Grey Key Academy [Inactive]


Grey Key Academy

So far, only a few students had shown up a day before they were to settle in their new homes. The Headmaster had seen eager faces, dull faces, dead faces, and faces that were twisted among the rest of their peers. He had seen familiar faces, and new, youthful faces, as well as the faces that were disturbed to catch him looking. The Headmaster was fairly old, roughly in his late 50s, and as he continued walking down the halls of the Main Home, his concerns lay within the new year. Everything was unpredictable; this was no normal high school. It was much more than that. Last year, there weren't many deaths, likely around 1 or 2 that got out of control and fought. Such tremendous power lay within these students. Tremendous power.


Gabriel had arrived days earlier than expected, and so the days spent in the dorm room were quiet. She had already neatly placed her clothes in the closet, which wasn't a lot, and kept her bag of books under her bed, as well as a stuffed rabbit that needed stitching and was losing an eye and arm, sitting so daintily on the top, left bunk. Gabriel herself had found the windowsill much more interesting, and watched students arriving at the big, scary black gates. She sensed all of their emotions; anger, eagerness, anxiousness, and some even were sorrowful. It gave her an idea of what they were thinking.

But never mind them. She wondered what her roommate would be like. It was funny, because when she was showed the list, the strange people asked her if that was her older sister. They had the same last name, except this one had an "e" at the end. They called it a "typo" at first, but changed their mind. The country of English was strange indeed.

Reaching in her pocket, she pulled out some glasses and placed them on her face, watching the withered up leaves be plucked from their home by air. August was a lovely month, but it made the weather so miserable, did it not? She grew bored of misery. 90 percent of the student's population was miserable. Atrocious. But, hopefully that changes soon. She had never attended a school before, so it might prove to be fine. A small, relaxed grin grew on her face. Very fun.
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A smile flutters across Karrie's pale lips as she enters through the menacing black gates, gazing at the wrought iron bars with a wry smile. Prison-esque, almost, the bars. Except the intricate designs were far more interesting than anything that would guard a prison. Dragging two blood red suitcases behind her with a dark blue duffel bag hanging from one arm, she runs gracefully towards the vampire face, grinning slightly as the wind whips through her hair, the feeling of the ground flying beneath her feet and the absence of strain glorious and empowering. It takes several minutes of overshooting the front door, but she makes it in. As the first to arrive, she throws her bags up onto the top bunk of the bed nearest a window, grinning. The window is right by where her pillow is.

She leaves her suitcases at the base of the bunk, deciding to unpack later. The duffel bag stays right next to her, after all, it holds everything important to her inside of it.


Trooping into through the gate with his face void of any emotion, Ash makes a beeline for the male werewolf cabin. He makes no move to socialize with anyone, completely ignoring the staffs welcomes. He makes the impression that he does not care what they think, which he doesn't. Their opinions don't matter to him, the haven't for the last two years. His first year, he tried to be different, not himself. It didn't succeed, though. of course, he didn't try to hard.

Moving on autopilot as he enters the dorm, Ash immediately begins to unpack and toss everything in drawers, not caring if things were out of place. After all, it is his last year. After unpacking, he slumps on the closest lower bunk, the right one, and shuts his eyes in order to think. Thoughts race around his mind absently and confusingly.


Zooming into the camp, Alexi shouts "Sorry!" as he slams into a staff member, but they pay him no mind. Hefting the large suitcase up, he makes his way towards his dorm, careful to not get lost. That would not be the best first impression. Well, second impression. Last year he had gotten lost way to many times. Now, he's not even sure of how he got lost in the first place. This place is uniform enough to not get lost at all.

As soon as he reaches his dorm, Alexi puts his suitcase on the bottom left bunk and gazes around. So far, the only one. Hopefully someone else would show up.

"Come, now, wretched things. The faster you inbreds deliver my bags, the faster you can go back to your delightful suffering," a young man wearing a fine black suit yelled back to two lowly looking zombie-esque creatures. He grinned as he motioned them to move forward at a faster pace. "I wouldn't want to have to carry your corpses AND my bags, now would I?" As the poor creatures struggled to keep up, they let out a sigh of relief when the young man reached the registration desk.

"Ah, Mr. Abaddon. Welcome back. Here are your keys and the other forms you'll need. Try to keep it calm this year, okay? Heh.. "

The young man chuckled. "Oh, I do always keep it calm. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good bout. Or two. Now I.. you two imbeciles were not to stop. Are you moronic?! Take my things to my room and disappear. Now." The two creatures heeded their master's wishes and moved on.

A burly looking student approached the young man, having heard all the commotion. "Friends of yours, Dante?"

The young man smiled up at the new arrival. "Hardly. Inept slaves. I feel so much better being rid of them. Anyways, walk with me, Varian. Tell me about your break."
Morella had been exploring the campus for some time now. The shock of the large amount of diverse people and intimidating gates had finally worn away. She passed a familiar building for the third time. No, she was not lost. Mori was memorizing. She wanted to know every face, every inch of land. Whether or not she would be willing to meet these strangers was a different story. Some one was trying to give her a tour earlier. Mori hoped nobody minded the fact that she dosed off during the other girls talk. She left before Mori realized she wanted something anyways.

