving family, Mel spend her youth seeking for her passion. Her father owned a large food processing company focused on making sausages and nuggets, but is also a metalhead and was once a bassist himself. Her mother, on the other hand, was a traditional dancer and theater actress. Both parents' hobby and passion would eventually sprinkle down to the young Mel. This would eventually manifest with her creating an indie rock band with her school friends. Although the band mostly play in her school or some cafe, the internet helps her gain fame all across the globe and even grew a small, loyal fanbase who were awed by her skill.

Ever since she was young, Mel has always been academically gifted. Because of it, she gathered a lot of trophies and accolades from various contests. Mel tried to use this to enter a scholarship program for oversea college, but got rejected all the time since her family isn't considered financially incapable to require one. She intended to attend a college in Yogyakarta, but then all of a sudden her power awakened right in front of her parents. While she was mostly chill about it, her father decided to help her and manage to find a program for Elemental to attend a prestigious oversea academy for gifted people. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, she picked Grimaldi Academy by mistake, believing it was located in England when it is in fact placed in Scotland.

Family: Mel's lineage isn't exactly a large intertwined web of clans and subsidiaries. While she does carry the name Albar from her father, the rest of her greater family do not share the "Albar" name since Javanese culture doesn't recognize the existence of family name. There is, however, a lineage that can be traced all the way back to the era of ancient Javanese kingdoms, back when Elementals weren't shunned and even praised as avatar of gods. Unfortunately, as the kingdoms fell, so does the influence of her ancestors. Finally, during the Dutch colonization era, their presence is completely suppressed and the lineage faded into the annal of history, their story only retold through oral myths and legends.

The lineage resurfaced into relevance once again with her great grandparents. Her great grandfather, a fire Elementals who entered the military, fought secretly in the War of Independence for the newly formed Indonesia. However, due to the government wanting to keep the existence of Elementals a secret, they denied him the honor of a hero and swept his existence under the rug. Feeling bitter but still loyal to the nation, the great grandfather decided to retire from the army and open up a rice production company. The company staggered for quite sometime due to nationwide economy crisis, but eventually grew large enough to produce all sort of food when Mel's father took over. Today, the family owns one of the largest food production company in the country.


-Mel's biggest influence in her guitar style is Jimi Hendrix. Her current favorite guitarist is Ichika Nito.

-Mel has also consulted to several other psychologists about her ASD when she was in her high school. Apparently some of them believed that she doesn't actually have one, and her "quirkiness" is just part of her personality.
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Lily Hastings
Fire Wielder
  • i
    full name
    Lily Hastings
    date of birth
    6th June
    Female - she/her
    Family & Element
    Hastings // Fire Element
    Place of Birth
    Los Angeles, California
coded by natasha.
Drago Gregorio
Element of Wind
Born 08/26 in Milan, Italy
Closeted Homosexual
All kinds of hot tea (his favorite being earl grey), the break of dawn, elegant dress and dinners, animals, tennis, steamed vegetables, staying on schedule, cologne

Controlling people, karaoke bars, deserts, complaining, being told "no", the Americana aesthetic, whistling, drunks

Honesty, Detachment, Orderliness, Cleanliness, Dignity, Assertiveness, Perserverance, Responsibility

Oppression, Calculation, Conceit, Restraint, Aberration, Asociality, Meretriciousness, Insensitivity

Drago has a head full of brown curls and
eyes of stormy grey. He stands in a slender frame of five foot nine inches, but doesn't let his arguably shorter height cloud his sharp intimidation. He has trained perfect posture that seems unbreakable.

There is nothing left to the imagination with features as defined as his mindset. Drago will never be found without his broad shoulders, head up, and eyes forward - focused only at his future.

(FC: Jesse Eisenberg)


Drago Gregorio's intelligence is as sharp as the tailored clothes he wears. He consistently thrives in his studies, excelling in academia not only to exceed the expectations set by his familia, but to also prove himself as a force to be reckoned with. He owns an aura of utmost sophistication and charm; his every move is calculated and deliberate. Drago carries himself with the type of effortless confidence that instantly commands attention: an obvious testament to his prestigious upbringing.

Traits of loyalty and duty to his blood are the only ones Drago could ever own. He knows to go along with the obligation he's been given since birth: to hold the Gregorio name in its high esteem at all times. His familia taught him how to keep composure in any situation (it is the most important rule in wind wielding after all) as well as how to use the least words as possible to get a point across. He stays quiet, unprovoked, and sure. "When force comes onto you, stand still, and you will know which direction to move."

