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Fantasy Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken REBOOT [In Character]



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Topaz, Sapphire, and Pearl Nicholson
(The Fates: Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos)
It has always been our fate to be the Fates.

Tags: revalia revalia nymphadora. nymphadora. apolla apolla ShadyAce ShadyAce r e i r e i diwa diwa @Maree mxlly mxlly Fleuve Fleuve cinnabuns cinnabuns chamomile chamomile deer deer
Notes: Please only post for characters that have been completed/accepted. Just a thought. Also, if you're posting multiple characters in one post, be sure to post them at the same time. Thank you!



Topaz wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but she knew for a fact it wasn’t good. All she could see were blurred faces. Though she couldn’t identify any of them, something in her gut was saying they were all crying, screaming at the blood running at their feet. What had happened? Where had all this blood come from?

“It’s all your fault, you know.”

She spun around. Facing her was… her. “What the hell? You’re me. How is this only my fault?”

Her reflection smirked at her. “Because you didn’t do enough.”

Topaz glared at her doppelganger. “I didn’t do enough what?”

“You didn’t do enough to protect everyone.”

Topaz woke with a start. She had no idea what the hell had just happened, but she knew she didn’t like it. What exactly was going on here?

Glancing beside her, she saw that Oscar was still sound asleep. She couldn’t help but smile. He slept like a log. An incredibly kind log. Not that those actually existed.

Her bedroom door opened, and she turned to see her younger sister, Sapphire, staring at her with this knowing look on her face. Normally, Topaz would take this as her everyday expression, but there was something else in her eyes… something older. Wiser. Ancient.

“Topaz, come on. You and me and Pearl need to talk.”

“About what?” Topaz asked with a yawn, rubbing her eyes as she sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Why did she have a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, like she knew exactly what Sapphire wanted to talk about?

Sapphire met her gaze steadily. “About that dream you just had.”

~ ~ ~

“So… Let me get this straight,” Topaz held up her hand, using her other hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. Somehow, she was feeling a headache coming on. “We’re the three Fates from Greek mythology?” she growled, her head a roiling mass of confusion. Both Sapphire and their younger sister, Pearl, had called her to the living room of the apartment they all shared with Oscar, under the pretense that they were going to explain her dream. Sapphire had apparently also dreamed of a reflection of herself, but in a hooded cloak, who had told her everything: she, Pearl, and Topaz had the spirits of the three Fates sleeping within them, but they had now awakened.

“She told me her name was Clotho, and that I’m her reincarnation. Pearl is Atropos, and you, Topaz, are Lachesis.” Twisting her mouth wryly, Sapphire pulled up her shirt sleeve. Topaz widened her eyes. Before, Sapphire had never dreamed of getting a tattoo. Now, there was an image of a spool of thread on her shoulder. After exchanging a glance, Topaz and Pearl checked their own shoulders. Lo and behold, they bore the exact same marking as their sister. Sapphire nodded knowingly. “These have appeared on all three of us. It means the spirits of the Fates have fully awakened. We have received powers related to them, too; Pearl sees visions of the past, I see visions of the present, and you, Topaz, can see the future.”

Pearl interrupted, “We’re not the only ones. They’re everywhere—all the figures from Greek mythology that we read about in Percy Jackson and all that other stuff. They’ve been reincarnated, too, but they have no idea that they have the spirits of those Greek figures within them. They don’t have markings, like us.” She paused, closing her eyes. “In my vision, I saw many of their births, including the moment the spirits drifted into them.” Biting her lip, Pearl opened her eyes and looked away. Topaz had only seen the sad expression on her face once, and she didn’t like it. “I saw… other things about them, too.”

Scratching her head, Topaz muttered, “That doesn’t fit with my dream—er, vision—at all…” She blinked, and suddenly, she was transported to the base of a mountain. When she blinked again, she was back with her sisters. Hearing a voice whisper inside her head, she sighed. “Okay… Never mind. We need to make sure all of the reincarnations get to the base of Mount Olympus. It’s where… It’s where they’ll meet their destinies.” She didn’t dare add that Lachesis had just told her what was going to happen.

Pearl closed her eyes. “Gods, Titans, heroes, princesses… All of them are scattered throughout the world. But… I can tell where they were born. Although… they might not be there now. Some might have moved.”

Sapphire nodded. “We’ll need to send a telepathic message to them, telling them to go to Olympus.” Tilting her head, her lips broke into a mischievous grin. Topaz couldn’t help but think this grin was the first time all morning her sister was acting like herself. “We can do that apparently. That makes us badasses.”

Topaz smirked. In unison, the three sisters closed their eyes, using their joint power of telepathy to reach across the world to the reincarnations of Greek figures. They had just barely made contact when something happened. Topaz flinched. It was like something was blocking them from completing their task. Opening her eyes, she saw her sisters were also shuddering. Sapphire scowled. “Someone got in the way. Someone powerful.”

“Or something,” Topaz muttered darkly. She, of course, couldn’t help but know what had happened. Knowing the future was a horrible curse to bear; she was just beginning to understand that. This was going to be absolute hell.

“On the bright side,” Pearl said with one of her bright, model smiles, though it strained to appear cheerful, “we get to go to Greece! And everyone else will know to get there!” Her tone was optimistic, but there was an underlying tone of worry.

“What about Oscar?” Topaz asked, glancing behind her at the closed door to her bedroom.

Sapphire looked out the window at the run rising over the horizon. “We can’t interfere, and he can’t come. He’s not allowed to know about any of this. We don’t know what will happen.”

The Nicholson sisters sat in silence at that thought. Oscar had done everything for them, and now… Now they were going to abandon him. Topaz shut her eyes. She didn’t want to hurt him… but this was bigger than whatever was going on between them. Running a hand through her hair, she said, “We can’t interfere yet. But we will have to. We just have to wait until they all figure out what’s going on.”

“If they do,” Sapphire deadpanned.

Topaz grinned, the first sign of, well, Topaz, all morning. “We just have to give them all the right nudges.”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Skylie Dyer
Yes, I'm a damsel in distress. No, I don't want your help.

Mood: Freaked the Fuck Out | Scenario: What Kinda Freaky Twilight Zone is This? | Outfit: Iris | With: Cole | Mentions: N/A | Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

“Goddammit, Cole, you son of a bitch! What kind of brother are you, letting me drink that much?” Skylie Dyer yelled at her older half-brother, Coleson, who was currently on the floor of their hotel room and very much shirtless. The previous night was completely a blur, and she was pretty sure it was because Cole had insisted she take advantage of the lack of drinking age law (whereas back in the States she was two years too young) and kept handing her glasses. She didn’t even know why the hell she’d gone with him to a bar anyway. Jerk.

But at least for now, Skylie was stuck with him, because she sure as hell wasn’t going back to Canada. Barely two weeks ago, she’d shown up on Cole’s doorstep with a letter detailing the fact that they were related through their father. He’d taken it all in stride, of course, but he also couldn’t hide his surprise from his aura, which Skylie found she could read easier than most people’s auras. Yet somehow, Cole had become the only person in the world she trusted, the only one who truly knew her.

He was also the most goddamn annoying person in the world.

“Sky, if you haven’t noticed, I am incredibly hungover, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t yell at me. Besides, I’ve only been a brother for two weeks! How the hell am I supposed to know everything?” Cole rolled over onto his back and glared up at her through narrowed eyes. That was the one thing that definitely set them apart as siblings: their light blue eyes. Thanks, Dad. At least the letter hadn’t been a joke.

Skylie sighed, looking away so she wouldn’t have to face the affectionate pink lining Cole’s aura. He’d believed her, miraculously, when she’d told him she could read the auras of the people around her. That hadn’t been everything she’d told him about her, though… As soon as she’d told him everything, Cole had wrapped his arms around her and promised nothing would hurt her ever again. It was probably the one and only moment she was okay with having an older brother. The rest had kinda been a shitstorm so far. Which was probably why Cole had convinced her to take a vacation with him, for “sibling bonding” time. Thank God her mom was rich.

Tilting her head and meeting Cole’s eyes again, she said, “C’mon, Cole, put a shirt on. Let’s go out for some of that ‘sibling bonding’ shit you’re so excited about.”

“I love you, too, Skylie.”

“So you claim.”

~ ~ ~

“Okay, Cole, I’m gonna be real with you. This may be exciting to your lame American sensibilities, but this is really, really boring to me,” Skylie groaned, trudging along behind her brother. They’d come to the base of Mount Olympus, for whatever shit reason, and so far, Skylie wasn’t impressed. It possibly had to do with the whole living-on-the-streets-for-four-years thing, but she was ignoring that. This was really just hella lame.

“Oh come on, Sky, you’re just not thinking about it right. What if you were to paint this baby, huh? Also, how much you wanna bet you’d beat me to the top of the mountain if we raced?” Cole was being infuriatingly optimistic, which might have been a side effect of using coffee to cure his hangover. His aura was also way too bright to look at without sunglasses.

“Cole, that’s not how painting works, first of all. Second of all, you wouldn’t be able to afford the bet I’d make on that.” She raised an eyebrow and gestured to her small yet lithe frame, built up with lean muscle from the years on the streets. Cole himself had incidentally become a victim of her roundhouse kick at one point.

He frowned and replied, “You’re probably right about that. Come on, let’s go explore the mountain.”

When the half-siblings reached the base of the mountain, they were surprised to find a town there. It was more of a ruin, really, as the buildings were all dilapidated and falling apart. Weeds grew out of them, and plants grew everywhere. Yet the “road” beneath their feet was dusty and bare. Skylie had seen plenty of weird shit in her lifetime, including her brother fanboying over Harry Potter merchandise for some strange reason, but this was just plain wrong. “Cole, let’s get out of here. This feels weird.”

Cole nodded and started to turn. “Yeah, let’s…” He stopped in his tracks and looked off to his left, widening his eyes. Skylie was about to ask him what was wrong, but then she spotted what looked like their luggage, which they had left at the hotel. The Eiffel tower keychain on her duffel bag proved it; this was definitely their luggage.

“Now I’m really freaked out.” Skylie grabbed Cole’s arm and started running back the way they had come. Before they’d gotten very far, they ran straight into a wall of some sort. The weirdest part was… there was nothing there. Skylie reached out and touched a solid, but invisible, wall that wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard she pushed.