She tugged slightly at her sleeves, staring at the ground beneath her feet. The weight of her bag was long forgotten. Deciding after a while that she should go to her dorm, Mori set off to the registration desk. She received her keys with a half smile, amused by the hot headed boy before her. Still, she only offered him a glance before coming to her dorm.

Opening the door, Mori smiled sweetly towards a red headed angel who had already begun to settle in. She copied and unloaded her stuff on the other side, not even sure if the other has noticed her yet. Wings folded neatly against her back and motions intentionally silent as to not bother the other.
Another year

Faolan smirked to himself, lithely flicking his zippo lighter open and closed with his thumb. It was surprising really. He hadn't thought he'd let them send him back the after the first year. His first impression of the Academy hadn't been a very good one and he wasn't one to deal with so much... structure. The buildings, the courses, the schedules, the rules; all things he didn't particularly need or want. In fact it had only been by his mothers pestering that he even enrolled in "Grey Key Academy" in the first place and he had vowed that he would get through a year of it and then demand that his mother dropped the silly notion. But he had come back. And now again as a third year. Perhaps it was as his mother had painted it-- what had she said again?-- "You need to stretch your paws and sniff out your own hunting trail in life". Personally, he believed that was a kind way of her phrasing "Get the hell out of my yard before I bite off your tail for setting my garden on fire, offspring or not.", so perhaps it was something else.

Either way. This school did have one constant he quite enjoyed: There was never a lack of excitement.

With a quite huff, he closed his eyes and snuffed the enchanting flame he had been staring at with a lazy wrist movement. How long had he been in this damn room again? Fifteen minutes? Sixty? He grimaced, running a hand threw his messy red hair. Just because he chose to come back to the school didn't mean he had grown any less feral. The damn four walls surrounding him made him itch worse than that month four summers back where he'd been the unfortunate host for a bunch of flees.

Why had he decided to remain in this room again?

Something about learning his roommates scents so that he didn't maul them for coming into the room. He couldn't have the staff collaring him again for a possessive streak he had no control over. What gave them the idea it was good to keep territorial animals packed up like sardines anyways?

His pulse was starting to pick up. Not a good sign for any calm meet and greets he wanted to engage in.

Eyes glinting more gold than amber snapped open and he swung his legs off the bed from where he'd been lounging. He could meet the damn roommates after he walked off some of this. Grabbing his phone and ear-buds from his duffel bag he zipped the bag just within an inch of fully closing i,t shoved it back towards the wall, and inhaled deeply. Now if anyone touched his stuff he'd know: They'd have to lean over and get their scent on his bed to reach the bag and most people didn't pay very much attention to how much a bag was zipped, only if it was opened or closed. Yea he was a bit of a paranoid bastard. Sue him. Living with four brothers and a sister did that to you.

He walked to the door, and after scrutinizing the room one last time he took his leave.
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Tennin got to his school in time; he was carrying his backpack and two suitcases that had all his clothe and his laptop. The school gates were really crowded it was almost impossible to walk in that place but Tennin managed his way in, the school looked the same as last year, they might have chance something in the school but it wasn’t that visible. A lot of students had a sad face, it might be because class started but they get better after a week so no big worries about that.

After registration and talking to one friend from last year Tennin was able to get to his room, he was really tired due to the long ride he had to make before getting to school and the only thing that could pass through his mind was sleeping. As he opened the door Tennin realized there was a guy standing inside the room, it obviously was his new roommate and he looked like a cool guy.

¨Hello, I’m Tennin Royal¨

Tennin left his two suitcases on top of the desk and stretched his right hand towards Alexi for a handshake.
Josh, Empral, whichever name you'd choose to call him by, he was sitting at his desk, writing in his black notebook again, with his blood red pen, coincidence? People decide what they think and don't think. A grin came across Josh's face as he re-wrote what he had done the last year and after that, his plans for this one. As he came to the end of the seven page long resume of his past years experiences he completely froze. Gazed down on the paper, read it in a heart beat and started laughing insanely, within secounds he stopped and looked as serious as he always did.

The last two death incidents and the ten injuries.. Yes, those situations.. Josh smiled at the truth, they had been closely connected with him, he had changed and worked, plotted and planed for them to happen and sometimes he executed the actions. He had many nicknames, many reasons to be called by them.

Josh, without a doubt, the single most person with the largest amounts of rumours beneath his belt. The death of the 14 year old when he was in his secound years, the death of the 18 year old at the start of his first year, the death of the 16 year old at the start of his third year, and so on. He had many, not just victims but others aswell, apparently last year he had become the favorite child of Satan, in the eyes of the Angels for about a week, took quite the while to fix that mess up.

