Grey Key Academy [Inactive]

Gabriel.. had seen demons before. Demons that were of Earth, demons that were of Hell, even demons on that strange box that had colorful images and sound and movement. But this demon, this demon stuck out like a sore thumb to her. She would have stolen back her rabbit in the blink of an eye, of course, but that was just not how she did things in an Academy. She was calm; behaved. In no way would Gabriel ever lash out at someone. She would smile, calmly, and be polite. This demon, on the other hand.. He was no doubt a demon. Her eyes watched his graceful movement, as if he were a quick cobra ready to strike in the face of danger. He was most definitely one of the more experienced of demons. No doubt about it. Of course, the reason behind his motives, she would likely find out later. Most would believe it would be out of benevolence. That was funny. Demons were demons.

Nonetheless, she had no idea of his motive. As he handed her her poor, little rabbit, she eyed it brushing her thumb against the dirt it got on its snout. Suddenly, she sensed the presence of another, a nice scent, a regal scent, a girl, and her head turned to watch her. Hair as white as snow, and eyes as red as roses.. Potential, ability likely beyond even Gabriel's knowledge this girl held. Power protruded from her just as it did the man who saved her rabbit. She was a gem, and perhaps that was too soon to think, but Gabriel was positive she was just as deadly as she was beautiful.

And now, another one. Gabriel turned and stared up at all of them, staring into this-- Dentalion?-- no, Dantalion's-- eyes were light, bouncy. Youthful. She loved it. All demons were made to be attractive, it was quite normal, or attractive in human standards at least. He had lovely, fine hair, and his presence was rather large in this room. Even some inexperienced little imp would be able to sense him, and she could even envision him growing to be some kind of high ranking boss of some sort. He also.. The air wafted around her, many different abilities all contrasting like an abstract piece of art. Oh, how beautiful it was. Smiling, she held her stuffed rabbit with both arms, and cocked her head, watching the man above her. "How brave you are." Her Russian accent whispered into the room, as the "r"s would rolled, and the vowels were quite rounded. "I appreciate the help. But I'm sure my rabbit appreciates it more, poor, little fellow. But, nonetheless, thank you so very much." She then turned to the girl, watching her.

"Lae? As in.. Laeyra? Laeyra Crowe?" Gabriel smiled. "It is nice to meet you. I saw you in the room, putting your belongings there; you're quite the funny person." She then turned to this Dantalion, and observed him. "Oh? Dantalion? What a lovely name. And Dan is just as nice." She paused, again, and shut her eyes, opening them and tilting her head the other way. "I am Gabriel Crow. It's nice to meet you all." She looked over at Dante, "Dante," then Lae, "Lae," and Dantalion, "Dan.." She smiled. "Those are very easy to remember." She stared up at them. "Did you all just arrive here today?"

"Oh, I threw my stuff on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed over there." Alexi says, gesturing wildly to the left bunk bed, then adding, somehow managing not to ramble on, "And thanks." He says after a second, referencing the fact that Tennin had complimented his sense of humor. Not many people did, most just found him odd. Especially when he would decide to just stop talking in the middle of a sentence.


"Well, lets just hope that our teachers are not as dim as those people seem to be. How hard is it to get the correct copy?" Karrie says with a snort, shrugging. The smirk tugs at her lips yet, as much as she tries to hide it. After all, it's just in her nature to enjoy watching someone that is in pain. She enjoys it to much.
"Che." Faolan kicked the door closed with the back of his heel and shrugged off his blazer. It felt confining enough in here without the damn extra layer of clothing and he didn't need the extra hassle of going feral when those roommates got here.

A scent drifted to him and he stiffened.

Speaking of Roommates.

His amber gaze snapped to the right, upper lip curling to expose a sharp canine tooth. Seems that at least one of his roommates was a hell of a lot more subtle than the ones he'd been stuck with last year. He inwardly shuddered at a brief memory of prideful meat-heads with more bark than bite and a penchant for yelling all the time. Could be a good sign... or it could be a bad one. His eyes narrowed and a snarl built in his throat before he could force it down. How long had it taken him to realize he wasn't alone anyways? Long enough for him to get comfortable enough to strip off a layer and that was something to take into account. Either the male wolf wasn't a threat and his own animal had sensed it or... he sized the other wolf up more carefully, focusing on things like posture, aura and discarding characteristics like hair color and skin tone.

