Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken

I am dying he's going to be glorious
he's going to be such a nerdy bean i can't wait
also if you need help lemme know bc i am so hyped i'm working on my sheets already
lol so many people willing to serve the Queen of the Gods O^O
A nerdy bean, you say? He and my Coeus should meet
omg yes, he needs friends pls !!
I need help!

I know the power I want for Echo, but I can't think of a weakness for it. She will be able to mimic anything she sees or hears (like a sound or a talent or the way someone presents themselves). I don't know a way to limit that, really effectively. Unless I go the Rogue route... Which, I mean, I guess I could...
I need help!

I know the power I want for Echo, but I can't think of a weakness for it. She will be able to mimic anything she sees or hears (like a sound or a talent or the way someone presents themselves). I don't know a way to limit that, really effectively. Unless I go the Rogue route... Which, I mean, I guess I could...

Hm. Maybe she can only mimic them for a certain amount of time? Or mimicing too many things in succession confuses her/wears her out?
Of course! A master at coming up with weaknesses to make my characters not OP
I always do the same, but I try to do a pretty strong weakness that could cause injury, so I didn't really know how to do that with mimicry haha
Oh. Alright. I'll make his be an extremely acute mind at the expense of making him a bit narcissistic. And maybe incredible aim? He was stated to be an amazing archer.
Hm. Are you sure? Technically speaking, every character should have two powers. They don't have to be super fantastic or anything...
Do they have to have two powers or can they just have one?

If you can't come up with two, that's totally fine. 2 is the max. Sorry about that! I confused myself.

Oh. Alright. I'll make his be an extremely acute mind at the expense of making him a bit narcissistic. And maybe incredible aim? He was stated to be an amazing archer.

I refer you to my above statement. I had a stupid moment. XD
But yes, that would work!!

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