Josh isn't saying that he was behind all of them, but he knew they all would happen, his calculating mind has shown it's glory during his first three years with math, he's done the same in almost every lesson.. Except sports.. That was his bane, he didn't need it, due to one particular rumour that just so happens to be true, however he had too, which angered him greatly, just thinking about it he smashed his red pen through the table, making a small hole in it that only the pen could get through.

''Argyolus.. Fix the table.'' He said smirking, keeping one hand over his right arm ambitiously and insanely he smiled creepily, almost, gazing at the table, and suddenly the table repaired itself, as if through nothing, the table completely repaired, it looked as if the hole went back in time to when it was whole and not partially destroyed.

''Kathurius.. show yourself.'' Josh sat laid back in his office chair, smiling like an insane warlord. Besides him a shadowy figure materialised into a fully armored black knight, armed with a tower shield and a terrifying looking lance, this figure stood at order and awaited a command, the helmet revealed a red glow coming from underneath.

''Follow the plan.'' He said, incredibly calm, almost as if out of nowhere. The figure turned into a black cloud of fog and slowly turned invisible before the any eye. Josh started to mutter, and around him five figures stood, none of them clearly identifiable like the previous figure, however one had womanly characteristics. ''With the hammer that I forged you, I shall now smite you down and reforge you..'' He remained silent, as if he had stopped in the middle of a sentance. ''In the image of a dark angel.. Unlike any other..''

He reached over for the black notebook and closed it, keeping all it's secrets hidden from public eyes.
Four years.

frigging years.

It was a wonder Arielle even made it that far, knowing her impatience. But patience brings lots of luck, right? Her patience, however, was as thin as a piece of bond paper, so it really
must be a miracle for the vampire to reach four years of high school. (And some ten years in primary and middle school; wow, she must be some kind of patience queen.) Having her things brought to her room, she didn't need to worry about anything -- except, maybe, being carded right outside the infamous black gates of Grey Key Academy. Apparently, she pasted the wrong picture on her enrollment form so the guards didn't even recognize one of the school's oldest students. (Oldest, in a way that she spent years going to this particular school.)

"I'm sorry, Miss Kim, but it says so right here that Miss Arielle Kim has brown hair and green eyes, not..." The guard looked at her, scanning her up and down with steely yet slightly irritated eyes. "Black haired and grey eyed." Irritation seeped through her veins, a slightly audible growl escaping her throat. Grey eyes flashed red, and she might as well go berserk with the way the guard was staring at her. "But I just told you," she said through deep, irritated breaths. "I made a mistake in pasting the photo. I had it revised--why don't you have the revised copy?! Anyway... here's
my identification card, okay? That's me. Arielle Charlotte Kim. M-E. A-r-i-e-l-l-e. ARIELLE." She said slowly, as if talking to a child.

Instead of recognizing her, the guard turned away, talking to his pal next to him, pointing at her indiscreetly. He had the guts to hide his face even though she knew full well they were talking about her. The guard's friend turned to her, recognition flashing through his eyes. He grimaced at his friend before turning back to her. "I'm sorry, Miss Kim," he apologized profusely, glaring at his friend. "I'm afraid the authorities forgot to give my friend over here the revised copy." The guard let her through. "Please! Go in!"

She huffed in irritation, strolling through the courtyard with irritation flashing through her eyes. "Seriously..." She grumbled, rushing up to her dorm room, not exactly seeing the other girl propped up on one of the bottom bunks. She stormed into the room without any care in the world, crashing into one of the bottom bunks almost as soon as she went in. She just wasted two hours talking to the guard, who wouldn't even spare her a second thought. "Just when I'm about to graduate,
this happens."

Initally, Arielle didn't want to go to the academy a few days early. She was those types who go to school when it's already the first day of classes, so during the first she was alone in the class, in her own little world. But alas, her father pestered her in going a few days early to school and had her luggage brought here, she couldn't really say no to the old man. (If she did, he'd practically nag at her nonstop.) "Aish. This is tiring..." she sighed, face planted into a pillow, not even bothering to spare the other girl a small greeting.

Not that she noticed her, anyway.
Laeyra walked through the menacing gates that led to the academy grounds, the heels of her white boots making curt clicks on the cobblestone road. " Hello, Grey Key. Good to see you again!" she giggled, hitching the strap of her duffel bag higher up her shoulder. If she sounded hysterical (or like she'd lost her marble), she didn't care. Break was more than boring, since she was under house arrest most of the time while her parents were away on some " private business". It's not like she didn't try to escape, she did. But since what happened the last time, her parents were smart enough to set up a ward around her house to prevent her for escaping, probably to some late-night humans' party where she could freak out teenagers who were so drunk they'd probably dismiss what they saw as some sort of drunken dream. Of course, there were those who didn't completely forget. Lae rolled her copper-colored eyes at that, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, it was only a few guys, who were going to believe them anyway? Well, unfortunately for her, her parents didn't take her using her powers to scare the crap out of humans too lightly.