Skylie and Cole exchanged a freaked out look. In unison, they growled, “What the fuck is going on?”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
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— delilah martin.

Lila had never felt so relaxed in her life.

The last seven days were spent sipping on strawberry daiquiris and enjoying the warmth of the sun against her pale skin. Hanging from her neck was a lanyard with her face and an unfamiliar name underneath. For the seven days she spent on the cruise, pretending to be one "Mrs Weber", Lila felt like royalty; she was a greedy princess in a floating castle. The young woman took every opportunity to try everything out, she watched her first theatre performance, danced with strangers to smooth jazz and collected enough golden watches and shiny rings to pay for her unplanned trip to Greece. While her days were spent relaxing, and some nights were spent having fun with other - extremely rich - strangers, the other nights she had to herself were spent finding new clothes.

Lila had become close friends with the maids on board. The maids were spilling truths like a reckless waterfall and lila would listen, most of the time, while her dark eyes were focused on the security keys that hung from their cleaning equipment. With a simple "ta-ta" from her sudden fancier accent, Lila would sweep past and pluck the key and enter the first room she saw. Over the six nights, Lila dedicated some time to collecting things for the next big trip, including clothes which were too big on her, jewellery, watches and a box of hair bleach. The young woman didn't quite understand why she felt so drawn to the box, full of chemicals and fancy words Lila didn't understand, but it was worth stealing.

On the last night, Lila found herself locked in her room - the honeymoon suite - with gloves on and the mixed bottle in hand, Lila tried her best to follow the instructions. "Christ, why is this so complicated?" She muttered to herself with knitted eyebrows, squinting at the tiny words which seemed to intertwine with one another before her own eyes. Lila poured the bleach in, following the instructions as the tv in the other room continued to sing lively and with heart. Soft "argh"s and "ouch"es escaped from Lila's lips as she felt the chemicals work themselves into her hair, or at least she hoped they were. With a warm shower to calm her scalp down, Lila was happy about the reflection that was staring back at her. "Perfect."

The morning couldn't have come quick enough, Lila rushed through packing her things and dressed herself in stolen clothes that were sizes too big on her, but with enough work, Lila managed to have the clothes semi-presentable. The young woman floated through the crowd, using "borrowed" sunglasses to cover her face as she avoided the maids she was so close with. Adrenaline ran through her veins to the beat of her tapping boot, her feet neatly apart, as her long fingers circled anxiously against her thigh. The captain's speech seem to drag on for eternity, his deep voice thanking each staff member, as the crowd of bored tourists waited calmly for the cruise to be over. Without missing a beat, the captain stepped aside and allowed the sea of people rush off the boat, dragging Lila along who had a big grin stuck on her lips.

She had made it, without being caught as well, Lila couldn't wait to explore her new home. As her feet carried her frail body, Lila dumped the lanyard with her fake identity in the bin with a swift motion as she followed the crowd, her eyes were bright awe as the sun felt comforting against her skin. Lila had no clue on where she was going, her bag was heavy with nicked belongings that weren't going to be returned anytime soon, but she knew wherever she went; it would be an adventure. Lila wandered down the concrete path, following no one in particular as her feet stopped at the start of a descending hill. A curious look danced across her face as she noticed the base of a mountain at the end, only perking the young thief up even more. Her feet didn't hesitate as they continued down the hill, a rhythmic crunch underneath her boots, as Lila headed towards the base of the mountain.
with not applicable. • tags not applicable. • outfit martin.

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  • Avril Cavallon
    Smiles chase away the sad days.

    Mood: Confused | Scenario: Great Minds Are Curiously Alike! | Outfit: Harmonia | With: Cassy | Mentions: N/A | Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

    Avril Cavallon sat up in her hotel room bed, her hair a complete rat’s nest around her face. Despite that, she was smiling, and she turned to the other bed, where her best friend, Castiel Valdez, was sitting up and yawning. “Bon matin, Cassy,” she murmured, punctuating her French with a yawn. Even though Cassy still knew next to nothing of the French language, Avie still let her native tongue slip out. She supposed it was because she was a proud and true French girl.

    Cassy grinned over at her. “And a good morning to you, Azucena,” he replied, using his Spanish nickname for her, which meant “lily.” When they’d first become friends, he’d given her a lily and the nickname, and though she wasn’t sure why, she knew that somehow, it was a grand compliment on his part. So she went along with it.

    Looking out the window, she mused, “Let’s go see the mountain, today.”

    “As you wish, Azucena.”

    ~ ~ ~

    Sometimes, it was incredibly difficult to do anything with Cassy when he kept stopping to admire the wildflowers. Avie admitted it was actually a bit adorable whenever he did this, but it also made it harder to not accidentally leave him behind. After the third time she turned to find him a few steps behind, he jogged back to her with a guilty grin. “Sorry, Azucena,” he muttered, patting his little pouch of flowers that he kept by his side at all times, “I did not realize Greece’s selection of flowers was so beautiful.”

    She giggled. “Pas de problème, Cassy. I know how much you love your flowers.”

    Twirling around, she started leading the way towards the base of Mount Olympus. He followed close behind, and they both glanced around as they reached a strange town at the base of the mountain. Simultaneously, they tilted their heads in confusion. “Is that… supposed to be there…?”

    “I don’t think so…”

    After a moment of silence, they turned to each other and exchanged a look.

    And they proceeded to go explore the town.

    Their joint curiosity was sated no further by exploring the town, as its very essence was just as mysterious as its presence. They reached the center of the town and stood there, back to back, just looking at the rundown state of this abandoned town that shouldn’t have been here. Though they weren’t quite sure what was going on, they knew this was an interesting mystery. Too bad they also had no clues…

    What is going on here? Avie wondered.

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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  • Lizzie

    To say that Elizabella was excited was an understatement. She was in Greece, after all!

    Even the air felt lighter here. Perhaps she was imagining things, but perhaps she wasn't. From the moment she'd stepped off the plane, she'd been able to breathe easier. Her smile was brighter, something Arin had pointed out as they left the airport. Had it been anyone else, she might have blushed and looked away, but considering she'd known Arin since she moved in with her foster family, she took his compliment in a brotherly way.

    Amelia was here, too, which Lizzie didn't mind. She liked the girl, for the most part. Lizzie wasn't the type to outright hate anyone, though there were times-- usually when there was tension between Amelia and Arin-- that she wished the girl wasn't so... uptight? Lizzie felt bad for even thinking that about her friend, and immediately shoved the thoughts away. She was determined that this trip would blow their minds, in the best way possible.

    No fighting allowed. She'd told both of them this, back when Arin invited her. She hadn't missed the look on Amelia's face, and she wondered if she should back out of the trip. But, in the end, she'd justified her coming by knowing she could easily go out on her own, and not be a third wheel every time they did something.

    They'd only just arrived to the hotel, and already, Lizzie was ready to go. She and Amelia were sharing a room; Arin had his own across the hall. Amelia wasn't in their room, so Lizzie figured she was with Arin. She pursed her lips as she stared down into her suitcase, wondering if she should disturb them or go out day one on her own.

    Eventually, she decided for the latter. After changing her clothes, she left the hotel (leaving a note for Amelia on their table) and grabbed a cab out towards Mt. Olympus. The taxi dropped her off towards the end of a dirt road, which meant she'd have to walk some. Thanking and paying the driver, she hopped out and started her trek down the road.

    The journey was longer than it appeared, but she didn't mind the outdoors. As the abandoned city came into view, she slowed, tilting her head curiously. "A city? Here?" She asked no one in particular, as she got closer. Spotting a figure near one of the homes, Lizzie smiled brightly, glad she wasn't alone. Lifting her hand in a wave, she started towards the girl.

    "Hey!" Lizzie, ever friendly, waved enthusiastically. "This town is kinda cool, don't you think?"

    Outfit: Persephone
    Tags: Alice ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ); Arin; Amelia ( revalia revalia )

    Code by apolla apolla
...................................... grace han

mt. olympus, greece
// grace had never been a big believer in fate. the otherworldly concept that you're destined for something, somewhere or someone from the moment you're born is a huge weight on one's shoulders. though, that little red string of fate had seemingly found a way to wind itself around her wrist, and with every passing moment it would strengthen pull a little harder. . .

"grace! look over there! c'mon c'mon c'mon! i could probably write a good song about this place."

the blonde smiled, following her dear friend as they took in the beautiful grecian scenery. the warmth of the golden summer-sun flowed over the summit of the mountain, illuminating the peak of mount olympus as it stood high, reaching for the gods. she found something about it's time-honoured history so poetically mesmerising. she agreed with kendrick. the miraculous landscape could inspire a delightful melody. maybe the little red string of fate that brought her here had treated her with kindness.

“what do you think, grace?"

grace had been listening to kenny as he strummed his guitar, filling the air with the sweetness of his voice. he truely was a pleasure to travel with and she felt so fortunate that he had accepted her invitation. without his presence she feared that she wouldn't have been able to set foot on the plane. throughout the heavy rumble of the take-off and landing, grace may have squeezed his hand a little too hard in an attempt to calm her heart she could hear beating in her ears. she was very happy that he had been there for her.

"i’m pretty sure that’s a shawn mendes one. a lot of people say we look and sound alike. i don’t really see it.”

grace snorted, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter as she tried to entertain such an amusing idea. "shawn mendes? i think someone may have lied to you, kenny." she tilted her head, a cheerful smile playing on her lips as she looked up at her fellow virtuoso with a fondness. she shook her head, her smile lingering as the brunette moved ahead to explore the town that they had come across. grace still found it hard to believe where they were, and the quiet, decrepit town seemingly added to the wondrous feeling of surrealism.

slowing down, grace pulled her phone out of her pocket and texted sue. hi sue! you didn't tell me about the old town at mt. olympus! i'm not sure when we're meeting but i hope you can come to us because there's barely any tourists around at the moment! oh and i can't wait for you to meet kenny! see you soon xx. pressing send she slipped her phone back into her pocket, but not without first catching a glance of the name noah ✿ in her contact list, and immediately, she wished that she hadn't seen it.

grace wanted to surprise her friends, noah, izzy and klaus, by showing up in greece. they had invited her to join them on their trip earlier in the year, but she had expressed feelings of hesitance. she since had a change of heart and figured it might be fun to turn up out of the blue, but she had begun to second guess the idea. what if their invite was just a formality? or they were already having enough fun without her? she could begin to feel her stomach twist and turn.

