Grim Light [WH40K]

Here is a proposal for how to shape our regiment. Feel free to comment, criticize and propose changes...

45th Aeolian Drop Troops

Aeolia is a world in the Ultima Segmentum of curious nature, with great windy skies and roaring seas. It has little manner of aquatic life in the oceans, and thus serves the Imperium solely by its hostile nature making an excellent training ground for the Aeolian Drop Troops. Based on great city-sized platforms on the rolling seas, made to support the population and the Imperial Guard regiments raised, the Aeolians train and hone their skills before being sent out to the Imperium's wars.

The 45th Aeolian is a somewhat noteworthy regiment recently re-founded under its long-standing commander, Colonel Gian Kert, an unconventional commander whose tactics at times eyed with suspicion by fellow Aeolian commanders, but his soldiers have become invested in his methods and hold together well.

Homeworld: Fortress World (Hated Enemy: Tau)

Commanding Officer: Maverick

Regiment Type: Drop Troops

Training Doctrines: Close Order Drill, Hardened Fighters

Additional Equipment for Standard Regimental Kit: Favored Heavy Weapon (Heavy Bolter), Chrono, Photo-Contacts, Las Pistol and two charge packs as a sidearm.
You can roll randomly for your descriptions, but you don't HAVE to. You also roll for your stats (but not in order, arrange them however you like)
I meant on the Regimental level.

Anyway, here are a few counter-proposals (ones less tailored for Blackadder's gunner in specific).

Homeworld: Fortress World (Hated Enemy: [insert Here]) or Schola Progenum or (to save points for later) Imperial

Commanding Officer: Maverick

Regiment Type: Drop Troops

Training Doctrines: Iron Discipline or Survivalists (These seem most fitting given the nature of our regiment).

Special Equipment Doctrines: Chameleoline or Demolitions

Additional Standard Kit Items:

-Add micro-bead to standard kit - 8pts

-Add chrono to standard kit - 2pts

-Add one Favoured Heavy Weapon - 15pts

-Add photo-visor /photo-contacts - 8pts

-Add auspex/scanner - 10pts

Obviously that goes over in points on the kit items.

EDIT: to give explanation, most of the stuff I put in were intended to promote our ability to operate with relative autonomy behind enemy lines, given that that's precisely what Drop Troops do.
My counter-proposal to your counter-proposal:

45th Aeolian Drop Troops
Aeolia is a world in the Ultima Segmentum of curious nature, with great windy skies and roaring seas. It has little manner of aquatic life in the oceans, and thus serves the Imperium solely by its hostile nature making an excellent training ground for the Aeolian Drop Troops. Based on great city-sized platforms on the rolling seas, made to support the population and the Imperial Guard regiments raised, the Aeolians train and hone their skills before being sent out to the Imperium's wars.

The 45th Aeolian is a somewhat noteworthy regiment recently re-founded under its long-standing commander, Colonel Gian Kert, an unconventional commander whose tactics at times eyed with suspicion by fellow Aeolian commanders, but his soldiers have become invested in his methods and hold together well.

Homeworld: Imperial World

Commanding Officer: Maverick

Regiment Type: Drop Troops

Training Doctrines: Iron Discipline

Special Equipment Doctrines: Demolitions

Additional Standard Kit Items:

-Add micro-bead to standard kit - 8pts

-Add chrono to standard kit - 2pts

-Add photo-visor /photo-contacts - 8pts

-Add auspex/scanner - 10pts

-Add melee attachment to lascarbine - 3pts

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 WP, +3 BS,+3 Ag, -3 Fel

Additional Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Aeronautica)

Additional Talents: Hatred (Mutants), Resistance (Fear), Catfall

Additional Aptitudes: Willpower

Additional Traits: Blessed Ignorance

Starting Wounds: Normal

Favored Regimental Weapons: Flamer (Basic), Heavy Stubber (Heavy)

Standard Regimental Kit (for each PC): one lascarbine with melee attachment and four charge packs (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour, one respirator, one grav-chute, two frag grenades, two smoke grenades, one knife, one rucksack, one set of basic tools, One mess kit and one water canteen, one blanket and one sleep bag, one rechargeable lamp pack, one grooming kit, one set of cognomen tags, Uplifting Primer, combat sustenance rations (two weeks’ supply), one chrono, one photo-visor/photo-contacts, one auspex/scanner, one micro-bead.

PCs in this regiment gain a +10 bonus on all Logistics Tests made to obtain grenades, missiles, explosives, and special tank ammunition.
I am free the rest of today, most of sunday (I run exalted sunday nights) and monday. I'd suggest teamspeak for the chargen session, since we don't need a grid or map for deciding how to spend points. If enough people are free over the weekend, we can get regiment creation and whatever characters people are ready for finished.

Also, are Freeman, Starsword, Grey and/or Belial still interested? As the first responders, they have first dibs on player slots.
I'm free and present today, though I have a Deathwatch game tomorrow evening and our Crusade of Fire 40k campaign before that.
Nonono, I mean in ADDITION to the three of you (Thief, Hado, Blackadder) that have been in semiconstant contact. Sorry for the confusion
Alright, I was able to get half the party together to create the Regiment. Does 5PM Saturday EST work for everybody involved (this time is for the actual game) starting in one month?
We can have additional meetings to create characters if you need help or want to better integrate with the rest of the squad. Additionally, The game will have to be moved back to about 6:30 due to schedule conflicts. Is that still okay with everyone?

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