"But now that I'm here..." she chimed as a grin slowly spread across her face, " It's time to have some fun!" She could barely contain her excitement as she hurried her way to the demons' house. As soon as she pushed the door open to her room, she flopped onto the soft bed, burying her face into the pillow. " Home sweet home," she sighed gleefully, breathing in the familiar smile of the polished wooden floors. When she finally managed to tear herself from the bed, she stalked over to the mirror, hoping that she didn't look like some sort of animal right out of hibernation on her first day. Her straw-blonde curls were pulled up loosely into her messy chignon, and her outfit was kind of... odd. Her top consisted of a dark crimson bodice that contrasted against her skin, with an off-shoulder ruffled sleeve and red silk ribbons. Her blood red ruffled skirt was paired with a pair of black stockings that shone under the light, she arched her brow at her clothing choice, " Why did I think stockings were a good idea...I look like a circus performer who got lost an ended up here..." she mused, wondering what had prompted her to pull this on.

" Ah, well." She whirled around, glancing at the empty bed across the room, " I wonder who my roommate will be... I hope she's fun." With that she headed out the door, throwing one last glance at her room before closing the door behind her.

She headed towards the lunch area where most people hung out, glancing at the faces of other students here, both new and ones who looked familiar. She grinned and ran across the area, her lithe figure dodging between both staff members and students. When she finally came to a halt, she was standing in front of a statue, the one she always sat by during lunch hour. " Hello ol' friend..." she smiled warmly, admiring the sunlight glinting off the marble, " I see you haven't changed." When she turned around, she realized that most people were staring at her weirdly. She flushed, " H-hey, it's rude to stare!" They quickly turned away, scurrying back to whatever they were doing before. " First day and I already look like I'm on drugs," she muttered, taking a seat at the table by the statue with a sigh.
Really, coming in this early was a bit of a drag. Dantalion brushed his golden hair on the side, sitting on the stone border of a rail, smirking to himself. He entered the Academy with the means of Shadow Transportation, which was handy, if there weren't a lot of sun light, like yesterday.. He reserved his top bunk bed already, putting his stuff and weapons in a closet. Stupid sunlight, always doing stuff like this. The Demon House was quite empty, like if the others were busy with their demonic stuff or they never existed at all (Except for that weird third year, who he really underestimates his demon compatriots and has a doorm to himself. Stupid, Dantalion thinks, that's stupid.). With a sigh, he closed his eyes and let himself melt in the shadows. There was always this cold feeling passing his body when he reappeared in the shadow of the house, which was quite pleasant.

He brushed the dirt off his dark jacket and off his pants, then walked towards the Lunch Area, ready to eat again. Then he heard a loud commotion. Interested, he entered the said area, seeing a girl blush furiously as she looked at the members at the faculty and screamed unintelligible words. What in the nine hells is this? Dantalion thought, a bit surprised and entertained, his green eyes sparkling. He shifted from side to side, leaning against a wall, shadows projecting on him, so that only his green eyes and blond hair stuck out.
Laeyra tried to play it off like nothing had happened, and blew her hair out of her face. Looking back down, she felt the shadows shift. In fact, she had felt them do so since a moment ago. Seems like there's another shadow user within our midst. She, like all other shadow users of the demonic society, could teleport via shadows, as well as control and manipulate them. Whenever some one teleports from one shadow spot to another, she can feel sort a stir, since all shadow worlds were pretty much connected. That's how she knows if there's another shadow user around.

Scanning her eyes across the crowd, she felt curios. It wasn't common to find another demon who had the same ability in the same venue, in fact, it was almost unheard of, despite shadow manipulation being quite common in the demonic society. That's when her eyes landed on a second-year leaning against the wall, his green eyes and blonde hair sticking out from the shadows that concealed him. That's him. That's when she thought he probably saw the whole ordeal with the statue. Flushing again, she jumped up and stormed towards him, " You, there! Yes, the second-year shadow user-" She suddenly came to a halt, realizing that she couldn't reprimand him for watching her make a fool out of herself. But she couldn't turn back either, not with half of the lunch area watching her. Damn it. Instead, she tried changing her approach. " Um, hi!" she smiled at him, " I'm Laeyra. Laeyra Crowe. Or you can call me Lae, it's less of a mouthful." She glanced behind her, sighing in relief when she noticed that most of the students had already gone back to doing whatever they were doing before.
Absent-mindedly, he wondered if there were any angels here already. Well, it'd be weird that only demons were here early and no law-abiding angels. He shrugged that thought away. It was a silly thought, he already felt their holy aura from afar; no need to ask himself pointless questions that he already has the answers to.

Shadow user, uh? Dantalion chuckled slowly, leaving the shadows behind him. It was nice that a demon noticed him, and not an angel (Unless they acted at the least polite with him). He smirked and arranged his grey shirt. He looked around him, like checking if people were listening to their conversation or for other mysterious reasons that was his, alone. He walked over to the girl, who seemed quite small, now that he was face to face with her. "Laeyera, hmh?" Well, if she was to cite her name, he would do it too; it was the basic steps in courtesy in the human world. "My name is Dantalion Belial. Or you can call me Sir. Maybe Sir Belial. It has a nice ring to it." He took out his dark gloved hand, and shook her hand. "Your clothes are quite peculiar, Lae." He noted, with a amused smile.