Only time would tell. For now he'd keep his senses open and watch.

"Well, well, well. Another wolf, eh? Can't say I'm terribly impressed, but what can you expect when the lot to choose from is a school?" He said casually. With deliberate steps he headed for the bunk he'd dubbed his and reached for the duffel, showing a good portion of his back to the Wolf but keeping an eye on him in his peripheral vision. He dragged the bag forward and checked the zip before sliding it open. Good, he hadn't messed with his stuff. A good enough start as any as far as he was concerned. He shoved his jacket in and shoved it away to sprawl across the bed on his back. "So, any other strays come in to join our mangy dorm room pack or is it just the two of us so far?"
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Dante found this little girl before him peculiar, yet enticing all at the same time. The way she analyzed them all, scrutinized them without so much as giving off any large hints as to doing so. It was the subtle motions that gave it away. One's Dante himself practiced all too often. She was studying. Was she like him, in a sense? She clearly showed an interest.. but to what ends would that interest lead her? This was one student Dante would enjoying sticking around for. The Russian accent didn't hurt his interest either. Such a strong sounding people. Voice projection is something he could admire.

When she went over the three of them.. ah, yes, the others. He'd been so lost in analyzing the analyzer he'd forgotten that he was followed by the two demons he'd introduced himself to moments earlier. Perhaps there was something to that end as well. Quite the curious bunch he had on his hands this year. Dante pretended not to be surprised by their presence, merely treating it as a natural reaction to one's sudden departure. And now he had names. Not titles. Not Sir Belial. Not Ms. Crow. We have Dantalion. Laeyra. And... Gabriel. 'Easy names to remember, indeed, little one,' he thought to himself.

He nodded as she mentioned his name, acknowledging her in a sense. But her question was better suited to Laeyra. The one who felt so inclined to start speaking in the first place. Dante took a step back from the girl and leaned against a nearby wall, folding his arms and waiting.
He was amused.

Good thing he had come to explore. She was a interesting little girl, she was. Gabriel Crow..... That name was quite close in pronunciation as Laeyra Crowe was. He smiled when he heard her Russian accent. It reminded him of a dear friend of his.... However, when he looked down on the rabbit that was between the girl's hands, he saw her pale skin, etched with scars, white by time, yet still vivid enough so that he could see them. Dantalion eyebrows slightly knit together. The strange thing is, he's heard about her before. Really, no such rumors ever reached him before (Okay, that was a lie). He sighed imperceptibly, not wanting to get involved in such conflicting matters, and offered his hand to her. "Care to get up?" The adolescent kept his smirk on his lips. "You musn't stay for too long or they'll be back.....but I think you know that already." He then continued, speaking up with his clear voice. "I've arrived a day ago, I have no idea for the other fellows." Some didn't even leave the school...Let's not talk about them.
As Dante, Laeyra and Dantalion had rushed away for the lunch hall. Josh could do nothing but grin, but this grin quickly dissapeared as he followed them, close behind, but not noticable, do to their focus on this new woman. Yes, Josh had a perfect sense of what was happening, he had ordered pathetic low lives of demons, demons who have no right to the demonic name, nor race as a whole. He'd ordered them to attack a try to bully a freshmen demon at their own choosing.

He smiled as the trio, plus him had arrived and pushed the lowlies off. His thoughts smashed together as Dante mentioned the hall to be his, of course he had no idea who truly ruled. He scanned the four, two males, two females and theoretised their powers, of course he knew, the freshmen was the question, though. He saw a visual stance, which displayed pride in her fighting and beauty, that's when Josh thought of an idea to test this. As he walked up and made himself visible to the four he proceeded to speak. ''Greeting's to my hall, I'm your normal everyday demon, Josh Malfurious, of course, it's a fake name, but that's demonic nature.'' Every demon had a pride in their name, it was amongst the importances of demonic culture, however he wanted to completely demolish this idea, in order to anger the demons around him, whilst saying that however he thought to himself. ''Gabriel.. You're ugly.''

