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Fandom Grey's Anatomy?


I am okay with being okay.
Who would be up for an intermediate-advanced Grey's Anatomy based role play? There wouldn't be any canon characters from the show, everyone would have their own OC. I'm thinking about starting up a thread for it, but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested. If I could get even one RPer interested, I'd start one up right away!
[QUOTE="Runcible Spoon]Wouldn't that just be a hospital roleplay?

Yeah, essentially. C:
Why not simplify the concept and just say "A SoL roleplay set in a hospital in which all manner of crazy things including shoot-outs and helicopter crashes happen more frequently than the board of directors would like to admit?"
[QUOTE="Jay Windse]Could I possibly do this with you? I've been dying for a medicine roleplay.

Ooh this might be fun! Lmk if this offer is still open!
This thread is literally five years old and none of the posters nor the host have bee on this site since 2016. You might try another RP. :)
Eh, good point. WOndering, what led you here to this thread though?
Your post bumped it near the top of the interest checks but the actual thread creation date was very old, so I was curious. :)

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