"Hi, I'm Alexi." Alexi says with a grin, shaking the guys hand, motor mouth already tempted to start up, so he allows it and starts talking, "What year are you in? I'm in my second but I'm not sure if I've seen you before but I dunno, I have a kind of bad memory, so I might have seen you but I dunno. What's your favorite class? I like technique because it's just sort of different and fun but I dunno why I think that so. You're an Angel, right? Of course you are, we're in the same dorm-" Arubtedly, he cuts himself off, laughing loudly. The laughter came from the thought that this must be a great first impression that he's making on this guy. nothing better than a motor mouth that randomly laughs like a lunatic.


Hearing the flick of a lighter, Ash glances around. Just some weird kid holding a lighter. He judges people quickly, after all, trusting his parents had gotten him no where in life. On the other hand, it had condemned him to life as a misfit. Or at last feeling like one. Luckily, the person made no move to talk to Ash and he settled with watching and listening. Might as well figure something out about the guy so that if he got on his nerves, he could target something other than his throat. He seemed enormously paranoid, odd. Oh well, though. When the guy leaves, Ash gets up and sits at the very edge of the bed, legs hanging over the side.


Glancing towards the opening door, Karrie watches the girl storm in angrily, on the verge of laughter, almost. She may technically be considered a Vampire, but that never meant that her demonic qualities are not allowed to be shown. Lithely sliding off the bed, Karrie unpacks her suitcases, leaving the duffel bag on her bed for safe keeping. Glancing over at the girl, she resists the urge to be sarcastic, mean, cruel etc. and instead walks over and says, in her usual snarky tone of voice; she can't help that, "Hi. I'm Karrie. What made you so angry?" The smirk stays pasted on her face, even as she tries to pull it away.
Tennin smiled as how Alexi reacted, it was kind of funny even if Tennin didn’t catch what he said at the moment but it seems Alexi a really funny, after he stopped talking he left out a lunatic laugh that made Tennin feel a little bit awkward at the moment but it was something funny.

¨I’m in second year, and I don’t know my favorite class It’s a hard decision. You’re pretty funny Alexi¨

He smiled at him then walked to his suitcases that where aside of them, as he was unpacking his clothe and putting it in the wardrobe he was really curios about his new roommate, they will be stuck together for a year so it’s better to be good friends and not be enemies.

¨So… What bed do you want, bottom or top? ¨
"Ahh, sounds like quite the lovely stay, Varian. I'm half-surprised you didn't at least maim that kid, though. He certainly had it coming," Dante chuckled, shaking his head at the amusing story his friend Varian had just told him. Well.. as close as he would consider one to be a friend. He never really wanted to get close from his stance, only close on the opposite side. Nothing like knowing all there was to know about anyone, gaining their trust. It kept him motivated and at the very least, under some bit of control. He had dirt on nearly everyone in this place. He knew it. They knew it. It's what made him the perfect friend. Or acquaintance. Or business partner, as some would see it. There's damn good money to be had in the trade of information.

Feeling his fill, his attention turned to the students gathering in the lunch hall before him. So many ripe minds for the picking. The wealth to be had here was absolutely astonishing. An untapped market in the fresh arrivals. They would quickly learn who was to turn to. A returning collection of previously indulged guests, eager for what knowledge Dante had on their friends... and foes. And.. of course, there was the other crowd. The lesser beings. The.. well.. idiots. Dante cared not for stupidity and unfortunately, this school had plenty of it within it's arsenal. From the mega-jocks to the underachievers to the "know-it-all's" who knew nothing in reality, this portion of people brought out the very best and the very worst in Dante. He would use, abuse and break them down just for the pleasure of it. They were puppets to be played. Nothing more.

Thankfully, it would seem a commotion was already being made enough to attract his attention and, in all intents and purposes, his uninhibited interest. 'Mmmm... demons. Don't mind if I do.' He placed a hand up to shush Varian, who was still going on about what he could of done to the kid he did not maim. "I do appreciate the stories, Varian, truly, but I fear I must attend to some other business. We'll catch up." He offered a friendly smile and proceeded to close in on the source of the disturbance. It appeared to be a girl, one he hardly knew, he would admit. In fact.. he didn't remember her at all. Nor the man she was clearly yelling at. Perfect. New minds. New information. New... "friends."

He watched their handshake, their little meet and greet and interjected himself with gusto.