With a large smile visible clearly on his face, it felt fake, however had still the sence of reality within it. Of course it was fake, however when needing to try something, you do it, you don't hesitate, you command. take action and demolish or conquer. Complete annihilation is also an option. He didn't stretch out his hand, he wasn't sure if this woman could be able to endure the concentrated pressence sleeping on his skin, eating his spiritual body and his soul, it felt pleasant, it was that which could give him the reason to fake such a gorgeous and real smile, as if it was from the bottom of his heart.

When looking at Josh long and with concentrated eyes you could almost see an invisible force, protecting Josh from danger or the likes, it seemed to warp the air around him almost to the point where you could see it. An invisible skeletal hand was palced around him, with the arm leading into oblivion, this skeletal arm came from the void and stretched it's hand out to Josh and surrounded him within it's embrace.

He grinned.
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Her lips formed in a little frown, sensing the enjoyment the other vampire seemed to have. Not minding it, she let out an irritated grumble. Dimwits weren't really in her list of favorite people. It was a miracle that the other guy finally decided to pitch in. "Gah! If all people here were like this, then I don't know why I'm still here after four years!" Arielle ruffled her hair in annoyance, abruptly sitting up. "I'm done. I'm going out."

Without waiting for a reply, she went out of the room, deciding to tour the campus yet once again. Walking into different main halls discreetly, peeking through the slightly ajar doors, the windows--or anything that can be peeked through. Now what shall I do...~? She stopped in the middle of their main hall, scanning some vampires running through. They were tasting different kinds of food, chattering among each other, some female vampires--most of them were people she recognized, but rather not talk to--ogling good looking vamps.

She raised a brow.

Finding nothing else to do, and wasn't in the mood to socialize, Arielle headed off to her dorm, this time with a fainter heart.

(( @XpoeticjusticeX ~ I suck at this right now. e n e I'm rustyyy! Sorry for having stupid replies. D: ))
She smirked playfully when she saw Dan shivered. The slight change in the pronunciation of his name was just a slip of her tongue, but it still amused her to see him unnerved. Even if it lasted no longer than a second. She returned her attention back to Gabriel, who was regarding each of them attentively. Her lovely brown eyes moved between them, and a smile slowly played on her lips. When she spoke, her Russian accent sounded through the room, soft as a whisper from the wind. She watched Gabriel clutch her stuffed toy, the faded fabric being stretched at the places she held onto, and saw a series of pale scars on the young girl's wrist, just before it flashed out of view.

Concern flitted momentarily through her features, but she tried her best to hide it. It wasn't like her to stick her nose into other's personal business, and she didn't want to bring up any sensitive issues, at least, not now. She blinked, realizing that Gabriel had just spoken to her. She smiled at Gabriel, she liked this girl, and was almost relieved to find out that she was her roommate. However, she gave her a meek grin when Lae realized that she had completely missed Gabriel when she was in her room, " Yeah, I'm Laeyra Crowe. Sorry that I missed you, I was just so excited to be back! Well, I still kind of am, but it's been muted, even if it's just for now. And yeah, I just arrived today. I've been stuck in the human world during break, and it wasn't fun." Then with a giggle, she added, " I've heard about you actually. Gabriel Crow, my 'sister' it would seem."

However, a new voice echoed through the hall, breaking their conversation. Looking up, she realized that another demon had spoken, and had claimed that this was his hall. At first, he merely caught her attention (and mildly irritated her as well). There was a moment of silence after that, and she noticed that he had focused his attention on Gabriel, and seemed to be channeling for her to pick up. When she had turned to look at him completely however, she felt all emotion wiped from her face. This demon here was actually looking for trouble. There were tiny chinks in his practiced smile, one that could easily fool so many. A strange wavelength hummed through the air, and she could see and almost-invisible

arm surrounding him, one that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The air felt tense, and Lae shifted slightly, feeling her shadows start to creep up her legs. It seemed that a fight might brew between them, but if things get out of hand... Her eyes darkened to the color of swirling blood, she wouldn't just stand and watch.
Shifting the duffel bag slung over her half-bare shoulder, Ravan had to wonder why she was coming back to this school for the third damn time, and even a few days early to boot! Christ, not sure I can handle this and the next year of hoop jumping… she heaved a sigh, smoke billowing from her nose. Guess that's why I smoke. Glancing down, she saw that the cigarette she was smoking was now just a simple nub, burnt to it's new status from the long trip. Wonder if that rumor that I was a crazy loon because I never uttered a word last year is still kicking about… she snickered to herself, and spat the nub of the death stick that was left out to the side of the road, recalling some events from the year before. Maybe I can scare some freshies who hear it…for fun. Usually they'll believe most anything.