“um. that was weird. right?”

oh thank goodness, kenny. grace could breathe again. she looked towards her friend who appeared to be performing an impromptu mime act. "you don't speak when you mime, remember?" grace quipped as she walked over and stood beside him, the corner of her lip curled into an amused smirk. entertaining his performance, she then knocked on the fake wall, though her face fell when she felt something very real against her knuckles. "that is. . .weird," her voice trailed off, becoming softer as a feeling of dread moved through her body. she stumbled back from the wall. "come on kenny, i'm sure there is a way out somewhere and this is just someone's idea of a silly prank. . ."

[ with, - kenny | mentions, - sue, noah, izzy, klaus | tags, - AnimeGenork AnimeGenork revalia revalia deer deer diwa diwa ]
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mentions | Ivy AnimeGenork AnimeGenork | location | Mount Olympus | outfit | god of wine | scenario | Morning Fun

How did Claudio get into this mess? He'll never know. What he does know is that he had fun last night. Ok he admits that he could control his urges and slept alone last night but that would be no fun. Also waking up with a migraine and an unknown lady next to him is also no fun. He looks to his left, and shakes the girl awake and motion to the door. "Time to leave. Here's money for a cab, and some food." He mumbles to the girl giving her $30, and heading to the shower. He heard curses aimed at him, and yet he didn't care. Dio has heard it all before. He stepped into the shower, and then heard the door slammed almost 10 minutes later.

When he stepped out, his phone was ringing. It was Ivy. He smirked and answered. He listened and grinned "Oh my dear Ivy, how do you know when to call me. I'll be there in five, and darling don't do anything crazy without me. Like you said, everything gets better when I'm around." Dio quickly gets dressed, grabbing two water bottles. Oh he wasn't drinking water, ever since he knew what liquor tasted like, he had the power to make it. One touch is all he needed. It was fantastic when he needed something a bit stronger to drink. He then ran outside. Knowing that Ivy was at the mountain, he walked towards that direction somehow knowing where to go.

Once he got there. He spotted Ivy in the middle of the town. Looking like she needed something...to drink. Since they grew up in Europe, which the legal drinking age varies from 16 to 18, Dio showing up with something to drink was never an surprise. "Hey darling, you are looking mighty fine today. " He spoke while handing Ivy a water bottle. He has always been able to flirt with Ivy without feeling like it might turn into something more. Maybe it's because she used to be friends with Juliet or maybe it cause he didn't want to screw their friendship. To him, Ivy's been the one friend he could always count on. He glanced at the mountain. "Well...it gets hot and bothered like me. It is also...really hot. " He smirks at her adding "Oh do you want me to make that wonderful water into something else love?" He taps his water bottle, and the color changed into a brownish color. He uncapped it and drinking one sip. "Oh how I love beer. "

coded by korol | note: hidden scroll


Coded by pasta | Modified by Invidia

For the first time in like what? Four years? Her so called boyfriend actually listened to her. She was finally ecstatic that he was taking her on a long holiday somewhere just by themselves. True the two teenagers were together just for the heck of it and the status quo but hey, to look the part you have to play the part no?

The brunette had decided to take her to the ancient city of Greece. It was kind of tacky for Amelia's usual tastes but it was the thought that counts. Especially in this case. Amelia had been so excited that she started 'lightly' packing from a month before. Finally… she could not remember the last time she went to Europe, her home continent. She was finally taking a well needed break from the United States of America.

Finally that day had arrived and the first surprise was waiting right there. At the airport. Upon her meeting with Arin she noticed another familiar blonde. Elizabeth. Oh yes, how could she forget that he invited her also. It was safe to say that Lizzie and Arin were rather close and if she didn't know any better, she would probably be jealous of their relationship. However, when she popped into the pair's life for the first time, she realized they were foster siblings. At first she was rather enraged that they were not going to be alone but after a few days the blonde calmed down about it and accepted the fact she was coming with. Lizzie was one of her close friends after all! There was no reason for her highness to be so bitter about it. She loved her Lizzie but she thought or at least, Arin made her think that it was just going to be the two them. She mentally laughed at that. HA! What was she thinking? Their relationship was nothing but a hoax in itself. Let alone a vacation getaway...

Give and take a few days, the trio made their way to Greece and landed from a safe flight. If anything, something positive came out, she didn’t have to somewhat fake with Arin as Lizzie caught on about their relationship. At least she told Lizzie. However, she was not sure Arin knew that Lizzie knows. If that made sense. Arriving at their hotel, she had been roomed with Elizabeth whereas Arin was just across the corridor. Amelia had no objections for a fact she didn't mind having a girl around, like their own little slumber party. The other blonde will probably need a whole sheet of ibuprofen by the end of the trip. Amelia did not really set afoot in their room just yet but instead she went a hijacked Arin's room for the sole purpose of also hijacking some of his closet space because there was no way that her belongings were all going to fit in her own shared wardrobe in her room.

Her thin thread-like golden blonde hair was all tied back in a messy but as neat as possible bun for the time being due to her being in the zone. She had spent the past hour or so dictating out loud where and what she should put some of her stuff to Arin, in his wardrobe. Poor Arin. She knew that he didn't give a flying frick where her shoes went in the top or the bottom shelf or if her Gucci and Chanel are in separate sections. But this was a crucial situation. That being said, all the talking she was doing, yet she still not yet opened her luggage. The female was deep in thought, staring at the empty wardrobe, imagining her items placing themselves. Helps set a mental image.

Silence... Focusing on the mission at hand, Amelia was unaware of her guy's glances but instead her focused remained at the empty piece of wood. She was also taking into consideration where and how his things should also be placed. However, just as she was about to do that she heard him break that silence. She hummed in response but didn't glance his way just yet. Not accepting the hum as a response she felt a pair of firm hands on her petite frame, spinning her around to face him and sweeping her up. The blonde let out a gasp of surprise and a little trail of laughter following the spin he just gave her in the air before hearing and feeling her heels click firmly back down on the floorboards. Keeping her in his grasp the female shook her head and grinned sheepishly up towards him as he towered her. "You know you don't have to keep up the act Arin, no one is around." the female remarked, however, she deep down did not mind it. She loved it when he showed her some affection. It was cute and romantic. Her cup of tea!

Her luscious nude colored lip slightly pursed in thought, he wanted to do something else or he was going to die of boredom. "Hmmm... okay let's cut a deal, babe. Why don't we go haul my luggage to my room and then we can go out and about. I'll do my packing later when Lizzie and I are somewhat settled later tonight. Good?" she awaited the maximum of three seconds before she notice his glances towards her salmon colored luggage, his reply being, 'Loosely translated, I drag your luggage to your room and then we go out?' which was followed by a sighing grin and an 'I got you.'

That pursed lip quirked upward at his answer, "Perfect! Let's go then!" the blonde placed a soft kiss on his lips, probably he could even just barley taste some cherry flavored gloss, before prying herself from him and turning on her heels. As she was heading out the door to her, without even looking back, she yelled out, "Don't even think that you got away with your unpacking tonight by the way!"

Goddess of Beauty, Love and Desire
Location Arin's Hotel Room
Mood Content
Outfit ❤❤❤
Conversing Arin ( apolla apolla )
Mentions Elizabeth ( apolla apolla )



antonella argelich [atalanta] | confused | what kind of supernatural-- | with NA
[div class=paragraph]
The time on her watch read 6:28 AM.

The locals at Litchoro told her about Mt. Olympus. No, not that it was magical or breathtaking as their brochures claim— rather, a lot of people found it ordinary compared to say, Kilimanjaro which Tony could personally vouch for. Olympus was modest and climbs have been slower lately, so she came at the right time to face the height before her. She found it looked much better during the sunrise, when she left her room for a jog, she had her Instagram photo to prove.

There were other people too, visiting the park and roaming in the woods at its base. It does feel fresh for a morning trek so she followed them and before she knew it, she's gone off road to admire the foliage.

Dawn sifted through the trees, colouring the leaves with a slight morning orange. Dust displaced when she brushed the air as she traversed down the weary dirt. It's a path though the grass seemed to grow back in tufts, narrowing it down.

Reemerged on the other side a small town ruin where it's surprisingly empty for a tourist destination. Odd, none of those pamphlets she read mentioned this secluded place. This is a protected park, maybe she isn't supposed to be here. Tony bit her lip and glanced around.

What harm would she do exploring?

She jogged over and took some selfies as well as landscape pictures of white crumbling walls and marble pillars. Moving further to get a section of the ruins into frame, she bumped into something behind her and glanced back to see her travel bag from the inn. Was someone here? Was someone following her?

Tentatively, she doesn't touch her things and peered past what's left of the streets. No one. Nothing was stolen, not her cash or her laptop. It's all there, it's all hers. She put on her back pack and returned to where she came but the path wasn't there anymore, closed off and in its place were only trees blocking the way.

"What the fuck is going on?" she whispered to herself. Even when she tries to go to the clearing beyond the ruins she's stopped by an invisible force that she could feel at her fingertips. Real. Chills run up her spine and she punched this wall, her knuckles hurts. Real.

"Hey!" she yelled at the sky. "What the fuck!"

For a moment she imagined whatever barrier might close in on her or run out of oxygen but she shrugged it off. She sat in one of the well sheltered buildings and pulled up her phone to call the inn, her mother. No signal, unreachable.

She's stuck.

Maybe someone else might stumble across this place. Or maybe this is a dream and she'll wake up soon. The time on her watch read 6:52 AM.

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mentions | Zeke AnimeGenork AnimeGenork | location | Mount Olympus | outfit | calypso | scenario | My child....why?

