Greetings heroes


The master
stan lee's here to battle...

My name's Chris. Call me whatever you want except late for dinner. I started

Roleplaying when I was around nine years old, so it's been roughly... eleven years now.

I mostly started with sword and board games like Dungeons and Dragons (though I've

Moved on to the vastly superior Pathfinder system) and only got into peer to peer roleplay

when I was thirteen.

I'm a fan of all types of settings, but Perma-DMed for life. I hope to bombard the site with many

unique and interesting roleplays and characters alike

damn straight. all of the customization and openness of 3.5e with enough powerhousing to make everything feel more balanced!
I hope I'm not the only one who had to look up that reference. O.o

Are you interested in a roleplay, Night?

I have one set up if you're interested in checking it out. It's a 1x1 and I've got no idea who to do it with.

So, yeah.
Well, I think it'd be easier if you just looked at the plot yourself.

Teacher Trouble

When you're done reading, if you're interested, you'll notice that there are tabs under the thread title like 'Main', 'Out of Character Chat' and 'Character Sign-Ups'. The link is to the out of character chat, where the plot is. Read the plot, then move on to character sign-ups to see my character and a form you can fill out for your character. On the 'main' tab I've already written a starter. Let me know once you've decided if you're interested or not, please. ^.^
Alright. Would you be interested in something else, possibly?
Etch said:
Alright. Would you be interested in something else, possibly?
I'm trying to stay away from generic school roleplays no offense :C

[QUOTE="Katilynn Lovette]Hello newbie :3

(TAT) how could you say that!
Nightlark said:
stan lee's here to battle...

My name's Chris. Call me whatever you want except late for dinner. I started

Roleplaying when I was around nine years old, so it's been roughly... eleven years now.

I mostly started with sword and board games like Dungeons and Dragons (though I've

Moved on to the vastly superior Pathfinder system) and only got into peer to peer roleplay

when I was thirteen.

I'm a fan of all types of settings, but Perma-DMed for life. I hope to bombard the site with many

unique and interesting roleplays and characters alike

A wild new member appears! Ryan uses try to start conversation because he's a new member too :D
*Ahem* Did you even read the plot?

It doesn't even take place in a school. It involves a private tutor and a 14-year-old boy with Dyslexia.

Please do not judge roleplays by their titles.

That being said, I am still looking for possible roleplayers, but I must ask, can you write two paragraphs per post or more? I'm running on the assumption that you can, considering that you've been roleplaying for eleven years, but I don't know how dungeons and dragons works so I'm not sure if that could count towards your experience as a forum roleplayer or not. If you can, then please at least read through the plot before making premature judgments. If not, I'm sorry for bothering you today, but please disregard my posts to this thread.

I do not mean to start a fight, but I do not appreciate people who jump the gun.
Etch said:
*Ahem* Did you even read the plot?
It doesn't even take place in a school. It involves a private tutor and a 14-year-old boy with Dyslexia.

Please do not judge roleplays by their titles.

That being said, I am still looking for possible roleplayers, but I must ask, can you write two paragraphs per post or more? I'm running on the assumption that you can, considering that you've been roleplaying for eleven years, but I don't know how dungeons and dragons works so I'm not sure if that could count towards your experience as a forum roleplayer or not. If you can, then please at least read through the plot before making premature judgments. If not, I'm sorry for bothering you today, but please disregard my posts to this thread.

I do not mean to start a fight, but I do not appreciate people who jump the gun.
I did read the plot. I rope anything involving "stereotypical student teacher romance" into "generic school roleplay" even if that teacher is a student.

and you're coming off as rude and hostile.
Nightlark said:
I did read the plot. I rope anything involving "stereotypical student teacher romance" into "generic school roleplay" even if that teacher is a student.
and you're coming off as rude and hostile.
I'm sorry.

Admittedly, what I just did was both hypocritical, and, as you said, rude and hostile. I apologize for my rudeness as well as my other faults. I humbly ask that you forgive me, with my only excuse being that I too am not very good at conversation and I tend to come off in ways I do not intend. This is largely characterized by the fact that I have Asperger's Syndrome, however, I recognize that Asperger's does not control my actions, only influence them, and that it is possible to fight that influence over time. As such, Asperger's Syndrome is not an acceptable excuse and I realize that.

I'd still like to roleplay if you'll accept it, and I'm willing to compromise on plots. I've been experimenting with plots of more happy themes than I'm used to, as I usually use plots that are grim in nature. That's part of the reason why the plot may appear generic; because I'm using the examples around me as a learning device, and most of the examples I see of happier themes in plots are somewhat generic.

That being said, If you'd prefer a more grim plot or would like to offer a less generic plot that still has happy themes, I'm willing to compromise, if you'd accept that.


Also, I would like to say that it's not a romance. This was specifically mentioned at the bottom of the page that I linked, although it wasn't technically in the 'plot' so I imagine you could have easily skipped over it once you've decided that you didn't like the plot.
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[QUOTE="Katilynn Lovette]I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry

I kid, I kid. Always nice to get hazed on the first day

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