Greetings and Salutations


New Member

I'm lurking through the internet trying to find an rp site to stick with after I'd had it up to here with one thing or another. I'm quickly trying to familiarize myself with the rules and conduct here. I find the character gallery interesting, but considering I have at least 50+ characters, I'm wondering what the limit is to how many people we may put in it? Regardless...

I've been roleplaying for years and don't intend to stop any time soon. I work night shift in the ER of a small hospital, and sleep during the day, yet I always seem to find time for roleplay. I'm addicted to making characters and getting artwork of them done on deviant art, so any art of my characters will be unique.

Good at:





One x One

Poot at:




Group Roleplays

I've never done a group roleplay or don't an RP fight. I'd like to be able to do such things, though i get nervous when I think to try. I hate failure.
Welcome aboard! I'm sure there'll be too many boards to handle as soon as you dive into the community. Looking forward too seeing those characters of yours.
Welcome ^^ I am new as well but if you ever want someone to rp with, I have been rping for years. I mainly do 1x1 because I am new to the group rp thing too.
Howdy there, Remonalynn, me be Ayl, the madman of this fine site!

Here's the gig around: Check. Out. These. Shiny. Rules Then if you really wanna get down to business, then clicky on the Role Plays and on the Role Play Recruitment and of course on the famous Role Play Ideas areas. The finest places, for the finest creations if I dare say so myself.

If you have any questions, well that's to bad, we don't to those here. Syke! Of course we do, just Private Message me or any of our friendly moderators and admins. You may also want to join us in the fair but mad land known as the Shoutbox, or Shoutboxlandia if you prefer, where you can meet and chat with our friendly community. Word of warning, we're all nuts, especially yours truly.

Welcome, my dearest, to RpN!

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