Callie had to deal with a somewhat cranky 3 year old this morning. Joey didn't want to get dress, and instead wanted to run around in his underwear. Although she was all for the all day in your underwear deal. They had to still go outside and did with other humans aside from them, and they were in Greece. Thanks to her parents who wanted her to go and enjoy life, she was able to go on this trip with her favorite little man. She sighed looking at the pouty child of hers. Callie smiled and said "If you get dress in pants and a shirt....I think we could go for ice cream for breakfast. " After she said that, all she heard was a running sound to the other side of the hotel room. She smirked and mumbles "Works everytime. "

She quickly gets dressed, and then goes to the other side of the room to help her son out. As she was combing his hair, she was reminded of his father. As he had hair like Joey did, and it took forever for it to be nice and straight. Normally, she would leave it up and let it be messy but she felt like it was time for a change. Joey has asked about his father before, and Callie didn't have the heart to tell him, that he didn't want them. So to her son, his father was someone who wanted to stay but had to go due to being a important superhero. I know it's not ok to lie to your child but how do you tell your 3 year old that their father didn't want them. Yea so superhero he is. Once Joey was ready to go, he was pulling her out the door saying

"Come on Mommy! Ice Cream!"

Callie laughed and nodded following him out the door. 3 hours later, they had their ice cream and was now exploring. Somehow they came to be near a town that was near Mount, before they could enter it. Joey spotted something on the ground, and a guy who was looking at it like he couldn't get it. Before she had a chance to stop him, Joey picked it up and handed it to the male. She just had to teach him manners didn't she! She ran towards them, and walked in as Joey finished handing the object and saying

"I believe you dropped this sir. "

Callie appeared behind him, pulling him into her. She looked down at her son, and sighed "Next time, wait for me baby boy. I don't want to lose you." He nodded and looked back to the male, and so did Callie. She softly smiled at him, and said

"Sorry about that. He's a handful. I'm umm...Calliope. You are?"

coded by korol | note: hidden scroll


Coded by pasta | Modified by Invidia

It had proven to be quite sunny and warm these past few days in Thessaloniki. Lenora had been with her uncle for the whole week. She had to admit, as much as she loved living on her own, in Athens, she missed having someone around. Plus, how she managed to survive living alone for this long with her memory, it was beyond her. That being said, she managed to get her co-owner to manage their ink parlour till she was absent for the week. He gladly did so here she was, in Thessaloniki with her uncle where she grew up for the majority of her early teens till her early adolescent years. She had even messaged one of her frequented customers, Filomena, telling her she was going to be absent, just in case.

It was in fact her last day there before going to Athens. It was a tradition of hers to visit one of the most historical sites nearby which was Mount Olympus. Sure it is a good sight to see if you were new to Greece but there is nothing much to see for a native Grecian or a local. But to Lenora it was a moment of nostalgia. It was the one memory she had saved in her head of when she was with her father when she was only a little girl, visiting his brother, all the way from Russia. It was the one memory she had of her parents that didn't involve their accident. That being said as she managed to get there the female noticed something strange. Something new.

In the distance she saw a town, a small ancient village. She does suffer from short term memory loss but a place she had always gone to was a tad hard to forget. It was possible however. The level of nostalgia was converted into plain confusion. The female slowly paced towards this said village. It seemed very quaint, old and a typical Grecian village. The heat was getting to her, as she was walking, the female ran her fingers through her currently snowy white blonde hair and tied it up into a ponytail. However, as she did so, she spotted something, more like someone nearby. Sure her mind was not the sharpest but her eyes were. She spotted a small teddy bear laying on the ground. Did a little girl just drop it? Oh no poor girl.

As she fast paced towards it she picked up the little stuffed bear, her eyes trailed towards a being. It looked like a teenage girl. Sleeping. On the ground?

Leo raised a light brown eyebrow to the sight beneath her. Crouching down she tapped the sleeping beauty in what look like pyjamas to wake her up. Was she alone?

"Hey there young miss," she proceeded to nudge but it seemed to no avail. As her attempts seemed to be for nothing, she placed the bear in her hands and decided to let the girl be. With a soft sigh she stood back up and motioned back to where she came from. Only as she was walking, her whole front collided with what felt like a brick wall. The collision caused her to fall on her behind, right next to the sleeping girl with a loud groan of pain. Sitting down beside her she rubbed her head from the bump, "Ow...what the--"
Goddess of Forgetfulness
Location Mt. Olympus Town
Mood Nostalgic > Confused (as always)
Outfit ☁☁☁ (Shoes)
Conversing Naomi ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )
Mentions Filomena ( cinnabuns cinnabuns )




Lexi never thought something through before doing it. How else would one end up in Greece for no reason, picking up off jobs here and there to make enough money to stay? Though the materialistic girl was far from loaded, and though she didn't need the jobs, she took them anyway mostly just to a) make extra cash, and b) to experience the life here.

Greece was beautiful, that was for sure. Ever since she'd landed about three weeks ago, Lexi hadn't strayed far from the merchant tents, shops, or the water. She could usually be found near one of the three, looking for like minded people to live it up with. "You only live once" was the motto Lexi lived by; she rarely said no to anything.

Perhaps that's how she found herself stumbling out of some strangers home this morning, tugging on her boots as she hopped from one foot to the other, trying to be noiseless as to not wake him. He had the body of a god, rock solid and built, and he was a freak in the sheets. Just the way Lexi liked it.

But she wasn't looking for anything serious, and she'd made that clear to him. Or she thought she had. Either way, she didn't want to find out. So, hungover and hungry, she tugged on her second boot and slipped out of his front door, leaving the thing wide open behind her.

"Xoxo, Lexi." She smirked, walking backwards for a few paces before turning and using her long legs to carry her away.

Some time later, she'd found some food and some medicine for her headache: aka, more alcohol. It was already gone, but so was her headache. Feeling much better, she hopped on a bus headed for Mount. Olympus, climbing off with the rest of the tourists. While they all headed south, she looked at the mountain and thought she spotted something shimmering at the bottom.

Intrigued, she set off in that direction, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. Approaching the base of the mountain, she heard a sound off to her left somewhere. Her head snapped in that direction, eyes narrowed, but all she saw was a kid sprawled on the ground. Not the type to help, she crossed her arms and chuckled.

The kid stood, and she realized he was older than she'd originally thought. He bent over again to grab what she realized was a book, and she quirked a brow. "People still read?" She asked. The last time she'd read anything had been a magazine, probably in the airport terminal. Slinking closer to him, she tried to look at the title. "Homer?" She questioned, thinking back to her school days.

"Fitting." She glanced around, her lips twisting into a slight smirk. "I'm Lexi. And you are?"

Outfit: Andromeda
Tags: Olly ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )

Code by apolla apolla
Ezekiel Wilson
I keep trying to save others, but I can barely save myself.

Mood: Relieved/Nostalgic | Scenario: Hey There, Little Man | Outfit: Perseus | With: Callie (and Joey) | Mentions: N/A | Tags: r e i r e i
Zeke was not the smartest of his creatures, and so he was still formulating his genius plan for retrieving his family picture when it suddenly moved from its place on the ground and appeared right in front of his face.

Surprised, he blinked and looked up to see a little boy, at least a few years younger than Lucinda, holding his precious family photo out to him. At his polite words and the addition of “sir” at the end of his sentence, Zeke couldn’t help but grin. It looked like he could never truly be apart from adorable children, no matter where he went. But that was okay. This kid was cute.

Then his mother appeared, and Zeke was once again taken aback. Maybe it was because he was used to seeing his own mother, but this woman seemed incredibly young. (But who was he to say that, when his own mother had had his older brother straight out of college?) She pulled the young boy to her and scolded him for wandering off. Zeke’s lips turned up again. He’d given that exact scolding to Lucinda just a few weeks ago, when she’d tried running after the ice cream truck only to run into Zeke’s arms.

Okay, seriously, when was he not thinking about his family?

Zeke got to his feet and brushed himself off. With a smile at the young woman, he said, “Oh, it’s fine. I’ve practically raised five younger siblings—I’m used to it. Besides, he reunited me with my family. Or, rather, my family picture.” He rubbed the back of his head and smiled down at the picture. Little Joey’s cheeky grin lit up the center of the photo, as his arms wrapped around his youngest brother. “It’s the only one I’ve got with all my siblings in it.” Zeke conveniently left out the part about his older brother Bryce not being in the picture. Long ago, he’d stopped considering him a brother.

With a slight nod, Zeke replied, “I’m Ezekiel, but I go by Zeke ‘cause my name is kinda silly.” He tilted his head and mused, “Calliope. That’s a real pretty name.” He crouched down so he was at eye level with the little boy, and giving him his patented Big Brother Smile, he asked, “And what’s your name, little man? To whom should I give my thanks for returning my family photo?”


Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
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[div class=im]
[div class=inf] [div class=tio]jade
[div class=io]p h o e b e[/div] [div class=sline][div class=sts]j[/div][/div][/div] [div class=igh][div class=s][div class=p][div class=s] [div class=d]Mood:[/div] confused
[div class=d]Scenario:[/div] what kind of prank is this??
[div class=d]Interaction:[/div] n/a
[div class=d]Outfit:[/div] lumière
[div class=d]tags:[/div] none[/div][/div]
As Jade took in the crisp clear air, her lips curled into a satisfied grin. She was finally doing something she wanted - traveling. She was on a much needed vacation, taking a break from her studies in engineering. There was no pressure to return home, nor was there regret about spending too much. Her mother was the one who funded the trip with no qualms from her step-"father" thankfully.

There was something mystical in the air, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. It had been a wonderful week of walking along white sandy beaches and dining at the classy Aristotelous Square. Her seaside hotel room had an especially beautiful view of the deep blue ocean that she woke up to every morning. But something made her feel like today would be particularly lovely. As if something would just make it a whole lot more interesting.

Jade just wished that she could go out late at night - for some unknown reason, she felt most comfortable when the stars were out. But she was a young girl with money who didn’t have a tour guide, so it wouldn’t very wise of her to try to go out and “have fun” at 3 in the morning. Instead of going to the same beaches and the same restaurants, she was going to do something different today - she was going to climb Mount Olympus.

Something told her to get up early, and so she did, though with much hesitation. Jade took a train ride, which was longer and more expensive than she anticipated, but it wasn't unbearable. It was reminiscent of the long road trips that many, if not most, kids experienced, not excluding her 12-year-old self. However, the time passed by silently and the nap she took made her feel more energized and ready to explore the mountain.