He never really saw his behaviors as strange as they may have seemed to others. Well, truly, he just never really saw others. All matters pertaining to a soul outside of his enclosed, meticulously planned world never graced his mind. Sure, he noticed that there were always others around him, moping through their pitiful day-to-days, but none ever came close to being on the level of the strategic mind he owned. Unless it was mandatory to involve himself with another, Drago was kept to himself in entirety. No casual conversations, no "friends." If someone spoke to him, he would, of course, politely engage, but make sure it was in the way of letting the other know he was not interested in conversing for anything longer than his five-minute grace period. He would move on immediately in his usual immersion of annoyance. People call him conceited; he calls it efficiency.


The Gregorio Familia's reign began when the name suddenly became relevant with one Enrique Gregorio, an ordinal number of greats grandfather of Drago's, who discovered using his element of wind as an alternative to using fossil fuels as the sole energy source of the factories that produced the many fabrics and materials for the trade economy of Milan, Italy. He was immensely praised and rewarded with countless opportunity and good fortune.

One day, much controversy arose when an old coworker of Gregorio's revealed that he was actually the one who had the idea of using elements as a power source, not Enrique. He told them that there was no "discovery" and that his family had been using their light element as energy for generations back in his home country. "All just rumor, of course," Gregorio responds immediately to the media. "Just another seeker of fame that isn't rightfully theirs."

Enrique continues to gain more and more wealth over time, and his name is mentioned in just about every business interaction in the area there and beyond. He uses his assets to gain favor with politicians, law enforcement, and other influential figures in many different countries in Europe. Eventually, he settles down to have a family to pass down his immense success to. The Gregorios presented themselves as pillars of the community, using their resources to fund initiatives and charities all around the world while expanding their business globally.

As a new academy is in process of swarming the media, the Gregorios, once again, step into the limelight as Andre Grimaldi's daughter marries into the family. She brings her ideals of spirituality and tranquility with mastering elements that she taught herself in solo studies. Her way of thinking helped her guide herself through her pregnancy as her husband continues in the workforce. She gives birth to a beautiful healthy baby, and the Gregorio legacy continues on - but this time with more power beneath the belt than ever before.

About five to six generations later, Enzo Gregorio, a stereotypical playboy type born to a pair of over-enabling, emotionally unavailable parents, is born into the world. With all the time in the world on his hands, and not really giving a damn about education or taking care of himself or family, he uses his share of the fortune on getting into wild parties that he will never be able to remember. Only once Amelia Mills - a daughter with extremely strict middle-classed parents - speaks up about being pregnant with his son did he step back and swallow the consequences of his reckless actions. Enzo was forced to tell his own parents, and they did not take it lightly. Seems he only mattered when their bloodline was at stake. ("Who knows how many girls could be carrying a child of his?!") The two absent parents became government helicopters and monitored everything going on in Enzo's life. This was very easy considering they never let him out of the house since. They had even convinced Amelia's parents to let her move into their home and take care of her correctly. Enzo's parents couldn't care less about this girl, but they had to make sure a scandal didn't reach the press.

They conditioned the two very young adults into prioritizing education in all things (especially wind studies) and working towards keeping the family name alive and bright. All responsibility would be turned to them, and if they messed things up, they would have fatal consequences. Unfortunately, it had to be that harsh to be heard. Amelia, now publicly married and an official Gregorio, gives birth to a baby boy on August 26th of 2005. Her mother and father-in-law vowed that not an ounce of carelessness would leak into the baby's mind. Quite unlike the newborn's parents, he would be perfect.

Drago Gregorio was brought into the world for one sole purpose: to be the heir of the powerful, renowned Gregorio Familia. He was molded by the hands of legacy to hold its responsibilities on his shoulders until his final breath. It was planned from the beginning to teach him the ways of wind - how many generations have passed the same techniques down to keep the pure image of the familia alive.

