Greetings from the depth's of the interwebs.


New Member
Hello, RPNation.

If I am to be here is to be determined, this will be VASTLY different from the norms of my standard forums of posts in the essence there is nothing making it look nice, and the size may be cut down. I am Sovereignty, short you can call me good ol' Uncle Sov. (Kidding, about the uncle part.)

I come from a long history of roleplay among various sites, Nationstates, RPGuild, the now defunct RoleplayerCave, as well as google doc's and other minor sources. I have scoured the web for a new site to call my home, for however long I duly decide depended on the mannerism of the community, or the quality of roleplay. I have claimed several titles, such as Admin, Roleplay Mentor, Lore Writer, and Creative Consultant over my time. The reason being for this I write my own Sci-Fi nation based universe lore, that who knows! Maybe I'll make a roleplay here in regards to that is nation based. The purpose of this introduction is to inform people that I roleplay at an advanced level, prefer hard-sci fi (bound by strict science), and am generally a fun loving guy.

My question to the community that see's this is; Tell me about your community, I mean anything counts; from simple mannerisms, do's and don'ts. (The rules tend to be the same from site to site) as well as just general history or things that would be keen to know. 

Yours truly, 

Heya there third generation cousin twice removed Sov, it's a shame nobody has properly welcomed you here, so I took it upon myself to liven up your introduction thread. Good to see you're familiar with roleplay and you've already made your way through different sights, it's nice to catch an experienced roleplay around and about.

I don't know much about the community considering I only recently joined, but I can tell you that you'll love it here, man. Have a great time if you decide to hang around.

Here's a collection of useful links for your visit, just to help out. I know you're probably accustomed to the whole ordeal but I will post these just in case.

If you are concerned about news or updates, here's the place to go:

If you are looking for interest check regarding one on one RP, this is the place to check out. If you're not familiar with the setup it's essentially just you and another person tackling a plot:

And finally, this is where you'll find the interest checks revolving around entire group roleplays or varying genres:

It's also good to familiarize yourself with the different functionalities of the editor, like the post it notes and tabs, so make sure to read up on that. Other than that, you're all set to go. Just remember to follow the rules and stay on the right path. Seeya'.

Also, potentially we could collaborate some time in the future. I'm planning a giant Science Fiction hosted project, one of the newer features of the site, so perhaps you could tweak it or even become a big helping hand in the long run.
Thanks for the reply Faceless! It's good to get one, I was starting to think I joined a grave... if you're interested in collaborations in the basis of writing, lore building or roleplay making. The easiest and most simple way to directly contact me in a time-effective manner is through my /Steam Account/. There I can more effectively convey information and explain things as I go.

I've been lurking the forums to see what there was quite in store, the concept of one on one role-playing isn't new to me, but it is on forums.(Google Docs all the way). 


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