"Sir.. Belial, hmm? I concur, it does have a nice ring to it. Quite the intimidation factor, if you don't mind my saying. And.. Ms. Crowe, if I heard correctly? Such beauty betrays the truth, I see. It's quite lovely to make your acquaintance." He nodded his head, offering a wicked grin befitting of his demonic nature. His long black hair swayed with his water-like movements. No hesitation. No imperfection. Merely a charm that rivaled the very best. A valuable asset in anyone's repertoire. "Ah.. where are my manners. I didn't mean to interrupt such a delightfully spontaneous meeting.." his eyes darted to Laeyra, "..but, I couldn't help but notice such an event. I had to introduce myself. And to that end, you may both call me Dante. Fellow student, purveyor of information and an enthusiast on all things... treacherous, in nature." His red eyes began to glow eerily at his last remark.
The dark look on Arielle's face was evidence enough that everything wasn't going her way. But she lifted her head--albeit forcefully--to give the other girl a polite, but still irritated smile. "My day's not really going well," she said through gritted teeth. The little smirk on the other girl's face made her irritated as well--but then again, when she gets irritated, she stays irritated for a period of time. "That incompetent fool didn't really get a recent copy of my enrollment form so I had to argue with him for two hours until I found my identification card."


"This sucks." Arielle grumbled to herself, burying her face deep into the pillow, her introduction muffled by the cottony object. "'m Arielle Kim. You may call me Ari, if you want." Laying front faced onto the bed, no one would really think this girl was, indeed, a vampire. The way she acted like a normal teen made most people think that she was a normal human. They usually get shocked when they realized she was one of the 'other worldly beings,' as her mother would say.

It's not that she grew tired of being cooped up in the room; she was ecstatic to be cooped up in a room, alone time with she and her stuffed rabbit. But alas, when a teacher that she had met the first day knocked on the door and entered, a nervous smile on her face. "Hello, dear. Ahm, I was told to get everyone out of their rooms and down into their house's main hall." Gabriel paused, watching her, sensing a string of anxiety come from the hispanic woman, and she slowly got off the window sill, nodding cheerily. "Of course. I'm coming." The woman, who Gabriel sensed sighed in relief, nodded and moved on to the next room. The little demon walked over to the bunk bed and got on her tiptoes, grabbing her rabbit by the one arm that it only had, and walked out.

The demon main hall was made nicely. It was very large, pretty much a lounge for all the students, and it had a food court, tables for studying, even a case of books lined at the far wall. She had seen many students sitting down, talking amongst themselves, and she truly wished to go outside, but-- Suddenly, her precious stuffed rabbit was snatched from her hands, and she peered up at a much larger demon than her, a guy with a smirk as evil as cable TV, and yet, not too hard on the eyes. As all demons were in their human form. "Well, well, well! Lookie what we got here." He dangled the rabbit from it's foot and cocked his head thoughtfully. "What a cute, little bunny." Suddenly, another one of him, one that looked exactly the same came up behind Gabriel and pressed the palms of his hands against her shoulders, using her as a rest. "This ain't no place for little kids, you know. Do you know what demons do to little kids like you?" The front one said, a laugh coming from him.

Gabriel simply watched them as if they were fools. "May I have my rabbit back?" She asked, tilting her head and the demon laughed. "What? You mean this one?" He dangled it high in front of her eyes, and Gabriel still watched them as if she pitied them.
She glanced up at him when he reached her, yes, emphasize on the word "up". Even though she was 16, she only stood about 5'4, which was shorter than most of the people her age, and the fact that Dantalion was actually tall didn't help either. She tried standing up straighter, dwarfed by the other demon, not that it made her look any taller. Nope,not even with her boots on. He seemed to always have a smirk on his face, though she thought it was probably just an old habit of his.

She gave him a smirk of her own when he offered other options for his name, " Sir Dentalion? Not a chance pretty-boy. What about Dan? Hmm? That's a pretty nice nickname. Y'know what, I'm just going to call you Dan. Dantalion if I'm feeling nice." She glanced up at him again, she rubbed the back of her neck, it was starting to feel sore from all the time she spent looking upwards. It wasn't every day she gives people nicknames for fun, in fact, this sort of activity has been known to piss people off more times than she could count. But with Dantalion, she figured she could take a risk. But if he lashed out... she eyed him cautiously, she'll be fine. Hey, she might be short, but she could hold her own pretty well.
Faolan watched the students moving about from his perch on the roof of the Main Hall, far enough back to where he wouldn't be seen but angled so he could people watch. A snort hit the air. So many students and yet there were two favored emotions painted on their faces: Excitement or fear. Both rubbed him the wrong way. Fear was for prey and excitement... He ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. Who the hell got so excited for school? Sure it was not a complete drag but school was still school and shouldn't it be automatically hated by students.

He blamed the angels for that one. All light and happiness, they would be the ones to enjoy school so much, he speculated.

As it was the overpowering combination of scents was convincing him that it would be better to be in the dorm. Sure, it had four walls and would most likely drive him nuts but at least he wouldn't have a headache and the wavering urge to hunt with all the prey-stench. Inhaling another breath of it he sneezed and the decision was made. He'd come back later in the day to run off some steam.