Training practically began with his first event of consciousness and has never slowed since. Repetition works wonders in the developing mind of a child, and the Gregorios are always the ones to work with an advantage; that is how they made their name in the first place. While he was obviously not able to wield his element physically yet, Drago mastered the art of wielding wind mentally and spiritually - the core of control in all things. He was taught primarily by his grandparents and spent more days with them than he did his own parents. As he got older, he realized he was content with this fact. His mother had become paralyzed in her lower body after giving birth to him, so she spent her life bedridden. She had every opportunity to use aids like wheelchairs, but stubbornly refused. Instead, she had Drago's father cater to her every whim. Drago didn't care. In the few interactions he had with his father, it was clear that he hated his son. If his father wanted nothing to do with him, then he didn't want anything to do with his father. Drago worked on his education to please only his grandparents. Maybe it would be for himself one day too.

When he finally comes of age, he will attend Grimaldi without question. He knows not to become distracted when it becomes challenging, but instead push forward and continue to learn all he can to stay in his place above his peers - where he belongs.

"Be good to those who are good to you - hell to the rest."
© pasta

  • Name: Drago Gregorio
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Closeted Homosexual
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Element: Wind
  • Family: Gregorio
  • Birthday: August 26th
  • Place of Birth: Milan, Italy
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 149 lbs.
  • Hair: Full Brown Curls
  • Eyes: Stormy Grey
  • Body Type: He stands in a slender frame of five foot nine inches but doesn't let his arguable shorter height cloud his sharp intimidation.
  • Distinguishing Features: He has trained perfect posture that seems unbreakable. There is nothing left to the imagination with features as defined as his mindset. Drago will never be found without his broad shoulders, head up, and eyes forward - focused only on his future.
  • Body Modifications: None
  • Face-Claim: Jesse Eisenberg
  • Personality: Drago Gregorio's intelligence is as sharp as the tailored clothes he wears. He consistently thrives in his studies, excelling in academia not only to exceed the expectations set by his familia, but to also prove himself as a force to be reckoned with. He owns an aura of utmost sophistication and charm; his every move is calculated and deliberate. Drago carries himself with the type of effortless confidence that instantly commands attention: an obvious testament to his prestigious upbringing.
    Traits of loyalty and duty to his blood are the only ones Drago could ever own. He knows to go along with the obligation he's been given since birth: to hold the Gregorio name in its high esteem at all times. His familia taught him how to keep composure in any situation (it is the most important rule in wind wielding after all) as well as how to use the least words as possible to get a point across. He stays quiet, unprovoked, and sure. "When force comes onto you, stand still, and you will know which direction to move."

    He never really saw his behaviors as strange as they may have seemed to others. Well, truly, he just never really saw others. All matters pertaining to a soul outside of his enclosed, meticulously planned world never graced his mind. Sure, he noticed that there were always others around him, moping through their pitiful day-to-days, but none ever came close to being on the level of the strategic mind he owned. Unless it was mandatory to involve himself with another, Drago was kept to himself in entirety. No casual conversations, no "friends." If someone spoke to him, he would, of course, politely engage, but make sure it was in the way of letting the other know he was not interested in conversing for anything longer than his five-minute grace period. He would move on immediately in his usual immersion of annoyance. People call him conceited; he calls it efficiency.
  • Vices: Oppression, Calculation, Conceit, Restraint, Aberration, Asociality, Meretriciousness, Insensitivity
  • Virtues: Honesty, Detachment, Orderliness, Cleanliness, Dignity, Assertiveness, Perserverance, Responsibility
  • Likes: All kinds of hot tea (his favorite being earl grey), the break of dawn, elegant dress and dinners, animals, tennis, steamed vegetables, staying on schedule, cologne
  • Dislikes: Controlling people, karaoke bars, deserts, complaining, being told "no", the Americana aesthetic, whistling, drunks
  • Backstory/Family: The Gregorio Familia's reign began when the name suddenly became relevant with one Enrique Gregorio, an ordinal number of greats grandfather of Drago's, who discovered using his element of wind as an alternative to using fossil fuels as the sole energy source of the factories that produced the many fabrics and materials for the trade economy of Milan, Italy. He was immensely praised and rewarded with countless opportunity and good fortune.
    One day, much controversy arose when an old coworker of Gregorio's revealed that he was actually the one who had the idea of using elements as a power source, not Enrique. He told them that there was no "discovery" and that his family had been using their light element as energy for generations back in his home country. "All just rumor, of course," Gregorio responds immediately to the media. "Just another seeker of fame that isn't rightfully theirs."