Coming into view of the black gate, the guards pretty much instantly recognized Ravan. Besides the patch of black and purple hair on her head [and having off near her ears], she looked basically the same, piercings and all. She was even wearing her most iconic outfit: a pair of black cargo pants and combat boots and a baggy white muscle shirt hanging loosely below her waist line. And the finishing touch…black aviators (of course). “Ah, Ravan…Coleman, is it?” the guard inquired, checking a form and glancing up to verify the portrait was the same. Ravan gave a small nod, and was slightly surprised that the gate wasn’t opened. Rather, the guard looked down at the form again, and then back at her quizzically. “You don’t look quite the same…is it…?” he motioned over the center of his head, front to back with brows pushed together. Ravan heaved a sigh, and took off her aviators. “Yes. If you need proof…” she lifted a finger and pointed at the dual scar on her right cheek.

With everything in check, Ravan was through the gates and in the dreaded Grey Aca. Crossing the grounds she soon found herself in the werewolve’s dorms, and already she thought she could pick up a meek scent or two. Guess others have made it here early as well. Cool she took off her aviators and rested them on her landing strip hair and looked around at the entrance. It was nothing extravagant, and unsurprisingly looked exactly the same as it had before. Guess some things don’t change here hm?

Taking no more time to dwell, she made her way up to the female dorm where, upon arriving, she found it to be barren of all life and scent. Grinning, she walked over to a bunk and tossed her duffel bag on the top, then opened up the nearby window. Making her way back, she effortlessly pulled herself up onto the bunk and fished out her reds and pocket ashtray. Placing a cig on her lips, she lit it up and took a long drag, enjoying the burn before she exhaled and let the outside draft suck some of it away. Guess I’ll wait around a bit for a roomie to show.
(@Sulli It's ok. My replies have been awful. o_o) 

It must have been awhile, since when Ash comes out of a kind of black out state, his roommate is walking in. Then talking to him. What a bore, talking to someone. Especially another werewolf that he'll just end up fighting with.

"Yeah, sure," Ash says. His roommate must be a bit less sensitive to others presences, "Just us. Can't say I'm terribly impressed with you either. After all, how long did it take you to notice me?" He says questioningly, swinging his legs back up onto the bed. Provoking was never a good idea unless you had all of your limbs away from the person that you plan on pissing off. Though, as this is another guy with an ego it shouldn't be that hard. Especially well a wolf side, never able to forget that. Even with how hard he tries. And, to add insult to injury for this arrogant person, he says with a wide grin, "Also, you might want to stop being so loud with everything you do. Maybe then you'd have noticed the fact I was here earlier."

On that note, he Leans back against the wall of his bed and takes off a small pocket knife, carving away tediously at a bit of wood. He isn't exactly sure of what he's carving, but it's something to do with himself while at this stupid school. Nineteen and still coming here. What a sad tale to tell, he should be out in the world. Not with a bunch of stupid teachers trying to get him to do what they want.
Gabriel watched Dante before her fall back and silently insist the others speak their answer plain and clear. Which they did, yes, and she held her rag doll all the tighter. She had a feeling they would be a quartet from now on. All of them were very different, similar to different food types. Dante, she felt, was sweet and sour. Laeyra was sweet and spicy, and Dantalion was sweet and bitter, if that were possible. All strange, yet delicious combinations and she would enjoy the year spent at the Academy. Watching Dantalion, she nodded, running her fingers through her brown, silk hair, and yawned, allowing him to help her up, and she stood, all 4"6 feet of her. Impressive. "Ah, I see." Her eyes turned to Laeyra, her supposed older sister now, and hm, technically, were they not all related? They all had the same father after all..