Gods, it was going to be a pain in the ass to keep from getting collared.
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The face of an insane man came across Josh as he sat in his office chair, he had not left his building for any other reason than work, school, class or obligatory visits in more then a year. Infact, he enjoyed staying at school during holidays and things of that nature. His mouth stretched out incredibly far as he laughed maniacly as if he could hear a conversation that no one else could. ''Yes.. DOLLS!'' He started to clap with his two hands and the atomsphere around him was getting increasingly thicker, as if a being of spiritual nature was taking up the entire room for itself. He raised himself from his chair almost insantaniously and out of nowhere walked to the closet, picked up his uniform, a custom one made for a rather famed demonic clan, however the clan was supposedly long since demolished, or completely ravaged from the face of the visible world.

The uniform was a long cape like piece of clothing, it was entirely black and a distorted and warped logo was placed on the back of it, it was a piece of magic making the symbol unwatchable. The special uniform would match the others in design and strucutre, however the colors and logos differed. On the upper back torso were the symbols for a title that directly translated to ''Achidor Tai Modir'' It's meaning long lost with the remnants of the ancient hell.

As he opened the door of his enclosed luxury house the entirety of the rooms erry feeling changed and the spiritual being which previously took up the entire room now followed Josh in a more concealed format. The only way you'd feel the devilish pressence would be through physical contact, and so far, he has made rather good work keeping that from happening.

He closed the door to his room and marched for the lunch halls, a clear destination in mind, however his face now less.. sinister and insane, now much more calm, collected and cold expressions came across his facial features. When he finally arrived nothing special had happened, of course, there was the occational interesting conversation, but nothing too major.

Now when was in the lunch hall he found the most interesting trio today. For now, he was going to observe from afar, however as he leaned against the wall his pressence stuck out for unclear reasons, however it was if he glew dark in a completely lit room. ''Dante..'' He muttered in his thoughts as he looked at the three, he took up his book, trying to look less obvious.
Merideth Nethern stood in the midst of the crowd of the supernatural students that passed by her. She stood silently keeping her head down gazing down at a piece of paper that she held in her pale thin hands. She continued to move through the crowd of students trying not to bump into anyone which luckily she succeeded. As she passed the main hall she stopped and looked up at the roof of the main hall with an expressionless face. She could have sworn she smelt someone up there but saw no one. She disliked the mixture of all sorts of smell that filled the air but she could smell something very distinct on the roof; a smell that wasn't kind to her nose, a dog or wolf maybe? Merideth shook the feeling off and averted her eyes off the building as she continued to look around for the 'Vampire Dorm'.

"Oh no..I seem to have made a mistake." Merideth barely breathed out a whisper as she spoke; her tone was so fragile that it seemed if she spoke any louder then she would break. She was never the girl to speak freely and out-loud. Merideth turned around as she let the small piece of paper she had been carrying fall to the floor. "I made a wrong turn." She noticed her mistake of directions; she would have to walk all the way back to find her new home. Perching her
parasol over her shoulder Merideth stole a glimpse over her shoulder before walking off.

[[ Mentions: @Yin ]]

[[ Sorry it took so long ^~^ ]]
His grinning mouth got wider. Dan, hmh? No one actually gave him a nickname that simple for some years now (For the exception of his demonic mother. Once someone called him Dandylion, however that didn't end well at all; The person ended up with a arm. Only an arm. Yet that was when he was young and didn't know any better. It may as well bug him that she called him Dentalion. "Dan? That could be quite nice, yes..." Dantalion muttered, and smiled back to her, genuinely good smile. "Yes, that would be acceptable, Lae." The golden haired boy answered, chuckling.

Dantalion looked up at the guy who just came in the little party and let go of the girl's hand promptly. As he studied the man with his own blank gaze, he smirked. This peculiar school seemed to have its own lot of peculiar people. "Nice meeting you, Dante. Aren't all demons treacherous by nature?" Dantalion simpered, and shrugged, "That is not of my concern what people do on their free time, including seeping demons and creatures alike for information and secrets. " The way he interjected in the conversation was a strange one, yet it was alright. Again, he might be lenient towards him because he was a demon, not an angel. He sighed mentally. When will he get rid of that bigoted thinking?
Dante chuckled to himself. He liked the way this Sir Belial presented himself. Such poise. The girl, on the other hand, hardly seemed interested. Still, he was learning about her in some way at the very least. He turned his attention to Belial, "On the contrary, good sir, it's always someone's concern. Including your own. You'll find that within these walls, he who knows his friends and enemies has all the power. That is where I come in. I live to serve the good people of the Grey Key Academy. I give them the knowledge they seek. The power they wish to wield. Well.. for a modest fee, anyhow."

He smiled at both Sir Belial and Laeyra, putting on his best facade of a genuine individual. It worked quite well, he thought. That was until the two slaves under his employ decided to make themselves known. "Master.. we.. we.. thought it.. w-would be best.. to seek you-.. "

"What in the damned hell do you two want? I thought I gave explicit instruction to begone."

