Greetings Mortals-! Prepare For A Read! If You Dare...


New Member
I started role playing at the age of twelve when my cousin first introduced me to the concept. I never had more fun than creating a character and a world, and then putting the character with the minds of others for some pretty interesting and unique stories/experiences. For the longest time I've been a 1x1 role player with close friends, finding groups rather annoying or difficult to keep up with (as with friends it's much easier to keep in touch and say "Hey, I'll be busy" or "What do you think of this idea?". I find it much easier to get into the groove of writing.

However, with that being said, I also found it quite easy to understand what my friends might be planning. I often toyed with their ideas and characters, to the point where they didn't understand how I could see certain plot elements coming. When you've studied a certain style for quite a while, you tend to figure out what they usually do or play. I even have a specific style I tend to stick to I've noticed, but because I know this about myself, I always throw a curve ball in nowadays that throws my partners completely off guard. Haha, It's still relevant to the plot and character development though.

I've been told I'm rather sneaky. A small line of dialogue could mean a lot in the future but seems like casual information that one could simply 'skip over' and not think anything of it. The little vase I mention while describing a house could be a key plot element whereas it's just strewn in with a description. I love adding underlying meanings of foreshadowing, but not many can pick up on what they are (I've only had one person capable of figuring my style out so far).

The point of that ramble is... I would love to see another style, another mind. Someone that can clash with mine and stump me for a reply! I don't want to be able to predict their character's motives right away, and I don't even need a character profile. All I would need from my partner is a general idea and reasoning behind their actions in time. I prefer to learn about a character and who they are through the course of the story with actions and dialogue, not through a template (but the bare basics is helpful such as name, age, gender, appearance and maybe occupation). I don't like writer's block, but I love the element of surprise and the excitement of not knowing what will happen next (within reason). However, I'm not here for a simple casual RP. I want a full out detailed story that's intense, vibrant, and involving for both parties! I want a partner that will put into it as much as I put into a story and character! It's probably a lot to ask, but that's why I am here, to scout those people out.

I can be strict, but only in the sense of my requirement for an enthralling story with a minimum of a paragraph response (it's really not hard to amuse me). I really just need something I can work off of, and I will usually give lots to work off of in turn, but one liners are practically my enemy. I am not used to one-liners, and they literally make my brain cells explode trying to think of a response. I am used to at least 2+ literate paragraph responses full of dialogue and actions to pull a reply from.

I might eventually look into a group role play, depending on what's out there and how they're actually run... But for now I just want a fascinating single story to write with another

Hmmm... Maybe I've written too much for an introduction? xD Haha, well expect my introduction as an estimate on how long my replies are in an actual role play. XDDDD Anyways, it's nice to meet everyone and I look forward to hopefully finding/meeting new people to experience wonderful tales with! :)

(P.S. - My favorite types of role plays include Slice of Life, Fantasy, Romance and Horror. All my role plays have included romance though and I write in 3rd person ONLY. I cannot do first person to save my life, script does not mesh will with my brain and so on...)
Extra Information I think I should mention:

I also do NOT do fandom role plays (meaning specifically: I do not play canon characters, nor do I typically role play others who play as canon characters to a show, game etc...). I will sometimes role play within a world from the desired show or with elements inspired by a show. (ex: Inspired by Bioshock - character's are living in a city under the water with crazy psychopaths everywhere and are trying to find a way to escape)

All this in mind, it is not impossible to convince me to do a fandom role play in which the canon characters roam and are available for play, just HIGHLY unlikely. I'm, again, more open to the idea of using plot elements from particular stories. Besides... I like that original characters allow more flexibility and creativity to flow. I'm not restricted or constantly doing research to get the world/original characters right, as I'm the one who created them.

Edit: Adding on..

I'm also an artist, and I love using my art for my original characters. Though, If I don't have enough time or I'm feeling lazy... I'll take an existing character. xD

And if I REALLY like the story and everything, I'll draw your character too in some type of scenario or maybe a scene that has already happened. :)
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