Her deep, chocolate eyes turned to Laeyra and she chuckled, cocking her head and smiling. "Ha.. That's alright, I think I was dozing off anyway. And hm, human world, how strange, eh?" She petted her stuffed rabbit's head, perhaps something to keep her hands busy, and nodded. "Indeed. They asked me if we were sisters even when I registered." She paused. "But I guess we're technically all related.." She murmured, and suddenly sensed a power so grave, so full of-- her top eyelids lowered in a contemplative, deep expression-- pride. Pride was one of the deadly sins. Pride. The smell grew closer and closer, burning the inside of her, and her eyes migrated over to the culprit. Josh Malfurious, huh? Oh, my. Pride could consume the humblest of lambs and turn them into bloody, raging wolves. Killers. And it seemed this Josh Malfurious was nipping at her. Testing her.

Gabriel smiled, un-caring of the power that surrounded him, and took a step in front of him, gently taking his hand in her own, and shaking it. "That's adorable of you to think so. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Malfurious." She dipped her head, showing no signs of anger or upsetness, though she had noticed the skeleton embracing the man. What a strangeling. Saying she was ugly. All of Satan's children were either attractive or cute in their physical bodies. She smiled. Technically, she had not insulted him, she had complimented him. Gabriel did not insult people. She talked them down with that cheery, kind smile on her face. Looking over at Laeyra, she gave her an assuring smile.
Dante had been watching the group go over their introductions from his comfortable little corner. While quite the discussion enthusiast, he didn't speak unless he needed to and right now, he needed no words. Or so he thought, until the presence in the room piqued his interest, along with everyone else. He had an aura about him and as Dante peered around the room, he could see everyone was feeling it. Though, Gabriel, this sweet little girl, seemed to care nothing of it. Dante was appreciating her more and more by the moment. He watched as this boy of no particular name or reputation boasted about owning the hall, rambling on about his fake name. 'Who the hell cares?' Dante thought to himself. Just some new snot-nosed little rat thinking he ran the place. He fit in with Dante's definition of "lesser beings." Aura or not, Dante couldn't pass up the opportunity to speak his mind to one so deserved of a little place-putting.

From his spot against the wall, he spoke up, not even making eye contact, showing his blatant disrespect. "Josh... Josh Malfurious? How bland can one name get? I mean, sure, I couldn't blame you if it was your birth given name.. but you just admitted to it being a fake name. Almost like you picked the most boring human name possible and tied it up with some run-of-the-mill demonic moniker to make yourself sound intimidating. I'd be more frightened by you if you named yourself Fishstick. At least that way one could place some mysterious sexual innuendo on it." Dante lifted a hand, pushing his long black hair out of his face, eyes intensely fixated on Josh now. "So what brings you to OUR neck of the woods, Fishstick?"
His Hall, did he say? Dantalion took a good harsh look at this demon, whom he knew from having a seriously superior complex that he disapproved. Of course he followed us. Him, he hated even more than the angels. Dantalion knew he had to keep his cool. "Someone who would proclaim that this hall is theirs is not one to use a fake name, I do think. It's for the demons, and the demons aren't yours. They are free creatures of hate and anger." Dan smirked, a bit more vicious, a little less nice. He was ready to be nice towards him, but not if he was going to be the thing he was most of the time. A little angry boy (Ah, but he's older than him. No bother.) with leadership skills and a tendency for implying something wrong most of the time. He took a glimpse at Dante, who spoke his mind quite clearly, and smirked. He wasn't the only one who disliked him, it seemed.

It was when he called Gabriel ugly that his eyes began hardening. "Who says you are not, Josh?" Dan hated when a demon who just got their bunny destroyed get insulted on top of that....He took a little glance behind him, looking at Gabriel. Though the girl is thoroughly capable of protecting herself, he knew. He watched her as she walked towards Josh, standing in front of the apparent weird looking shadow thing that resided near the guy, wrapping around his body like a veil. He knew it was something, he just didn't feel it as a solid thing that it emanated. He sighed. It felt like a comically drawn wobbly hand to Dantalion. If it was that powerful, that he could stand all smug like before demons, stating that he had a false name and was too much of a coward to use his real one, he wondered what it would do before angels. It could be a thing that he would want to see.
Meirianne Oakshield went through the front gates of the Grey Key Academy, feeling something she couldn't quite understand. It was a mixture of anxiousness and freedom, while at the same time the thought of what could happen that year croosed her mind. She carried a back pack on her shoulders, along with two duffel bags. Really, she couldn't leave her books behind, now could she?