    Enrique continues to gain more and more wealth over time, and his name is mentioned in just about every business interaction in the area there and beyond. He uses his assets to gain favor with politicians, law enforcement, and other influential figures in many different countries in Europe. Eventually, he settles down to have a family to pass down his immense success to. The Gregorios presented themselves as pillars of the community, using their resources to fund initiatives and charities all around the world while expanding their business globally.
    As a new academy is in process of swarming the media, the Gregorios, once again, step into the limelight as Andre Grimaldi's daughter marries into the family. She brings her ideals of spirituality and tranquility with mastering elements that she taught herself in solo studies. Her way of thinking helped her guide herself through her pregnancy as her husband continues in the workforce. She gives birth to a beautiful healthy baby, and the Gregorio legacy continues on - but this time with more power beneath the belt than ever before.

    About five to six generations later, Enzo Gregorio, a stereotypical playboy type born to a pair of over-enabling, emotionally unavailable parents, is born into the world. With all the time in the world on his hands, and not really giving a damn about education or taking care of himself or family, he uses his share of the fortune on getting into wild parties that he will never be able to remember. Only once Amelia Mills - a daughter with extremely strict middle-classed parents - speaks up about being pregnant with his son did he step back and swallow the consequences of his reckless actions. Enzo was forced to tell his own parents, and they did not take it lightly. Seems he only mattered when their bloodline was at stake. ("Who knows how many girls could be carrying a child of his?!") The two absent parents became government helicopters and monitored everything going on in Enzo's life. This was very easy considering they never let him out of the house since. They had even convinced Amelia's parents to let her move into their home and take care of her correctly. Enzo's parents couldn't care less about this girl, but they had to make sure a scandal didn't reach the press.

    They conditioned the two very young adults into prioritizing education in all things (especially wind studies) and working towards keeping the family name alive and bright. All responsibility would be turned to them, and if they messed things up, they would have fatal consequences. Unfortunately, it had to be that harsh to be heard. Amelia, now publicly married and an official Gregorio, gives birth to a baby boy on August 26th of 2005. Her mother and father-in-law vowed that not an ounce of carelessness would leak into the baby's mind. Quite unlike the newborn's parents, he would be perfect.

    Drago Gregorio was brought into the world for one sole purpose: to be the heir of the powerful, renowned Gregorio Familia. He was molded by the hands of legacy to hold its responsibilities on his shoulders until his final breath. It was planned from the beginning to teach him the ways of wind - how many generations have passed the same techniques down to keep the pure image of the familia alive.

    Training practically began with his first event of consciousness and has never slowed since. Repetition works wonders in the developing mind of a child, and the Gregorios are always the ones to work with an advantage; that is how they made their name in the first place. While he was obviously not able to wield his element physically yet, Drago mastered the art of wielding wind mentally and spiritually - the core of control in all things. He was taught primarily by his grandparents and spent more days with them than he did his own parents. As he got older, he realized he was content with this fact. His mother had become paralyzed in her lower body after giving birth to him, so she spent her life bedridden. She had every opportunity to use aids like wheelchairs, but stubbornly refused. Instead, she had Drago's father cater to her every whim. Drago didn't care. In the few interactions he had with his father, it was clear that he hated his son. If his father wanted nothing to do with him, then he didn't want anything to do with his father. Drago worked on his education to please only his grandparents. Maybe it would be for himself one day too.

    When he finally comes of age, he will attend Grimaldi without question. He knows not to become distracted when it becomes challenging, but instead push forward and continue to learn all he can to stay in his place above his peers - where he belongs.
  • Extra (Philosophy): "Be good to those who are good to you - hell to the rest."
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  • LXYtXjH.png
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jett berkemeier

light elemental
  • i. Basics

    Bridgette Rosamund Berkemeier

    Exclusively goes by Jett, she won't respond to Bridgette.


    Female (she/her).



    December 1st.

    place of birth
    Berlin, Germany.
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  • scroll

    I know I've got a big ego
    I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though

    𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮 𝓛𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓼

    eighteen years old

    cisfemale (she/her)


    water elemental

    france, august 1

    cari, c / cee

    You can count on me to misbehave

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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Thunder Elemental

full name

Dylan Havelock


Dyl, Finley








omniromantic bisexual

day of birth

June 29

place of birth

Harddlech, Gwynedd, North Wales



  • hair

    wavy dusk-honey dark blond


    the deep teal shade of the Tremadog Bay


    5'8 | 179 cm


    163 lbs. | 74.1 kg


    lean, toned; he grew up doing the heavy-lifting around the house


    jackets, sweaters, collars in public; lazy button-ups and t-shirts at home -- nice and cozy; wears a ring and a simple necklace from his brother