"Y-yes.. master did.. but.. in the demon room.. a girl.. she n-needs h-h-help.. "

Dante scowled at the two, giving them a wave of his hand and as if on que, they walked away. He turned back to Sir Belial and Laeyra. "I do apologize. It would seem I'm needed elsewhere at this moment in time. But.. I do insist you both come to me if you need anything at all. You'd be surprised at what I could procure within these walls. Good day." He bowed once more and turned to make his leave, gunning straight for the demon main hall. His servants, while completely idiotic, knew better than to pester him unless it was important. 'Some little one getting herself into trouble.. it's nothing new. Alas, I can't let the opportunity pass. Anything to gain trust. Anything to feed off her intimate thoughts.' He came upon the doorway to the demon main hall and opened it, stepping inside.

He set eyes upon two identical looking demons tormenting some small child with what appeared to be her beautifully mangled stuffed animal. Even her requesting it back calmly did nothing to sway them, but, that was obvious. That kind of behavior never did. The truth was the only real way to gain footing here was to take it by force. As the two boys continued, Dante melded into the shadows, his now nearly invisible form stepping behind the nearest boy to him. Within a second, he stood beside the boy, arm outstretched, a conjured blade forcing itself against the attacker's neck. The blade was nearly all black, the obsidian that crafted it reflecting the light with a purple hue. The edge, the blade itself, was honed steel. So sharp that just touching the boy's neck drew a line of blood.

As the sight of Dante holding a sword to the boy's neck became apparent, the other boy began to move to help his counterpart, when he too found himself in the same position, an identical looking version of Dante holding a sword to his neck as well. The true Dante grinned, "I believe the little one asked for her doll back. I would suggest we acknowledge her request. Wouldn't want my hand to slip, would we?" He and his doppelganger form pulled the blade ever so slowly across each boy's neck in perfect unison, the blood beginning to stream out a little more heavily. "Yeah, fine. No problem, man." The boy dropped the doll to the ground, his sweaty hand shaking violently, the color draining from his body. "Good. I'm glad to see there's still reasoning with idiots. Now get the hell out of my hall." Both Dante and his doppelganger sent their magical swords away and grabbed the two by the backs of their shirts, throwing them towards the entryway roughly.

As the two scurried off, Dante's doppelganger melted away into the shadows and vanished completely, leaving only the original to stand before the little girl. He dusted off his suit and bent over, picking up the ragged looking doll, handing it to the little girl. "I believe this belongs to you."
Laeyra looked up as Dan did, her eyes darting towards the new-comer. He seemed normal enough (by demonic standards), that is, until he spoke. She scoffed at the part about beauty betraying the truth, but flushed when he mentioned the commotion. "Did every demon in the entire area see that?" she groaned mentally. She regarded Dante suspiciously, his movements were fluid, too perfect, really. She arched her brow at the mention of his treacherous nature, his eyes glowing eerily. Nodding at Dan's remark, she replied, " Well, Dante. Nice to see another demon around, but please don't call me Ms Crowe, it makes me sound old. Seriously, don't." She sighed, the edges of her red lips pulled down into a scowl.

She yelped when two demon slaves appeared out of nowhere. Since when did students here have slaves? She flinched at Dante's sudden change of tone, and raised her brow again when he asked them to follow him. Arriving at the Demon's hall, she scowled at two identical boys who were dangling a little girl's stuffed rabbit away from her. She was about to snap at them when Dante moved forward, pressing his blades against the boy's neck. Before she knew it, the boy had scurried off, leaving the rabbit behind. She smiled slightly when Dante handed it back to the girl, maybe he's not that bad after all. " Are you okay?" She asked the girl, " I'm Lae, that's Dante, and Dentalion."
"Well, every individual in the vicinity, yes." Dantalion responded to Laeyera. The demon cocked his head. He wasn't a stupid individual at all, why would Dante bother trying to put on that angel face on him? Demons didn't serve anybody, much less a school. Of course, the thing Dante must have wanted to do was to black mail and know secrets, which is the best part of knowing them, of course. Dantalion hated doing that, using blackmail to get what he wanted that is, and so didn't quite like that aspect of Dante's twisted personality. Still, he had enough experience in Hell to not fall for that kind of behavior, that others might do, despite warnings and broken arms.

He didn't flinch when the slaves appeared beside Dante; it was something familiar to him, growing in Hell and all. A lot of demons owned slaves, but really, they didn't need to manifest that physically in this school, judging that the angels were around and ready to reprimand him with their holy powers of some sort. When his slaves did mention something happening in the Demon Hall, that struck the demon's curiosity. Really, anything with substance would animate him in these boring times. So, he walked in the shadows. He reappeared in the Demonic Main Hall, where he observed a little girl getting bullied, 10 feet from the lamp that projected the very shadow he had sprouted from. He frowned immediately. How dare they do that to the rabbit AND the little demonic girl! If he was alone, he would have interjected, but he knew that Dante would have- Ah, right, he already did; That was fast. Secrets must be of great importance for Dante. He walked over to little girl, and so did Lae. Dantalion shivered when she called him Dentalion. He smirked maliciously, one that made shivers crawl down your spine. "Dantalion." He corrected, with a light voice. "But please, do call me Dan."

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