Grim Light [WH40K]

Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
In the grim darkness of the future, there is Only War...

The fringes of the Ultima Segmentum are among the most war-torn regions of space. The Imperium is stretched thin dealing with a thousand threats from every angle. The encroaching hive fleets of the Tyranids strip worlds of biomass to swell their ranks. The Tau empire expands slowly, corrupting faithful imperial worlds with their doctrine of the Greater Good. Orks raids and Waaghs devastate entire sectors. The Necrons awake after their long sleep, scouring their ancient tomb worlds of humanity. And always, the forces of Chaos seek to corrupt and enslave all of mankind.

This is an interest check in a chat-based Only War game. Only War is a recently released Warhammer 40K rpg that focuses on the Imperial Guard squads. The full rules will be provided for players, if enough interest is gained.

The players will carry out chargen and Regiment Creation in a special session before the game begins. All regiment types other than Armored are allowed. The game will require 5-6 players, exactly one of which is the Sergeant.

The campaign will feature a wide range of enemies as the regiment is shipped from front to front.

The tone of the game is "grim hope". The Imperium is the galaxy's greatest hope, and millions die every day defending it. However, even in the largest battlefields, the actions of a single soldier can shape the course of the future.

The game will likely begin in about a month, if enough interest has been garnered by then.

Heck, I'm the one that posted a general 40k discussion thread. And I've been wanting to play Only War for a while now.

I do have questions about the scheduling, though.
I'm up for most of the roles, just don't make me the Sergeant. Though if I'm honest, I'd probably prefer psyker, operator, enginseer, or...well, just look at my image and title.
I am interested and would totally volunteer for Sarge.

...But I don't know if my schedule will allow. I'm on GMT and frequently nocturnal, but I doubt I could do more than one night a week, maybe two.
Alright, now that this has enough interest, there are a few questions to resolve:

First, what times are everyone available? I cannot do mondays and have a game for sunday nights. Pretty much any other night is free (aiming for meeting once a week for 3-5 hours a meeting)

Second, what kind of regiment do you want to belong to? For those without the book, here are a few recommended ones:

Line Infantry: basic guardsmen, this is a semi-mobile regiment that focuses on large firefights, frequently touching on both mass combat and horde combat.

Light Infantry: Commando-style guardsmen, often given complex missions behind enemy lines. Also available in vehicle-enabled mode, called Recon Infantry

Mechanized Infantry: Probably the most versatile, has an armored transport vehicle. Can participate in both mass combat and recon missions

Siege Infantry: Defense specialists. Dig in and never move. Great at defending positions, participating in planet-wide sieges, etc.

Finally, what roles does everyone want? Sergeant is required, maximum of one each: Commissar, Priest, Enginseer. All available classes:

  • Heavy Gunner: Has a big gun. Requires setup and support, but puts down a LOT of damage
  • Medic: Treats wounds, makes sure people don't die. Also has generic smart-guy skills
  • Operator: Drives the tank, places explosives, repairs vehicles. Second half of the Smart-Guy set
  • Sergeant: Gives the orders, boosts comrades, has shiny medals. Party face, usually.
  • Weapons Specialist: Really good at a wide range of weapons. Not as kill-happy as the Heavy, but more versatile
  • Commissar: Intimidates people and/or befriends them (*cough*Cain*cough*). Can shoot cowards. Has fancy hat
  • Ministorum Priest: Combination of melee fighter and nonmagic buffer.
  • Ogryn: De big guy with da big weapon and thick skin. Not da schmott guy.
  • Ratling: Hobbit Snipers. Small, weak, frail, can hit a fly from a kilometer away
  • Sanctioned Psyker: Magic psychic guy, prone to going insane and/or making everything explode
  • Storm Trooper: Hardened veteran, here to show the rookies how it's done.
  • Techpriest Enginseer: Like the operator, but focusing more on repairs than piloting. Can get cyborg upgrades too.
How about Friday or Saturday nights?

Also, I'm thinking Heavy Gunner or Weapon Specialist.

Regiment: Line Infantry, Siege Infantry, anything non-mechanized.
Thursday through Saturday work perfectly for me. I have a game on monday nights and class on wednesday mornings.

As for Regiment type...I'd prefer in order: Drop Troops, Mechanized, Hunter-Killer, Recon, Light Infantry, Line Infantry, Seige Infantry.

Roles: Default preferences are, in order, Commissar/Stormtrooper, Psyker, Enginseer/Operator, Medic/Heavy Gunner/Ratling/Priest

However, if the chance of vehicles showing up is slim because of regiment type, go ahead and cut the Operator from the list.

EDIT: changed my regiment preferences.
I'm available until around 11ish EST (though random days I can be on later than that) except for Tuesdays where I have another game going.

As for Regiment preferences I'd go with Light Infantry, Hunter Killers, or Drop Troops

For specialization my current ideas run to Operator/Enginseer. Heavy Gunner, and Priest.
Given the highly tactical nature of the combat, I am considering either MapTools (or similar) or Fantasy Grounds. Sadly, teamspeak (the usual medium for chat games) doesn't have a map function. Do any of you have a preference between the two?
I've heard of it, and checked out the web page a bit, but have never really used it. As a quick checklist, does it have:

a)non d20 system (Only War uses a d100 system)

b)customizable character sheet

c)a map with either hex/square or (preferably) freeform measurements?
a) Die rollers for any die kind.

b) No idea.

c) Definitely square/hexmapping.

It's an online thing. Google it.
So far the popular regiment of choice is the Drop Regiment, but I would like an official vote on the subject. Drop Troops or Line Infantry? Cast your vote for one of them and whichever more people like will be the regiment type.

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