Greenie Here

EB Hydra

New Member
Hey guys. As a high schooler, I've written fanfiction for a couple years now, and am getting interested in developing role-play skills as well, and have done it (minorly, sad to say) before but as you can tell, have no immediate experience with it. I hope to be able to make some friends here and stuff.... yea.

I like almost any kind of music and chocolate. And am addicted to books. Hey, I'm welcome to talking with everyone, because everyone who spends time on a role-play website is - in my opinion- awesome and cool.
You sound so much like me that its not even funny. 0.0 Well, there I go making a terrible first impression again. :/ Ok, let's start again.

Hello there! Welcome to RPNation! If you ever want an RP buddy, just drop me a comment! I'm a little new to roleplay, been doing it unofficially on a few sites... Anyways. Welcome! :D

Nightshade said:
You sound so much like me that its not even funny. 0.0 Well, there I go making a terrible first impression again. :/ Ok, let's start again.
Hello there! Welcome to RPNation! If you ever want an RP buddy, just drop me a comment! I'm a little new to roleplay, been doing it unofficially on a few sites... Anyways. Welcome! :D

Thanks! Hope to get acquainted soon!

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