Walking along the path to the Werewolf House, she felt somewhat amused to see so many people. Though she had read about vampires, angels and demons, she wasn't sure if what she would find here would be good or bad. Her mother sayd it would be the best for her, but is it, really? "Either way" Mei thought "I'm here now, and I won't back down."

Mei entered the building and signed in. She thanked everyone who gave her a welcome and grined playfully when they gave them good luck, before taking her things to where she was assigned to. At first she was at lost for words, for the building was beautiful and there so many people she couldn't help but stare. Eventually she arrived, and when steped in on her room she was a little surprised to find that it was already populated. Uh-oh. She didn't think about this part. She thought that by arriving early she would be the only one on her room. Well, things change and so should her. With trembling feet and hands, Mei walked in, the smell of smoke invaded her nostrils. She only had time to get near the other bed when a sneeze came up.

"Achoo!" Mei said as she sneezed, letting go of the duffel bags, which made a muffled sound when they hit the ground. She looked around, in the other girl's direction and muttered "Sorry..." before taking the bags again and putting them on the bed, taking off the back pack as well. She turned around again.

"So... Guess you're my roomate...?" Mei said, trying her best to smile.
Gently swaying her leg back and forth, Ravan’s mind wandered from fleeting thought to fleeting thought, though she couldn’t escape the one thought that seemed to plague her the most: she was trapped here now for god knew how long. Oh hell, get over it she grumbled, berating her own whiney mind as if it was a young child in front of her complaining about the cold. Oh man, arguing with myself. Sure signs of the craze for sure!

Grumbling incoherently to herself, she shoved off just as a frail-looking and shaky girl came into the room, carrying a few bags surely holding her personal articles. Like…frilly things…and clothes and all that prim and proper stuff. She merely gave a small smirk and a wave of dismissal at her apology for sneezing as Ravan headed towards the window. Taking a last drag, she blew out a plume of smoke outside and flicked the butt out towards the grass, then pocketed her sealed up pocket ashtray.

Turning around, she rose a non-existent eyebrow and gave a small nod. “Da” she stated simply, taking a few steps towards her until she was about an arm’s length away. She looked at the frail thing inquisitively, craning her neck left and right as she inspected her, nostrils flaring. “You look new, and your scent is…new…” she muttered, her thick russian accent seeming to be pointed more towards herself than the girl in front of her. After a moment, she gave a small smile, to show her friendly intentions (something about society she knew!) and took a step back to give the girl some room. “Ravan. This is my third year here.” she gave the girl a nod of greeting, then looked out at the open window.

“Guessing reds make you sneeze?” she looked back at her and crossed her arms before furrowing her brow. “If it does I can…smoke less.”
"My... scent?" Mei asked outloud for no one in particular, as the other girl inspected her. She felt a little nervous, but also knew there wasn't anything to it. She was a werewolf, after all, and Mei was in a different place entirelly, so if anyone around here did that she would have to get used to it too. But it didn't take off the fact that what she was doing was weird. After a while the purple haired girl stepped back, smiling, and Mei couldn't help but smile herself.

"Ah! I'm Meirianne, but you can call me Mei for short. Y'know, weird name and all. And I'm in the first year." Mei said as she also nodded in greeting, a lopsided grin playing on her lips. Then she laughed, and raised a hand, dismissing what Ravan had said. "No need to worry about that. Though my nose is sensitive, what with our senses and all, I think that if you at least smoke by the window we should be fine... Or is it that you want to stop smoking but you want a real excuse for it? Y'know, those things might as well just kill you someday." Mei said with a sweet smile, finishing off with yet another lopsided grin. She knew she was talking too much, but she wanted to at least get along with her roomate. She expected Ravan wouldn't be the kind of person one can piss off easily, or else she would be, oh, so running for the hills!