    Hugh Laughton Scott

♡coded by uxie♡

Declan Rhys O'Connell
The Unwanted Son
Dec 24
Ice User

dirty blonde
body type
body modifications
mole on right side of his neck, small curve in his nose due to it being broken before. A tattoo of an ice dragon covering his entire back
Lucas Till
"I just want someone to want me"
Declan is a bit of a wild child. He had spent so long vying for his parents' attention, he became an outgoing, energetic, flirty, mischievous individual. Being the youngest O’Connell by 16 years, it was almost like Declan was an only child but instead of doting parents, he got tired ones who would rather not parent anymore. Declan learned quickly that a negative reaction was better than not one at all. So, he became a trouble maker, ran off nannies, and caused havoc. He truly just wants to be loved and accepted for who he is, a gesture he has rarely gotten throughout his lifetime.
Touch starved
80's rock music
Marmite on toast
Black Tea
fluffy dogs
Classical Music
Green Beans
Canned soup

Martha and Sean were childhood friends turned lovers. Their families were close, being both Ice Elemental families. They married not long after they turned 18 and moved into a house on the edge of town. Sean worked for an ice company while Martha spent her days helping her mother in the embroidery shop. It wasn’t long before Martha got pregnant with their first two children. Callum and Saoirse were born right after Martha’s twentieth birthday and the couple couldn’t have been happier. The couple went on to have two more children, Odrhan two years after the twins and Eoin two years after that. The next years were spent being a family, working to provide for them, tears, laughter, and just your typical family. Neither one of the twins were ice elementals but decided to go to University and Odrhan despite showing signs of powers, decided to go to regular University as well. Martha and Sean who were almost 40 finally just had one kid at home, Eoin who was sixteen. It definitely became a shock when a stomach pain right before Christmas turned into a surprise baby. Declan was born the day before Christmas to surprised and unsuspecting parents.

While Declan grew up, he could feel resentment from his parents. Their friends were going on trips and things and they couldn’t go because of Declan. The first few years of being in school, he tried so hard to earn their approval which never came. His siblings felt more like older aunts and uncles. Declan’s oldest nephew was 6 months younger than him and it definitely hurt when his parents seemed to dote on their grandchild more than their son of the same age. So, when Declan got in trouble for the first time at school when he was ten and earned a negative reaction from his parents, he ran with it. A negative reaction was way better than no reaction at all. He started getting in trouble at school and around town more and more frequently, amping it up when he became a teenager. His parents constantly expressed their disappointment in him and tried to persuade him to make better choices. He would’ve if he knew it would give him loving parents but it probably wouldn't have. When he turned fifteen, he was at his house less and less, the environment exhausting. Declan didn’t enjoy the rule breaking, the vandalism, or the blatant disrespect. He just wanted someone to actually pay attention. His breaking point was being compared to his siblings who didn't seem to care about him much more than his parents. All of them except Odrhan. He didn’t help Declan with the parent problem but he did show him that at least someone cared.

When Declan turned 18, he was surprised to wake up to his room covered in ice. Odhran suggested going to an Academy to help hone his powers since their parents wouldn’t be hands on like they had been with Odhran. So, Declan applied to all five academies, getting invitations from most of them. He decided to shoot high and go with Grimaldi. Everyone was shocked that he got in, his parents included. Declan decided that going to school would be his scapegoat and he wouldn’t return home if he could help it.

His parents: Martha and Sean- Despite being great parents to their eldest four children, they dropped the ball with Declan. The sad part is they don’t really see what they did wrong.
His siblings:
Callum and Saoirse started their own families not long after Declan was born so they just kind of were cool with ignoring his existence.

Odhran is the only sibling that paid any mind to Declan. While he could’ve done more to ensure Declan had a decent life, at least he was there to listen and get Declan to where he is today.

Eoin picked up his parents' slack when it came to Declan for the first 3 years of his life. When he was old enough to go to college, he left and never came back. Declan doesn’t know him really. He just knows he lives somewhere in Dublin and is married now.
MBTI & Moral Alignment
ESFP and Chaotic Neutral
fun facts
Extra: Despite having two Elemental parents, Odrhan and Declan were the only ones that showed signs of power. Both are ice elementals.
Shinedown - Get Up

coded by Stardust Galaxy
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