It was a long walk, one that Jade enjoyed as the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining on her skin. As she walked to the mountain's base, she found herself approaching a quaint little village. It was old, abandoned, and even crumbling, but for some reason something about it felt peculiar or, to word it more accurately, surreal. Maybe because she had only seen old ruins in photos, but never in reality.

Part of her wanted to keep walking up the mountain, but another part felt that she wanted to stay within this little village. Then something caught her eye - a piece of paper swiftly picked up by the wind. It swayed and gently floated along before finally settling in one place on the ground. Curious, and just downright nosy, Jade hesitantly walked and picked up the fallen paper. It had writing on it, but in a different language, and the format resembled poetry. It certainly was not French or she would have been able to read it (though she probably wouldn't out of respect to the author's privacy; she knew how personal writing could be).

Who did it belong to? She didn't know but she thought that whoever it was would likely come to find it. Jade simply folded it into a rectangular shape and put it in the pocket of her jeans. She looked around for anyone who looked particularly frantic, but saw none. There weren't too many people anyway, and thinking that the person may have left, she began to leave.

Suddenly she was greeted with a nice "thump!" to her face as it bumped into the transparent wall. The petite girl was almost knocked back and her eyes began to water as the sharp pain shot through her nose. "Ow..." Jade's voice turned into a long, quiet whine as she regained her footing. Wiping the sudden tears away, she knocked on the wall, trying to figure out what it was.

"Hey, does anyone know who did this? Or what 'this' is?" she said, not talking to anyone in particular, but still being loud enough for someone to hear. Maybe someone would know who pulled this (frankly impressive and quite unnecessary) prank. No one looked very suspicious, and no one was laughing at the matter. Then there was the realization of the rel question Jade should have been asking.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get through this thing?" [/div][/div][/div]
[/div] [class=im]height: 400px; width: 270px; background-image: url(https://images1.the-dots.com/1492135/img-098.jpeg?p=projectImageFullJpg); background-size: 170%; background-position: 45% 40%; position: relative; [/class] [class=inf]height: 310px; width: 240px; padding-top: 7px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: -360px; left: 305px [/class] [class=tio]width: 100%; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 24px [/class] [class=io]display: inline-block; width: 50%; text-align-last: justify; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold [/class] [class=sline]height: 1px; width: 80%; background: #CECCBF; position: relative; margin: auto; top: 25px [/class] [class=sts]height: 26px; width: 25px; padding: 4px 5px 5px 5px; background: black; border: 5px solid #CECCBF; border-radius: 100%; font-size: 11px; color: white; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; position: relative; margin: auto; top: -21px [/class] [class=igh]height: 200px; width: 240px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: 54px; left: 5px [/class] [class=s]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=p]height: 50px; width: 90%; padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #808080; text-align: center; text-transform: lowercase; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=d]display: inline-block; font-family: serif; color: grey; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=de]display: inline-block; font-family: serif; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class]
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class]
[class=Notes] Above is the background Color and border. The base of the code if you will Below vvv is the border for the Image [/class]

CHIONE I Interacting: Jade I Mentioned: Fleuve Fleuve I Located: Base of Mt. Olympus | ENYO


Chione blinked, finally free from her technological haze once she finally finished the level she'd been working on. The damn thing felt like it had taken hours. She sighed, deciding to take in her new surroundings. Sometimes she just drifted when she got into a game and it seemed that here, in Greece, she'd managed to lose her team completely. Ugh. How that could be possible she wasn't sure - it wasn't like she was tiny. They had specifically given her a buddy so she wouldn't get lost and yet....her feet had dragged her here. She was wondering why she had even been excited at the opportunity of going to Greece, anyway. She didn't really like traveling and yet....she didn't mind this, in the slightest. It was kind of odd to her how at home she was feeling now.

Chione rolled her shoulders, cracking the joints with a soft sigh as she walked again, feeling tugged, soft of, in one direction.... Whatever she was doing and wherever she was going, she didn't feel scared in the slightest. She just wondered when the games would end and when she'd find whatever she was looking for. She had to have been walking for at least two hours, since that's when she'd started the level...ugh.

Chio let out a groan when she spotted another girl in a similar state as her a farther way off. She wasn't sure if she was pleased or not to actually see someone in this seemingly desolate area, because it only felt like they were probably on the same level of confused as well. Which meant that would be not much help at all. Chione swallowed down the grunt that threatened to come up at the thought, and finally released that very grunt when she saw the girl seemingly hit her face against a wall that....wasn't there. Odd.

"...Are you...stuck?" She offered to be somewhat friendly in such a weird situation. She reached out her hand to press against the air, not expecting much, but-oh, holy shit. There was a wall. How could this be? A million questions flowed through her mind and she grew kind of tired at the thoughts. There must have been some way for them to get out of here but...she had nothing at the moment. Maybe....

Maybe they weren't allowed out of this section of the game yet, or something.

Chione bristled and turned away from the impenetrable wall with a sigh.

"Guess there's only one way to go."

Her fingers itched; she just wanted to go back to playing her game. But it seemed like an even wilder game was using her as a player right now. And the itch that was in her fingers soon became an internal tugging. Something in her didn't like the games either. Whatever she was feeling, she was glad she was at least on the same page with it by now. She didn't much wait for the other girl to say anything, just noting that there were more people in the vicinity as she finally relented and opened her game back up.

"And I guess we're not alone."

Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith


Coded by pasta | Modified by Invidia

This past week was nothing but anxious and eagerness for Sue. After the heavens only know when, her childhood close friend, Grace, decided to finally grace Sue with her presence. It was what the Korean was awaiting. Ever since they were separated in their early teens back in South Korea, all they had was Skype and many chats to keep them connected. That being said Sue always made it a point to visit Grace in Italy at least once every two years. The trip was rather lengthy and exhausting to be done more than that. However, she didn't mind it because the blonde was the only close thing to her that she had left. However, ever since Sue was sent to camp in Greece, her financial state was not the best around and to her dismay she had to stop her visits and go back to video chats. However, like a lightning bolt on a bright and sunny day, the blonde surprised her on a trip to Greece she had been concocting with some of her own friends. It was something Sue surely was not expecting,especially since she knows that one of Grace's fears was indeed planes.

That being said, when Grace surprised Sue in Greece, Sue made it a point to get a few days off camp to go visit her where she was residing. Today she had woken up quite early, to catch the first ferry from Santorini to Athens. That way she would have all the time she wanted to travel comfortably from Athens all the way down to Thessaloniki. At least, on the bright-side it was quite sunny and warm so wearing her shades, she did not feel out of place. Sue had photo-phobic eyes which meant they were intolerant to light or any form of light. Hence, to avoid any discomfort, apart from her pills she was advised to wear polarised sunglasses under any circumstance, unless its pitch dark or dimmed light. Hence, she always felt like she stuck out at some points when she has to stay with her shades inside. Since in 99% of those cases, she would be the only one with shades inside. That being said, it was annoying and embarrassing at point but nothing could be done.

As she arrived in Athens, she went to the nearest bus station, still ecstatic as ever to finally see her best-friend, after five years. Finally reaching the main station, her finger ran down the list as she skimmed for the next bus. With a huff of annoyance she noticed that her next bus did not arrive until 30 more minutes but it was still going to be a long ride. Normally Sue would wait patiently but that's how anxious she was. She couldn't wait. She figured she needed something to distract her for sure. It seems as if the heavens have answered her own prayers as someone approached her. A slightly pale dark haired male to be specific. He asked her for directions to his destination. Sue let a small smile dance on her lips before she indicated the route. The same route she had to take. She let him know that if he wanted to tag along as not to get lost, he could and he awkwardly accepted. Minutes flew by as they small talked and introduced themselves to one another. She came to learn his name, Cedric Pierce.

Thirty minutes passed by and the pair embarked their bus and set along the trip towards Thessaloniki. The pair shared a word or two and even slept, at least Sue did. It was seven hours on the whole, give or take some, to get to their destination. Upon arriving the female went down and stretched her limbs, her whole body cracked at the soreness she was experiencing from sitting down. Assuming Cedric followed behind, "Welp, we are finally here... Took us long enough," she commented with a side smile. "Well, welcome to Thessaloniki - the famous city for festivities and cultural life!"

At that moment, her phone let out a loud tweet as she had just received a message. "Pardon me," she excused herself, taking out her phone to see who the text was from. She was polite more than anything. It was Grace! A brighter smile danced on her lips however as Grace mentioned a town near Mt Olympus she was quite confused. Facing the male, she frowned, "It's Grace, the friend I have been telling you about. She's here! Though I think I will be discovering something that I did not know that was even here in the first place. If you want, you can tag along with me, I won't mind. Up to you of course!" Sue liked to offer, she doesn't admit it but she loved company from time to time. Especially if it only one person. However, it was up to him after all. At least she was set from her side and offered. Sue looked proceeded to reply to the blonde; Gracie!!! I hope you had a good morning and enjoying it so far dear. I'm currently at the station and omw there so wait up. I'm p. sure that there is no town there... Just a mountain. Anyways, I'll try and figure out where you are so wait up! xxxxx OH! Say a pre-hi to Kenny for me (;
Goddess of the Night
Location Santorini > Athens > Outskirts of 'Mt. Olympus Town'
Mood Quite Curious & Anxious
Outfit ☾☾☾ (Polarised Sunglasses)
Conversing Cedric ( mxlly mxlly )
Mentions Grace ( mxlly mxlly ), Kendrick ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )

Sue Lynn

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Lord of the gods; Greek god of the Sky

“I’m going to the observatory.” Gio answered the young man who resembled the Cheshire cat with his dopey smile and somehow crazy look for the nth time. He tried to cover his mouth and face the other direction as the young man he's talking to puffed another cloud of smoke. Gio could even swear that what he was smoking is weed. He may looked like the creepy cat but he smoked like that cryptic caterpillar. “The Na-tio-nal Ob-ser-va-tory of Athens,” Gio repeated, enunciating the words as careful and slowly as possible. He suddenly figured that it was probably stupid, like it would help the poor guy understand English if he said it slowly. The guy tried to ignore the throbbing of his head as he tried to converse with the young Greek, from lack of caffeine or lack of sleep he’s not sure why. It just added up to the pile of his bad luck. After riding a plane for almost 13 hours, (it should only be 12 or so but as soon as they arrived at the airport in Thessaloniki, there was some sort of tarmac issue that the passengers of the plane had to stay an hour on the plane.) the 3 star hotel that was booked by his Uncle Fergus, his father’s older brother, his best friend, an astrophysicist and the sole reason why he’s in Greece, had some sort of mix up that they thought he’ll arrived next week. He managed to cancel the booking and the hotel thankfully processed a refund but he was forced to transfer to some small and dingy definitely no star Apartelle nearby. Gio was a little scared, after all it was his first time in the foreign land but no harm came after him that night. He was expecting it, to be honest. The whole time they were up in the air, it was peaceful. Not a bit of turbulence happened, the view was spectacular even! Gio knew that a peaceful flight meant that something horrible will happen to him afterwards, with his luck and all. And he was right! But that didn’t stop the young man to be excited, he managed to get a wink for a couple of hours before waking up super early in the morning. Then Gio received another email from his uncle saying that he should head out to Athens and just meet him there. He didn’t mention any reason but he obliged. The only thing was, he doesn’t know the way and for some reason, his phone was not working as soon as he got out of the apartelle. That’s when he met Hector, the Greek smoking dude in the bus stop. He was waiting along with his group of friends in front of the small shop buying some snacks. His group was consists of different nationalities but Gio was eyeing one person in particular, a dark haired Swedish girl who has beckoning eyes and a mysterious smile that can rival Mona Lisa’s.