(And yes, I already had my answer/post prepared haha xD )
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((Alright, I'm winging this first post. c: I know she's supposed to go to the demon's dorms and sign in, so that's what I'll have her do. c: ?))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be998bd30_Freya(1).jpg.6765a96aa21dee72821f8e159ec8eee4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be998bd30_Freya(1).jpg.6765a96aa21dee72821f8e159ec8eee4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Freya was soaring through the skies with a ginormous smirk on her beautiful face. Her horns and her wings were out, and accenting her magnificent torso with swirling flames made her appear all the more alluring. As she approached Grey Key Academy, she could see the dirty looks being thrown her way by the administrators below. Gosh, why do they get all sketchy? If any humans see, they'll just blame it on their imagination and think their eyes were playing tricks on them. She thought with a roll of her piercing blue eyes. After a few more moments, she flew down to the academy, putting her wings and horns away. She still kept her precious flames at her side, though - her vibrant swirl markings shining and all. She smiled, both with her eyes and her pale pink lips, as she approached the Demon Home.

"How many times must we tell you? You can't display your gifts to the public eye! Wait until you're in the academy grounds to begin your training!" One of the teachers familiar to Freya, Mrs. Hastings, scolded her. "Oh, chill out, Hasty," Freya teased the teacher, using one of her favorite nicknames of her in address. "Are you really going to welcome me with a lecture, or are you going to give me a hug?" She questioned, smirking playfully as she held her arms out. Mrs. Hastings just rolled her eyes and put her hands up in surrender. "No way am I going near you when you have your flames on," she smiled, and Freya rolled her eyes. "They only burn when I tell them to - otherwise, they're harmless," Freya grinned, but Mrs. Hastings shot her that look she always does. The one that says, 'You're kidding me, right?'

Being sarcastically obedient, she turned her flames off, and her markings disappeared as well. Afterwards, Mrs. Hastings approached her, and they embraced. Due to them embracing like this many times, her empathy abilities didn't go haywire. They simply shared emotions of warmth and 'happy-to-see-you' vibes. In a weird way, Mrs. Hastings was like an elder sister or an aunt to Freya. She was always the one who kept her out of trouble, and she was also always the one who caught her in her fits of mischief. Keeping her out of detention was like a silent vow between them, though it didn't work all the time. Freya has spent a fair amount of time there, and it was never fun. However, most of the time, her dirty deeds remained a secret.
"So, do you have my schedule and dorm room info?" Freya questioned after they pulled away from each other. Mrs. Hastings let out one of her signature, chipper laughs, and handed Freya her papers and dorm room key.

"Here you go, Freya. Welcome back to Grey Key Academy," she spoke, and Freya grinned back towards her as she headed over to her room. "Thanks, Hasty~ See you soon!" She called out, and she could hear her calling back at her. "That's Mrs. Hastings, to you!" Freya just smiled and rolled her eyes, them flashing red at her mischievous thoughts. That lady never changes, she let out a giggle at her inner amusement. She walked into the dorms with a big smile on her face, up and ready to return to the room she had last year. She always requested a solo room, and the academy knew to keep her room coated with fire-proof substances. When Freya gets nightmares, they tend to... Ignite, when she wakes up.

As she walked through the halls, she could hear people conversing.
Oh, look. Cute little first years are here, she couldn't help but think. Even though she was one of them last year, it seemed like so long ago. She knew there were people here older than her, but she never really talked to them. In a weird way, she preferred to keep her distance. Most of all, for the fact that she can't control her gifts - especially when she's having her mood swings, which isn't a rarity. Letting out a sigh, she walked into her dorm and looked around. Her things were already sent, and there were still things here that she left from last year. Smiling at the only familiarity in her life, she allowed herself to relax. Her highly extensive, strawberry blonde hair bounced with vigor as she tossed herself unto her bed. Closest thing to home I've got, eh? Home, sweet home.

((I hope that's okay~!?))



