Greetings from Purple


New Member
Hello there. I'm not sure how long I'll stay, nor if I'm even a good roleplayer in comparison to what I've seen on this website, but I'm still excited to see what there is to do. If anyone would like to Roleplay, then I'm up for it, I suppose.

I don't know what to do right now, looking at other roleplays, it's sort of overwhelming. Does anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: I did just read the mail I got, but I'm still not quite sure what there is to do. I'll read over the tutorial, but I think I can say a few things about me , like how I like purple and how it's a wonderful color, and at the same time, I love Fantasy Rps, so that's something that could probably be useful to know.

I might add more later. Not sure what else to post.
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Welcome to the site. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Wait, no. That's 4chan. Just lemme... hang on, got to shove these papers 'round a little... there we are.

Welcome to the site. RPNation tends to be pretty welcoming, so welcome. I'd suggest looking around in some Fantasy Interest Checks to see if you can find one that you can join at its start, so it'll hopefully be less confusing. I reckon you'll do fine. You can type in full sentences and have decent grammar, so that's always a plus.
Thanks, I try my best to write in full sentences. I just sent in a character sheet to one of the Fantasy Genre Sign Up sheets, so I hope that goes well.
Sorry to double post, but I've looked through some more RPs and wished to ask. What constitutes Casual from Detailed?
Casual tends to be more laid back in response lengths. Detailed is usually several long paragraphs, etc. While I'm here, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any more questions, just ask. I really hope you stick around. Enjoy your stay!

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