Hector didn’t spoke fluent English but he nodded like he understood what he said then he proceeded on introducing Gio to the crowd. Everybody gave him a warm welcome, even a small cheer when they learn that he’ll be going with them for the first few leg of the journey. Finally, the bus departed in time. The bus looks old and has a hippy vibe but surprisingly, it runs well. In the first hour, the people were loud and laughing. They were not exactly fluent in English either but they tried for Gio’s sake. After a couple of storytelling, the excitement of the group dwindled when one by one they started to drift off to sleep. Gio didn't mind. He was seated by the window, beside his dark haired Swedish girl named Freja and he thought that he’s gonna explode from happiness. It was actually enough to cure his headache. Like the others, the girl only packed a couple of English phrases in her pocket. In their entire conversation the two were half miming and half guessing what the other was saying but even then, they were enjoying. Half an hour later, the girl got tired and the good fates were probably on his side that very moment when the girl deliberately fell asleep and laid her head on his shoulder. Gio pretty much donned a stoic expression but deep inside he was more ecstatic. He even momentarily thought of abandoning his uncle and just go with the group. Not wanting to decide just yet, as easy as breathing, Gio managed to fall asleep with a small smile on his face.

“Hey… hey! Hey.” Gio’s head snapped back as he was being prodded and woken up by a German guy in front of him. “It’s your… stop.” Gio rubbed his eyes and looked around, Freja was gone but instead his huge backpack was beside him. He saw her in front, along with her friends. Gio checked outside, but before he could react, the people are already shifting seats and passing his backpack in front like a hot potato. Still with a clouded mind, Gio jumped into action and just went out. “Where’s the observatory??” he inquired as he called out to Hector. Hector went on rambling something in Greek while pointing a certain direction. “Wait what? Is this Athens? This doesn’t look like Athens.” He mumbled. He took out his phone and tried switching it on again. Just like earlier, his phone just gave a small hum before shutting down again. He was more than sure that it wasn’t Athens. He thought that the city would be crowded and loud, and not this desolate and quiet. “Olympus. Litochoro. You said you wanted… to go to Olympus.” Hector said, again with his impish smile. “What??! NO! The observatory! I said I am going to the National Observatory of Athens, you know… the one in Athens!” Gio boomed, now he realized that Hector was probably high when he told him about his destination. And all Hector did was shrugged. “No… uhh. I asked you if you umm... wanted to go to Olympus first and you said yes.”

“No… I didn’t.” He answered curtly, he was on the verge of panicking but Hector’s face was as calm as a cucumber. “Ókhi, okhi.” Hector said, “I asked you, my friend. Swear. Besides we’re going to Velika and not Athens.”

“It’s not okay. I thought…. I.... I’m not going to Olympus.” Gio bellowed like a spoiled little kid but Hector answered with laughter. okhi means no, my friend. But since you’re here, why not visit? You know.” he pointed the mountain again. “There's village there and you can catch a ride. Bus passes by every hour or two. You’ll be fine. Na peráseis kalá. Hector added.

Gio knew it was hopeless; he could see that the passengers were getting a little antsy and somehow annoyed. Exhaling loudly, Gio just nodded “Yes, of course. Thank you.” He forced on a smile. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” He muttered himself as he went down on the bus while hugging his giant black rucksack.

Everything was all lost until Freja peep her pretty little head out of the window; her charming smile was enough to lift Gio’s spirits even for a little bit. “Förlåt.” Sorry.The girl smiled apologetically, she then handed him a piece of paper, folded neatly in half. “Lycka till. See you later, Gio.” booping his nose with her forefinger before going back to her seat. Gio was frozen on his spot as he watched the van sped on its way, the young man only moved when the van was nothing more than a dot on the road.

“Stop smiling, Andrews,” Gio mumbled quietly but the idiotic and goofy smile was still on his face. “You’re screwed.” He told himself but the smile never left his face. Hector wasn’t clear when he pointed the village but Gio immediately began to walk, as if being drawn to a certain direction. Thinking that it was his survival instincts, he followed his gut and just went for it. Good thing he was wearing a comfortable hiking shorts, a simple white shirt and a sturdy looking brown hiking boots; it made the trek somehow easier.

He was walking for more than an hour when his phone suddenly rang. It was his mom. Gio was more than relieved than puzzled as he fished out his phone out of his pocket, he knew he turned it off but he was more than grateful that finally his mobile device is working. “Hey, mom! I’m all good.” Gio greeted her with the happiest tone he could muster. It wasn’t that hard considering that he finally made it to the village. It looks desolate at first glance but Gio figured that he should look around first. He could even see people, young people for that matter. People who probably know the way. He needed some good luck for he could feel his cheeks slightly hurting. He's only minutes away from a sun burnt skin even with his constant application of sunblock.

“Gio… Baby.” His mom started, pausing for a moment as if she was trying to catch her breath.

“I’m alright, mom, I’m on my way to Athens. I just made a little.... side trip that’s all. Can you call Uncle Fergus, I can’t contact him. Tell him not to worry. Tell him that I’ll probably arrive later tonight or early in the morning tomorrow. That’s gonna be--- ”

“Gio." His mom cut him off, her voice sounded like she was crying. He could even hear her sniffling. “Your uncle’s gone. He passed away. I’m sorry, baby.”

Gio wanted to ask what happened or at least speak a single word but he was lost. Everything stopped for a moment in his point of view. He felt lightheaded, like he couldn’t breathe. He could hear his mother telling him that they will meet him in Athens to claim his uncle’s body but the data didn't register inside his head. He could hear his own heartbeat, slow and loud, adding to the audible and annoying ringing sound and the crunching of the gravel against his shoes as he trudges on with no destination in mind yet. Just straight ahead. He was completely unaware of his surrounding that he barely noticed the people around him. From afar, thunderclouds tarnished the clear blue sky accompanied by the sudden surge of lightning and thunder. But that too, Gio was oblivious about it as he tried to process everything. Every bit of the painful news.

name: Betelgeuse Rigel "Gio"Andrews
mood: more lost and confused than Alice in Wonderland.
with: -
location :: Thessaloniki - desolated village in Mt. Olympus, Litochoro, Greece

[div class=im]
[div class=inf] [div class=tio]jade
[div class=io]p h o e b e[/div] [div class=sline][div class=sts]j[/div][/div][/div] [div class=igh][div class=s][div class=p][div class=s] [div class=d]Mood:[/div] curious / mellow
[div class=d]Scenario:[/div] hmm, where should i go?
[div class=d]Interaction:[/div] Chione
[div class=d]Outfit:[/div] lumière
[div class=d]tags:[/div] cinnabuns cinnabuns [/div][/div]
This wall was just not budging. What a stubborn thing it was. No matter how much Jade knocked, there was no sign of it even becoming visible so that she could see it. She sighed, a very odd feeling of surreality swelling up inside her. It didn't look like anyone even realized this thing was here...

"Are you. . . stuck?" a voice suddenly asked, sounding slightly confused. She turned to the girl, who had bright eyes and long brown hair in a blonde ombre, and nodded. She was just about to speak when the girl was obviously surprised upon touching the "wall". Jade couldn't blame her - she would agree that this was the most odd thing she had ever seen (or not seen). It was like solidified air, but that didn't exist, now did it?

She stopped her knocking and chuckled slightly. "I know, you can't even see the bloody 'wall!' It's crazy!" Jade said to the girl with a laugh, but by the time she was trying to make light of the situation, the brunette was already walking away. She was absorbed in her video game, paying little attention to the others around her. If Jade were being honest, she knew this was not the ideal time for socializing, but what was the time?

It was pointless to try to break through it, so Jade turned around and began wandering aimlessly, though she only strayed about 12 feet from the wall. It was still an intriguing thing to her and she didn't see much use in going to the village. Then a thought came to mind. Perhaps if she walked towards the village and back, it would disappear! Sure, it was probably stupid, but there was no harm in trying.

So she did - she walked to the ruins at the base of the mountain and began walking towards the wall again. It was to no avail, and Jade sighed yet again. She was slowly getting sick of this thing, but either no one noticed or no one could help. But then she realized, perhaps she should try climbing up the mountain. It would be much more refreshing than staying down here, anyway.

She quickly spotted the same brunette girl who was playing her game. A few others were near the border, but they were scattered. They probably found out about the forcefield, too. Jade began walking towards the girl with a small smile on her face.