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Ravan nodded, ignoring the (fairly) useless remark about her being a first year. It was apparent, at least to Ravan. Frail-Mei looked young and…overly friendly. So friendly it made her ear twitch. Deciding to simply nod to her response of smoking, she pulled out another cigarette and simply placed it on her lips. Good. I’d smoke regardless… Giving a shrug, she headed over to the windowsill and sat down on it, directing her dark-green orbs towards the freshie.

“If the bears and hunters of the tundra don’t frighten me, I don’t think a rolled paper stick that burns will” she responded plainly, ignoring the fact that her statement sounded ignorant. She was well aware of the dangers of smoking, yet it served as a sort of…stress reliever while she was at Grey Aca. She never smoked in the wild, it was a terrible idea. Too easy to get noticed by prey, left trails that a blind man could find. But when she was surrounded by gates, walls and rules it calmed her nerves and let her sit still for just a bit longer. But only a little longer. At heart she was still a wild wolf.

Feeling her stomach protest, she frowned slightly and shoved off of the windowsill, heading over to her bunk. Grabbing her bag and plunking it down onto the bottom bed, she slipped the cig onto her ear and quickly started to look through her stuff for her home made musk-ox jerky. Oh wait, did I forget it…? No wait… Triumphantly, she pulled out a small leather sack, chuckling quietly and muttering “Zdorovo*!” maybe just a bit too loud to herself. Turning around, she pulled out a piece of jerky and ripped off a piece before plopping down onto the bottom bed. Halfway through the piece, she looked at Freshie, and contemplated whether she should or not. It was a bit spicy, and the copious pepper gave a gnarly kick to it...yet Ravan never noticed it. She was used to her jerky by now.

Furrowing her brow, Ravan looked down at her bag for a while before bringing her gaze back up to Mei. “Ey Mei,” she held out the bag, assuming she understood the gesture. “It’s peppered” she added, gently lifting the bag towards her with a smirk.

(Frail-Mei, whatta... u.u xD )

While Ravan headed to the window, Mei started unpacking. She hadn't much inside the bags, beside some articles of clothing, which she decided to keep inside them, some books and a photograph of her, her mother and her brother. She took the latter from her back pack just as Ravan started speaking again.

"So, you're the forest-raised type, huh?" Mei said, smirking, as she put the photo on the desk nearer to her bed. Ravan shoved off the windowsill and began searching her things and Mei decided not to saying a thing. Just when Mei was about to finish unpacking her back pack she heard Ravan say something and turned around to see what happened. When she turned, though, she couldn't help but laugh, before Ravan offered it to her. Mei perked up and thought a little about it. She didn't know how it tasted like, but if Ravan said it was peppered she guessed she should believe her. Also, Ravan was using that smirk, as if she dared her to take a bite of it. Mei smirked herself.

"Maybe just a little piece of some? Just so I can taste it and don't start sneezing like crazy. Again." Mei said as she approached the other girl carefully, the scent of cigarrets and what she supposed was that weird thing Ravan offered her invading her nostrils.
To get angry ... or to laugh

To attack.... or to go with a different approach.

Choices, choices. Faolan mindlessly flipped the zippo in his pocket, his head tilting to the side in consideration. Inwardly his fury was raging and the beast within him was raking venomous claws at his innards, howling for retribution and snarling when he ignored it. His lips curved into something that was not a smirk but not a grimace. It had been a while since he had refused to do as the wolf side of him bid. In fact, it had been a while since he had been able to tell he had a wolf side and it wasn't just him. 'The school sure knows how to twist arms.' He mused, remembering that it was due to his reluctance to be collared that he hadn't just launched himself at the guy. Well if he wasn't going to brawl to satisfy the animal he'd have to settle for something else. Logic.

Not something that was alien to him but something he didn't usually bring into this sort of situation. This behaving thing was already wearing on his nerves. Rolling the conversation over in his head he decided that it wasn't worth launching himself at the guy. Not if he got a collar. Technically the guy hadn't even started the whole exchange. As much as he was loathe to admit it, he had been the one to do that so it was his fault. None the less just because he wasn't going to rip the guys throat out didn't mean he was going to be nice to him.

He swiveled his head to face the other guy and bared his teeth in what humans he met confused as a grin. "Faolan." he introduced himself curtly.
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