Grey Key Academy

@Yin No, you're going to be special whether you like it or not, mister! >=I Otherwise, no gluten-free rainbow cookies for yew!

@Kami no Chikara Nu. You cannot. It's against mai religion.
F*** dah raligionu, I'm ATHEISM.

Ok, time to get serious.
Bahaha, me too. x)

Yes. Seriousness. I'm seriously going to sleep because I have school tomorrow.

So good night. :) Sleep all of you! Hopefully get more winks than I do~ <3
I'm writing up my post now.

And it's finished.
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Helloooo! :D

I wouldn't be able to post frequently with the timezones conflicting and well, my class schedules for this week, so I'd like to tell you guys that I might be able to post just once a day~

... Just a little warning~ :3
For the seconds I read those, I die in jealousy.

But I'm over it. Because I have cherry yogurt.

... *throws tantrum* x'O I DON'T WANT TO GO GET AN EDUCATION TODAY!!!!

Even though that is disastrously cold.

*throws warm blanket over poetic* ^.^ Stay warm~ <3
:o Oh, you live in Sweden? :D What a pretty country! *throws blanket over Kami no Chikara* Der, stay warm, hon! ^-^ Teehee!
@Yin: ^o^ Teehee! <3

@XpoeticjusticeX: 8D ... ;-; ... *dies inside* Why do the good people always have to suffer? V_V 
I posted~ There, somebody can be the knight in shining armor, a demon, of course. xD

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