"Hi, I hope I'm not bothering you or anything. I just wanted to ask if you think, since we've both seen that wall thing, that we could find a solution to this problem by climbing up the mountain. Of course, if I'm bothering you, you can just tell me to go or shoo me away or . . . something," she chuckled a little, mostly to ease the uncomfortable thought of being rejected by a stranger. She almost immediately seemed to realize something and made direct eye contact with the girl. "My apologies, I never introduced myself! I'm Jade, and you are...?" she paused, smiling as she waited for a response. [/div][/div][/div]
[/div] [class=im]height: 400px; width: 270px; background-image: url(https://images1.the-dots.com/1492135/img-098.jpeg?p=projectImageFullJpg); background-size: 170%; background-position: 45% 40%; position: relative; [/class] [class=inf]height: 310px; width: 240px; padding-top: 7px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: -360px; left: 305px [/class] [class=tio]width: 100%; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 24px [/class] [class=io]display: inline-block; width: 50%; text-align-last: justify; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold [/class] [class=sline]height: 1px; width: 80%; background: #CECCBF; position: relative; margin: auto; top: 25px [/class] [class=sts]height: 26px; width: 25px; padding: 4px 5px 5px 5px; background: black; border: 5px solid #CECCBF; border-radius: 100%; font-size: 11px; color: white; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; position: relative; margin: auto; top: -21px [/class] [class=igh]height: 200px; width: 240px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: 54px; left: 5px [/class] [class=s]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=p]height: 50px; width: 90%; padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #808080; text-align: center; text-transform: lowercase; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=d]display: inline-block; font-family: serif; color: grey; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=de]display: inline-block; font-family: serif; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class]


Coded by pasta | Modified by Invidia

Phoebe was getting rather unnerved. The fact they sent her to this place six months ago and her result was nothing but a big nada was really frustrating. It was from her end. It was from theirs or at least this person. She had been going to the same place one day after the other. An hour after the other. If she knew it was going to be this much of a headache she would have skipped on this stupid loyalty test and jumped on the next available spot. Heck she was tempted just to have her own time on them and ditch with a snap of a finger. God.

Six months ago, Phoebe or should I say Melissa Griffith made it into Greece by posing herself as a newly wedded wife on her honeymoon together with the help of a male that she had met who had his own talent in the art of forgery, Mikhail. An art that she could never even master. Turned out he as well needed a getaway to Greece for his own personal reasons like she had hers. Hence, together with a fake passport, the pair went off into their so called honeymoon. Little it was when they landed their feet in Greece the pair parted ways instantly as per agreed. She never really saw Mikhail again ever since six months again. Once again she was alone. She wished at least her closest friend, Tani, was here with her. After all only she knew the messed up life she endured everyday.

The brunette, yet again, woke up and prepared to go to Mt Olympus once more. However, as she was getting ready in her typical attire (which mainly consisted of a tank top, leather jacket, black jeans and ankle boots), she hear a ding. It was her phone. Raising one suspicious eyebrow as the phone was the one that she only uses with such missions. It meant from the lead. It was a change of events. He instructed her to go t a small village near the mountain and not actually focus on the mountain as they had it all wrong. Phoebe was legit confused. She had been there quite frequently that she was hundred percent sure that there was no village there. With a shrug the female grabbed her phone, an envelope she had been given and jacket and she was gone.

About a few minute bus ride the female arrive once more. She examined her surroundings but saw no village. At this point she wished she had a map. Scanning the area she noticed a rather tall brunette who seemed to have map he was looking at and struggling doing so. With a shrug, the female motioned towards him as she noticed him fidgeting with the map. "Good morning there man, you seem to be struggling there, do you think I can have a look. I am trying to find a village but I got no map on me. Unless you know of a village here?"

God of Fear (Genderbent)
Location Outskirts of 'Town'
Mood Pretty Normal
Outfit ✦✦✦ (Shoes)
Conversing Darren ( apolla apolla )
Mentions Mikhail ( diwa diwa ), Vitani ( cinnabuns cinnabuns )



yurae [ganymede] | curious | never heard of this place | with Gia revalia revalia
[div class=paragraph]
The inn's alarm clock, those minimalistic wooden cubes read 7:23AM. Lights flowed into the room as his vision sharpened from the morning blur. He rolled out of the duvet and glanced over at his roommate on the other twin bed, Gia still sound asleep. He decided not to disturb her.

He picked out his outfit for the day and escaped into the bathroom. A shower, slipping into his clothes and combing through his hair. Yurae peered at Gia again, who still laid on her bed unmoving so he turned on the tiny television in front of them to let the background ease her awake.

If this was any other time, Yurae would've been awkward sharing a room with a girl albeit in separate beds. And that clunky difference is still in the air somehow as they navigate around conversations and faraway friendships. Other people jump to conclusions while he gets awfully uncomfortable. It's not his first time travelling, just a first time with a companion in tow.

Today he's feeling adventurous of all things. Funny seeing their destination might be the most unremarkable on the itinerary.

Mt. Olympus is physically unimposing so he's more interested in the flora than the actual tower of the gods. A feeling in his gut-- he usually doesn't get feelings in his gut, they're more in his heart or so, but he's shaking a little. Even as he checked his gear and made sure the battery is charged for a day's activities.

Breakfast, check out, Olympus, pictures, Athens. Oh, he can't wait for them to get to Athens.

"Morning," he mumbled once he noticed that Gia stirred.



Darren wrinkled his nose as he walked the streets of the so called beautiful city, wishing he were back home in his apartment. Ever since arriving to Greece a few weeks prior, it had been one thing after the other. Bad luck seemed to follow him around, though; he was used to it. After never getting adopted, he just figured life hated him.

He couldn't help but smirk at the thought. It wasn't just life that hated him.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, he thought about his reasoning for leaving the United States. He wasn't exactly on the run, but he was in hiding. He'd gone off and punched the wrong guy at a bar, and that guy had put out a hit on him. It was only thanks to his own gangs leader that he was even here, and not six feet under. He'd given Darren the money to get on a plane to a place of his choosing.

Yet why had he chosen Greece?

He still didn't know. But here he was, and he had done a pretty good job of laying low. It still wasn't safe to go home, and since you couldn't send cash in the mail, he was currently trying to find the place to go to receive a Western Union. Not one to ask for directions-- your typical male-- he'd been walking the streets for an hour.

Finally deciding to get a map, he stopped at a stand and located one, pulling it out of its sleeve with the rest of them and opening it. This particular stand didn't have an English map, so he struggled to read it, until he heard a voice.

"Good morning there man, you seem to be struggling there, do you think I can have a look. I am trying to find a village but I got no map on me. Unless you know of a village here?"

Looking up to spot the woman, he quirked a brow in her direction. Lowering the map, he held it out to her, an annoyed look flashing across his face. "A village?" He echoed, crossing his arms across his broad chest, peering down at her. "I haven't heard anything about a village. Are you sure you heard correctly?"

Outfit: Eris
Tags: Phoebe ( revalia revalia )

Code by apolla apolla
[class=container] width: 550px; height: 400px; background-color: #e3e3e3; background-image: url('https://www.transparenttextures.com/patterns/az-subtle.png'); cursor: url('http://i.imgur.com/ZOrzC.png'), auto !important; padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; margin: auto; [/class] [class=inner] width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: white; overflow: hidden; padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=title] font-size: 18px; color: #b7cfda; text-align: center; [/class] [class=gifbox] height: 100%; width: 100px; float: left; [/class] [class=gif] height: 100px; width: 100px; background-size: cover; float: left; [/class] [class=content] height: 234px; width: 350px; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=scroll] width: calc(100% + 19px); height: 234px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; color: black; [/class] [class=block] width: auto; padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px; font-size: 10px; display: inline-block; color: white; [/class] [div class=container] [div class=inner] [div class=gifbox] [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/e9091855654b087fbd71451efd42d5e0/tumblr_inline_p2nvv5YUPv1rbm3wd_500.gif'); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div]
[div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/41fae8bc050148e8fd56a0e26c8ccbd1/tumblr_ohf7ykYvcB1rkd8j8o2_400.jpg'); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div]
[div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/dc67161d9b082c2e9696fe46d47276ba/tumblr_inline_p2nvwoJMvG1rbm3wd_500.gif'); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div] [/div] [div class=content style="left: 20px; position: relative;"] [div class=scroll] with ;; no one - tags ;; n/a - outfit ;; athena

Cordelia awoke to slivers of light streaming onto her face, blinking until she felt the grogginess of sleep fade away. She let the back of her hand drift to her forehead as a sigh slipped through her lips.

The whole reason she was here was to practice the language, and yet the young woman had spent the first three days of her visit lazing about, curled up in a protective layer of duvets and sheets. Most of her time was spent with deft fingers casually flicking pages as her eyes scanned them. However, the books were written in Greek, which is the only basis Cordelia had to say she was doing what she intended to do.

Her eyes flickered towards the book resting on her stark white bedside table, and instead of picking it up like she always did, Cordelia swung her legs and planted her feet on the floor. The next hour was composed of the mundane activities of getting dressed, eating and all other things that are necessary in preparing for a day. Soon she was walking out the door and approaching a nearby coffee shop.

The brunette entered and ordered her black coffee, in borderline fluent Greek. The lady glanced at Cordelia with her mouth agape, before asking in her native tongue, "You know Greek? It's rare for tourists." Cordelia merely smiled, "I'm here to practice the language." she responded, pausing for a beat to remember the Greek word for 'language'. Cordelia stumbled over one or two words in the rest of their interaction, before walking out onto the streets.

She hadn't a clue what to do with her day, but something inside of her - perhaps a subconscious want she hadn't addressed? - pulled her towards the idea of going to Mount Olympus. Luckily, she'd been staying in Litochoro anyways. So, with each foot beginning to move in front of the other, Cordelia pushed earphones into her ears and headed towards the foot of the mountain, sipping on her coffee and enjoying the wave of warmth it sent cascading through her body.

