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Fandom Gread Eibrian war OOC

I don't think we should mention VC 2. I hear if you talk about it three posts in a row, they release another Valkyria Revolution.

Also, bagpipes and not Mad Jack.
I don't think we should mention VC 2. I hear if you talk about it three posts in a row, they release another Valkyria Revolution.

Also, bagpipes and not Mad Jack.
I think some of the ideas from VC2 are intreasted, didn't think it was all that bad.
VR was a piece of doo doo for all intense and purposes.
Ill agree that it's not the worst, VR has that title, but it just kind of sticks out as a bit of a cash grab that didn't completely understand what people liked about 1. But, like many things it's all opinion based.
I just think more classes and class advancements are pretty cool concepts, such as giving us the potential to make a weaponzied bagpipe.
When I was making an rp for a valkyira chronciles, I had remade the entire tree to incorporate alot more elements and military roles, as well as cool names. Sadly, it seems a bit complicated for most.
I'll do you one better:

Class Tree
Spotter -> Radioman
Guide-> Observer

Sniper-> AT Sniper
Sharpshooter-> Deadeye

Fusilier-> Shocktrooper-> Guardsmen

Combat Engineer->Pioneer
Demolitionist -> Sapper

Rear Echelon-> Quartermaster
Medic-> Combat Medic
-> Surgeon

Lancer Elite-> Paladin
Mobile Lancer-> Tank Hunter

Mortarer-> Heavy Mortarer
Grenadier-> Bombardier

Flanker->Raider-> Commando
Spy-> Saboteur

Dualist-> Knight
Brawler->CQC Specialist
That's not that hard to follow. Fusilier is a little archaic to use, especially since it had a changing definition. It's pretty cool though.
Sadly it still isn't working for me xD If it's possible, could you please send it to me via PMs? :3
Yeet Arrogant Menace Arrogant Menace ... my character is finally finished.. please excuse me whilst I go place my hands into a bowl of icy water to subdue the swelling xD
Also after we get started would go guys be interested in doing squad stories? It would be in a separate tab, but I thought it would be interesting.

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