However, it wasn’t long before Cordelia noticed the suspicious lack of tourists. There were a couple people spread along the edge of the mountain. But where was everyone else? Also – why did all the people seem to be paused just before the mountain? Her eyes narrowed with skepticism. Why had she –

Cordelia ran straight into a wall. But when she finally pulled her head to face forward. But… there was nothing, except for the open world in front of her. A chill ran down the brunette’s spine, and she lifted her hand, pressing it against an invisible wall. Which, of course, wasn’t possible. She knew that – it was science, fact. And yet here she was, her hand felt the impeccably smooth surface beneath it. So what was it? What was going on? Cordelia glanced around at the people she’d been cautiously surveying earlier. Were they experiencing this as well? The questions swirled in her head. She was seething at the fact that she had no answers. Cordelia balled her hand into a fist, slamming it onto the wall, only to end up shaking it out and gasping slightly at the pain. What is going on? [/div] [/div] [div class=title style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 30px;"] cordelia langford - athena ! [/div] [/div] [/div]


Coded by pasta | Modified by Invidia

It had been a long voyage to her destination. Gia Marie did travel but never far enough with a plane. It had always been by her trailer with her family. However, this was to be a new adventure with one of her friends. Her online friend to be exact. She was ecstatic to meet him again. You see, he was from Korea and she was in New York so the occasion to meet up was very rare. Until now. Gia was given the opportunity to go to Greece and gather some information and pictures of her own on the said country. It was an educational trip. Like her, there were other students which were sent to other locations over the world. However, Greece crawled its way to Gia. Upon this opportunity, she had shared it with Yurae, whom she had her fair share of online conversations and calls with. She remembered their first ever encounter online. She was grateful for it. She loved him as if he was her own blood brother even if they were miles apart. That being said when she had told him of her opportunity, the two planned for them to go together, meeting in Greece to proceed this adventure together.

It had been an exhausting day the before, waking up she was finding pretty hard indeed. However, unlike the rest of her body, her mind had already started to wake up. At least enough to hear the faint background noise of the small television. The sandy blonde slowly turned on her other side before slowly opening her eyes slightly, making out his figure from her still blurry vision. She let out a groggy groan in response to his 'morning' before she found the strength to sit up and actually let out a much larger yawn and her stretch. Oh the relief.

"G'morning," the female was still rather groggy till she adjusts or at least had her breakfast. She was pretty much a zombie till then. Kicking the sheet off of her, the female swung her legs off the bed and stood up to get herself somewhat decent and ready to be in front of other people. "How did you manage to wake up so early? I can barely function... eugh."

Taking the clothing from on top of the chair, as she had prepared them from the day before she slipped herself into the bathroom for a quick (or should I say slow due to process of waking up) shower and in around twenty minutes she opened the door and entered back into the room. The change was visible as from the bed headed zombie the female was now a well dressed and a normal functioning zombie. At least the spark to start their day! The female faced her brunette friend before heading for her bag. "So... what's the agenda, boss? Wanna grab our breakfast to go and head out or just take it slow?"

The reason she asked was because she wanted to see if he had any plans bubbling. He looked like he was excited to start the day from his eyes so it was a good probability he could have processed a plan. The female awaited some response from him as she prepared her bag and any other necessities she may need.

Goddess of the Earth and Land (Mother Nature/Earth)
Location Inn's Room
Mood Groggy > Slightly Energised
Outfit ❀❀❀ > ❀❀❀
Conversing Yurae ( chamomile chamomile )
Mentions N/A

Gia Marie

— dmitry turner.

dmitry had only been in greece for a few days and he had enjoyed every second of it. the sun felt wonderful against his pale skin as he wondered around while the loose change in his pockets clinked against each other while he strolled. his dark eyes took in everything that greece had to offer; the soft sound of the wind blowing against his hair, the bright greenery of plants growing next to the pavement and the culture. dmitry was addicted to learning, it was like almost a drug to him, and there was always a twinkle in his eye when he learnt something new, even if it was just silly trivia to someone else. learning a new language was hard, but with late nights spent drinking corner store coffee and pronouncing words slowly through his thick, slightly confusing accent, dmitry was trying harder to perfect it.

dmitry had found himself wandering through a small market, rows of marquees were lined up in awkward lines as the shop attendants struggled to make their ends meat. the male furrowed his eyebrows at the tourists who struggled to keep their children nearby or snapped a photo at everything. dmitry was almost glad he left his (prehistoric) phone back in his room, the constant buzzing of messages from his parents was also a good enough reason to just throw his phone out of the window altogether. his feet stopped in their tracks once his gaze noticed small handmade dolls, made out of twine and thick threads, and possibly no bigger than a battery at best.

"good luck charms." a woman spoke calmly, her gaze sparkled at dmitry who was slightly surprised at her sudden voice.

his hand ghosted on top of the tiny dolls, plucking one with a grey and black dress made out thread. "how much?" he asked in broken greek, lifting the tiny doll up to show the woman.

there was a long pause between the two before a smile grew on the woman's lips, "on the house, a gift from me to you." she spoke in english, noticing the struggle in dmitry's words. a grin broke out on dmitry's face as he carefully pocketed the doll in his denim jacket. the male murmured a grateful "thank you" to the woman, while he was very much happy to pay for the doll, he wasn't exactly sure how much money he had left. "excuse me." dmitry's voice broke out once more, speaking in english as a thick accent trickled from his words, "any places i should visit?"

"the mountains are always a nice view, it's not a far walk from here." she nodded back towards the teen, pointing in the direction of the mountains. dmitry flashed a grin at the woman, waving her goodbye as he headed towards his new destination.

once he had arrived, dmitry wasn't sure if he was unsettled or grateful for the lack of tourists that swarmed around the base of the mountain. "strange." dmitry murmured to himself in his mother tongue, moving closer towards the group, dmitry ignored his unlaced laces and the next thing he knew, he had accidentally crashed into a body and then into a wall. ouch. dmitry rubbed his head as he noticed the woman standing next to him, "i'm sorry," he quickly spoke, his heart racing faster than his mind. while he recognised the first thing he managed to bump into, he couldn't see the wall he felt crash against his thick head. dmitry rose his hand in the air, expecting it to fall, but felt a wall colliding with his palm. the male furrowed his eyebrows once more, unsure how to react. with an awkward chuckle, dmitry spoke. "protecting the nature, i guess?"
with cordelia. • tags ShadyAce ShadyAceoutfit turner.

— stevie sutherland.

"mama mia, does it show again?"

stevie was a massive fan of abba, despite how tacky the synths sounded in comparison to stevie's spotify playlists, she never missed an opportunity to belt out a tune every now and then. while her friend and fellow groupie, maggie, watched with tired and hungover eyes from the plush chair which sat in the corner.

"christ, stevie, it's too early for abba." she muttered, rubbing her pounding head as stevie merely grinned and sipped the last drops of lukewarm tea from her cup.

"you're just in a sour mood because you're hungover, which was who's fault?" stevie wagged her eyebrow at her friend which only received a loud groan from maggie. the two have been travelling for weeks with the rest of groupies that followed the band with them. the female always enjoyed promoting and following new music, hearing music always lifted her spirits, and it was only a plus to get to know the band as well. the road had quickly become stevie's home, and the people she met were closer to her than stevie's own parents, however she had the tendency to jump between bands whenever she fell in love with new music.

the band stevie had joined - the kings - decided it would be a great idea to travel through greece, and stevie couldn't complain, the place was extremely beautiful; stevie just hoped they had a tea shop nearby.

"alright, i'm heading out to get more tea." stevie announced to her friend as she collected her things and shoved them in her tiny rucksack, "i've poured out leftover alcohol in the sink so you can get over your silly hangover, there wasn't much to pour. " she shrugged, "i left bottles of water and aspirin on the dresser and as well."

"you little shit, thank you." maggie weakly smiled as stevie bounced out of the tiny hotel room and walked with determination to find more tea.

the poppy vocals of abba blasted through stevie's earbuds as she cluelessly wandered around, unsure who to ask with her lacking greek speaking skills. the original plan to follow the maps on her phone quickly became a bust once she received a notification stating her data plan needing to be renewed.

"damnit," stevie sighed, shoving her phone and earbuds into her pockets as she realised there was no tea shop to be seen. instead, stevie found herself near the base of a mountain all standing around it. the female raised an eyebrow at the unusual sight before recognising a familiar face. "garett!"

stevie didn't bother to double check if it was garett or not as she wrapped her arms around him and gave garett a hug, oblivious to the silent panic that was around her. "oh my god, it's been so long!" stevie squeaked as a large grin formed on her face, "how's life been? how's jodie?" she rapidly asked. seeing an good friend was always better than tea.
with garett. • tags AnimeGenork AnimeGenorkoutfit sutherland.


  • Ivy St. Clair
    (Thalia the Muse)
    Humor repairs the brokenness.

    Mood: Significantly More Amused | Scenario: My Comedic Muse Appears | Outfit: Thalia | With: Dio | Mentions: N/A | Tags: r e i r e i

    Ivy didn’t have to wait too much longer, thank God (or maybe gods, considering where she was? Hm… She might have to make a joke of that…). Dio arrived on the scene with all the stupendous Dio-ness that Ivy knew she simply couldn’t do without this morning. Grinning at his casually flirtatious compliment, Ivy replied, “Well of course I do. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be Ivy St. Clair! Or I’d probably be incredibly sick and dying and you might want to start helping me write my will.” Considering the joke—as morbid as it was—that had just slipped off her tongue, Ivy knew she had been right to call Dio. Her humor senses were raring to go, finally. Even her mood had improved—and she’d already been pretty upbeat to begin with!

    She turned to look at the mountain as Dio did. A snort escaped her at his attempt to make a sexual joke about a mountain. Twisting the cap off the water he’d handed her, she managed to calm her chuckling before taking a sip. “I get it’s summer, Dio, but you might want to get that checked out if that’s what you have in common with the mountain.” She let out another giggle before glancing up at him. “I’m guessing whoever was with you last night wasn’t satisfying enough?” At this point, Ivy was grasping at straws. She’d never had a boyfriend… and she was still a virgin to boot, so she really had no idea how these things worked. It was a wonder, really, that she could hold these types of conversations with Dio.

    She watched Dio turn his own water bottle into something definitely alcoholic, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe you can do that. All I can do is make laughy gas—and I can’t control that!” Ivy knew she should’ve been more concerned about these weird ass powers she and Dio seemed to have, but she was too busy lamenting that hers wasn’t as cool as Dio’s. Maybe she didn’t drink as much alcohol as he did, but it was still hella cool! Laughy gas wasn’t really that impressive… in fact, it kind of meant she was the Joker…

    Rolling her eyes, she started going deeper into the town they were standing by. “Don’t get too drunk yet, Dio Doll. I still need your comedic expertise. Let’s see if anyone else would care to enlighten us.”

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


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